Mysterious Lord Gu’s Palm Treasure

Chapter 213

Chapter 213: The Wedding Is Set For March

Chapter 213 The wedding is set for March

Bai Xun walked around the school alone for a while, during which Su Mei and Su Niannian sent a message and asked to have lunch together. On the way to be picked up by Su Mei, Bai Xun sent Gu Jiusheng a text message to explain the situation. After all, she was at noon He promised Gu Jiusheng to go to the company to find him.

Since she came back from country M, she and Su Mei and Su Niannian have not had a good meal together. It just so happened that today Su Mei was free from work, and Su Niannian also had free time, so it happened to make an appointment for lunch.

Su Mei, who was concentrating on driving, glanced at Bai Xun, who was chatting with Gu Jiusheng with a sweet face in the co-pilot, and clicked the steering wheel with her fingertips.

“The level of love is even stronger than before, and the two of you have become more intimate after this trip.” Su Mei said.

The couple came back from such a dangerous place together. If the two of them can walk down together in such a crisis situation, it will only make the relationship between the two parties better and better, and they will become more intimate with each other.

“Aren’t you approaching this time?” Bai Xun pointedly opened his mouth.

Last time, Misha brought Su Mei to see the old man together. Listening to the rumors from the past two days, Bai Xun vaguely heard the news that Gu Qingjun and Su Mei were about to get married.

Su Mei, the flamboyant fox in her eyes, has always been trapped by hunters, and her feelings will be hot and arrogant.

“What are you panicking about, you can become a husband and wife when you sleep in one bed? Then there are not too many husbands and wives in this world.” Su Mei snorted.

Bai Xun swallowed after hearing this. Su Mei’s mind has always been much more open than theirs. In the eyes of some people, love and body can be separated, but don’t say such things at this time, okay? .

“Don’t say that, I see Gu Qingjun’s mother, but she likes you very much.” Bai Xun thought of the way Misha looked at Su Mei that day.

The love that comes out of the bottom of my heart is also very happy when I see the closeness of Gu Qingjun and Su Mei. Even if Gu Qingjun doesn’t want to marry Su Mei, I’m afraid he won’t be able to pass the Mischa level.

“You and Jiu Ye haven’t had the wedding yet. I’m afraid Gu Qingjun won’t be stupid enough to do it after you.” Su Mei took the steering wheel and turned a corner and drove onto the right road.

Although Misha also said that it is natural for them to wait until Gu Jiusheng’s wedding is over before they can handle it, but the wedding of the person in charge of the Gu family, just thinking about it, knows how grand it is. .

So there is no conclusion yet, Su Mei is not in a hurry and waits slowly.

“Strange, isn’t Niannian waiting for us at Su’s house?” Bai Xun glanced at the road outside.

Why does something seem wrong?

“She came out of the house and is now waiting for us at the newspaper office.”

It is estimated that Su Niannian ran out of Su’s house only after being read by the family so that his ears were getting calluses. After driving for a while, he saw Su Niannian waiting at the intersection.

She was wrapped in a thick down jacket, with both hands in her pockets, staring down at her toes.

“I’m freezing to death, how come the temperature has dropped so much today.” Su Niannian rubbed his hands and got into the car.

“It’s not very good for you to wait at home, you will get cold by the roadside yourself.”

Su Niannian took the hand warmer that Bai Xun handed her, “Cut, I’d rather stay on the roadside and freeze to death than listen to the old man at home.”

“Nah?” Bai Xun understood, “Su Mei is about to get married, so Grandpa Su and your father urge you to get married.”

“Isn’t it? My aunt got married soon at this age, which means that I am also married at this age. Besides, why do people have to get married? Isn’t it good to be free and alone? If I can live well by myself, Why should I marry someone to give him a baby, wash clothes and cook? Isn’t that just finding a burden for me?” Su Niannian snorted.

If you change it to the previous words, it would be more like it would come out of Su Mei’s mouth. After all, men used to be a dispensable thing in Su Mei’s eyes, and there were many suitors around, but few of them could get into her eyes. indivual.

