Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 45 - Break through

Ryan felt that as an adult, even now it is only soul. They should also be in front of the children when making sacrifices.

So when Ron asked about the plan that required sacrifice, Ryan answered no problem. Eaten the queen of the opponent according to Ron’s command. Then the knight who watched him rushed towards him.

“Armor body.” Ryan released the iron armor curse, and then saw the opponent’s knight swing the sword across and shoot himself. Suddenly shot him out of the chessboard, the iron armor curse also shattered.

“All right, Ryan.” Harry asked them in unison.

“No problem, I’m fine, let me sit for a while, after all, you may be under a longer time, come on,” Lane replied. Then he sat down and covered his ribs where Harry could not see them. The magic just now was self-taught by Ryan through that note, but because of his young age and unclear notes, this magic just buffered.

While Harry was still playing chess, Ryan opened his clothes and started to touch his ribs according to his knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. Sure enough, two ribs were broken on the right. Fortunately, in the wizarding world, this pure trauma is the best cure. It’s just that I can’t speak loudly now and I’m not suitable for activities.

Soon after, Ryan heard that Ron also decided to sacrifice himself to win the game, and he stood up with pain. Probably because the arm moved too much when the spell was moved too fast, and the ribs seemed to protrude into the lungs. He released a protective armor to Ron with blood foam in the corner of his mouth.

After that, Queen White hit Ron’s head with her arm, dragged him out of the chessboard after being stunned. Iron Armor did not block the attack.

After Harry won the game, Hermione exclaimed: “Lane, I saw you vomit blood, how are you now?” It seems that when Ryan just vomited blood and cast a spell, Hermione saw it.

“Don’t worry about me.” Lane said: “It’s just some trauma, I think I may not be able to go down with you. But don’t worry, Mrs. Pomfrey of the school hospital will cure me soon. I’m here Looking at Ron here, hurry up and go forward. “

Hermione and Harry still looked a little worried, but they quickly opened the door and walked down the corridor to the next place.

After they left, Lane slowly stood up and walked towards Ron.

After bypassing a fallen castle pawn, he came to Ron and found that there was a big purple bag on Ron’s head. After the inspection, Ryan found that he didn’t know whether it was the pawn’s mercy or his half-armed iron armor curse. Ron only passed out after a concussion, and his bones were not injured.

Lane opened Ron’s eyelids, looked at his pupils carefully, and then touched his pulse again. It seems that the problem is not serious, and he will be able to wake up later.

It’s just that Ryan was worried that he might need to leave here for a while, so he pulled out his wand and said to Ron’s face: “Clear water is like a spring.”

A stream of water sprayed from Ryan’s wand and poured on Ron’s face. Ron soon woke up to cover his face with his hand and muttered in his mouth: “Is it raining?”

It seems that this is a sequelae of concussion, but Ron recovers quickly. After two or three minutes he sat up on his own, leaning on a fallen sculpture and watching Lion’s gravel turning into a wooden stick. After that, he cut off his robe with a knife to fix the ribs after resetting the ribs.

Looked at the blood on Ryan’s chin as he turned around, and Ron was surprised. “Ryan, you vomit blood!”

“It’s okay, it’s just ordinary trauma. I bet Pomfrey will cure me in a minute, and now it’s okay if it’s fixed.” Ryan replied.

Then both of them leaned weakly on the sculpture and started chatting.

“Did you say Harry that they are now at the place where the magic stone was placed? What should they do if they encounter Snape?”

“I think the previous problem should be inevitable for both of them. Besides, Harry can escape from that person once but not necessarily twice or three times.” Lane said, silently thinking. After all, this is just a trial for Harry, Dumbledore must be ready. Otherwise, for security reasons, Dumbledore put it in his pocket, who can take it away.

Not to mention that if these levels are passed in a hinted way, it is not difficult, and it is not aimed at an adult black wizard.

But Ryan estimated that Dumbledore should not have thought that Voldemort would be attached to Quirrell. Otherwise, although Voldemort cannot be killed, with Dumbledore ’s ability, it is okay to set up some magic that can weaken Voldemort ’s power and let it sleep for a few years. Rather than being the same as in the original, it was only because he lost his body again for only two years, not to mention that Dumbledore, as a wise man, would not risk such meaningless risks with Harry ’s life.

While Ryan and Ron had a chat with each other, Hermione ran out of the door opposite the board.

She saw Ryan and the two of them sitting there consciously, and excitedly said to them, “We should go to the owl hut now to report to Dumbledore.”

Afterwards, the three men ran to the house full of keys where the flying broom was previously placed, and Hermione told Ryan on the way. After passing the chess board is a monster, UU reading www.uukanshu. comm but the monster has been stunned. She and Harry successfully reached the final level, but found that the thief’s potion was only one person left to try to dye the magic stone through the flames. Harry decided to face the thief and let her call Ryan and the two went out to report.

As soon as the words fell, they had reached the room where the broom was placed. When he reached the trapdoor on a broom, Lane hypnotized the big dog with a spare music box around his waist.

Then they rushed to the owl hut, but they met Professor Dumbledore as soon as they arrived in the hall.

Professor looked at them in awkward manner and asked, “Harry is staring at him, isn’t he?” Then he hurried towards the fourth floor.

Looking at Professor Dumbledore’s back like he was running on the fourth floor, Lion thought they were completely safe this time. As soon as my mind was relaxed, the pain in my body broke out. They helped each other and walked towards the school.

Ms. Pomfrey seemed to have been notified in advance. She was wearing pajamas and wearing a coat standing outside the school hospital waiting for them.

Looking at their embarrassed appearance, she muttered in her mouth and ordered Ryan to lie in bed for examination.

Lyn took off his dirty and torn coat at the checkpoint and lay down on the bed carefully.

Just after the head was on the pillow, I heard the sound of the system:

——Slightly change the leveling process to get 2 offset points.

24 offset points are enough to find a world that can get good power. Ryan strengthened his determination to venture into the new world to gain power. Otherwise, such a big scene like today only gets a little offset by rubbing the side ball, I really feel a bit sorry, but then again, when there is no power, it is more appropriate to follow the inner choice, after all, only live will have hope , Isn’t it?

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