Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 83 - Zongzi BBQ

Ryan picked up the coffee cup that Master Ren had finished drinking and twirled the coffee grounds. He said: “Falcon, you will soon meet a mortal enemy. Big stick … an attack. Skull, Master Ren, IMHO, you have a bright future. Little danger. “Finally, Ryan gently put the coffee cup on the table and said to Ren Ren:” The last is unknown, it is the worst sign, life and death, in a flash. “

Master Ren was pale, because he recently found himself upset and his business was getting worse. So I thought about what Mr. Feng Shui said twenty years ago, and intended to move his father’s grave in order to transfer. But these words made him feel something bad after hearing it, so he turned to look at Jiushu. After all, relative to Ryan, he still believes in his old neighbor Jiushu for decades.

Nine Uncle asked Ryan: “Are you sure?”

Lin replied: “Our school opens a division of divination, the teacher is a heir to the family of divination, and has made predictions that affect the fate of thousands of people.”

Uncle Jiu could see that every word Ryan said was true, and nodded to Mr. Ren.

Ren Ren Ren didn’t care about his face and asked: “How to crack this deadly robbery?”

Lane shook his head. “I still can’t see clearly, but you will have noble help this time, but you can’t do it alone, otherwise you will regret it.”

Master Ren still wanted to ask again, but Jiushu persuaded him: “I have already said everything I can tell, and I do n’t know anything else if I ask him. But since there are nobles to help, then pay attention to it when you move the grave. It ’s really impossible. Lin will also shoot. ”

After listening to Uncle Ji, Ren Fa was finally less nervous, and soon he left with his daughter. Uncle Jiu quickly prepared to leave because he was not used to drinking Western tea, while Ryan ordered another snack and asked the waiter to pack it and prepare to go back for the two brothers who stayed in Yizhuang.

On the way, Jiu Shu asked Ryan with concern whether this chance of divining leaks would do him any harm?

Ryan thanked the master for his concern and said that the accuracy of these divination is not very high, and what he sees will be very vague. So there is not much pressure on the fortuneteller.

Another day or two passed, and when it came to the day of the tomb relocation, Ryan and their mentor and apprentice dressed up neatly and went to the Renjia graveyard. Ryan wore Hogwarts’ school uniform robe and said to Jiu Shu that he was solemn. In fact, he was clutching his wand under his wide sleeves and was ready to make trouble.

After a few greetings, Ryan stood behind Uncle Jiu and his two brothers and dressed transparently. He naturally heard Brother Wencai’s classic saying, “Is the French funeral a French funeral?”

Later, as in the plot, Jiu Shu explained what the burial of the law was, and several strong laborers were responsible for digging the grave bag. Ryan saw that the coffin was buried vertically.

Afterwards, Jiushu let the people of Chinese zodiac age to rush back, and four laborers stepped forward to open the museum.

At this time, crows crowed from around, and a group of crows flew out of the surrounding woods. A thick ominous shrouded everyone.

Uncle Jiu’s face was also very serious, obviously he felt something was wrong around him, but the burial did not stop.

The coffin opened and a black smoke came out. Unfortunately, when Ren Ren and Ren Tingting saw the coffin, they immediately knelt down and wept bitterly. They didn’t even see this strange scene.

Nine Uncle led Ryan and their three apprentices to step forward and found that the deceased’s face was black and reflective, and there was no trace of corruption like black iron. Not to mention men who know the situation, even the townspeople watching around can see that something is wrong.

Ryan discovered that no one was paying attention to him, so he pointed the coffin with a wand hidden in his sleeve. Lips wriggled and said a Viking mantra: “Magic detection.”

This is a very simple spell. The principle is to use the free energy in the air to test the target and whether there is a magic reaction around the target. However, because the energy of this world is yin and evil, when the curse hits the corpse in the coffin, this yin gas activates the Renjia old man who has been completely zombie.

Saw the zombie in the coffin brushed his eyes open, and then his arms stretched out flat.

“The corpse!” “Help!” Seeing the lively people around, there was a mess.

Saw that the zombies were about to pounce on Ren’s father and daughter. Jiu Shu responded sharply and grabbed the back neck collars of both of them to drag them back to avoid the zombie attack.

“How can zombies wake up and bite people in this broad daylight?” Jiu Shu glanced at the shining sun, and he was puzzled. Because the magic of Ryan is very small, and Uncle Nine does not understand the spells in the Harry Potter world, it has not been found that Ryan is behind the ghost.

“Quick, ink fountain.” Uncle Ji shouted to the disciples. Qiu Sheng quickly pulled the ink line and cooperated with Jiu Shu to force the zombie past. At this time, the zombies obviously did not **** the blood of their loved ones, so their strength was not strong. A ray of green smoke began to appear under the sunlight, and the black iron-like skin slowly faded and cracked.

When the ink fountain line touched the zombie, the touched position quickly burst into flames ~ ~ Ryan saw the zombie injured and wanted to run, immediately raised his wand and shouted at the zombie: “All petrified.”

The zombie was fixed and poured into the coffin, and quickly burned into a fire column under the double action of ink fountain line and sunlight.

Soon, the flame went out. The zombies of Renjia’s grandfather also turned into a scorched black bone, which seemed to become incompetent, and the invulnerable zombies came out and harmed them.

Fortunately, this zombie has not been upgraded to the ultimate version in the movie, otherwise the pure sunlight and ink fountain line will not wipe him out.

At this time, the father and daughter of Ren’s family only woke up from the startle and saw the cremated bones of Mrs. Ren crying.

Ren Fa was crying with dissatisfaction at this time and said, “My father was most afraid of fire before his death. Why did you use fire to burn it?”

Uncle Jiu Ren said that he said a little, and said angrily: “You didn’t see the zombie just came out and bite. As far as I know, he will **** the blood of his dear as soon as he comes out. I should save your life. You should not Say me like that. Not to mention that there are so many people in the town, what if I really want to go to town and bite? “

The townsman next to him also echoed, “Yeah, yeah. Master Ren, you can’t kill the whole town so selfishly.”

Ryan came out to make a round at this time: “Master Ren, you just saw the situation just now, my Master really did not make alarmist talks. Besides, normal people have been buried for twenty years, and they are not all turning into a bone. The old man ’s body is still there, It ’s not a loss. So, Master, let ’s mourn and change. ”

Renfa was just excited for a moment, but now he calmed down and remembered the thrill of just now, and he was even afraid. Just as Ryan’s words gave him a step, he thanked Jiu Shu for his life-saving grace, and hired someone to sort out the remains in the coffin. Afterwards, people will carry the coffin to Yizhuang and wait for Jiu Shu to find a suitable crypt and bury it.

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