Naruto: Mind over matter

A fight in the fog

Pov: Second Tsuchikage Mu


I float above the fog below... hundreds of those ninja that transform into white creatures die from the extremely fast wooden wolf down there, weakened by the fog all it takes is a slash or bite and in a few seconds a ninja is dead.

The Emitter of the fog... that puppet is chasing down the Jinchurkii that seemed so mighty until seconds ago, he slashes and they dodge... he launches and they summon a wall.

The second Mizukage is sitting still on top of a giant shell as the wooden man launches a flurry of stones in every direction... he disappears and reappears a little to the left as the Kazekage launches golden dust that the mohawked warrior blocks with an invisible shield.

The dead Raikage cloaked in lightning fires off at the one our summoner calls 'the terror' and I can see why.

Four arms... and somehow casting four Jutsu at once... some variation of Body flickers... or is the chakra bursting at the joints? The sword is slashing and shaping in so many different forms- sending invisible slashes at the Kage and the two arms constantly sending unseen palms... then the Terror is pointing and poking holes in the dead around him.


I can not even see where the other puppets went under this fog.

Impressive puppetry... all these under one man.

My body involuntarily raises my hands and starts to warm up one of my dust techniques.


I point my hands at the terror and a white light forms in my hand.


A bird flies past me and my muscles twitch.


My disintegration blast fires not at the terror, but a twitch to the left- *Zap!* where the undead Raikage loses his leg...

A bird?

I look around and see that a small bird flies around me... great- first I am revived by Edo-Tensei and now a bird is throwing me off.

I raise my Jutsu again and aim it at the bird- *VUUUUU!* my disintegration ray passes through the bird and it dies.


I feel like I went overboard.

I turn to the battle and raise my arms again.


I charge up my next Jutsu and- *Twitch*


My eye twitches and so does my muscle as my target misses and hits one of the white creatures.

Didn't I just kill that bird? What is happening here...


Pov: second Mizukage Gengetsu


An impressive genjutsu- is is fortunate that the person using me can only tell me to act not to react... else I would have dispelled such a thing by now.

I stare at the giant wooden man...

No? Its someone inside him...? That puppet holds a genjutsu master it seems... Mu is completely captured in it.

And the appearance of the wooden bird is adjusted to be a meter off from its actual place.

A stone breaks through my fourth layer of genjutsu and I yawn again... unlike the person inside of that puppet- this puppet master has no hope of getting through all my layers of genjutsu...

This fog is nice though, helps me weave my jutsu.


I should be helping him though shouldn't I?

What's the point, all I need to do is distract this puppet and be a distraction- any more and our summoner will notice me not doing all that much and put me to work, that's the problem with splitting your attention.


Pov: Almighty

These Jinchurikii are not weak due to my fog... they do not breathe. But they struggle as the chaotic pot of chakra churns within them and does not release.


Something like that would be torture to the body.

I raise my palm [Unseen Push]!

And unfortunately it is seen due to the fog warping around it- fighting six jinchurikii is hard but not impossible... especially considering I have two Uchiha stuffed in my body.

The genjutsu and subtle help is impressive and masterfully woven.

I [Body Shunt] and dodge out of the way of the bubble stream.

I raise my Odachi and slash it at the fast lady- *Clink* it hits stone and I [Body Shunt] backwards and out of the way of the magma man.

They all look wounded and in pain... struggling to cast jutsu and sloppy.

My fog is the worst enemy to these few... its like I went from fighting Jonin to genin.

Genin with S-ranked jutsu but still the same.


Pov: Anchor

My blades go haywire chopping to the many Shinobi around us, they weaken and struggle but I make sure their struggle ends swiftly.

*Clunk* *Thhiiik!*

My chains bend and blades pierce as I destroy and kill many of them.

But every now and then I look back towards Riku and keep a hand out- when asked I will have to hold down the Raikage.


Pov: Gaara

As we sprint I turn to look at the amassed fog behind us.


It covers any battle perceived but we can hear the struggle.

"Thought the brat would have died by now" The Tsuchikage spits.

"And if he did?" Temari shoots back.

"What's that supposed to mean?" The younger of the guards looks to Temari.

"He died before. I visited his grave and comforted his friends, I have a feeling that dying will not do much to him" Temari sighs.

"What? He faked his death of course... you are the sister of the Kazekage but cant get that much?" The Tsuchikage mocks.

"He did not fake his death" I tell him.

"Then how is he alive? He didn't look like the other dead in that room... you are just hurt he never told you" The Tsuchikage mocks.


