Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 76 - On the first day of busy school

Arrived at the auditorium, Lane found Hogwarts breakfast is still so rich. And because of the unusual way of coming to school yesterday, Ron and Harry circled around and asked about the specific situation of yesterday.

When Ryan sat in his place, the Weasley twins slapped Ryan’s shoulders from behind. Then Fred said: “Thank you, Ryan. Your idea saved our family a lot of money by buying textbooks this time. . “

“No need to thank, if you don’t have many brothers in your family, I can’t think of this idea. By the way, can you tell me what I used to buy from me?” Ryan asked.

“Not for the time being, because this is a trade secret. But if the product is made, we will definitely look for you.”

After talking about the twins, they went to the other side of the table to eat with Lee Jordan. Ryan shrugged and began to eat the breakfast in front of him. Sure enough, people’s meals will increase after exercise. Not to mention Ryan, even Hermione had more breakfast today than usual.

When everyone was eating breakfast, a large number of owls flew in the sky. There are always more owls at the beginning of school every year than usual. After all, there are always some raw materials for potions and textbooks that are not available at home and need to be urgently sent to their masters.

Some of them will be more exaggerated, for example, Neville’s package will be bigger than everyone’s. So the memory ball that her grandmother sent him last year is quite suitable for him, although the ball can only remind you that there is something you do n’t remember.

At this time, Ryan saw a gray shadow falling down. He hurriedly pulled the milk jug back with his left hand, and then reached out his right hand to catch the falling thing.

“This seems to be Ron’s owl.” Hermione had just been taken aback by Ryan’s movements, and now she took a closer look at what Ryan said.

Lean took a closer look, and it was indeed Errol of Ron’s family, with a letter in his mouth. He walked to Ron holding the faint owl and handed him the letter, and then said casually: “Your family should really change an owl. This owl is really too old.”

“If it weren’t for Lockhart’s book, it might be replaced with a new one this year.” Ron opened the letter as he spoke. After a glance, he said to Harry and Lane: “The Ministry of Magic hopes that we will not pass on the incident of the wall, so we gave each of us ten gallons of compensation and let my father pass it on to you. When my mother goes to the post office, I will send you the money by the way. Because Errol is too old, I ca n’t bring 30 gallons. ”

“It’s okay, don’t worry, you can do it whenever you want.” Ryan and Harry said at the same time.

“This is also a blessing due to misfortune, at least ten gallons are a lot of pocket money for me.” Ryan said.

“My money was confiscated by my mother.” Ron looked frustrated after listening to Ryan’s account.

Really miserable. Both Ryan and Harry read the message from each other’s eyes.

When the meal was about the same, Professor McGonagall began to distribute the curriculum one by one along the table. The first class was the herbal class, and they would go to the greenhouse with Hufflepuff.

Professor Sprout is a professor of herbal medicine at Hogwarts. He is also a fat middle-aged woman with a very good temper.

Why I emphasized that my temper was usually very good, because Ryan found that she was standing at the door of the greenhouse with a grumpy face now, covered with dew, and she should have just come out of the greenhouse.

Apparently Professor Sprout was angry with Lockhart next to him. The flower peacock was spotless from head to toe. The flowing turquoise robe and the shiny blonde hair were wearing a turquoise top hat with gold trim. .

After seeing the students, he greeted the students with a spring breeze, while bragging about his level of herbal medicine. But before waiting for him to finish, Professor Sprout interrupted him rarely and shouted to the students: “To the third greenhouse today!”

Last year everyone was in the first greenhouse. According to rumors from senior students, the plants in the first greenhouse are just something between ordinary plants and magic plants. The plants in the third greenhouse are real magic plants. Of course, there are certain dangers. If they are not handled properly, they may enter the greenhouse vertically and come out horizontally.

The door of the greenhouse opened, and a strange smell came from inside. It seemed that fresh manure and floral scent mixed together. Ryan saw many plants in it moving like animals, and the plants had huge flowers.

Ryan They were about to go in, Lockhart called Harry in the past to try to communicate something related to celebrity fame.

“He is a professor, he should not engage in these things in school, this is the place to learn.” Hermione said.

After listening to this, Ryan laughed aloud, because he remembered the history of Hermione in the original text. I have to say that over chasing the stars can really make people crippled.

When he saw Hermione staring at him with dissatisfied eyes, he quickly stated his position: “It is really inappropriate to put this star style in the school ~ ~ But this may be because Lockhart just came to the school I ’m not very used to this kind of teacher life, I think it should be better after a while. “

“Lane, you can always think of a good place for people, just like defending Snape last year. It ’s just that I think Snape is at least a potion, and Lockhart is a vain straw bag. No Hearing that he had just bragged about his herbal medicine in front of Professor Sprout. “Ron said aside.

After entering the classroom, they found that earmuffs were placed on the stool, which should be prepared for the students. Today’s class is about changing pots for Mandela. Hermione easily answered the questions raised by Professor Sprout, adding 10 points to Gryffindor.

Mandela Grass is the top soul singer in the magic world, fully demonstrating the essence of singing to death. Therefore, labor protection must be done when dealing with him. Obviously, the earmuffs on the stool are labor insurance supplies.

When everyone was wearing earmuffs, when Professor Sprout pulled up the mandela grass, the mandela grass in his hand was like a baby, twisting his body and opening his mouth. , Should be shouting.

Lean looked at Mandela Grass, and suddenly felt that this thing looked a bit like a ginseng doll. It is a pity that Mandela grass has no magical tonic effect and can only be used in many antidote for poisoning.

Thinking of attacking poison with poison, Ryan somehow thought of poisonous snake bubble wine, and later thought that maybe Mandela grass bubble wine can promote blood circulation and stasis.

Hermione next to him saw Ryan in a daze, so he touched him with his elbow. When Ryan recovered, he discovered that the professor’s demonstration had been completed.

Fortunately, Ryan ’s brain collapsed at that time was not too bad, so in the next operation stage, there was no problem.

Ps: Please recommend the tickets

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