Naruto : Hidden Cloud

Mystery Hyuga

"Give us Hinata."

When Sato said this, Hiashi's first instinct was to refuse immediately.


Hiashi exclaimed with excitement.

He thought that he was refusing with this much passion, so Sato would push back or threaten him in some way, but Sato just shrugged.

"Okay don't then, save her yourself, I don't mind."

Sato cheerfully said and jumped back onto the table, with his hands on his chin.

"Just tell me how you plan to save her, I am a bit curious."

Sato grinned and asked casually, Hiashi's excitement suddenly cooled down after that.

He gulped in nervousness before he tried to think of some way.

"The Hyuga clan can protect her.."

Hiashi stopped mid sentence, he just remembered that the Hyuga clan can't even protect himself or his brother who were the leaders of the clan, much less his little girl.

If they can survive by sacrificing Hinata, the elders of the clan wouldn't hesitate at all.

"Hokage sama might not kill her.."

Hiashi attempted to try again, but this excuse was weak sounding even to him.

He knew the reason Hyuga clan couldn't save him was because the Hokage himself was ordering him and Hinata to get killed.

He would be fooling himself if he thinks the Hokage won't kill her, if the Third can make the Hyuga clan obey him just by killing Hinata, he will definitely kill her.

"The other clans won't let that happen.."

Once more Hiashi tried to think of an excuse but he realised once again, when he was told to die, no other clan made a single sound, they didn't care at all.

Everyone was busy saving themselves.


Sweat started to fall down Hiashi's forehead, the more he spoke the more he realised something.

He had run out of options.

When Sato suggested taking Hinata away, he was actually saving her by doing this, but if she stays in Konoha she will die for sure, Hokage sama has decided to kill her after all.

"You get it don't you?"

Sato said calmly, then tapped the table beneath him in a rythmic way, as if copying the rythm of Hiashi's heart.

"If Konoha wants Hinata to die, no matter what you do, she will die."

"The only option you have is to send her away to some place where Konoha can't reach her."

"And you need a solid excuse to send her away or she'll be considered a missing ninja, she's very important after all."


Tapping the table a last time, Sato said seriously

"Hidden Cloud is your only available option at this point, and that too because I myself don't want Hinata to die."

When Sato said this, Hiashi's eyes widened in shock.

What did Sato mean by this? He thought all this was hidden cloud's scheme!

Sato chuckled at Hiashi's reaction and shook his head before saying softly.

"I'll tell you a secret Mr Hiashi, our mission is just to get your Byakugan, Hinata is not within the mission parameters."

"The only reason I am trying to save her is because your love for your daughter reminded me of my now dead parents, there is no other reason."

Sato gave a fake sigh as if he was really remembering his parents then continued in a serious tone.

"You are the head of a house, you should know what kind of risk I am taking by acting without orders."

"I am risking my reputation to save your child, if she turns out to be a spy, the first one to die would be me not her."

Sato said this very seriously because this was true, although the only reason he was taking this risk was because he was Yugito's brother so he was basically protected from any risk, and he knew Hinata's nature very, very well.

Hinata's potential was immense, her Byakugan was pure enough to awaken Tenseigan for Toneri, she could hold all of Homura's chakra in her, and Homura was a sage of six paths level character.

She was also the second youngest person to create her own justu, twin lion fist, all by herself.

Her Byakugan was so strong that in the fourth ninja world war, her range of vision had exceeded 10 kilometres!

When regular Hyuga were still struggling with meters worth of vision, Hinata was casually playing around in kilometres.

She was a natural born prodigy similar to Sasuke and Naruto, the only thing holding her back was her kind nature and her not being a destined alien god's reincarnation, like Naruto and Sasuke were.


"Can you really do it..? Can you really keep Hinata safe, Sato kun?"

Hiashi asked with hope in his voice and Sato didn't want to lie to the man about this either, so he asked Yugito.

"Can we keep her safe sister? Will she be able to live a normal life?"

"Just tell him the truth."

Yugito looked at C and they had a silent communication, then she nodded lightly.

"If C and I guarantee for her, then she can live a normal life in Hidden cloud."

"As long as she joins one of the Hidden Cloud families in the future, we will not restrict her freedom."

Hiashi finally sighed with relief, he was the head of Hyuga clan so he understood what Yugito meant by this.

They wanted Hinata's future children to be of hidden cloud, as for which family she wanted to marry into later in her life, that was her choice, the only requirement they had is that her chosen partner is someone from the Hidden Cloud.

"I see.. I understand.."

Hiashi said with a small smile, then as if making a decision, he looked up.

"Can I talk to her when she settles down in the hidden cloud? I won't ask about anything important, you can rest assured."

C nodded, this wasn't a hard request, they can just do a video call once a while. ( This is real, they had that in this era )

"Thank you.."

Hiashi smiled, he felt much more relaxed after this, but now that he had managed to save Hinata, he had another plan taking shape in his mind.

"Sato san, can I make a request?"

Hiashi asked softly, and Sato raised his eyebrows before saying.

"Shoot, what's up?"

Hiashi cleared his throat and said something which shocked even Sato.

"Would you like to take another Hyuga child with you?"

"Don't worry, this person dosen't have the caged bird, Hyuga clan dosen't have control over this person."

"There is no risk of them being a spy, I can give you my word."

Sato looked at Hiashi wide eyed, he wasn't sure what came over Hiashi or why he wanted to send another Hyuga child with Hinata.

Sato couldn't help but wonder, who was this person Hiashi taking about?

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