Nanites SON!

The meal, Shared ‘Secret’

David set out the plates, something that he remembered from not only his old life but this life.

It was weird, David knew he was both people, but it felt like after he got his nose punched in that day, it all came back to him, like a rush of memories and emotion, David that lived in cyberpunk was still who he was before, reacting like he would, trying his best as David would, but after getting his nose broken.

It felt like he simply unlocked the memories that helps shape his personality and his choices.

So when he set down a meal for all three of them, a meal of scrambled eggs, cauliflower rice, greens, avocado, a few ripples of hot sauce to add the right kick, and tomatoes. All synthetic of course, but after some time with the nanites and practically re-arranging the food given some time, they tasted as real as they would, and almost as healthy as the better options.

That also came with two 'meatloaf muffins.' Just meatloaf made into a mini muffin for convenience of eating.

A meal he's made what felt like a hundred times, of course, he made it different, but it had been a meal he made for his mother, who worked up to sometimes 15-hour shifts as a nurse and paramedic. An absolutely delicious meal that gave her the proper nutrition and everything needed to help her get through the day... Only wishing that his Mother would be able to taste the new and improved recipe.

Once he sat down, Lucy and Rebecca drooled over what they were looking at, their mouth salivating. 

Rare was it to find food that tasted good or smelt good. But the food that LOOKED good to eat? A whole new level.

As David started to eat like it was normal, they began to eat as well, David knew he did well when they both released a food moan, practically melting into puddles before they began to rapidly eat. David only chuckled as he ate slowly, simply enjoying his meal, and the sight of others loving his efforts.

It was about fifteen minutes later once they all finished, Rebecca face first over the table with soft groans of satisfaction occasionally. Lucy herself was leaning back into her chair, her body so relaxed she felt like she was floating. The fact it actually felt good to eat something a strange feeling. It almost felt like their bodies were being slowly repaired after years of wear and tear, which they were but David wouldn't say that unless they asked him. Then he wouldn't try and lie to hide it from them.

''David... Is it too early to say I love you?'' Rebecca mumbled from her position, slowly turning her head to flop it back down once she was facing him. ''You're almost too good to be true, what's your deep dark secret, what about you counters being this good?''

David chuckled a bit, relaxing back in his chair as his eyes closed. ''Going to tell you two a secret, a really, really deep secret, something that should never leave this room... Before we go about that, you'll most likely think things like 'Why trust us with this' or even 'Do we deserve to know the secret.' it's simple. I'm not the type who likes secrets, I'm not saying people aren't entitled to their private life or their own secrets. I just don't personally like having them. You both have a level of trust in me that some might consider 'Weird' or downright wrong, but it's because you feel something, don't you? Both of you, and the others feel like you can trust me, as if I was meant to be right here, at everyone's side, it just feels right.''

David opened his eyes, noticing they were now sitting at attention, very intent on what he was saying.

He chuckled a bit before he raised his hands, setting them onto the table, a swarm of nanites appearing above both of his hands. Causing them to both looks confused at the sight of them.

''These, are Nanomachines, or nanites for short. Incredibly powerful, and dangerous... I technically 'Did' make the arms, using these.''

Some of the nanites began to build a small robot that only stood about four inches tall, but walked around like a normal very small person, it even did a few flips, and jumps, and began to use David's fork to fight invisible foes.

Rebecca was watching, her eyes wide as she tried to process everything.

Lucy had stared hard at them, something of an internal conflict was happening, before it she seemed to resolve herself and she spoke. ''I've heard about them before... While running behind the black wall.''

It was David's turn to get a surprise, thinking about it for a moment before he spoke. ''That explains your skills at a night runner, and your dislike for netrunner chairs... You were a netrunner trained by Arasaka...''

Lucy seemed to flinch a bit, only relaxing as David's hand moved, the nanites dispersing into the air as he took her hand into his own. Squeezing it.

Rebecca finally spoke up. ''So... What's so special about these things? I get they can make things, but like... On what level?''

David held Lucy's hand for a few more seconds, watching her visibly relax before he leaned back once more, releasing her hand. ''I could break down the entirety of my body, and rebuild it fully chromed, from the tips of my toes, all the way to the hairs on my head, and I would never experience Cyberpsychosis. I could tear down the entirety of this building, rebuild it into a rocket ship, and get us to the moon in the next few hours.''

Rebecca turned to stare at the nanites that freely moved through the air, at such a density they could be seen.

''How did you even come across these?'' Rebecca asked, running her hands through them and almost giggling at the feeling as they felt like millions of beads.

''Honestly, I have no idea... Shortly after my Mom's death, got home, and was heading out, and then just 'Boom' nanites. It's actually how I made Bast.'' David admitted, causing Lucy to give him a pointed look. 

''So you lied about the contact with the nomads?'' Lucy said, having been aiming at that angle for a later date since she eventually wanted to accept more than just stuff in NC.

''No, I only lied about 'How' I acquired the car, but I do still have someone I know, who definitely has the skills to do something like Bast.''

Lucy watched him for a moment before nodding, being fine with that, as long as the contact wasn't a lie.

''Wait... So, what about your guns?'' Rebecca asked, a look of hope in her eyes.

''Technically, I have all the knowledge needed to make the guns like they are, but I used the nanites to make what I needed, since using them is just a lot faster than doing it myself.''

