Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 52 - Everything is false and everything is allowed

Ryan ’s strength experiment was in the Wanjie grocery store, because it saves time. Anyway, no matter how long you stay inside, as long as more than an hour, going out is only an hour.

He put his clothes behind and started to try for the first time according to the abilities in his memory.

Of course, this time the goal was set very low. The plan was to quickly run to the reception desk and jump up, and then flew to the back shelf. Climbing the shelf to the top. To be honest, many parkour people can do this, which is not in the difficult category.

But in this world, many things will not be completed according to plan. Ryan made a mistake in the first step. He didn’t fit his hands and feet properly, and he didn’t jump to the planned height, causing his calf to sway directly on the edge of the reception desk. Then lay down on the ground directly, and hugged the calf with both hands, bent his body like a shrimp, and made a screaming cry.

After a while, the pain gradually disappeared. Ryan lifted his trouser legs and found a bruise on his calf. He quickly took out the fresh white from the space bag and wiped it on the wound.

Then Ryan started to review that he was suddenly stunned by the power. After all, the previous knowledge acceptance has been repeatedly proved. After mastering the knowledge, it is necessary to practice repeatedly to turn the knowledge into power. How is this possible exception?

Not to mention that this inheritance has higher requirements on body strength and the like, obviously it takes more time.

Just when Ryan was frustrated that he could not gain power quickly, the system just popped up a message.

“It feels that as the time of contact with the system becomes longer and the system becomes more and more humanized, it seems that I and the system work well together.” Ryan browsed the new information while thinking.

There are a set of ways to infuse power in the grocery store in Wanjie, but the cost of such infusion is not low. And if you do not want to have sequelae, it is best to adjust the perfusion method according to your own condition as the system prompts.

For example, the power inheritance of this assassin, Wanjie grocery store can help Ryan to improve the physical and muscular memory, physical coordination up to the level of these five years of practice, eagle eye can be raised to the level of one year of practice.

As for the data, the information also gives an explanation. The so-called physical strengthening and muscle memory are actually simple physical changes that do not involve extraordinary strength, so the requirements for the strengthened are also low, and Elaine ’s body can withstand five years of changes at a time.

Hawkeye is different, practice requires the intervention of extraordinary power. This allows Wanjie grocery store to infuse Ryan

One-year level.

Faced with such a situation, Ryan chose to instill it immediately. Because he now desperately needs strength.

Five years of power infusion consumes 1 offset point each year, while the eagle eye of one year requires 3 points.

According to the prompt, Ryan sat on the chair and confirmed the payment of 8 o’clock offset. A beam of light shone down from the ceiling and enveloped Ryan in the beam of light.

Ryan felt that there was a change in his body, and his muscles and bones began to heat slowly, accompanied by itching and pain.

This feeling lasted not long. When Ryan felt that he could not bear it, the discomfort slowly decreased. Finally, with the disappearance of the light beam, all the uncomfortable feelings on the body also disappeared, and the power infusion ended. .

After confirming the end of the period, Ryan began to examine his body. I found that my appearance did not change much, but I could feel that the bones are stronger, the muscles are more flexible, and the heart and lung function are also strengthened.

Then he continued the experiment just now, this time he easily jumped onto the reception desk, and then climbed lightly to the top of the shelf.

It seems that this time the strength has really been improved, at least to reach the level of some ordinary parkour athletes. It’s just that these forces still need to continue to exercise, otherwise, they will degenerate.

After packing things, Lane chose to leave the Wanjie grocery store and return to the original place.


Five minutes later, Ryan had walked on Saga Street, Iceland’s famous magical commercial street. While eating dried cod with cream, he looked at the surrounding shops.

This is a magic commercial street that serves as a transit point between Europe and the United States. (International flyway network sometimes requires a transit station for long-distance travel, otherwise people can’t stand it. Iceland is the cross-ocean international flyway network between Europe and America. Transit station.), The goods inside come from various regions, Ryan saw that not only sells Nordic specialty products, but also some gadgets from the Americas.

He bought a few small stone pendants engraved with Niven, ready to go back as a gift to a few friends.

But in addition to the vendors selling these gadgets, there are also all kinds of people here, especially scammers. At least he was walking on this street only half a street, and he had already met several waves of scammers. For example, those who sell mink fur fur trouts that claim to make men pregnant. (If this thing is really effective, Dumbledore had already come for a long time.) I do n’t know where to get the slapped Native American totem, claiming that it can defend against vampires and werewolves, and even a Merlin ’s possession Baotu-this is the thing that Lane thinks is the most pitted, because the corner of the parchment paper is actually printed with the trademark of Wenrenju.

But this has little effect on Ryan. From his last life, he knew that it was basically impossible to pick up leaks at such tourist spots. Rather than spend money on it, it is better to go to the old bookstore to find out if there are any old books worth starting.

Although the stories of these people are very beautiful, they sound very reasonable. But be aware that if they are all telling the truth ~ ~ then Merlin will probably have no time to do anything other than dig treasures in his life.

In addition to finding a whole set of Destrom’s first to fifth grade black magic class textbooks in the old bookstore (yes, Destrom is learning black magic classes, not black magic defense, but just improving the class Of textbooks). He also bought several boxes of candies in a candy store full of fairy tales. The gift of a small pendant for a friend is too thin. At least it must be a box.

While Ryan was happy while walking, suddenly a figure walked behind and bumped Ryan.

Ryan subconsciously touched the bag of space around her waist, and it was gone.

“The thief.” Ryan popped out such a word in his mind. Then he quickly chased towards the place where the man escaped. After all, it ’s not just the money in the space bag, but also the summer vacation homework that he finally wrote, which is really troublesome if lost.

The man seemed to be familiar with this place, squeezed in the crowd trying to get rid of Ryan.

Lean turned on the cottage version of eagle eye mode to lock the thief, then climbed down the wall three or two times to the roof, and quickly ran on the roof to track him.

After running for more than 30 meters, the thief turned into a hidden alley next to the commercial street and bent over with his knees to pant. Probably because of previous successful experience, the thief was obviously careless.

After seeing no one catching up behind, the thief actually stood there and took out the space bag to check the harvest. Just preparing to open the bag, I haven’t had time to see what’s inside. He heard a gust of wind from his head, and then passed out by a heavy object falling from the sky.

Before fainting, the thief only vaguely heard the sentence: “Everything is false and everything is acceptable.”

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