Naruto – Minato Namikaze SI

Chapter 34 – Third Year 04.

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]
Third Person POV
Konoha, Year 34.


After the first day of class, the following months of the third year at the Konoha ninja academy passed like a blur for Minato. Each day was an opportunity to hone his skills, and he dived into his training with tireless dedication. The focus of the third year was firmly established on chakra control exercises, with exercises like sticking a leaf to the forehead and even applying chakra to ink for common seals with fuinjutsu.

Under the attentive guidance of Professor Fuuma and with the constant motivation from his friends Mikoto and Tsuna, Minato spent hours practicing refining his chakra.

Half a year since the academy started, and Minato continued the usual routine, Mikoto was more distant this year than usual, saying she was training new skills that she had awakened and would focus on that until she was accustomed.

Tsuna also spent more time studying medicine with her mother along with chakra control but occasionally sent a clone to train with Minato in the usual spot. Minato noted even more improvement in his control, his calligraphy was getting better each day, and he could now execute 6 shadow clones with the whole day activated and up to 20 clones for 1 hour activated.

It was after all these months with the professor focusing on training the students' refinement and chakra control that the awaited day began, some students had already mastered these techniques after learning them from their clan, but the majority had never trained them until then.

One morning at the start of the second half of the third year, Professor Fuuma began the class on the Transformation Jutsu. "This jutsu," he began, "is fundamental for deceiving the enemy and for espionage. With it, you can transform into anything, from another person to an object." He demonstrated by quickly transforming into a colleague and then into a table similar to his, placed side by side with the object. Some students watched fascinated, eager to try.

The professor explained the importance of observing the transformation target in detail, emphasizing precision in every detail, from the color of the eyes to the texture of the skin as well as characteristics of non-living objects. After going through the fundamentals of the technique and hand seals, Minato and others practiced, making mistakes and adjusting, until they managed convincing transformations of each other.

When Professor Fuuma introduced the Substitution Jutsu, the room was filled with cushions and wooden logs. "This jutsu," he explained, "is about perception and speed. You must be quick enough to replace yourself with an object before being hit." He demonstrated, asking a student to attack him with kunais, who, in the blink of an eye, was replaced by a log.

The students practiced in pairs, one attacking while the other tried to substitute in time. Minato found a rhythm, focusing on sensing the right moment to make the switch. With practice, he and his classmates began to execute the jutsu with more skill.

In an afternoon, Professor Fuuma gathered the class to teach the Clone Jutsu. "This jutsu creates illusory copies of yourself," he explained. "They're not physical, but can be used to confuse the enemy and create openings for attack." He created several clones of himself, making them move in sync.

The students practiced, focusing on dividing their chakra and controlling multiple entities at the same time. Minato didn't find the jutsu challenging initially, he quickly mastered it, but as it was just a practical class, he didn't show off much.

'Naruto had immense difficulty performing this jutsu, when the multi-shadow clone jutsu was learned by him in a few hours. It all indicates that he, possessing a large amount of chakra for being an Uzumaki and Jinchuricki, had difficulty in its control. But here I am doing it easily, of course, I can't even get close to the number of clones that Naruto could create, but this only reinforces that he just didn't have chakra control and nobody helped him with that, something hard to believe that everyone was oblivious to Naruto's difficulty, only that no one wanted to help him.' Minato reflected.

With each new class practicing the basic jutsus, Professor Fuuma offered tips, corrected postures, and encouraged the students to understand not just the movements but the logic and strategy behind each jutsu.

Minato approached the training of each basic jutsu with tireless dedication and a sharp mind, always seeking to understand not only the execution but the essence and practical application of each technique. On the training field with the Transformation Jutsu practice, Minato began by carefully observing the world around him, memorizing details of people, animals, and objects. He practiced transforming into classmates with shadow clones, then into smaller items like stones and branches, and finally into more complex things, such as moving animals. With each transformation, he became faster and more precise, adjusting every detail until it was virtually indistinguishable from the original.

When it came to the Substitution Jutsu, Minato understood that the key was anticipation and speed. He started practicing with slow attacks, gradually increasing the speed as his perception and reaction time improved. He also experimented with different objects for substitution, learning to choose the most suitable one for different situations. Over time, Minato's ability to perform the Kawarimi no Jutsu in a fraction of a few seconds became notable.

The Clone Jutsu was particularly easy, and he didn't need to perform them much to fully master the technique, opting to continue using the shadow clones that were much better for training.

His progress did not go unnoticed. Minato once again became someone to be followed by example, as he easily became the first to fully master the jutsu, even among students who had already been trained by their parents and clans, Minato easily surpassed everyone.

After two months of intense training in basic jutsus, Minato realized that he had mastered these techniques to the point where he no longer saw the need to focus exclusively on them. He decided, then, to direct his attention to more advanced and challenging areas, including mastering his fruit, which granted him unique abilities.

On a particularly productive afternoon, Minato was training taijutsu with a clone. He had blindfolded his eyes to sharpen his other senses and make the training more challenging. The combat between him and the clone was frenetic and intense, each movement full of purpose and strength. It was during one of these rapid exchanges that something extraordinary happened.

