Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 53: Time Goes On

I look at Tsume smile and say to her.

"Hey there Tsume -chan... I see that you are training hard again."

She looks at me and says.

"Yes I want to graduate soon I am 9 I am going to war and be the strongest ninja ever."

I just look at her and smile on the outside but in the inside I am thinking...

Well she would die fast... how she survived up until canon in the story is nothing short of a miracle.

This kind of personality unless you are the reincarnation of Jesus of the Naruto world (Indra&Asura) then there is no way you will survive with her shitty talent. I mean if she met a high chunin, then who is going to save her... Hmmmm I mean if she died it wouldn't be that much of a big deal in my plans...

But what about the 'timeline'... I don't really care about the timeline but I need certain events to happen for my plan to go smoothly. Hmmmm her death would also be kind of suspicious I mean first the father then the daughter I would be the number one suspect. Plus I don't have anything to gain from killing her.

I look at her and say.

" Tsume -chan you mustn't graduate until you are 10 years old or I give you permission."

She just pouts and goes back to training.

I then go towards my room for some rest. I know Tsume has tried graduating early behind my back but you know me as a Sanin's student my words have some pull plus the teachers 'understand'

me and what I am doing is for her own 'good'... I go to my bed and lie down.

-Time Skip- (5 months later)

{MC age 11}

Well I am glad they let me take such a long vacation I mean I have a lot of merits and I kind of pushed it with the vacation... but who cares... in the war side of things Orochimaru and Sakumo are still holding the Lightning frontlines though the Raikage has been pushing them back a lot.

On the rain side of things Jiraya is still probably teaching the rain kids and a new name has appeared in the battlefield against Rock Village... people have even started calling him a hero... yeah my fame from destroying a whole village singlehandedly is kind of dwindling.... I would take care of him if he was a threat to my plans... if I was a guy who really cared about a dead guy starting to catch up to my fame... his name is Dan Kato also known as

Dan of the The Spectre.

Before he appeared even all the S rank sand ninja were barely able to hold back the Tsuchikage but then Dan came and he used his technique to possess people clase to the Tsuchikage and attacks him randomly. It is said that he was able to make the Tsuchikage suffer one loss after another... and that hasn't happened in a long time.

Tsunade is easily holding the Water battlefield pretty successfully... she is probably the biggest legend formed in this war. If she wasn't here the casualties on Konoha's side would have been twice as much. She has saved so many lives it is pretty much impossible to count.

I think she is 50% of the reason that Konoha will win the second ninja war.

Anyways I have mastered the Chain Jail Fuinjutsu in 2 months. I also made my own technique... the rasengan is able to me made with one hand and is perfect for future Minato because he will hold the Hiraishin Kunai in the other hand.

But for me at best it is just a way to be able to beat people with high defense and not really my trump card so to say.

I then make some handsigns....

Tiger → Horse → Rabbit → Rat → Dog

and then blue chakra comes towards my hands... chakra scalpel then I start infusing wind chakra through my hands

[Wind Style: Chakra Scalpel] the cutting power is through the roof... I haven't tried it yet but I believe that it has the ability to cut through the Susanoo

rib cage... Rasenshuriken is an S rank monstrous technique but... my technique is monstrous in it's own way...

Still the chakra control to do this is needed to be perfect... I think my chakra control now is in the Top 2 in the ninja world... I should be right next to Tsunade.

My physical stats have also advanced now that my body is growing.

My natural strength should be around high Jounin which doesn't really matter couse I have The Super Strength technique of Tsunade... my natural agility is Low elite Jounin I can raise that to almost S class speed with my Four Legged Technique... these natural stats are really impressive for an 11 year old.

But it didn't come from nowhere the training I do is inhumane together with my medical knowledge... well let's just say that Lee has nothing on me with my training efficiency... though he does beat me in effort... I have other things to learn not just Taijutsu. But even though I train efficiently I don't think there is anyone also who can train like me because of the immense pain... so I just nullify my pain with a little senbon in my nerve system and do the calculations to not hurt my body accidentally after all I don't feel pain in that period of time.

Anyway on the Flying Thunder God technique.... I haven't made a lot of progress. I have 6 clones working at it at all times but almost no progress is made.

I also have the last book of Uzumaki Fuinjutsu but I still can't use the Flying Thunder God. Even when I learn all the Uzumaki Fuinjutsu... I'm not sure I will be able to use it... I mean the Fuinjutsu formula look simple at first sight but...

I feel like a kid who just learned 2+2=4 and then he gets a math exercise with 4 unknown factors... How the hell did the Second Hokage come up with it... I have a whole different perspective of him now... How did a guy like that get killed by Ginkaku and Kinkaku... I don't know but... anyway I look at a note in my hand it was left by an ambu yesterday to meet with the Hokage... Yeah I am important enough now and can't get summoned at the whims of other people... they need to send me an appointment first...

I wear the usual green hoodie and anbu pants with sandals... they are like the only clothes I have... they are efficient and good for camouflage... I am not really trying to look good anyway.

I wonder what the Hokage is calling me for, it isn't a clan head meeting, they aren't held in war time unless a sharingan is stolen, a clan member is a spy or something like that.

I wonder what is the reason I am being summoned... though I have a pretty good idea what it is for...

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