Mysterious Lord Gu’s Palm Treasure

Chapter 185

Chapter 185: The Disease Is Over

Chapter 185 The disease is over

Today is the most memorable day in the whole town, and it is also a warm day in the town. It is a day when everyone is excited.

After these days of hard work, all the patients in the town have recovered so far. When the last patient was announced to be discharged from the hospital, everyone had tears in their eyes. This is the result of how much effort they put in. It is inseparable from the support and dedication of everyone from far and wide.

The whole West District was full of jubilation. Today is the day when the last fifty-seven patients were cured and discharged from the hospital. Tests on various indicators have proved that they have reached the level of discharge. This disease disaster has gone through nearly two months. It’s completely over.

From the depression and despair that just arrived, to the rising sun and warm winter now, these medical workers who have come regardless of their own safety have shown lofty morals. The cooperation of everyone, the dedication of volunteers, and donations from all walks of life are all for this battle. The victory has paid for itself.

Of course, the result is also what everyone expected. After fighting at the front line and in the most dangerous place for so many days, the medical staff were finally able to go home. These days of hard work day and night may become their beautiful memory in the future. Shrouded in a precious past that will never be forgotten.

Until the chief in charge announced that when a patient was discharged from the hospital, the audience was boiling, and how many people started to cry wildly out of sincerity. After so many days, it was finally over.

Bai Xun and Gu Jiusheng stood at the end of the line. Originally, Quan Jingting arranged for her to come on stage to speak, but she doesn’t like such occasions either. It’s over when she’s done. She really doesn’t care about these things. It was too suitable, so they refused their request.

“Next, we have invited someone from country A to come to support us this time. Among the doctors in Bai’s Hospital, Uncle Gan came to the stage to speak to us.” The dean was excited.

Uncle Gan came to the stage amid the shoving of the doctors, holding the microphone and looking at the stage with excitement. This old man who has lived for half a century, looking at the pictures under the stage is still very immature to him. There were some emotional fluctuations on his face.

A year ago, the old man never imagined that he would still be able to have such a day.

“Everyone, today is a memorable day. My old man is stupid and doesn’t know what to say. Everyone here is a doctor. I still remember a few words taught by the Bai family’s family rules when I arrived at the Bai’s house. “Uncle Gan’s eyes were blurred, as if he remembered many years ago.

“Physicians, don’t be afraid of pain and sickness, all those who are in pain will be rescued. If they are in danger, they will stand up and treat them with the technique of Qihuang. If they don’t recover, they will not retreat. Let me find what I should do. Today, not only did I do what these words said, but all of us here did it, whether it is the people here, or the society from all walks of life. Volunteers, medical staff, we have all sacrificed ourselves and put the overall situation first!”

The audience was silent. The words that Uncle Gan said were familiar to almost all the doctors of the Bai family, because these words were hung high in the halls of all the hospitals of the Bai family. They were an exhortation to all doctors. Also a warning.

If you say that you didn’t have any feeling about these words before, but now, they have a very thorough feeling. These days, they have been fighting day and night, and how they have been working hard to save the lives of patients. It’s all vivid.

Things have passed, but when I look back on those days that just passed, I feel so dreamy.

Bai Xun and Gu Jiusheng stood in the last position. She leaned against the man’s arms and looked at Uncle Gan on the stage. Uncle Gan is now different from the old man she saw for the first time.

Maybe if Bai Yuanpei was alive, he would be like this. He could stand on the stage after working hard and tell everyone all his feelings and experiences, so he could persuade the present and look forward to the future.

“Why didn’t you go up at that time? You should have felt a lot too.” Gu Jiusheng looked at Uncle Gan and said.

Bai Xun smiled when he heard his words, “Don’t you know if I will go up?”

In Bai Xun’s world, since it’s over, she won’t bring up these things. People always have to keep looking forward, and she doesn’t like crowded occasions very much.

“But I always think that you have other plans for rejecting Big Brother’s request?” Bai Xun pressed his forehead against his chin and opened his mouth.

