Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 30 Palace and Wine

Half a day later.

Somewhat unsatisfied, Themis returned to where Lyanna was.

She had kept the owner here waiting for too long. Although strictly speaking, Chaos did not have perfect "etiquette" at the moment, she still felt that it was not a good idea to do so.

"What did you get?" Lyanna asked with a smile.

"It was an eye-opener."

In half a day, Themis walked through the surrounding thousands of miles of land and saw thousands of strange "spiritual lives". Some of them feed on plants, some feed on other lives, and some feed on some concepts, which the goddess had never seen before.

In comparison, her weird brothers were not so strange.

During the observation, Themis tried to stop the fight between different lives, but then she gradually understood. Mortals and gods are different. Food is a pleasure for the gods, but it is a necessity for them.

The goddess saw more than once that the spiritual lives fought each other for food, and she also witnessed the unique fighting methods of the spiritual lives.

Their power is very weak, but their fighting skills are primitive and fierce. Unlike the gods who use authority and divine power to fight, the spirit world creatures also know how to test, trap and disguise.

‘When I go back, I will mention this to Kronos. The Mother Goddess and His Highness Ryan have another seven hundred years to fulfill their agreement. When the [Life Aquarius] returns to the Mother Goddess as agreed, we should also borrow this artifact to create life on earth. ’

Following Lyanna through the light gate, Themis made a decision in her heart.

Compared with the empty and lonely world of Chaos now, the spirit world gives her a more vibrant feeling.


After passing through the illusory portal, the next moment, the breath of source power that came to her face instantly stopped Themis’ thinking.

Looking around, the goddess found herself on a bottomless mountain. Seven crescent moons hung in the sky, and six layers of virtual and real interfaces were pierced by the mountain. Standing on the mountain, although she couldn’t see the specific appearance of those interfaces, Themis still had a feeling of stepping on the world under her feet.

[Sinaia], or [Nyaras], is the name of the sacred mountain, which means ‘the beginning of the moon’ and ‘the source of spirituality’. When she climbed here, the goddess instantly ‘understood’ this information.

And in the dark, she felt that there was a kind of power very similar to the origin of her priesthood, swallowing and flowing in the sacred mountain, and slowly changing its nature.

"If this is all opened up by His Highness Ryan, it is really a great feat."

Taking a deep breath, the goddess of justice exclaimed sincerely.

Opening up the interface and creating living beings. At least with Themis's divine power, she didn't know how to achieve it.

"Of course it is a great feat." On the side, Lyanna said as a matter of course:

"The name of the Lord has not yet spread in the world now, but one day, they will know the supreme power of the Lord."

With a polite smile, although she was shocked by the scene in front of her, Themis still felt that this was due to the special authority.

The gods are absolute in their respective fields, just like the goddess of agriculture in later generations can make all things stop growing, but if there is no corresponding authority, even an existence like Uranus cannot change this result simply by force.

Themis didn't know what kind of priesthood [spirituality] was, but everything in front of her was probably the embodiment of the absoluteness of this priesthood.

Following Lyanna, she continued to move forward. There were steps paved with unknown materials under her feet, and all kinds of strange man-made objects on both sides of the road made the goddess dazzled.

The location opposite the light gate was not the top of the mountain, but a slightly lower part. After all, although it could be done, Lyanna would not open the door directly to Lyon's palace.

However, Themis did not feel that she was despised. On the contrary, she was still interested in observing the surrounding landscape.

Everything in front of her was a new and strange scenery she had seen for the first time. This more "civilized" product naturally matched the higher position of the [Law] priesthood and the [Order] priesthood.

Themis had made a decision that she would do the same on Mount Odysseus.

Time passed slowly. Although flying was prohibited on Mount Sinai, the two were not far from the top of the mountain. So soon, Themis arrived in front of the palace under the guidance of Lyanna.

The magnificent man-made objects that had never been seen before once again made Themis' eyes light up. Compared with the tents of the gods of Chaos at this time, this kind of creation that looked very orderly and civilized was undoubtedly very pleasing to the goddess.

The buildings were not dense, and each one had a different style and beauty. Although Themis could only see a few nearby ones, she still wrote down their styles one by one.

'This is where the gods should live. ' The goddess thought secretly.

"This is it, the Temple of Lopers, where the host welcomes guests."

Pointing to the magnificent hall in front of her, Lyanna smiled slightly, and then said goodbye:

"I have completed the work of leading the way. Next, it is your meeting with the Lord."


Unexpectedly, Lyanna was about to leave when she reached the door. Themis was about to keep her, but she saw the black-robed goddess smiled at her and then took a step back gently.

With one step, she disappeared without a trace, just as she appeared at the beginning.

But this time Themis saw some clues. The other party's movement seemed to be using the power of time and space in the spirit world, and came to a different level of the spirit world in an instant.

Even if she didn't move, when there was a world between the two, she naturally couldn't detect the other party's existence.

Seeing this, Themis couldn't help but think of the first spiritual world, the [Illusionary Spirit World], which was exactly the same as the underworld.

Perhaps before, Lyanna had actually been standing beside her, standing in the underworld moon, but she was unaware of it because she couldn't see through the barrier between reality and the spiritual world.

'Can Kronos do this level of space-time power? '

After a little contemplation, Themis shook her head. She didn't think about it, but walked towards the hall in front of her.

Since she had already arrived at the door, it would be bad to let the owner wait any longer. Moreover, for the goddess who also wanted to build a palace, the furnishings inside the palace were also worth learning.

Crossing the threshold, the eyes suddenly lit up. Compared with the light of the crescent moon, the palace seemed brighter.

Looking up, there were tables, lamps, utensils, decorations, and the black-clothed gods who were getting up from the main seat. Although Themis didn't know what "civilization" was, she felt that everything she saw made her like it more than what she had experienced in the past.

"Welcome, ma'am."

Raising his cup, Ryan smiled and said to the goddess of justice who was walking up:

"Before we talk about business, please enjoy the dinner I prepared for you."

"Thank you for your hospitality, Your Highness Ryan."

Raising her eyebrows, Themis took the cup and drank the red liquid.

'This is wine.'

The liquid seemed to contain 'memory', and when she drank it, Themis knew its name.

For her, it was just a good drink. But the goddess believed that her brothers would definitely love this creation.

Putting down the cup, Themis stepped forward and took a seat. She was also looking forward to the upcoming dinner.

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