Rebecca released a sigh. ''Good, I'd hate to learn that you just used real-life cheats to make the guns I think had a hand in me falling in love with you.''

David sat there for a bit, just existing as he thought about things before he finally asked. ''So, you two accept it just like that?''

Rebecca shrugged. ''I don't think accepting it is the right term, I'm pretty sure that they can do a lot more than at least I can understand, but... I chose to trust you, right? I have a feeling you're not using them to cripple the entirety of NC, because you want to experience life better without too much help from them, and only using them when you want to. But it's like learning someone has a nuke in their basement, which happens more often than not, so.''

Rebecca shrugged, Lucy, added on. ''A bit surprising for sure... It also explains why your show is healthy compared to a lot of people, you've used them to 'remake' your body most likely.''

David nodded to that, Rebecca then adding. ''Also pretty cool that you can make cyberpsychosis just, not a thing.''

David chuckled, shaking his head. ''Corpo's did that a long time ago.''

Both of them turned to look at him, their eyes wide. ''What?''

''I think it's definitely a real problem, but Corpo's have already solved such a problem... Learned to isolate it in their more extreme tech.. Because think about it, there's someone who is stated to be 95% non-organic now... And he works for who exactly?''

The realization dawned on both of them, the boogy man of Arasaka, Adam Smasher. 

''Fuck, I knew corpo's were assholes, but to think they were to this extent...'' Rebecca growled, crossing her arms and growling.

''David... Could you help someone else, who's already experiencing signs of it?'' Lucy asked after a few minutes, worry in her voice.

David watched her, nodding softly. ''This is about Maine, isn't it?''

She nodded, and Rebecca raised a hand. ''Hang on, Maine's starting to experience Cyberpsychosis?!''

David sighed softly. ''The starting stages, yeah. Shakey hands, shorter times before needing to dose up on blockers, missing a few minutes here and there from his memory, it's very early stages, but now that he's getting the sandy installed... It's going to quicken much faster.''

''Can we save him?'' Rebecca asked, wringing her hands together.

''I can, but not yet.'' David said, causing the girls to look at him, urging him to continue with their eyes.

''I won't save him until at the moment that makes him understand he's not invincible, he might have a higher tolerance to chrome, but he is still trying to be human. I'm going to wait until I can do it at a time that will make him understand that 'Cyberwear' isn't everything. Even a normal human could make it as an edge runner as long as their careful.''

This made them understand better, they knew Maine, at least having been around him longer to understand him better, David was doing the right thing, if David did it now, and made Maine unable to experience the effects, and the bads of it, it would only make him worse, and self destructive.

''Even then, when I inject him, I am going to only tell him that it is an 'Experimental' tech, and is not designed to be put through the test. Which will be a lie, but will make him much better at valuing his life.''

''Little white lies to help people, sounds like the opposite of what you like doing.'' Lucy remarked, causing David to sigh. 

''Well, it's not entirely going to be a lie, I do plan to break into Arasaka eventually to find out how they are keeping Smasher in check.''

Rebecca turned to look at David, her brows raised. ''You plan to break into Arasaka?''

''Yeah, to steal some of their tech like their gravity nodes that I seen while we were on the moon in the BD, along with anything else interesting.''

Lucy raised a hand. ''So what's your goal David? We understand you're just enjoying life right now, running around among us 'Mortals'. ''

She chuckled at her own joke, Rebecca groaning at it, and David just smiling before he continued. 

''Honestly? I plan to do more then shake up Night City... I want to shake the world, these nanites give me the ability to do more then just make myself a fancy new car, or make delicious meals.''

''Think about all the trash out in the badlands, or in the city. I could use nanites not only to consume it all, to clean it up. But also use it to make things that could return wildlife to the world, I could turn the badlands into a place where REAL food can grow. I could clean the seas, the lakes, everything. I could scrub the atmosphere and rebuild it if I wanted to, I could colonize mars if I wanted. I plan to do things that I want to, I could either be something to save the world, starting the process of reviving and healing it, or be the person to erase it entirely.''

''All I know is, I want to make some people smile, and feel joy. I want to make some people kiss the bottom of my shoes, and ruin their lives... I want to live, and cause a bit of mayhem on my way to the top.''

Rebecca slammed her hands onto the table, causing the dishes to bounce. ''Count me in! As long as I get to shoot dumbasses!''

''And eat my cooking.'' David quipped, Lucy, laughing softly.

''Count me in to... Through your existence David, I will never feel like a caged bird again... and get to enjoy good food.''

David nodded sagely before he stood. ''For now? Nothing like that, just doing what we do best. Get shit done and watch bodies hit the floor.''

''Right after I do the dishes.'' David nodded as he grabbed everything, walking to the kitchen to start doing them.

Does it make sense for them to accept it? In a world like Cyberpunk? Either way doesn't matter, my story. You'll take notice that there is little to no story of mine that I hide most things, why? Because I think it's annoying to make up excuses. As well as I'm not a good enough author to make it 'believable.' So simply saying. ''I've got tech magic with the wave of my dick and the flick of my balls'' is easier than ''Internet.''

And for those who think nanites aren't as strong as I make them appear as? I said it was 'BULLSHIT' meaning it doesn't need to make sense. Let's be grateful he still has to 'Scan' things, and have 'materials' to do things. But please do continue to argue about it, it amuses me and others who really don't care how the nanites work, we just like tiny op robots.

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