The man laughed and hugged her tighter, “I’ve gotten smarter these two days.”

Bai Xun shook his head, “It’s not that I’m smart, but that I know you too well. You don’t want me to show up and reduce the chance for you to increase or decrease your rivals, right?”

It was almost in one sentence, Gu Jiusheng hugged her without speaking, the corner of his mouth curled slightly, and his eyes fell on Uncle Gan.

How good she is, it is enough for him to know alone. When he came here, he lent the treasure he held in the palm of his hand to those dying patients. Now, he should also take the treasure away from the disease. came back.

Others don’t need to know how good she is, in this case, she will always be his alone.

“I just saw Mr. Quan come over, didn’t I?” Bai Xun said, and looked at him.

It seems that Quan Jingting has mentioned what honor to give her. Now it is the last moment. Of course, Quan Feng will show up to draw a successful end to this matter, and it is also a tribute to the people who have been busy for so many years. A perfect ending.

Gu Jiusheng followed her line of sight, and the man in suit and leather shoes standing next to Quan Jingting, who was standing behind Uncle Gan not far away, was undoubtedly Quan Feng.

“I remembered the time when we first arrived here, the scene that I will never forget for the rest of my life, how panicked and how scared we were when the disaster came, but there are always some people who will be there when the sky falls. Stand up and hold up that piece of sky. In this war that belongs to us, we protected our family and friends and did everything we should have done when we took the oath! The meaning of being here!” Uncle Gan roared these words passionately.

There was a burst of fierce applause from the audience, as if after so many days of carefulness, he suddenly became arrogant and deafening.

Bai Xun looked around. The farewell party was held in the central gymnasium in the center of the town. After the party, all the volunteer medical teams had to leave this place. Except for a small number of people who would stay to guard, the rest All withdraw.

After fighting for more than a month, it is most gratifying to have such a result.

Su Niannian hung a camera around her neck and kept looking for angles to take pictures of people on and off the stage. This time she had to take some pictures to keep, which is a very precious souvenir.

When    walked around in front of Bai Xun, she held the camera, “You two have a laugh!”

Gu Jiusheng and Bai Xun looked at her camera in unison. Although they didn’t laugh wildly, they could see the smiles on the corners of their mouths. They didn’t look at each other.

Su Niannian looked down at the photo in the camera, “Really, it’s self-willed to look good, you can take whatever you want.”

“But why do I think you two are looking more and more like husband and wife.” Su Niannian said.

Bai Xun glanced at Gu Jiusheng, then at Su Niannian, “Is it so similar?”

“Well, didn’t you say that couples will look more and more alike, and even more so, I also felt that my parents looked more and more alike some time ago.”

Bai Xun turned her head and pinched the man’s chin and began to examine it carefully. Why didn’t she feel that she and Gu Jiusheng looked more and more alike.

“is that so.”

Su Niannian grabbed the movements of the two and took two more pictures. In the world, only Bai Xun dared to fiddle with Gu Jiusheng’s face like this. This man still looked happy and had a good relationship.

After Uncle Gan stepped down, it was Quan Feng’s turn to step forward. It was necessary for him, the head of state, to explain what happened during this period.

“First of all, I would like to express my high respect to everyone who came to support this time regardless of their own safety.” Quan Feng said, bending down and bowing solemnly to everyone.

“All of you are heroes of our country M! It is you who brought us hope of life, blocked the invasion of disease, and protected thousands of ordinary people.”

The most sensational words spoken in a eloquent manner are the best weapons for everyone here to shed tears in the shortest possible time. In the past month or so, how have they experienced the past, how have they climbed up again and again to stop them? Up front, they are all clear.

No one is not afraid, no one is really not afraid, but these fears become so insignificant in front of patients who can be treated, all of them know that if they do not stand up at this time, once the last The loss of the defense line will be unpredictable.

