Naruto : Hidden Cloud

One man army

Sato got up from the ground and announced their next plan of action to the Ino-Shika-Cho trio.

"Alright, let's go to the Inuzukas, I want a good fight!"

"I hope Kiba is strong."

Ino didn't think that they were going to leave immediately, but she got up as well when Sato did.

Choji too got up casually after that, and Shikamaru lazily followed along behind them.

It took the group five minutes to reach the Inuzuka clan.

"Hey! You there."

"Where is Kiba?"

Ino questioned the Inuzuka guard with her hands on her waist.

The guard looked down at the group and spotted four kids.

He figured they were Kiba's friends so he smiled and pointed towards a direction.

"He is over there, at the dog park."

The guard showed the place where Kiba was currently in.


Ino thanked the guard and the group made their way towards the dog park.

After a bit more walking they reached the dog park, this was a park with a lot of area dedicated to dogs.

"I'll find Kiba for you Sato kun."

"You can call him at the training ground and then challenge him one on one there."

"We should avoid fighting here, it's their clan area, they might gang up on us."

Ino whispered to Sato before she started looking around for Kiba.

Sato meanwhile was also looking around the park, but he was foucused on an entirely different thing.

'There are a lot of young Inuzuka clan members here, I can see some academy students and genins too.'

'If I attack the Inuzuka heir right now, I'll risk fighting the entire new generation of the Inuzuka and their ninja dogs at the same time.'

Sato lowered his head and his eyes were hidden by his hair, but even the hair covering his face couldn't hide his big wide smile.

'I could avoid them and come at another time, but that's how losers think.'

'I couldn't have asked for a better time.'

'Let's cause some chaos!'

"Kiba you coward! Come out and fight me!"

Sato's shout echoed throughout the Inuzuka park.


And all the Inuzuka's simultaneously turned towards Sato's group and scowled at them.

Ino Choji and Shikamaru froze in their spots.

'What the hell Sato, this wasn't a part of our plan.'

Shikamaru trembled in fear while cursing his luck.

"This isn't good."

Choji looked at the angry crowd from the side and gripped his snacks more tightly.

"Sato kun, I think we should run."

Ino grabbed Sato's hand and tired to pull him away, she knew they probably should start running soon if they don't want to be beaten up.

But even if the Ino-Shika-Cho trio were sacred, Sato didn't move from his place.

He was staring down all the Inuzuka's with a ferocious grin.

The atmosphere froze completely, nobody was moving.

Everyone was expecting the other side to move first, Inuzuka's in particular didn't expect that Sato's group would still have the courage to stand their ground.

This unnatural confidence was making them hesitate, but if everyone kept hesitating they'll just keep standing here.

So the oldest Inuzuka here decided to stand up and take the matter in his own hands.

"Who said that?"

"Come out or I'll find you myself."

The Inuzuka boy walked out of the crowd, he was around 13 years old and had a wolf like ninja dog with him.

That was his personal ninken.

He was glaring at the group of 4 new kids, they were the only non Inuzuka people here, it was easy to guess, they didn't have their traditional makeup on after all.

"Sato, do you have a plan?"

Shikamaru asked Sato in a low voice, he was extremely nervous facing an angry crowd.

"Plan? I have a plan."

Sato said with a grin, just when Shikamaru was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Sato continued.

"The plan is beating all these shitstains to the ground."


Cracking his knuckles, Sato said.

"I said it, what are you going to do about it?"

"I called Kiba a coward and I am right, he still hiding behind you isn't he."

"Some future patriarch he is."

Sato mercilessly mocked Kiba, who was currently standing behind an older Inuzuka.

Kiba didn't move until now simply because he was shocked, he didn't remember Sato and he was trying to remember who the hell this guy was.

But he couldn't stand still any longer after hearing that.

"I am not a coward!"

"I will prove it to you!"

"You hear me!"

Kiba exclaimed with anger and started to furiously charge towards Sato.

"He is such a child, getting agitated from something so small."

Sato muttered in a low voice, but all three Ino-Shika-Cho heard him say it.

Before they could speak Sato held out his hand.

"You three stand back, I'll take it from here."

"I don't want to involve you in this fight, you guys might get hurt."

Sato gently told them to get out of the way, he didn't want them messing around when he fought.

All three Ino-Shika-Cho's eyes widened, they didn't think Sato would think of their safety even under these conditions.

Before the three could say anything more, Sato rushed forward to meet Kiba.

"I knew you weren't a coward!"

"Show me, show me the strength of the Inuzuka heir!"

Sato laughed happily and rushed towards Kiba.

Kiba was also pleasantly surprised that he was recognised by his enemy so quickly, so he grinned.

"Yes! I'll show you how strong I am-"


Kiba's words came to a sudden stop when Sato's punch suddenly dug into his stomach.


He made a painful sound before his eyes became white and he collapsed onto the ground.

Kiba had passed out from shock.

"You definitely aren't a coward, but you sure are weak."

The park's atmosphere came a sudden standstill after Sato one shot Kiba.

The angry Inuzuka children were now more afraid than they were angry.

Even the two genins at the park were scared.

"Hey, he was moving faster than sensei wasn't he?"

An Inuzuka genin girl whispered to her fellow classmate.

"How do I know?! I couldn't even see him move!"

The other genin cursed with sweat pouring off his back, he was the one who first called out Sato a while ago.

Now he was wondering why he had to be the hero at that time, he should have let Kiba handle his own mess!

When their owners were scared, the ninja dogs sensed this depressing mood and they too started to tremble.

"Tch tch tch."

Sato clicked his tongue, he didn't expect the Inuzuka clan kids were smart enough to not rush in.

He thought they will come charging in because he humiliated Kiba, but maybe he beat him too hard and too fast, causing them to think he is way too strong.

'While this level of fear is fine, I want something more.'

'Something they will always remember.'

Taking a deep breath Sato raised his finger.

"What's he going to do??"

The genin girl gulped and asked the boy.

"I don't know! Stop asking me!"

The boy said angrily, he didn't know what this kid wanted to do.

He himself was wondering how to get out of here.

But then Sato said it.


"Are better than dogs!!!"

Sato's voice echoed around the whole Inuzuka park, even the knocked out Kiba twitched because of these blasphemous words.

"You.. you take that back.."

The genin girl managed to yell after ignoring her fear, when the Inuzukas heard Sato say this, their sense of justice took over their fear.

They cannot let him walk away after something like this!

"You want me to take it back..?"

"Make me then."

Sato growled, and before the Inuzuka could do anything, Sato himself rushed into the crowd.


And one hit KO the genin girl, who didn't think Sato would rush in so simply.

"One down, 100 more to go."

Sato smiled widely, he was going to destroy these casuals.

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