"If your theory is correct he never told anyone. Not his kage. Not his fiancé. Not his best friends or someone he considered a brother. He died" Temari retorts.

"Psh- so how did he revive then? He certainly looked very alive" The guard asks again.



"I asked and..." I start to say.

"Well spit it out!" The Tsuchikage rushes.

"Well... I was told by almost every higher up in Konoha that Riku was... 'cursed?' To not have an afterlife... I was also told that he came back through sheer spite... and somehow grew even stronger in death" I tell everyone as we sprint through snow.


"Are we supposed to believe that?" The Mizukage grumbles.


Maybe? I hardly believe it myself... well... until I remember who Riku is.

"I don't know how to put it... if you told me the same thing about anyone else I would feel the same... but Riku? That's... its just different" I say.


"Tch- so Konoha has an un-killable kage? Seriously what do they put in your water" the Mizukage sighs.

"I've been asking that a long time..." The Tsuchikage sighs.

Why did my father think he had any chance against Konoha considering the situation Suna was in...


Pov: Killer B

I watch the shark miss his mark- and I shoot an arm to do him harm~

'Can you stop for five minutes!?' Gyuki complains.

"B!" A calls out and launches at the masked man behind me- so fast our enemy just wouldn't last~

'I see... he just phased through you- it seems he can only choose one option at a time, phasing or attacking' Gyuki gives me information.

"Yo, thanks bro!" I give my brother a thumbs up and launch a few more tentacles at the shark.

The Shark mans blade starts to eat our chakra again without end- seriously when am I gonna have a break to mend?

Oh! It seems the blade really likes me yo!

"Samehada? What...?" The shark man frowns as the sword eats my chakra.

"It seems your blade prefers my shade! Grow some better grass and maybe you wouldn't be so ass!" I mock and smirk causing the shark to swing down with the blade... but unfortunately miss as my brother launches at the shark and punches him in the ribs... sending him flying.

My tentacle makes sure to grab the blade from his grasp as he is sent flying... and I feel so much more powerful with this thing.

This blade is on another level- you and me? Were about to revel~

Glory and battle- treat these enemies like cattle~

'Haaaa-' Gyuki sighs.


Pov: Deidara


How much more clay am I going to have to make... Art is an explosion! I should have blown up some of these by now!

Maybe I should of never went back to Akatsuki after faking my death with a clone... its gotten way more boring since the new guy took over.

What was the point of acting like a crazy dumbass anyway? That reveal was so lacklustre when Leader died and he was like 'OoooOOOoooo~ I am Madara Uchiha!' Psh- should have stayed dead.


"That is enough clay, Kisame was just kicked out of the radius" Zetsu tells me and I nearly jump in excitement.

"ART IS AN EXPLOSION!" I yell at the top of my lungs and suddenly- *vwwhhip!*

I am taken by new leader and I can see the explosion happen from above.


Almost as good as my final explosion there....

The area where the Raikage and his team was is now reduced to a crater as I had been placing clay under this area for a while... I would have been so mad if they didn't decide to retreat on this path...


"Hm?" I raise my eyebrow and see that somehow the three ninjas escaped... but not unharmed that is...

The Raikage took a heavy hit to the back it seems.

"Good work Deidara" Madara congratulates me and vanishes to appear before the three heavily injured individuals.

He takes the eight tales and vanishes as soon as a blast of magma arrives and hits the spot where he was.


"Lets go, we have work to do" Madara orders from behind me and takes me as well.


Pov: Riku

I am definitely going to die again- I only set up like five death flags! That's way less then usual!!!!

I barely block another blow from the old Raikage and I get stabbed in my leg again by the Bone man who decided that he wasn't feeling like being lazy today... I was this close to forgetting about him and he comes back.


I watch as another disintegration ray fires at Bone man this time and gives me some breathing room.

"From your left" The Raikage helps me again- lucky he can speak.

I [Body Shunt] and send three Kunai to where I was.... *Thunk* one scratches the dead man but it is healed almost instantly.

Come on man...

My dominion can only slow these two down a small chunk.

I slash with Edge and he releases another blast of his dominion in tandem with Emrys for one of the quickest slashes of a blade I have ever seen.


the Raikage's left arm is severed but I can see the dead essence start to reform again.

Stupid annoying- why did I never learn sealing!? At all...


Technically Almighty could seal him... the seals on his body could be used to keep someone inside... but that's like saying 'of course I can hit madara~ I just need him to stop phasing~'.