In order to overcome this disease, all of them, including the weakest girl among them, have become superhumans that they had never thought of before, and their stomachs blocked the disease in front of them.

In this battle, the first thing they have to do is to be able to defeat themselves, and finally become someone who can heal others.

“In this disease disaster, everyone is a hero, but more people have emerged, and they have more responsibilities than heroes. There is such a person, she does not belong to this country, but she came here without hesitation. Here, for half a month without sleep, I carefully explored a set of prescriptions that are most suitable for treating patients, and saved all the people here! He brought us doctors and medicinal materials, so that we can successfully win this battle. Here, as the head of country M, I pay high respect to Miss Bai Xun.” Quan Feng said to Bai Xun. direction nodded slightly.

Bai Xun was a little dazed and bowed to his old man. She didn’t expect that Quan Feng would personally let her go to the stage.

Gu Jiusheng took her hand and walked to the stage step by step under the attention of the crowd. Uncle Gan looked at Bai Xun with tears in his eyes. The child who suffered so much finally ushered in her own spring.

Even if there is no old man to nurture, even if Bai Jianhe and Xun Luxia use despicable means to throw them out of the Bai family, but fortunately, the young lady is very good-looking, better than many of them.

On her body, Uncle Gan saw everything that Bai Yuanpei taught in the past. The gene is carried in the bones, the dragon and the phoenix, the children of the Bai family, even if they are thrown away, they can still be the same as others. Different achievements, people look up to attention.

“Here, I will award Miss Bai Xun, the M country warrior medal, enjoy the courtesy of the highest international friend, and will always be the guest of our country M.” Quan Feng looked at everyone and said.

“it is good!!”

“Clap clap clap!!!” There was an applause from the audience.

Quan Feng took the medal handed over by someone else, and handed it to Bai Xun with both hands, “Miss Bai, thank you, this is what you deserve.”

This honor represents an approval, an acknowledgement, and it means that they will never forget that so many people have come to protect them regardless of their own safety. It is a proof of the friendship between the two countries.

Bai Xun took it with both hands, “Thank you.”

“You husband and wife are very kind. At the same time, I wish you both a long life and a forever relationship.” Quan Feng looked at Gu Jiusheng and said.

He could see that the two children had a very good relationship. Whether in Quan’s house or here, they never hid their love for each other in their hearts, but chose to show it and let them All people know.

“Did you see that, that is the eldest lady of our family, the only heir to the Bai family, and also our old gentleman, the most beloved young lady in his lifetime.” Uncle Gan said excitedly to the people around him.

Doctor Zhao knows his happiness. For Uncle Gan, seeing Miss Bai get such an honor is undoubtedly the same as the former high school champion and Guangyao lintel, and there is only one daughter in the Bai family.

This is everyone’s affirmation of Bai Xun’s ability. This is not only Bai Xun’s honor, but also an affirmation of the Bai family.

Su Niannian happily squatted under the stage to take pictures. All the information pictures on the scene were broadcast to country A through live broadcast. All those who were concerned about the disease disaster could see this moment as long as they turned on the TV.

As a good friend of Bai Xun, Su Niannian is naturally extremely excited, but I didn’t expect this commendation meeting to be held in the Congress of the Imperial Capital, which is a bit too regrettable.

“Reporter Su, this is for you.” A staff member handed the red flannel box to Su Niannian.

She put down the camera and opened it curiously, “What is this?”

“At the request of the head of state, this is a commemorative medal awarded to all those who participated in this rescue mission. I hope you can keep it well.” The staff said.

When Su Niannian looked back, she saw the staff who were awarding commemorative medals to everyone. She opened the flannel box in her hand. The medals in the box were very simple in style. They looked like the national emblem of the country M, but some factors were added. , she is a reporter, so she carries a pen at the bottom, and her name is engraved on the back to show its uniqueness.

It’s really something full of memories.

Gu Jiusheng looked at the jubilation in the audience, lowered his head and kissed Bai Xun’s forehead, “Congratulations, you have been recognized by everyone.”