The clone landed a solid kick on Minato's shoulder. Instead of feeling the usual impact, Minato felt a strange sensation and saw, upon removing the blindfold, that the area hit was glowing intensely. His shoulder had turned into light, making it intangible and allowing the clone's strike to pass straight through.

"This!? Finally, after almost 3 years!!" Minato couldn't help but exclaim, his voice full of excitement and disbelief. His fruit, the source of his unique power, had finally manifested in a way he had never experienced before.

He laughed out loud, a laugh that echoed across the training field. "Hahahahahahaha! Am I the light man now? Finally, will I live up to my future nickname, Yellow Flash?" He was excited about the possibilities, about fully mastering this ability and using it in ways no one had ever imagined.

Wanting to test his newfound power further, Minato looked at the clone and ordered. "Quick, punch me in the stomach!" The clone, without hesitation, lunged forward and landed a strong punch on his abdomen.

However, instead of the sensation of intangibility that he expected, Minato felt the complete blow, a sharp and sudden pain that made him kneel. "AHHHH!! That hurt!" he complained, surprised and a bit disappointed.

"Well, it seems the fruit isn't under control yet..." The clone murmured, observing Minato still recovering from the punch.

Minato nodded, still feeling the pain from the punch. He knew that mastering the ability to become intangible wouldn't be an easy task and would require much more practice and understanding. But he also knew that he was on the right path and that every step forward, even those involving pain and surprises, brought him closer to becoming the ninja he aspired to be.

With the initial experience of his transformation into light, an unwavering determination took over Minato. From that moment on, he dedicated himself even more fervently to his training, seeking to understand and control the extraordinary power that resided within him. Day after day, he challenged himself, pushing his limits and accepting pain as part of the process. With every new injury, every bruise or cut, he saw a sign of progress, a testament to his commitment.

To others, Minato's new approach to training seemed almost masochistic. He returned from the training fields visibly more bruised than usual, with bruises and scratches marking his skin. The sight was enough to worry any friend, and both Mikoto and Tsuna expressed their unease. They watched him with concerned glances, questioning him about his constant battered conditions.

"Minato, are you okay? This is looking extreme," Tsuna would say, a wrinkle of concern marking her forehead.

Mikoto, with a serious expression and a tone laden with care, would add, "You don't need to push yourself so hard. What are you trying to achieve?"

Each time, Minato would just smile and reassure them, assuring them he was fine. "I'm just training a lot lately," he would insist. "It's necessary to master what I need to learn."

Although his friends remained skeptical, they recognized the determination and passion that shone in Minato's eyes. Then, a month after the start of this intense journey, it happened. During a particularly long and exhausting training session, Minato felt something change. A wave of energy, more powerful and clear than ever before, flooded his body. He stopped, recognizing the sign of something significant happening.

Opening his eyes, he looked at his arm and saw a sight that left him breathless. His arm was glowing intensely, bathed in an almost blinding light. He had transformed into pure light, a physical and visible manifestation of the fruit's power. The energy flowed through him, pulsating and alive, a sensation that was both strange and wonderfully familiar.

Minato was stunned by the phenomenon unfolding before his eyes. His arm, now an entity of pure light, moved in harmony with his commands, a luminous and intangible extension of his own being. He lifted it, turning and flexing, amazed at the fluidity and grace with which the light followed each movement. There was greater control this time, a deeper connection between his will and the manifestation of his ability.

With a mix of curiosity and daring, Minato began to experiment. He touched objects around him, fascinated by the strange sensation that coursed through his being. Where his light arm met matter, there was no resistance, just a smooth and ethereal passage. It was a disconcerting feeling, the absence of solidity, but also incredibly exciting. The possibilities that this power opened up were vast and varied, extending far beyond combat – although its application in battle was undoubtedly formidable.

At that moment, the image of Kizaru, the admiral from "One Piece" known for his ability to transform and move at the speed of light, came to his mind. Minato imagined himself executing similar movements, gliding across the battlefield with unmatched speed and grace. The idea of emulating such feats, of becoming such an agile and powerful force, filled him with fervent excitement.

He knew, however, that he had a long way to go. The initial manifestation of his power was just the beginning, the tip of the iceberg in an ocean of potential yet to be explored. Mastering this ability completely would require time, patience, and an unwavering will to overcome the inevitable challenges.

With a new sense of purpose and possibility, Minato continued his training with renewed vigor. He told himself that each day, he would delve deeper into the reach and limits of his ability, testing and expanding the boundaries of what was possible. And with each advancement, he came closer to becoming the legend he was destined to be – the "Yellow Flash" of Konoha, a ninja whose speed and power would be celebrated for generations.

As the light of dusk gave way to the mantle of night, Minato trained tirelessly, an illuminated figure moving with determination and hope. He was on the threshold of something grand, and nothing in the world could halt his advance. The journey would be long and full of challenges, but Minato was ready. And the future, a bright and swift future, was calling.


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