Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 86 - Do a good deed

Ryan and Hermione stopped practicing at noon. After confirming that there was no one outside the door through the speculum, the two quickly left the responsive room and returned to the dormitory to prepare for dinner.

Here I want to praise the location of the request room, and the entrance to the Gryffindor common room is on the eighth floor. In this way, in the exhausted situation of practice, you can quickly return to your room without having to drag the tired body up the stairs.

It took half an hour to clean up, and they went downstairs to the auditorium for lunch. As soon as he and Hermione sat down, they saw a black furry monster walking with a shining light bulb, and a small man beside him kept talking.

When they approached Ryan, they discovered that the black monster was Harry, and it was Ron who was glaring in his head. And the one next to him who runs before and after this year is this year’s freshman Colin Crivi.

“What happened? How did this happen?” Ryan asked strangely as they sat down.

“You and Hermione ran to read a book again, it’s a pity that you didn’t see us today …” After hearing Ryan’s inquiry, Ron talked excitedly about his heroic performance today. Ryan could easily Know what happened today.

Harry went to Quidditch training early in the morning, and he encountered the Slytherin team to grab the court, and the two sides clashed. As a result, Malfoy confronted Colin’s muddy species, which radically intensified the conflict between the two colleges.

Ron successfully hit Malfoy with a slug spell, which triggered a scuffle between the two spells. It wasn’t until someone told Professor McGonagall on duty to rush to the court to stop the fight.

“I tell you, don’t look at us like this, Slytherin’s side is even worse. Crabbe and Gower have become purple, and their bodies are covered with small tentacles. Malfoy’s hair is also dyed colorful.”

As Ron said excitedly, Hermione asked beside him in a calm tone: “How was Professor McGonagall punished this time?”

“The two colleges of Gryffindor and Slytherin deducted 150 points each. Me, Ron, and Malfoy of Slytherin and their Quidditch captain Marcus Flint. The four of us are going to stay together Don worked for a month. “Because his body was full of hair, Harry’s voice appeared strange from the hair.

Seeing what else Hermione wanted to say, Ron quickly interrupted: “After the meal, let’s talk about it. I got up early this morning and spent a long time at the Quidditch Stadium. After the fight, I was approved by Professor McGonagall. It ’s been a long time and I ’m starving now. “

After the meal time, the hair on Harry’s face caused him to put his hair in his mouth from time to time, and it seemed uncomfortable to eat. Ryan asked curiously: “Why not go to Madam Pomfrey to heal these?”

“We thought about it,” said Ron. “But Professor McGonagall found that there was no danger, and she was not allowed to go to the school hospital. She said she hoped that we should remember that the curse should not be used to hurt classmates. Mrs. Frey treats us. She thinks this will help us remember this matter. But seriously, it ’s all blaming Slytherin for causing trouble first. “

“Right.” Hermione thought of something suddenly: “What do you mean by the mud type you just said?”

“That’s a terrible word.” Ron said vaguely with a large sandwich in his mouth. “This is what some so-called pure blood thinks are the most insulting people. He refers to wizards whose parents are both Muggles. That’s what pure blood always thinks of their superior bloodlines, such as the Malfoy family. But seriously, today All pure blood basically has a few Muggle relatives. If the marriage is made within the light, the wizard will have been extinct. As far as I know, there are several pure blood families that have become extinct because of their adherence to blood supremacy. “

“Today you attacked Malfoy, won’t his father come to see you?” Ryan asked Ron worriedly.

“If you look for me, his father can’t afford to lose that person. If it’s troublesome to find my father, anyway, there are so many things between the two of us, don’t worry about this one. But you are right, I still Write to my father in advance to remind. “

After eating, he went back to the common room. Ryan stopped Harry who wanted to go back to the dormitory to avoid it: “I have a spell here, maybe I can solve these hairs on you. But I am not very skilled, you are willing to try a bit?”

“It’s okay, just try. These hairs make me sore and itchy, I can’t stand it.” Harry heard Ryan’s words and took Ryan’s hand excitedly.

Ryan took out his wand and simply pointed at Harry to read the rune that represents the change and growth cycle. This curse is one of the simple achievements that Ryan researched recently when he studied life magic and Runini heritage.

As a golden curse shot into Harry’s body, the hair on Harry’s body began to grow wildly. When these hairs grow to more than two meters long, they all fall off. Ryan saw Harry’s hair fall and his clothes became fat. ~ asked him to quickly go to the dormitory to change his clothes and clean up.

After a few minutes, Harry and Ron walked out together, and the two bald heads radiated each other. Ryan forced to endure without laughing.

“Can that make our hair grow?” Harry asked.

“I’m afraid not, because I don’t have a curse.” Ryan shook his head and said, “I just used the curse to stimulate the magic on Harry’s body and let that magic effect explode all at once. Then the hair on Harry’s body It wo n’t grow indefinitely. But this spell can only eliminate the magic effect, and ca n’t be restored to its original state. For example, Ron ’s hair ca n’t grow it. ”

Seeing that Harry and Ron were a little depressed, Ryan persuaded: “At least Harry is eating now and going to the toilet is easy. Besides, if you repeatedly toss your hair with magic, it may be bad for your hair.”

“Not good for the hair?” Ron exclaimed, “But my father said he used a curse to keep his hair well when he was young.”

“What about Mr. Weasley now?” Harry asked curiously.

“Uh, I think Ryan is right, or don’t use magic to toss your hair over and over again, it’s better to let it go naturally.” Ron seemed to think of something and said firmly.

In short, although this matter was not handled perfectly, it was resolved smoothly. Ryan was satisfied that he had done a good thing today.

But unfortunately, he did not get an offset point. Ryan thinks this may be because he has already obtained a deviation point because he has changed the world of flying to school. And the things that change afterwards because of that thing change will not get the offset point repeatedly.

It seems that if you want to get the offset point, you have to make some big movements. Lion thought in his heart.

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