Naruto: Mind over matter

Kage summit

Pov: Riku

"Be back soon~" Eiko hugs me tight before I leave.

"Will do" I nod and I flicker out of my yard and into the new roofs of Konoha, the wind flies through my newly cut hair.

I wear the same suit pants and shirt with the vest- except now there is no silver apart from the earing and two necklaces I have.

Fully black- but due to the nature of the meeting I am attending I have the white cloak design similar to the fourths but without flames on my shoulders, not actually being worn- and the Hokage hat rests on my head.

As I roof hop over the new Konoha I am greeted by the rising sun and many ninja on there way to work- almost all of them stay clear of me... except for Gai whom I meet doing his morning run.

I head past the gates and fly through the trees.

It is still jarring having everyone be terrified of me- mostly due to how I actually am and the people I surround myself with... the missions and the slow build up of infamy over took me and I never even realised it, I often forget that Kanata is more me then my true face.


I head in the direction of the land of wind- I received a message late last night that Gaara wished to travel with me to the land of snow.

It makes sense considering that this will probably be the only time available in the future to check up on me... and he probably doesn't want to have a reunion in front of the other Kage.


Through trees and plains.

Over ravines and sand.

Eventually I arrive at the Suna border.... the Kazekage Gaara and Temari is waiting- but seems pre-occupied with a few Sand ninja speaking to him.

"Yo! Gaara! Temari!" I greet the two who turn to me and raise there brows in surprise.

"Riku- its true?" Temari whispers out.

Gaara approaches me and offers a handshake.

I return it and he smiles.

"Riku... I am glad to see that you live up to your name..." Gaara says.

"It is good to see you as well Garaa, how was Suna while I was gone?" I ask.

"Better than ever" He replies.

I smirk and he turns to a few of the sand ninja and nods his head.

"tell Kankuro to take a team and examine the ruins when he wakes up" Gaara declares and both him and Temari start walking ahead.

I follow.


Catching up with Gaara it seems that not much has changed apart from boring Kage stuff, he has seemingly changed his reputation into a great kage as of late though- his people apparently respect him greatly now according to Temari that is.

I tell him exactly what happened and how I came back, detailing every last bit of the attack on Konoha and how I won... he nods along and tells me various stories from when I was away.

Simple stuff and happy small talk occurs as we travel through the land of fire and further north... reaching the snow landscape that will hold our meeting.


As we arrive at the small pyramid looking fortress and the many walls lined with snow.

Samurai guide us through the building and we seem to be an hour early... the Mizukage seems to have arrived before us as well.

"Kazekage... Hokage...? I had heard rumour that the fifth could not arrive..." She greets us

"Mizukage, it seems we are all early" Gaara greets back and takes a seat... I do the same.

"just a temporary Hokage for the moment... but I hold the same authority" I don the face of the terror.

"Ah... I knew I recognized you... the terror of the leaf? I thought you died" one of the Mizukage's guards ask.

"If you recognise me then you should know I struggle with dying..." I retort and he furrows his brow.

A few more figures enter the room and I use my telekinetic sight to see that the Tsuchikage and Raikage have arrived.


Both sit at the table.

"All of us are early? Good, we can get this over with" The Tsuchikage grumbles.

"Everyone- my name is Mifune, I will be your moderator during this meeting, place your hats down... we are here today due to the Kazekage calling this meeting" Mifune talks and all eyes look towards Gaara.

"Two of the Kage are so young now?" The Tsuchikage scoffs.

Gaara looks towards him but ignores the provocation.

"I have called this meeting of the Kage in order to address the Akatsuki threat- tailed beasts are being taken for a goal not understood to us... originally Pein of the Akatsuki wished to use them to pacify the shinobi war, but with him dead and information gathered by the leaf supposedly a new leader has formed and wishes to use the tailed beasts in a less... peaceful way" The Kazekage opens.

"Akatsuki... this mercenary group behind the hunt of the tailed beasts?" The Mizukage asks and Gaara nods.

"Tch- what is this meeting? Couldn't you have told us this in a letter?" The Raikage frowns.

"But we could not have the Lands unite to hunt down the beasts again without this meeting, just because you haven't lost your tailed beast doesn't mean that this meeting is useless- they have a powerful Shinobi who could take Killer B and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it" Gaara responds coldly.


The Raikage slams the desk in two and snarls at Gaara, multiple shinobi and kunoichi enter the room and get into defensive positions.

"Enough, cease this hostility Raikage and sit down" Mifune orders and everyone goes back to normal as the Raikage sits in annoyance.

"Yo! I'm much stronger than you! Why would I end up black and blue?" Killer B... the holder of the Eight tales speaks up before heading to the balcony like the other bodyguards.

"It is not a matter of strength- the masked man who is now in charge of the Akatsuki or who may have been in charge this entire time has abilities that make it hard for someone to protect themselves" Gaara explains.

"What could he do! When facing Killer B for a minute or two?" Killer B ryhmes back.

"Abilities of phasing and teleportation, and a few Akatsuki to help take you down in an environment of their choosing" I declare and everyone looks at me.

"Is that not what happened to you? How did you come back from that supposed 'death' and do you think that Killer B is weaker than you!?" The Raikage asks.

"Weaker? Don't know. Don't care. But I did die and it was planned out perfectly... they knew the perfect place to kill me and I wouldn't put it past them to drop you in a volcano and wait a few years until the Eight tails regenerates..." I retort.