This trip didn’t come with these thoughts of being famous and fishing for fame, but she got these, which is considered to be a positive return for her efforts.

“Then I got this medal, are you proud?” Bai Xun looked up at him.

Gu Jiusheng thought for a while, raised his hand and rubbed her head, “Well, I’m very proud, my wife is very good.”

She stood on tiptoe with a smile and kissed the corner of the man’s mouth lightly. The audience was full of excitement. This scene was recorded by all the machines present, and it was also broadcast to Haicheng.

Su Niannian looked at the captured photos and shook his head enviously, “It’s really good, the unbridled show of affection, almost sweetened my single dog to death.”

She had never thought about falling in love before. After all, feelings cannot be forced. The person who should come, even if you don’t wait for him, will come across thousands of rivers and mountains, but the person who shouldn’t come, you It’s no use waiting.

After being shown by these two loving spirits, she almost wanted to find a man to marry, and let her try the sour smell of this love.

“Reporter Su, can I trouble you to take two pictures for us.” Shen Yan and Shen Yu here hugged each other.

After taking off the masks, the three sisters were all top-notch beauties, but they lost a lot of weight here.

Su Niannian nodded and looked at them with the camera, “You guys start.”

The three sisters put the commemorative medals in front of them with the most satisfied smiles on their faces. After so many days away from home, they dare not answer every call from their parents. Got the best reward, it’s all over, with a clear smile on his face.

“Reporter Su, you said that if we took a photo with Dr. Bai in the past, would her husband agree?” Shen Yan asked cautiously.

After getting along for this period of time, they also know that Dr. Bai’s husband is not so fond of communicating with people, and only when he is facing Dr. Bai can he have a soft expression on his face, otherwise he will be cold to everyone.

Su Niannian glanced at the two people on the stage, “You guys go and try.”

We are all people who fight side by side, and have developed feelings for so many days. These three sisters have a kind of admiration for Bai Xun, although Bai Xun is younger than them in terms of age.

After listening to Su Niannian’s words, Shen Yu took her two younger sisters to Bai Xun’s side. Many people actually wanted to go there and take a photo with Bai Xun, but the man beside her was really oppressive and discouraged. , dare not step forward.

“Doctor Bai.” Shen Yan took his two younger sisters to stand in front of Bai Xun.

Bai Xun, who was talking to Gu Jiusheng, turned his eyes and saw the triplets standing in front of her. A hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

During the period when Shen Yu and the others were working with her, because the task was indeed very heavy, there was very little time for communication. There were basically no three people in front of her at the same time. Even if there were, they were wearing masks. Wait until the prescription is determined After that, they were assigned to take charge of more serious areas, and Bai Xun rarely saw them.

But the impression of these triplets is not much at all.

“Shen Yu.”

“Doctor Bai, look at the three of us, do we look alike?” Shen Yu winked mischievously.

The three girls in front of her are almost the same height, with delicate and small faces, and their body proportions are almost the same. It can be seen that their parents were born well, otherwise they would not look like this.

“Like, you have to be exactly the same.”

However, it can be seen from the clothes on their bodies that their temperaments are completely different, and it must be very easy to distinguish them.

“Doctor Bai, thank you for your care. We have learned a lot from you. Let’s take a photo together.” Shen Yu said.

In fact, after this period of time, they also had time to understand who Bai Xun was, and to know her identity, or the identity of her husband.

People with high status like their husband and wife are willing to come to this place to contribute to the fight against the disease. People like Gu Jiuye can condescend to squat on the ground and take care of medicine jars one by one. , to help them do the most common work, but also the most tiring work.

I don’t know if I will have the chance to see Bai Xun and his wife again in the future. The time they can work with Bai Xun is very precious to them.

Su Niannian took the camera and stood in front of several people, “Look at me, I’m going to take a picture.”

“Wait a minute!” Bai Xun stopped Su Niannian, pulled Gu Jiusheng who was out of the camera, and firmly grabbed the man’s arm, “Okay, it’s okay.”

