Naruto – Minato Namikaze SI

Chapter 42 – Fourth Year 05.

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]
Third Person POV
Konoha, Year 35.


The tense and emotion-laden atmosphere that prevailed between Minato and Kushina gives way to a relative calm. The sun begins to set in Konoha, casting a gentle golden light over the village streets, and with it, Kushina, still somewhat agitated but significantly calmer after the outburst of anger and confusion, walks alongside Minato. They take a less busy path, away from the curious gazes of the villagers. They are walking in silence, just walking.

Minato decides to break the silence. "Kushina," he begins, his voice soft and cautious, "I didn't mean to make you angry."

Kushina, still a bit embarrassed by her own explosive behavior, looks away, observing the elongated shadows of the trees on the road. "I know... maybe I overreacted. I'm just not used to this kind of thing," she admits, her voice lower, almost a whisper. "And I'm not used to someone being so... nice to me since I arrived."

They continue walking, Minato guiding Kushina to a quieter part of the village, where nature predominates and the noise of the main streets gives way to the gentle sound of leaves rustling in the wind. It's a place he often goes to think or just to escape from training sometimes.

Minato looks at Kushina and begins: "You know, Kushina, Konoha has many tranquil places like this. Sometimes, when things get too hectic, I come here just to think."

Kushina, her steps echoing softly beside his, responds a bit timidly: "It's beautiful here... So Konoha has places like this..."

Minato and Kushina continue their walk through the village, now with a lighter and more relaxed atmosphere between them. Minato takes on the role of guide to show Kushina the interesting places in Konoha that he's discovered over the years.

"See that tree there," Minato points to an ancient cherry tree with branches gracefully extending into the sky. "It's one of the oldest in the village, they say the first Hokage himself planted it. During spring, it's covered in pink flowers. It's one of my favorite spots to relax."

Kushina looks on with admiration, her expression softening as she imagines the tree in full bloom. "It must be beautiful," she comments, a glint of anticipation in her eyes. "I'd love to see it."

"I'll bring you here when spring comes," Minato comments with a small smile.

They continue walking, and Minato leads Kushina to a small bridge crossing a serene stream. "This stream comes from the forest to the north. Sometimes, you can find small fish or even frogs here. I used to come here to try and catch them when I was younger."

Kushina leans over the railing, looking into the clear water. "I never did something like this in Uzushiogakure. It seems fun."

Minato smiles, remembering his youthful antics. "Maybe one day I can show you how to do it. It's harder than it looks!"

They proceed to an area with various shops and stalls, the smell of food and the sound of laughter filling the air. "This is the central market," Minato explains. "You can find almost anything here. Food, clothes, ninja tools... And sometimes, they have game stalls during festivals."

Kushina observes with interest, her eyes scanning the various stalls and shops. "It's so busy and colorful," she says, a smile forming. "It's very different from Uzushiogakure, but I like it."

Minato waves to a familiar dango vendor and buys some for them, explaining: "You have to try this. It's one of the best things here!" Kushina accepts, tasting the sweet with a look of delight.

"I like ramen more, but I don't dislike dango," Kushina comments, eating her food with a smile.

"Do you want to eat? There's a stall near here." Minato suggests, it wasn't Ramen Ichiraku, as it hadn't been opened during that time, so they went to another one he had tried last year. Thus, Minato and Kushina entered the stall to eat, Minato paid for everything without any problem with his money.

As the day gives way to night, the two leave the ramen stall with Kushina happy, and Minato shows her more special places: a small park where children play, a lookout offering an impressive view of the village, and even a secret hideout that he discovered 2 years ago. With each new place, Kushina feels more connected to the village and to Minato, grateful to have someone who cares enough to share these places with her.

At the end of the tour, both feel closer to each other, as if they had shared not just the sites of Konoha but pieces of their own stories. Minato, happy to have alleviated the earlier misunderstanding, and Kushina, finding comfort and friendship in the place she now calls home.

In the end, Minato decides to take Kushina to a location that has special significance not just for him but for the entire Village of the Leaf - the Hokage Rock.

"There's one last place I want to show you before it gets completely dark," Minato says, a glow of pride and a hint of mystery in his voice. Kushina, curious and excited about the prospect of discovering another special spot in Konoha, follows him without hesitation.

They walk through quieter streets now, as the day begins to give way to night, and the shadows lengthen on the sidewalks. The noise from the central market and the busier areas of the village gradually fades, replaced by the gentle sound of their footsteps and the occasional chirping of a night bird.

Finally, they arrive at the foot of a large mountain, where the faces of the Hokages are carved into the stone, looking out over the village with a silent, eternal dignity. The Hokage Rock is a symbol of the spirit and history of Konoha, representing not just the leaders of the past but also the ideals and legacy each one left behind.

"This is the place," Minato says, stopping and looking up at the imposing faces carved into the rock. "The Hokage Rock."

Kushina looks up, impressed by the magnitude and beauty of the monument. "It's amazing... seeing it up close," she murmurs, her voice full of wonder.

"Let's go up there," Minato suggests.

"Can we go there?" Kushina expresses her surprise.