"If they could do that why haven't they taken all of us out yet? Taken the villages by force?" The Tsuchikage groans.


"Because they are after the capture of the beasts and it seems they don't want to waste anymore time to let us prepare for them... the masked man is strong only when uninformed" Gaara responds.

"So what are the things you wish for us to agree to? We hunt what we have already been hunting? Open our borders to the other nations so they can spy on us?" The Mizukage frowns.

"How about handing over the Tailed beasts and being done with it?" A voice calls from the door and we all turn to see a samurai fall under the boot of a woman covered in shadows.

"Reveal yourself! Who dares interrupt the meeting of the Kage!?" The TsuchiKage yells and the all the kage stand up- except for me as I go completely still.

Exiting out of the shadows appears someone who much looks like the previous Jinchurikii of the two tails... covered in cracks and black eyes...

"I dare...!" The woman mocks in a voice that reminds me of someone... Kabuto?

"YOU DARE MOCK THE LAND OF LIGHTNING!?" The Raikage lights up in lightning chakra.

"Kabuto? Still using that sick jutsu?" I glare at the corpse and it chuckles.

"I have improved it- and I will take that tailed beast now" other figures walk out from behind the previous Raikage...

"The previous Seven swordsmen..." The Mizukage mumbles.

"And all the dead Jinchruikii..." The Tsuchikage grumbles.

Every jinchurikii apart from Gaara, Naruto and Killer B.

"You attack the five Kage and consider victory?" Mifune scoffs.

"This is not a fight... but rather an announcement" A figure floats above us and the masked man appears.

"We are waging the fourth great shinobi war!" 'Madara' declares loudly and everyone frowns.


A tense moment of silence as everyone looks around to see what happens... waiting for that pin to drop- and suddenly a bodyguard flinches... causing everyone to burst into various hand signs.

I complete mine and wipe some blood extracted from my wrist.

I summon a small rock- the Rock Sage glows in my palm and I look up to see so many unique jutsu collide within a second.

Due to being completely still most of the meeting I can immediately enter telekinetic sage mode and I [Body Shunt] away from the combat and chuck the rock towards Killer B who catches it.

"So you don't get lost! I yell.

"B! Stay aware and keep your guard up!" A shouts while punching the shit out of Yugito nii.

Killer B cloaks himself in tailed beast chakra before pocketing the seemingly normal rock who is gathering as much nature chakra as possible before he has to fight as well.

"Raikage! Retreat and get away! He is after your tailed beast!" Gaara yells and his sand blocks a sword blow from the silent killer Zabuza.

The Raikage gets three kicks to his abdomen and scoffs before taking in the situation- he decides to bash through the wall behind us and take B and his guards with him.

I telekinetically pull out all my Kunai and have them hover around me as I stare down the masked man.

Battle erupts around us but we seem to not care... he vanishes and I expand my senses.


He appears on the top of the building.

"I'm chasing him down-" I summon Emrys on my body and fly up and out of the hole that the Raikage made.

Ascending the building I levitate above it much like my enemy.


Pov: Itachi Uchiha

I sit with Naruto who is supposedly keeping an eye on me... I have found fifty eight openings to leave and not be noticed... perhaps he is the wrong ninja for this job.

"Man I am so bored!" He groans and lays on the floor.

My brother appears from the hall and places down some sweets for us.

"If you are bored then do something" Sasuke sighs.

"But I have a mission to do!" Naruto shouts ecstatically.

"Then do something within the range of Itachi" Sasuke advises.


I eat the dango left for me and I sigh as Naruto attempts to think hard on something to do.

"Do you know how to play shogi?" I ask.

"Nope" Naruto replies.


"Do you have some training you can do right now? For example studying up on a jutsu?" I ask.

"Nope" Naruto says in the exact same way.

"Don't bother... he will stop being bored in five minutes when Ace gets here to tell us about his meeting" Sasuke yawns and stretches.

We wait and exactly as he states Naruto sits upright when Ace enters the room.

"Yo! Yo! Yo! Naruto,  Itachi and Sasuke! I bought some good news! Lady Tsunade just woke up... hahaha! Of all the times~" the armoured man made of wood who is also confusingly Riku and not Riku at the same time states.


I am still confused on if this is Riku or not.

"How is the summit?" Sasuke yawns again- he should stop staying up late to train.

"Boring talk mostly, they just started and the Tsuchikage is already complaining about Lord Riku's age" Ace chuckles and sits.

"So everything is going smoothly?" I ask.

"Smooth as ever, I mean everyone is doing the whole 'Me Kage is better than You Kage' thing which is annoying but nothing you can do- oh and there goes that... okay... oh!... oh I see.." Ace suddenly stops chuckling and focuses up.


"Yeah the fourth shinobi war was just announced" He says plainly.

"What did you do!? You said it was going fine!" Sasuke questions in extreme worry and rage.

"Riku! You were Hokage for five minutes!" Naruto grabs his hair in shock.

What happened? Did Riku do something?

"What...? No? The masked man came in with a lot of people under Edo-Tensei and declared war against all the kage... I am just about to fight so I am going to prepare if needed" Ace stands and waits silently.

"You have told everyone else right?" Naruto asks.

"All the terrors are conveying information to everyone who needs it- also Gai but that's only because he wanted to train alongside Edge" Ace smirks.

Naruto gets all serious and we wait for anything to happen.

"Boss is going in" Ace reports.

Thanks for reading :)

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