Nanites SON!

‘Suiting’ up.

David was laid on the bed, due to the number of modifications he would make to his body he needed to program it all into his nanites, making sure they knew what to do before his eyes closed, letting them begin, having already pulled the materials he needed and information he needed to upgrade to what he wanted it to be.

Lucy and Rebecca watched over him in the apartment, knowing he'd be fine, though there was a slight fright from Lucy when she walked in and David was on his side, his back exposed as a portion of his back was missing as the sandevistan was being placed in, despite the appearance of the one Maine had, this one looked of far higher tech, and it seemed to also act as a spine reinforcement brace. 

It had a strange blue glow to its metal pieces as the spine seemed to flex a bit before the plate shifted down as they compressed and sunk into his back. His flesh was slowly being rebuilt over it so it was impossible to see the sandy in his back.

The rest of his body underwent modification as well, now that his body was at the size he wanted it to be the refitted his old tech, while also getting rid of his organic eyes and instead getting optics like everyone else, just more advanced, mods being installs as well.

He reinforced his bones, not with cyberwear but direct nanotech, they reinforced against breaks, and minor injuries and could help him heal faster, this was the same for the entirety of his body.

This is why it required him to go to sleep, it would be practically eating through his organic matter to create evolved organic, reinforcing his heart, lungs, and legs.

By the time he did wake up, he was still himself, but so much more. Flexing his fingers as he stood, getting a feel of his new body as he stretched, shaking himself off.

By his calculations? He could use all of his cyberwear freely except the Sandy, he could fire it up 15 times before he needed to rest, simply because he wanted to say at least mostly human, and any more would make his body tired and he would want to sleep.

15 was already way ahead of anyone else, even someone with the strength and normal body like David who could handle the Sandy, it could be fired up three times a day, a MAX of 4 before any more would begin to hurt the user. Anything past 8 will begin corroding the brain as consecutive fires will begin to fry the nerves. 

Even then, anything past 4 uses was something only an idiot who didn't care for his mind, body, or anything else would do.

All that, and David would only feel 'Tired' after 15 uses of this 'miracle' tech.

Rolling his shoulders he walked out naked into the living room, he had no 'Physical' appearance changes, but his eyes did glow a soft blue now unlike his original brown.

Walking out naked he noticed someone was there, a tense air in the living room.

A certain Police officer, one he barely knew despite having promised her a date after he got her phone number originally.

Samus Aran was sitting on the couch, and when she turned to look at the door opening, David had gone from naked to at least wearing shorts, quickly made by the nanites once he realized the situation.

Samus was sitting on the couch with Lucy and Rebecca sitting across from her, there was a drink in her hands and they seemed confused as why she was there, and that confusion turned to look at David, both of them have mixed feelings about having a Lieutenant of the NCPD in their living room.

''Lieutenant! I much apologize for never going on that date, you see I planned to, but then I got sucked into a few things. One of them being focusing on turning myself into a hunk.''

Samus was staring at him, hard not to, the last time she had seen him was months ago when he was but a young man with a dream, now he was a hunk, sitting between two beautiful women in their own right, his arms laying over the back of the couch.

''So what brings you to my home?''

''Fuck being a cop.'' Was the first thing she said, and the sagely nod from David caught her off guard.

''Fuck being a cop indeed... Guess something finally happened, they told you to stand down, you stood your ground, and you got the boot?'' David asked, his optics focusing on her face as he picked up the usually impossible things, like the small changes in her expression. Genuine anger, is something hard to fake.

''Yeah... I knew I didn't want to stop, so I looked into becoming a Merc, but I know you can't get far on your own so I was looking for a group to join, and then I found... Not exactly the morally best group, but one that fit my own... Only to find out you were already a part of them.''

He nodded. ''A part of them, yes. I'm trusted, but I am not the leader, Maine is. You would need to speak to him to become 'A part of the crew... That will take some time, especially considering your prior job... Not that old cops are rare in this line of work.''

David pulled up her information, she really had been cut from the NCPD, was it a good excuse to suddenly show up on the team at that point? Sure, but at the same time, everything was too 'real' to be faked or thought out, it was a messy affair especially since she killed three cops on her way out of there.

''For now, the best I can do for you is give you jobs, like a pseudo-fixer until we can trust you more, then as you build up trust with the three of us, the others will be more willing to accept you, alright?''

Samus seemed conflicted, worry apparent on her face before she nodded.

''Good, first job? Rest.'' David stated bluntly, causing her eyes to widen.

''How long have you been awake? The exhaustion is clear from over here, here's 20 to get your affairs in order if you need, if you need a place to stay, speak to the manager here, he can get you a place for cheap up here, if he causes problems to mention my name. He looks big and mean but he's pretty docile.''

That is... Because David had removed the old landlord because the bastard annoyed him, and replaced him with a retired Merc looking to live a quiet and nice life, and what better quiet nice life to live than be the manager of a megabuilding?

''I don't need ha-.''

''Don't call it a handout, you're already on the clock, worst case you can see it as an advanced payment... You are not useful to us if you're as strung out as far as you are, get some rest. I'll contact you in two days.'' 

David wiggled his fingers in a bye motion, and she nodded. Standing from the couch and leaving quickly.

Once she left David released a breath through his nose in a soft snort. ''Well... Not how I planned to meet her again.''

Lucy turned to look at him, raising her brows. ''How did you plan to meet her again?''

David smiled, staring at the door. ''Hopefully, it involved handcuffs and a very... VERY thorough body search."

Rebecca burst into giggles as she slid herself across David's lap, laying over him. ''Is that the cop you talked about?''

''Yeah, Lucy, my beautiful, sexy, strong runner... Could you?''

Lucy nodded. ''I already started doing it the moment she came into the apartment, it's suspicious for sure, but at the same time... Three cops? Few are willing to go far enough to kill cops just to make a cover story... I'll look more into the incident.'' Lucy pulled the arm from the back of the couch and pulled it to her, wrapping her arms around it tightly as she snuggled into him.

''What do you plan to have her do?'' She continued, kissing his arm.

''No idea, but I can think of a few things to test her, maybe have her run 'Trust' building errands, she how she responds to being tossed the small insignificant jobs.''

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