Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 57 - Behemoth on the open ground

No matter what happens, panic is useless. Ryan took a few deep breaths to calm down, and then his brain started to move quickly.

Suddenly he saw a lot of stones near the surrounding mountain walls, which should be the gravel eroded by the glacial movement here. These stones are numerous in number, varying in size, and have angles on them. Seeing these stones, an idea quickly formed in his heart.

“Yugadim Leviosa.” Ryan read a floating spell at a stone that was half his height. Then he floated the stone over the altar and canceled the spell.

The stone quickly hit a mummy from the height of three floors, and the mummy was smashed, and the strange howling in his mouth followed. This also made the rhythm of the shimmering light on the altar suddenly chaotic.

Looking at the effect, Ryan used his wand to find more stones from all over and threw it on the altar. It is likely that the altar has no extra energy to resist, and the monsters can only be smashed. This also led to the blood cells gradually getting darker as the flashing light became brighter.

The mummy on the altar discovered this situation, but because the ritual was in progress, he could not command other monsters to attack Lion.

Seeing the ceremony was about to fail, the four mummies on the altar suddenly inserted their claws into their chests, and a trace of black and red smoke flew from their chests to the baseball-sized blood ball flying in the air.

As the mummy moved, the monsters under the altar also changed. Soon they were completely disintegrated and turned into a torrent of flesh and blood flowing down the steps around the altar onto the altar.

This situation is a very evil sacrifice at first glance, Ryan tries to interrupt this process. But when the sacrifice began. A transparent blood-colored barrier was raised on the altar, and all the stones thrown out later were bounced away.

Lane had no choice but to retreat to the mountain pass at the entrance of the open space, holding the wand in one hand and the spare grappling hook in the other. After all, the mobs just now can’t be carried hard, not to mention that a big guy might appear. So by the mountain road just became Ryan’s only choice. .

The time passed slowly, and the **** mist around him became thicker and thicker. And the monsters on the altar have changed: the strange flesh and blood wrapped the blood cell to form a huge **** cocoon, and the mist from the mummy’s chest floated towards the **** cocoon.

As the mist slowly flew from the mummy’s chest to the blood cocoon, the mummy also quickly weathered, and finally all the mummy turned into fly ash. At the same time, the blood cocoon gave off a dazzling light, forcing Ryan to close his eyes.

After the light passed, Ryan saw that almost everything on the altar had disappeared, leaving only a blood-red giant wolf standing alone. It looked close to two floors, and the saliva dripping from sharp teeth continued to corrode on the stone altar One pit after another.

The giant wolf screamed in the sky, and then turned his unscathed gaze to Ryan’s hiding place. Ryan’s pupil shrank, and the newly acquired sixth sense could feel the strong killing intention of the giant wolf to himself.

This is endless. Lane smiled bitterly, and it was obvious that he had now figured out what had happened today. Some actions in the vicinity of the altar may have awakened the long-sleeping altar. This altar was prepared to awaken a monster according to the original plan. As a result, Ryan intervened and destroyed part of the awakening ceremony. It is likely that the monster did not wake up as originally planned, causing it to endure with Ryan now.

“I’m just taking a vacation, how can I encounter such a bad thing.” Seeing the giant wolf make a striking posture, Ryan quickly used the rope and claw hook to swing around the surrounding mountain wall, avoiding the giant Wolf attack.

This giant wolf has a sensitivity that is completely inconsistent with his size. He can even use his claws to hook the stone wall to move on a nearly vertical cliff.

While evading, Ryan also used various methods to fight back, but all had little effect. The magic hits the wolf like a mud bull into the sea without any movement. Only the fire dragon’s flame and sunlight crystals can produce lethality, but each time only a shallow scorch mark is left on the fur of the wolf, and the breath will recover as before in a few breaths.

Fortunately, in addition to the amazing defensive power and strength of this wolf, it seems that even the wolf has no basic IQ. In some places it can be avoided, the wolf actually hit the stone directly and rushed over. This also allowed Ryan to throw away the giant wolf’s attack by turning multiple times while escaping.

Seeing that the wolf hit at least seven or eight stone walls and still chasing after him, Ryan felt that every black and evil power with a little level had the same idea in the face of the sudden changes in the original plan.

Get rid of the trouble.

Whether it’s Tom Riddle in the Triwizard Tournament, or a monster that has left behind this altar. Give priority to killing the guy who pops up suddenly.

Even if the giant wolf obviously lost his intelligence due to the ritual error, he still refused to pay attention to Ryan. UU reading seems that his only goal since his birth was to kill Ryan.

And the giant wolf who lost IQ also made all of Ryan’s methods of disruption useless; it ignored all other things, chasing Ryan to attack.

Ryan felt that it would not be a way to go on like this. After all, he is a human being, not a robot, and there is no way to stay tireless. And looking at the muscles of the giant wolf, we know that if the physical endurance of the game, Ryan is definitely not his opponent.

At this time, he could only take a risk. Ryan just observed that although the giant wolf kept waving his front paws, he did not go all out with every claw swing. On average, only once every five times would he be in the stone There were scratches on it, and the other four times Ryan felt that even his own armor curse could be carried.

Must bet at this time, because Ryan can’t afford it, but the success rate of the plan is not too low, even if missed, 80% of them may not be spiked, you can try it. Although Ryan is now almost certain that he is in a lucid dream, the magic world can sometimes kill people in his dreams. He does not want to be the victim of this strange dream.

Thinking that Ryan slowed down here, something slipped into his right hand. The giant wolf found Ryan slowed down and launched the attack without hesitation.

Ryan was suspended in the air by the rope at this time, facing the giant wolf’s claws could not escape the narrow and long range of the attack. So after giving an armor spell to his body, he gave up the rope and fell to the ground.

The instinctive response of the giant wolf is not slow. After watching the shot down, he did not receive any moves, but slid his claws down.

Because of this plan, the giant wolf also exhausted the kinetic energy that had just been saved. This trick was blocked by Lion with an iron armor spell, but as the distance drew closer, the giant wolf opened his mouth and bit at Lion.

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