Why are they all so annoying to fight against?

Bone man is back up already and I look at Anchor.

"Now!" I yell.


The Raikage is held down by Anchors dominion... and Itachi flies from Almighty and releases his sussano! *STAB!*

The mighty orange ghost thing that his eyes can somehow summon??? Stabs its sword through the Kage and seals him within the blade... that Itachi somehow equipped onto his ghost chakra construct eye thing....


Sasuke emerges from the compartment in Almighty and lights his blade with chidori in order to help Almighty.

Itachi lets go of his overpowered eye bullshit and turns into a flock of crows that fly above and towards the disintegrator guy.

I turn to the heavily injured and barely repaired bone man.

"You are absolutely terrifying to fight- it is a shame that you couldn't grow any stronger... it is fortunate that I did" I sigh and turn my Odachi into a baseball bat.

"Lets break some bones" I declare and charge at him.

*Smack* *crack* *whack*

The bone man has no time to recover or defend... I beat him mercilessly and he stays down.

I plant Edge into the corpse and tell him one thing.

"Keep him down" I ask.

"This fucker isn't going anywhere" Edge insists while shaping to be a pretty tight coffin.


I walk away to help Ace.


Pov: Almighty


They look worse...

The flesh looks like it is swarmed with worms... or as if everything under the skin is a hive of bees... perhaps keeping the tailed beasts under the skin is a bad idea.

I don't have to do anything at the moment and I somehow win.



I take a step back as Yugito swipes so slowly an elderly lady could win.


I turn to the others and I... I cant really sigh but I wish to convey my reluctance to slash at these Jinchurikii.

One cut and they might just explode.

Sasuke looks at me with concern.

"They are a time bomb- we let them go now and we lose... we attack and we lose. We should have brought Kakashi-sensei, I am sure he knows many sealing techniques to help us here..." Sasuke says.

"Correct. But this time that I have brought can help us exterminate the others before we are left to deal with six tailed beasts" I declare and Sasuke flickers to help Riku and Ace.

I look above.

'Javelin. Has Jewel been spotted yet?' I ask.

'No, I am sure he can hide for a while- in fact I am certain that he can' Javelin reports.


'Almighty. Pop the Jinchurikii now!' The Rock sage commands and I do not hesitate.


I slice open the neck of the four tailed jinchurikii and- [Launching Point]! Away at a fast speed as he explodes into chakra that hums and grinds against my fog.

"Tch- what an annoyance" I hear the masked man mutter as he appears behind me.

I do not grace him my attention and I point at another Jinchurikii before unleashing a [Pressure Point]!


The two tails chakra bursts and shrivels against my fog.


I release my fog and it condenses into a cape that swishes behind me.


I turn to the masked man as two of the tailed beasts fully form and the rest burst into a red chakra surge of power... a half transformation.

"Did you want them back? It is rude to retract a gift" I mutter and the masked man sighs.


"Who knew you could resist so many Jinchurikii at once..." The masked man eyes me up and down.

"A fog is a gas... not a sword- it does not target, it expands... the amount only matters when my fog can not reach all of them- and it seems that you have some 'performance' issues 'Ma-Da-Ra' perhaps tame your pets before unleashing them" I rudely mock and turn to see several tailed beast bombs starting to be made... to be aimed at me.

"They don't seem to like you" 'Madara' mocks.

"Nor you" I retort.

"Shame I can come out just fine after this attack" 'Madara' muses.

'Call him gay! Call him gay! Coming out joke right there!' Jewel screams into my mind link.

'Shut up' I respond.

'But what if he is gay? Then the joke would fall flat Jewel... you need to actually know the guy and Madara was all over the first hokage in all the books... they were 'close friends'...' Ace lectures the immature Jewel.

'Shut up' I reply.

'How does a gay joke work? Like... is it the act of being called gay??? What's the funny haha in the joke soup?????' Jewel asks confused.

'What? What are you on about? How can you use a joke but not understand it..?' Anchor replies.

'SHUT UP' I insist.

'Well I mean... I was talking about calling someone gay unprompted... he literally said I am coming out after this and that's the funny part' Jewel explains.

'Guys... why have you connected our minds for this?' Emrys asks in annoyance.

'We need to understand the joke man!' Ace insists.

'Boss, ask if he is gay and then if he isn't ask why he said he was going to come out' Ace asks of me.

Sometimes I wonder how we were all once the same person. Then I look at Lord Riku and understand.


Thanks for reading :)

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