Naruto – Minato Namikaze SI

Chapter 21 – First Year 12.

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]
Third Person POV
Ninja Academy, Konoha, Year 32.



"Tsuna Senju vs. Mikoto Uchiha! Please... Enter the ring!" One of the examiners took the paper and asked the girls to step into the circle under everyone's watchful eyes for the first fight.

The atmosphere in the Konoha academy was electrifying. The chatter stopped, and all eyes were fixed on the central ring. It was the moment many had been eagerly awaiting: the fight between Tsuna Senju and Mikoto Uchiha. Two young kunoichis, both with powerful heritages and promising futures, were about to face off.

After the Chuunin called their names, the two girls stood up. Tsuna, with her confident and determined posture, walked to the ring displaying the characteristic strength of the Senju clan. Her fists were clenched, ready to defeat her year-long rival. Mikoto, on the other hand, displayed an almost disconcerting calm, a serenity that hid the agility and precision the Uchiha family was known for.

As soon as they faced each other, the examiner started the fight, "Begin!" announced the referee.

Tsuna advanced first, her movements powerful and direct. She sought to close the distance quickly, aware that her strength was her greatest advantage. With each step, she tried to impose her presence, as if to say that the legacy of the First Hokage ran in her veins.

Mikoto, however, was not intimidated. She danced around Tsuna, her movements fluid and graceful, a battle dance that confused and frustrated her opponent. With each of Tsuna's thrusts, Mikoto glided to the side with the elegance of a leaf in the wind, her agility was her weapon, and she used it masterfully.

Tsuna's strikes were strong, each one loaded with the intention to end the fight. But Mikoto was always a step ahead, anticipating and avoiding, her mind as quick as her feet. But Tsuna's patience was not infinite, and with each of Mikoto's dodges, her frustration grew.

"You are not Minato, you can't run forever!" Tsuna shouted, launching an even more fierce attack.

"I don't intend to," replied Mikoto, her calm voice contrasting with the intensity of the fight.

And then, in a move that surprised all who were watching, Mikoto stopped retreating. Instead, she advanced, meeting Tsuna's strength with her own speed and precision. It was a clash of styles, a collision of legacies.

The two kunoichis clashed in the center of the ring, the sound of their blows echoing like little thunders. Tsuna, with her brute strength, delivered powerful blows that promised to end the fight with a single hit. On the other hand, Mikoto, with her feline agility, dodged and counter-attacked with precise and quick strikes, aiming to unbalance her opponent.

The fight was tied, each one exploring the weaknesses and resisting the strengths of the other. Tsuna launched a powerful punch that Mikoto dodged at the last second, responding with an agile kick that Tsuna barely managed to block. The spectators were on the edge of their seats, amazed at the skill and determination of the young children.

"This won't be easy," Tsuna whispered, panting, but with a glint of challenge in her eyes.

"I expected no less from you," Mikoto replied, equally panting, but smiling. "But I am not going to lose!"

They stepped back and, almost as if they had agreed, charged at each other with everything they had. Tsuna with a determined yell, Mikoto with concentrated silence. Their fists were on the way to a clash that would decide the fight.

However, at the last moment, both attempted a risky maneuver. Tsuna used her strength to try to throw Mikoto out of the ring, while Mikoto used her agility to try to dodge and counter-attack. The result was unexpected: both lost their balance and fell out of the ring almost at the same time.

The referee looked surprised, trying to determine who had fallen first, but it was impossible. The onlookers exchanged glances and nodded to each other.

"Technical draw!" announced the referee, raising his hands to signal the outcome.

The audience burst into applause. Some were disappointed not to have a clear winner, but most were thrilled by the skill and fighting spirit the two girls had shown.

Tsuna and Mikoto got up, both a bit surprised but satisfied with the outcome. They exchanged a look of mutual respect.

"Good fight," said Tsuna, extending her hand.

"You too," replied Mikoto, shaking Tsuna's hand.

"But next year, I will win," Tsuna declared.

"We'll see about that…" Mikoto responded with a hint of arrogance.

As Tsuna and Mikoto left the ring, the buzz of the crowd was still alive with comments and discussions about the fight they had just witnessed.

The examiner, a man with a firm posture and attentive gaze, called the audience's attention back to the present with his clear and authoritative voice. "The next fight will be between Shikaku Nara and Inoichi Yamanaka. Please, enter the ring!"


The conversations quieted down, and all eyes turned back to the fighting area. Shikaku, known for his intelligence and tendency toward laziness, slowly rose from his place. He yawned openly, showing an apparent lack of interest, but his eyes were sharp and observant. Inoichi, on the other hand, stood up with an energy and enthusiasm that strongly contrasted with Shikaku's relaxed attitude. He was known for his ambition and desire to learn more and more.

