Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 84: Experiments


After that whole conversation with Danzo I go back home again… Tsume and 'mother' are both asleep. I then go into my 'lab' room, there are several unimportant experiments and notes around. Then I go into one part of the wall and run my chakra through it a hole opens up below me and I jump inside it. When I arrive at the bottom hundreds of Fuinjutsu seals restrain me… 

Then as soon as I go there I pass through the hundreds of identification seals and dozens of self destruct seals… when I enter there I see the results of hundreds of millions Ryo that I put in it. The room has seals all around the wall making the walls seem like they are painted black. Making it impossible for anyone to even enter in here. I am confident that even if Madara Uchiha wanted to enter here he wouldn't be able to do so…. Well he might be able to brute force his way inside somehow. But as soon as he does so the lab will self destruct and will take everything inside it to smithereens. Even future Obito with his ability won't be able to enter in here. Anyone who is in here except me… it will self destruct. 

The lab floor is about 300 m². There is also another lab one floor down from here and there are mostly the research material that I have on the zero tails and so... called 'demons' naturally created from people's chakra and negative emotions.

On this floor there are dozens of humans inside capsules filled with green liquids. Inside of them are members of the Kaguya clan the liquid doesn't allow their dead bodies to decompose. There are also dezen of big, ancient looking  computers around. Then I turn on the lights and then the room is completely lit up.

Then in the middle of the room are three tables with three people from the Kaguya clan in them. They are dead but… I have healed their injuries completely and activated their brains… they should be alive but they are not.. they are missing a key component in their makeup... they can breathe and their heart also beats… but… they are missing their 'soul'... they have no conscience and can't learn. They can't produce chakra or anything like that. They are completely active and their bodies are 'alive' with the machines attached to them but… they are not truly alive. 

So by studying this is where my theory my theory on my own 'rebirth' came from... that if it was my normal soul from my world I wouldn't have been able to use chakra or even 'activate' a body from this world, since to do so takes chakra. I might  have even been paralyzed at birth if I had the same soul from my last world and a body from this world. A consciousness but unable to move… so that means that when my soul came here it… devoured the soul of the original 'Yami' and gained his life, memories(as a fetus they were nonexistent), and I even took his chakra… since my soul was more mature it is logical that I ate his soul. But… how did my soul move from my world to this world… death..  no… that's not it… by some energy… no that's not it either… there are only two current possibilities that I know of how I came here… in death by some complete accident that generated enough energy to create a crack in the multiverse death 'system' (the only thing I know about it is that it exists)… or I was brought here… or more specifically… someone brought me here…

I will assume the worst case scenario which is the second option… 

Then I instinctively start biting my nails…

That means that…. Ok I need to calm down… since this is out of my power I will just keep getting stronger until I can start getting answers… it's useless to worry about something out of my power. If it was some god or anything else I won't think about it anymore. Everything that exists has a logical explanation to it… so I will just experiment until I discover it. 

Anyway… now I have learned all that there is to know about the kekkei genkai of the Kaguya Clan the Shikotsumyaku.

Users of Shikotsumyaku possess three unique skills: the ability to control their osteoblasts (cells responsible for producing bones); the ability to control their osteoclasts (cells responsible for breaking down bones); the ability to regulate their bones' calcium density. So long as their body does not tire out, users can take advantage of these abilities without limit. Quite a good ability. 

Then after I check that all the bodies are stable and I go downstairs. 

This is a totally different room… there are different flesh parts from the 'body' of the zero tails. They sealed in tubes with green liquid. I have studied that every part that I cut off it creates some type of mini zero tails but they die soon after they are cut off and turn into chakra. I keep them always fed with chakra on tubes so that they can even stay alive a little longer. I have created some techniques that incorporate Fuinjutsu and dark chakra… they are surprisingly very compatible together. I can't wait to use them against a real opponent.

Then I look at the middle of the room where a giant cube made out of glass filled with green liquid on the inside. There is also an animal in it as big as a lion attached with a breathing mask and tubes attached to it… the creature has dark fur… damn I really should have chosen a better name for him...

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