Over time, such an idea naturally arises, but I didn’t expect that Su Niannian’s idea now surprises Bai Xun.

“So you don’t want to get married?”

Su Niannian shook his head, “No no no, it’s not that I don’t want to get married, but I haven’t found the right person for me, the person who can be my shoulder to lean on.”

These words are swearing, and there is quite a bit of sincerity in them.

“I didn’t find it?” Su Mei’s lips curled slightly, and she glanced at Su Niannian behind her through the rearview mirror, “Are you sure you haven’t found it now, did someone carry me off the mountain a few nights ago? ”

This is obviously Jiayan.

Bai Xun saw that Su Niannian’s face was obviously red, and when she thought of what Jiayan said when she came to find her, she felt a little worried in her heart.

After all, Jiayan is different from Su Niannian. If there is really a relationship, someone might get hurt if you don’t pay attention. It would be best if Jiayan could figure it out.

“What did you say.” Su Niannian was a little shy when it was rare to see.

“Didn’t I say you, I don’t know what to think.” Su Mei snorted.

But she didn’t know who the boy who carried Su Niannian down the mountain was exactly, but when she was about to get down the mountain, Su Niannian finally got through the phone and explained the situation to Su Mei in a mess.

Su Mei finally got a call from Bai Xun when she was about to arrive at the foot of Jingjing Mountain. They had already sent the person back to Su’s house. As for who the man who spent the middle of the night with Su Niannian was, Su Mei could not tell. Know.

In such a cold weather, it is naturally better to eat hot pot. The quiet environment of the restaurant Su Mei found is a bit different from the ordinary lively hot pot restaurant, but it still tastes good.

After choosing the box and sitting down, Bai Xun stared at the red soup tumbling in the country.

“Why do I feel like I haven’t smelled this obsessive scent for a long time.” She sighed.

Since she came to this world, Bai Xun has discovered many delicacies, of which her favorite is naturally hot pot. Although in the opinion of most nutritionists, such a surging hot pot is not very healthy, but they can’t stand it.

“You two left me to go to such a far place for so long this time, it’s not that you miss this smell.” Su Mei said casually.

“That’s not what we thought. Besides, auntie, don’t you have time to go?” Su Niannian lost her smile.

They went to Su Mei in country M and worried for a long time. Fortunately, they both returned safely.

“Celebrate your safe return from the M country, this time I’ll cleanse you two.” Su Mei held the goblet in her hand.

The hot pot is served with red wine. Su Niannian always complains about his aunt’s behavior. The tongue stained by the hot pot soup cannot taste the real taste of the red wine.

But in fact, after a meal, Su Meizhenger didn’t eat much, but drank a lot of red wine, so no one said anything.

“I thought about it several times when I was in country M. When I come back, I must eat hot pot crayfish for three days and three nights in a row! Now is the first day of my desire to start!” Su Niannian held his chopsticks and waited for the red soup Roll up.

“You ordered so many dishes, don’t waste them.” Su Mei looked at the ten plates of meat that Su Niannian was showing off.

“Don’t worry, don’t you know my stomach capacity yet?” Su Niannian patted his chest.

Bai Xun had just rinsed a piece of meat before putting it in her mouth when the phone rang. She looked down and saw that it was Gu Jiusheng’s phone.

“Hello?” Bai Xun put it to his ear and continued to cook the meat.

“What about dinner?” the man said.

“Well, hot pot.” She said, stuffing a piece of meat into her mouth.

Hearing this, the man frowned. He didn’t like to eat hot pot very much, and some men who were slightly obsessed with cleanliness couldn’t stand it.

“Jiuye, you’ve almost kidnapped my good friend, don’t you plan to come over and treat me to a meal?” Su Niannian stammered while chewing the beef in his mouth.

The chopsticks in Su Mei’s hand touched the side of her bowl, “Eat your food.”

Su Niannian’s words, Gu Jiusheng heard clearly, looked at the wall clock on the wall and hung up the phone.

