Naruto : Hidden Cloud


Sato's heart nearly stopped when Matatabi bit him.

A mouth bigger than his whole body clamping down on him from above.

This wasn't an experience lot of people get to have.

'What made her angry?'

Sato's mind spun rapidly thinking of ways to avoid death as he was being eaten eaten by the two tails.

Then it clicked.

'She isn't biting down with force, I am still fine.'

Sato narrowed his eyes.

'I see, isn't this how mother lions bring their young from one place to another.'

'Carrying them with their mouths, is she is doing something similar with me?'

Sato wasn't sure if he was right but he ready to take a chance, it was either this or she wanted to slowly eat him.

There was only one way to life.

"Where are we going?"

Asked Sato as if he understood she was trying to carry him somewhere all along.

The two tails happily grinned when she saw Sato understand her actions, unlike her stupid host who was constantly attacking her.

"We are going home."

"This isn't a place to talk."

Matatabi said weirdly with Sato in her mouth.

She was clamping down on him using just enough force to keep him in place, exactly the way a big cats do to their young.

Which made Sato breath a sigh of relief.

He got it right, she was doing what he thought she did.

'It's a good thing tailed beasts somewhat retain their base animal's instincts.'

Tailed beasts were modeled after real animals by the sage, three tails was a turtle who liked to swim in deep waters, while four tails was a Gorilla who was the king of apes before he was captured.

All Tailed beast retain the instincts of their animal counterparts, so does the two tails.

This was why she spits mouse shaped flaming hairballs when attacking in the story, it's all cat themes with her.

And It seems like she has her pack instincts intact as well 

'That's good, I don't have to think about her behaviour each time she does something odd.'

'All I have to do is refer to big cat behaviour and I should be set.'

Meanwhile inside her mental world Yugito Nii stopped attacking the two tails and looked at her with a scowl.

"What is the meaning of this two tails."

Two tails turned her huge head towards her host growled threateningly.

"Shut up and stay put, I am not going to hurt him."

"After I am done talking, I'll switch back with you."

Looking the other way, the two tails said one last thing.

"And my name isn't the two tails, Yugito."

Yugito Nii looked weirdly at the two tails as she was released from the bindings.

Rubbing her sore wrist Yugito gazed at the monster inside her but she didn't attack again.

It seems two tails has taken a liking to Sato.

'He is more suitable to be her jinchuriki than I am.'

Thought Yugito while shaking her head.

She was right in taking Sato in that day, he has a lot of potential.

As Yugito Nii thought about Sato's future, Matatabi and Sato had reached the top of the mountain.

It was where his and Yugito's house was located in.


Matatabi lowered her head and deposited Sato on the ground.

Then she sat down herself like a resting lioness.

"Sit down Sato."

Matatabi said softly and Sato sat down on the ground without hesitation.

"So, you are finally choosing a name?"

Asked Sato, while Matatabi slowly spoke.

"I don't have to choose one, I already have a name."

"I am called Matatabi."

Sato smiled and mentally patted himself on the back, he managed to make a tailed beast say their name.

This was an achievement almost no one had.

"Matatabi? It's a good name."

"It suits you a lot."

Sato gave a thumbs up to her and Matatabi grinned back.

She started patting him on the head with her massive claws.

"You think so?"

Said Matatabi while gently patting him, she was infact marking Sato with her scent.

This was another instinct of big cats like tigers, as their cubs are mostly blind and move around purely by smell.

It also makes others cats stay away from their cubs.

All in all, this was a tiger's possessive behaviour, they mostly do it via licking but she was a proper lady, she cannot lick Sato out of nowhere.

Just when Matatabi and Sato were bonding, a scream came from behind them.


Followed with a small rock hitting Matatabi.

Sato's eyes almost popped out.

'Who the hell did that?! Do they not want to live anymore!'

Then Sato saw the person who did it and his heart became even more cold.

"Sato sama run!"

"I-I will hold her off!"

There stood Karui, with her legs trembling and her eyes watering.

She just came to the location under the mountain but didn't see Sato.

So she climbed up the path to find him, and then she saw a large monster about squash Sato under it's paws.

Ignoring her fear and throwing a rock at it was the most she could do.

She just hoped Sato can get away safely while the monster ate her.

"Run Sato sama!"

Exclaimed Karui, she wiped her tears and ran towards the two tails with her small feet.

She yelled, punched and kicked the massive flaming body without putting a scratch on her.

"You girl, what do you think you are doing?"

Matatabi growled, she didn't like being disturbed in her turf.

This was her area, she owned this mountain.

"Don't hurt her!"

Sato saw that Matatabi was getting angry and immediately stopped her.

"Karui, stop, she isn't going to hurt me."

"She is my friend, she might look big but she also has a big heart."

Karui stumbled backwards and wiped her tears while looking at Sato and Matatabi.


Asked Karui, and Sato swiftly nodded, then said to Matatabi.

"Right? Don't be angry okay? She only wanted to save me."

"She is Karui, she is my friend."

Sato said while getting up and running upto Karui.

He held her closely to stop her from getting scared and to stop Matatabi from killing her off.

"..Fine, geez, I am not a monster."

"No need to get so protective."

Matatabi rolled her eyes.

Sato slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's then that Matatabi asked.

"Is this girl your mate? What do you humans call them, your wife?"

"You girl, are you Sato's wife?"

Sato almost died from her words but then again, she was a big cat, the only time they got together with another cat was for mating or if they were the cat's cubs.

And Matatabi could see this girl obviously wasn't Sato's cub.

"I, I am not, I don't think so.."

Karui stuttered to answer, she wasn't his wife, was she?

Sato shook his head speechlessly.

"Don't scare her Matatabi, Karui is my friend, she wants to be a member of my shadow guard."

"This reminds me, I wanted to ask sister if I can make a shadow guard."

"Can you ask her please?"

Matatabi looked at Sato then titled her head and looked at Yugito inside her, who was speechless at how fast Sato found someone to be his shadow guard.

Even she didn't have a shadow guard!

Unlike her, her brother had the charm to convince others to follow him so soon.

She was quite proud of Sato.

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