Actually, they all wanted to be able to take a photo with Bai Xun and his wife, but no one dared to call Mr. Gu, now it’s over.

“One, two, three.” Su Niannian said.

The photo freezes the five people among them. Even if they were pulled in by Bai Xun, there was no reluctance on the man’s face, and the photo was taken very cooperatively.

“Doctor Bai, we are going to part too. Thank you for your care. I wish you and your husband a happy marriage, Qin Se and Ming.” Shen Yu said to the two of them.

Bai Xun smiled, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and added WeChat to them, “If you can go to Haicheng in the future, contact me, and I will be your guide.”

The three sisters left happily with Bai Xun’s WeChat.

Bai Xun hooked at the person behind him, “I didn’t say it, why do all the people wish us a hundred years of harmony? Let me and you be good?”

Gu Jiusheng hugged her and stepped forward, “Didn’t Su Niannian say we have a husband and wife just now?”

And during this period of time, the efforts made by their couple are well known, and everyone can see that the best relationship is not between you and me, but the ability to truly find a soul mate, to be able to face all difficulties together, and also To be able to share the pain that others cannot.

They have all seen this on Bai Xun and Gu Jiusheng. With just one movement, they can know what the other is thinking. Such feelings envy others.

“We are broadcasting here. We will directly transfer all the pictures back to China. You two are good. This action is very provocative.” Su Niannian shouted at the backs of the two.

If you are so unscrupulous if you have no one else, I am afraid that the country is about to collapse now.

Bai Xun looked back at the scene. Ning Wei hadn’t gone out for two days because of the hamster on his head. They also planned to stay behind to deal with follow-up problems, so they told Quan Jingting in advance that they would stay here for a while.

The snow outside was still heavy, Bai Xun pulled Gu Jiusheng to go to the place where Ning Xiao lived.

“What are you panicking about, you just walked away.” Gu Jiusheng pulled the person back and looked at her with dissatisfaction, “Are you in such a hurry to see Ning Wei?”

“I’m in a hurry to see him, but I’m here to see what’s going on.”

Jokes Ning Zhen by the way.

“Then you have to walk slowly, the snow on the ground is very thick, and you will fall after a while.” Gu Jiusheng held the person tightly by his side and did not let go.

“Godmother!” A child’s voice came from far away.

Bai Xun and Gu Jiusheng raised their heads at the same time, and saw Yan Xi running over there, her eyes lit up, and she ran forward to catch the child.

“Why are you here?” Bai Xun said happily while holding Yan Xi.

Xu’s reason, Bai Xun always had the feeling of seeing his own child when he saw Yan Xi.

“Mom brought me here to pick up Dad.” Yan Xi said with a milky voice around Bai Xun’s neck.

Gu Jiusheng walked up to the two of them and pinched Yanxi’s face lightly.

“Do you miss me?” Bai Xun kissed the little guy on the cheek.

“Think!” Yan Xi said, leaned over and kissed Bai Xun’s face, then hooked her little body to reach out to kiss Gu Jiusheng, the man bowed his head forward, and smoothly let the little guy kiss his cheek.

“Yan Xi, come down quickly, your godmother is too tired this time, she can’t hold you.” Qing Yue walked over from a distance with a bouquet of flowers in her hand.

Hearing Qingyue’s words, Yanxi called to come down, Bai Xun put him on the ground and held his hand.

“Sister-in-law, are you here to pick up eldest brother?” Bai Xun smiled.

After all, Quan Jingting hadn’t been back to the imperial capital for over a month. When they were fighting, why not these people.

“I originally planned to come here by myself when I went out, but Yan Xi said he was going to you, so I brought it here.” Qing Yue smiled.

Bai Xun lowered his head and pinched Yanxi’s little face, “You miss eldest brother too.”

Qingyue shook her head, “Many times he goes on a mission for a month. I’m used to it, but I don’t have anything to think about.”