Both boys positioned themselves, Shikaku with his hands in his pockets, a casual posture that some might interpret as disinterest, but those who knew him understood it was just his way of being ready for anything. Inoichi, more upright and focused, analyzed his opponent, trying to anticipate the moves and strategies he might employ.

"Begin!" announced the referee, and the fight started.

Shikaku was the first to act, moving with a laziness that belied his intent, trying to corner Inoichi with a move that seemed casual but was calculated. Inoichi, however, was not easily fooled. He responded with a series of maneuvers aiming to unbalance Shikaku.

It was a cat-and-mouse game, each trying to anticipate and counter the other's moves. As the fight between young Shikaku and Inoichi unfolded, it was clear that, despite their young age, both had a remarkable understanding of tactics and strategies. Shikaku, with his casual posture and hands in his pockets, advanced with a calculated slowness, each step a test for Inoichi's defenses. Inoichi, energetic and focused, responded with quick and decisive movements, trying to find a gap in Shikaku's seemingly relaxed defense.

The fight continued, each boy anticipating and reacting to the other's moves. Shikaku, with his sharp intelligence, made lazy moves that concealed his true intention of cornering Inoichi. Inoichi, in turn, used his energy and enthusiasm to keep Shikaku moving, seeking to tire him out and create an opportunity for a decisive blow.

As they progressed, fatigue began to show. Shikaku, realizing that Inoichi's energy and vigor might overcome his strategy of patience, began to reconsider his plan. Inoichi, sensing Shikaku's hesitation, pressed even harder, his eyes shining with the prospect of an imminent victory.

Finally, after an intense cat-and-mouse game, Shikaku found himself cornered, Inoichi's cunning and relentless energy prevailing. With a sigh of resignation and a smile acknowledging his friend's skill, Shikaku stepped back and admitted defeat. "You won, Inoichi," he said.

"I won!" Inoichi cheerfully celebrated, and many spectators clapped for him.

"The next fight will be between Chōza Akimichi and Hiashi Hyūga. Please, enter the ring!"


The crowd stirred with renewed anticipation. First, Chōza Akimichi made his entrance, his imposing and confident figure immediately capturing everyone's attention. Known for incredible physical strength and abilities that represent the tradition of his clan, he walked with an air of determination and serenity, ready to face his opponent.

Next, Hiashi Hyuuga entered the ring with calm grace and piercing eyes. His posture and sharp gaze reflected his dexterity and the perfect control he possessed over his abilities. Representing the prestigious Hyuuga Clan, he emanated a silent confidence and an aura of intensity that promised a memorable fight.

As the two ninjas positioned themselves face to face, the anticipation was palpable. Chōza with his brute strength and Hiashi with his lethal precision, both at the age of 6, were ready to prove their abilities and honor their clans. The examiner stepped back, and silence took over the arena. All eyes were fixed on the center, waiting for the start of a fight that promised to be an incredible display of power and technique.

As the examiner retreated, a tense silence fell over the arena. Chōza and Hiashi, despite being only six years old, faced each other with the seriousness of seasoned veterans. Chōza, with his size and impressive strength, even for his age, took the initiative, advancing with firm and determined steps towards Hiashi.

Hiashi, in turn, remained motionless, his penetrating eyes watching every move of Chōza. As Chōza was about to reach him, Hiashi dodged with agility, his lightness contrasting with Chōza's brute force. The crowd watched, fascinated by the dexterity and speed of the young Hyuuga, who dodged Chōza's advances with surprising grace.

Chōza, undiscouraged, attempted several times to hit Hiashi with quick and powerful blows, each capable of changing the course of the fight if connected. But Hiashi, with an almost supernatural perception, anticipated and avoided each attack, his calm expression never wavering.

Then, in a defining moment of the fight, Hiashi did something extraordinary. With a focused look and deep breath, he activated his Byakugan, a feat rarely seen in someone his age that left everyone stunned. His eyes took on a new intensity, the veins around them becoming visible as he looked directly at Chōza.

With the Byakugan activated, Hiashi clearly saw Chōza's chakra points, predicting his movements with even more precision. He began to counter-attack, each move calculated to avoid direct contact while targeting points that would reduce Chōza's strength and mobility. The young Akimichi felt the pressure, his attacks becoming more desperate as he struggled to keep up with the precision and agility of his opponent.

Finally, with a quick and precise move, Hiashi struck a crucial point, causing Chōza to stagger and fall to his knees. The silence was deafening as everyone absorbed what had just happened. Hiashi, with his Byakugan still active, offered Chōza a look of respect and a hand to help him stand.

Chōza accepted the help, his face showing a mix of disappointment and admiration. The examiner announced Hiashi as the winner, and the crowd erupted in applause and exclamations. Despite his young age, Hiashi Hyuuga had demonstrated remarkable skill and the promise of becoming an exceptional shinobi, bringing honor and prestige to his clan as a member of the main family.


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