“What did Jiu Ye say?” Su Niannian leaned over to look at Bai Xun and asked, “Do you want to come over?”

“I don’t know, he didn’t say anything.” Bai Xun didn’t care.

She followed the person Gu Jiusheng arranged to protect her safety, and since the driver was also nearby, he naturally knew where she was.

Sure enough, Gu Jiusheng came over after a while, but there was another person next to him, Gu Qingjun.

Su Niannian and Bai Xun were happily eating when they entered the box, but Su Mei’s bowls and chopsticks looked very clean, and she would stretch out her hand to pick up a chopstick from time to time.

“You’re here?” Bai Xun looked at the man who came in.

Gu Jiusheng took off his coat and sat beside Bai Xun. The waiter moved quickly and immediately added two sets of tableware and chopsticks.

Su Niannian took a look, but didn’t see the figure, his face was a little disappointed, but he quickly covered it up.

“Have you eaten?” Bai Xun approached the man and asked.

Gu Jiusheng reached out and touched her face, “Wife, you shouldn’t forget that you let me go.”

Bai Xun touched her nose. At first, she had promised Gu Jiusheng to come to the company to have lunch with him, but after Su Mei called her, she broke the appointment without any guilt.

“Then eat something.” She handed the chopsticks to him diligently.

“Small and unconscionable.” Gu Jiusheng pinched her nose dotingly.

Gu Qingjun sat down beside Su Mei generously, saw the red wine she was holding by her hand, and then looked at the tableware and chopsticks she had barely touched, the man took the glass from her hand with a frown.

“Eat and drink.”

Su Mei did not refute, and he still took the wine glass away.

After Gu Jiusheng called Bai Xun, he happened to send the documents to Gu’s headquarters. Anyway, he didn’t have lunch, so he came with Jiuye. It happened that Bai Xun was having dinner with Su Mei, so he came uninvited. .

Half of the red pot and half of the clear soup pot, Gu Qingjun took her bowl and brought in a few side dishes that Su Mei likes to eat.

Su Niannian tilted his head and saw that Gu Jiusheng also began to cook meat for the people around him. They both didn’t have to say how they came to eat together.

“How does it taste?” The man bowed his head and cooked two shrimps for Bai Xun and approached her to ask her. The meat that was about to be delivered to his mouth stopped, and it was delivered to Gu Jiusheng’s mouth.

“You know it if you taste it?”

The man obediently ate the meat on her chopsticks, and Bai Xun leaned over, “How is it?”

“Delicious.” The man freed his hand and started peeling shrimp for her.

Bai Xun has always known that Gu Jiusheng doesn’t like hot pot, and it’s not just because he has a habit of cleanliness, he lives so delicately, and naturally he doesn’t like the taste of cooking together in one pot.

“Am I a bit redundant?” Su Niannian was sitting right between Su Mei and Bai Xun, feeding her dog food on the left and right.

“Don’t you have a lot of meat in front of you, continue to eat yours.” Su Mei ordered plates of meat.

Seeing that Gu Qingjun took care of Su Mei so well, Bai Xun was relieved, and now she is most concerned about Su Niannian.

“Cough cough.” Su Niannian cleared his throat seriously, “Jiuye, I have something to ask you.”

The man who was peeling shrimp for Bai Xun raised his head, his eyelids moved.

Being seen by such eyes, Su Niannian felt a little stressed, “I am Xiaobai’s good sister, there are some things Xiaobai doesn’t care about, but we have to speak for her!”

Hearing this sentence, Gu Qingjun also raised his head and looked at Su Niannian with great interest.

Su Mei put her chin on one hand and looked at Su Niannian, this girl, what is she thinking about.

“Our Xiaobai is very understanding, so he doesn’t want to talk about many things, but you can’t bully her like that.” Su Niannian said righteously.

Bai Xun was stunned for a while, what’s the matter, this is so serious.