After a brief exchange of words, Qingyue took Yanxi over to look for Quan Jingting. Bai Xun and Gu Jiusheng went to the Xiaoyanglou where Ning Xiao lived side by side. Seeing Yanxi made Bai Xun feel even better. Involuntarily, he started to hum.

When he got to the door, Bai Xun looked at the bodyguard who had dark eyes at the door, and then looked at the neatly placed flowerpots in the yard, all of which had been emptied. Is Ning Xiao in a bad mood these two days? .

Ning An, who was standing on the balcony, saw the two people entering the door, the original tense expression on his face changed, and he hurried downstairs.

“Miss Bai, you can count.”

These two days, he originally had to go to find Bai Xun, but the bodyguards didn’t let him go there, so he didn’t go there, but after reading the entire speech of Quan Feng today, he also knew all the medical care that came to support The team is leaving town.

“What’s wrong?” Bai Xun asked while looking at the situation in the living room.

“Brother has always been in a bad mood. Maybe it’s because of the sputum on his body. I also want to ask you to come and help and see if I can separate them,” Ning An said.

Otherwise, my brother is going to go crazy during this period of time. I can’t hold such a hamster meeting every day, and even if I eat, I can’t eat well.

My brother has not taken a bath for three days. For Ning Xiao, who is obsessed with cleanliness, one can imagine how unacceptable this is.

“Just putting it on the top of the head, it doesn’t affect other things. Ning Xiao is so thick-skinned and shy.” Bai Xun replied.

“It’s not like that, it’s because”

“You really know what to say.” Ning Wei gritted his teeth and came down from the stairs, his eyes staring at Gu Jiusheng beside Bai Xun, he almost turned into a knife and cut his flesh.

Seeing his appearance, Bai Xun held back his smile. The man in front of him had messy hair and looked a little decadent, but there was a chubby hamster squatting on top of his head, inexplicably having a very cute feeling.

It is estimated that everyone who sees Ning Zhen feels this way.

“That cat, thinking that I had kidnapped its mouse, barked out of my window for two whole nights!” Ning Zhen was about to go crazy.

Bai Xun just remembered that what he said was not Xiaobai, she forgot the factor of Xiaobai.

Xiaobai is still very persistent about what he likes. Now that he knows that his hamster is here with Ning Yu, he will definitely not let him go.

Seeing the dark circles under his eyes, Bai Xun touched his nose a little ashamed, and then poked the man beside him.

“Xiao Bai, it is indeed a little noisy.”

“It’s a little noisy?!” Ning Xiao’s voice became a little louder and stared at her, “Have you ever seen it scratch the glass?”

The screeching sound of   ’s fingernails clasping the glass almost made him go crazy.

put the cat in and almost ripped off his scalp.

“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t think about it carefully, next time I’ll bring it over to apologize to you.” Bai Xun said awkwardly, and stabbed Gu Jiusheng again.

The man’s eyelids moved, and with the movement of his fingertips, the hamster on Ning Qian’s head was moved to Ning An’s hand.

Ning Xiao, whose scalp was free, jumped up suddenly, Bai Xun breathed a sigh of relief, “I think you should clean up your head first, and I will give Ning An a pulse.”

Ning An sat on the sofa and stretched out his wrist, Bai Xun took advantage of the situation to diagnose him how the situation has been in the past two days.

“How about Miss Bai?” Xun stood aside looking at Bai Xun with some worry.

“Reshaping the internal organs is not so easy, you need to take it slowly.” Bai Xun comforted.

looked worriedly at the direction of Ning Wei going upstairs. She could still see Mr. Ning’s rejection of her in the past two days.

“Take good medicine, wait until we come back, and after a few more treatments, you will be able to get better.” Bai Xun instructed.

“Come back?” Xun looked at Bai Xun, could it be.

The latter nodded and picked her up from the table, “Almost, it’s time for us to set off.”

There is always a solution to everything. She always believes that there must be a way to the front of the mountain.

(end of this chapter)

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