"Almost no one goes, but there's a path for it. Let's go!" Minato smiles, and they move forward.

Entering through a side entrance of the mountain, they quietly follow the path until they ascend tens of meters to the line of heads, and Minato jumps onto Hashirama's head with Kushina following him.

"Is this Mito's husband?" Kushina expresses her words with a laugh as she jumps onto Hashirama's head with joy.

"Yes, Hashirama and even his brother were great leaders, though I agree with some of their actions..." Minato comments and murmurs at the end.

"And the third Hokage?" Kushina, hearing the first part, asks curiously as Minato doesn't mention the current Hokage.

"It's complicated..." Minato murmurs and continues. "But all three are very strong, they always protected and guided the village through difficult times. For most of Konoha, they are heroes." Minato explains, looking in the direction of the entire village.

Kushina doesn't ask any more questions and takes a few steps to stand beside Minato, who is looking at the village at that moment.

They stand there for a moment, in silence, looking over the entire village, circled with its great wall, lost in their own thoughts. As twilight envelops the village with its cozy homes lit by soft lights, the quiet streets now dotted only by a few residents returning home, and the outline of trees and buildings drawing a peaceful and familiar landscape.

Minato looks at the village and speaks to Kushina, "Look, Kushina," Minato says, pointing to the view in front of them. "Konoha is really beautiful at night, isn't it?"

Kushina, observing the village she now also calls home, can't help but agree. "It's beautiful..." she murmurs, her voice carrying a mix of wonder and a twinge of nostalgia. "It reminds me of Uzushiogakure. The way the lights shine at night, the sense of peace... I miss it."

She falls silent for a moment, lost in memories of her native village, of the Uzumaki, and of a life that now seems both familiar and distant, having been forced to come to Konoha to be trained as the new host of the nine-tails. The longing in her heart is evident in her expression, a soft sadness that colors her eyes.

Minato notices the change in her mood and places a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It must be hard, leaving behind everything you knew. But Kushina, Uzushiogakure will always be a part of who you are. And now, Konoha too. You have a new place to call home, new friends... And I'm here if you need anything."

Kushina looks at Minato, grateful for his words and the understanding he offers. "Thank you, Minato. That means a lot to me. Most kids don't like me or mock me, but it's good to know I'm not alone here; I have Tsuna, you, and even Mikoto with her strange ways, but she doesn't have the disgust that others show."

They stand there, side by side, looking over the village stretched out below them. The night is fully established now, and the stars begin to appear in the sky, each shining like a promise of hope and continuity. The view of Konoha, with its tranquil and welcoming beauty, offers them a moment of peace and reflection.

Minato decides to break the silence once more, making sure Kushina is listening, then continues. "The people here, we're strong because we support each other. We grow together, learn together, and face our challenges together as ninjas of Konoha. You're not alone here, Kushina. You're a part of us now, and that means you'll always have someone to lean on."

Kushina looks at Minato, his words slowly dissipating the cloud of sadness that enveloped her. "And I want you to know," Minato adds, "that whenever you need a friend, or someone to listen, or even just someone to walk in silence beside you, I'll be here. We all face tough times, but together we're stronger. Together, we can find the light, even on the darkest night." Minato speaks and thinks socratically as he is now the man of light.

Minato's words are not just a consolation but a promise - a promise of friendship, support, and understanding. Kushina feels a warmth in her heart, a sense that, despite all she has lost, she has also gained something invaluable that day. She smiles, a shy but genuine smile, and nods her head, accepting Minato's words.

"Thank you, Minato," she says, her voice steady, though still carrying a trace of emotion. "I think... I'm starting to see that Konoha can be a home for me too. And I'm glad to have you as my friend." She speaks and touches on another subject.

"Do you think that someday...," Kushina begins, hesitantly, "one of us could be carved into that mountain too?" She asks timidly, knowing already that Minato's dream was also to become Hokage, and he held his dream firmly, even advocating for her, who should be his rival.

Minato looks at her, an encouraging smile on his lips. "I wouldn't doubt it. You have a strong and powerful spirit, Kushina. And I... Well, I have my own dreams too."

Kushina smiles back, a feeling of determination growing within her. "Then, let's work hard. Together. From today we are rivals for the title of Hokage, Dattebane!!" She declares, shouting.

"That..." Minato is surprised by this; he didn't expect to create this kind of relationship with Kushina, as the night finally falls over the village. Minato and Kushina make their way back home, each with their own dreams and ambitions but with the understanding that they have in each other a friend and ally on the path they have chosen to follow.

"Just say yes, let's promise that one of us will become Hokage!" She insists, and Minato sighs.

"Alright, let's promise that one of us will become Hokage," Minato murmurs.

"Great, but we should promise this with our pinky fingers, Dattebane!" She says, approaching and extending her finger to Minato at that moment.

Minato sighs and extends his finger too, sealing that pact made by the girl.

Silence falls on them again, but now it's a comfortable silence, filled with the promise of mutual support and a newly strengthened friendship. They continue to watch the village, now not just as two individuals lost in their own longings but as friends who share a common path and a future full of possibilities.


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