“Jiuye, you and Xiaobai have already obtained a marriage certificate, and the whole Haicheng knows that she is your wife, but this wedding, from the time you got the certificate to the present, there is no news at all, this is what a girl cares about most in her life. , you can’t perfunctory us just because Xiaobai didn’t say anything!”

Bai Xun, the ninth wife, is already well known throughout Haicheng. Gu Jiusheng is indeed very fond of Bai Xun, and in the eyes of outsiders, they are indeed an enviable pair of immortals.

But it has been more than three months since the news came out. After such a long time, the Gu family has not issued an official statement, and the Gu family has not been preparing for the wedding. I don’t know how many people are talking about it in private.

If she really likes it, she will naturally bring the whole world to her. Their Xiaobai is considerate and won’t fight or grab anything, but they can’t.

You can’t become a member of the Gu family with such an unreasonable name. How important a wedding is to a girl, of course it shouldn’t be underestimated, especially Bai Xun still married into the Gu family, if at this point I have been slow to wait, and I don’t know how many rumors it will cause.

Hearing this, Su Mei couldn’t help but applaud her niece in her heart. Su Niannian’s courage is really to be treated with admiration for three days. It’s getting bigger and bigger every day. How dare you be so harmonious. Jiu Ye called.

Gu Qingjun also looked at Gu Jiusheng curiously. He was also very curious, what did Jiuye think about the wedding, hurry up and give a certain time, so he could calculate his order.

Gu Jiusheng looked down at the girl beside him, “Is this what you want to ask?”

Before Bai Xun could express his position, Gu Jiusheng followed, “The wedding is scheduled for March, the best time for spring to bloom.”

Bai Xun was stunned for a moment, then looked up at the man beside him, the wedding.

“March! Great!” Su Niannian almost jumped up.

She said, since Jiuye loves Bai Xun so much, he will naturally give her a very grand wedding, one grand enough to be envied by the entire Haicheng.

In this way, she can give her good friend over with confidence.

“Very good.” Gu Qingjun followed.

He and Su Mei are also preparing to get married during this time. Tonight is the time for the two families to meet, and it is also the time when he officially visits Su’s house as Su Mei’s boyfriend.

Going around, he used to think that a rambunctious man like himself would not be willing to fall into a grave like marriage, but in the end he was pinched to death by a Su Mei, and he also thought that a person like Jiu Ye would never be pulled down in this life Fanchen, but unexpectedly, a white scorpion ran out of the sky.

Everything is destined somewhere, whether they are fate in the past life or the blessing in this life, everything has its own will.

Su Niannian, who got a satisfactory answer, started to eat and started to lose weight after today’s meal. She must be a beautiful bridesmaid.

Gu Jiusheng put the peeled shrimp into Bai Xun’s bowl, the little girl stopped her chopsticks and tugged at his sleeve.

“What’s wrong?” The man looked down at her.

“When did you decide to have a wedding?”

How come she doesn’t hear the wind at all, it’s a good thing to hide.

“Isn’t it what you said, we still have a long life, it is the beginning of our fate in this world.” Gu Jiusheng fed her a mouthful of food, “Besides, there are other girls, and my girl can’t be less. Even better than what they have.”

This is also a new beginning for them.

Some things, he always thinks more deeply than she thinks, and he wants to hold the best things in the world in front of her.

“Well, when the spring flowers bloom, we will get married.” Bai Xun hooked his little finger and said.

The    man chuckled softly and held her fingertips with his backhand.

Su Mei could see between the two looking at each other, they could only see each other’s look in their eyes. She was worried before that maybe Gu Jiuye’s feelings for Bai Xun were like someone who hasn’t been able to get a toy for a long time. Like a child, maybe one day it will pass when you get bored.

But now it seems that her worries can be completely put down, and the kind of emotion that can’t hold anyone between them is enviable.

God is unfair to Bai Xun, and gave her such a childhood, such a cold and dark place, but she walked out of a different life.

Maybe there is some kind of fate between Bai Xun and Gu Jiusheng that people like them don’t know, but it won’t be a very smooth fate. , bring that enviable beauty.

(end of this chapter)

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