Naruto: Reaching the Stars

Chapter 11

It was nearing midnight in Konoha when three figures moved quietly through the forest.

"Come on, guys, we're almost there," Yoruichi called out, weaving easily between the trees.

"That's what you said an hour ago," Kisuke groaned, trailing behind her with Minato by his side. "Are you sure we’re not just lost?"

"Kisuke! How dare you doubt my navigation skills? I didn't even get lost traveling across the Land of Fire. There's no way I’d get lost in a small village like Konoha," Yoruichi shot back.

"Weren’t you just following your father, though?" Kisuke muttered under his breath.

Yoruichi responded by hurling a paintball at his face, but Kisuke anticipated it and tilted his head just in time to avoid it.

"Keep talking nonsense, and you'll regret it, bed wetter," Yoruichi threatened.

Minato chuckled at their banter. After three weeks with them, he was used to it and wisely kept his distance from Kisuke to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. During this time, he had learned one crucial thing: never antagonize Yoruichi, or he would regret it.

"Whatever..." Kisuke mumbled, placing his hands behind his head as he followed Yoruichi at a more leisurely pace.

The past two weeks hadn’t been as productive as he wanted, with Yoruichi constantly dragging him around and helping his mother in the store taking up most of his time. Time had flown by, and now it was the night of the festival. The festival was... simple. There were a few games, and food stalls were scattered everywhere. Maybe it was because of his memories from a past life, but his expectations had been much higher. Most of the familiar games he had anticipated were missing, except for the classic goldfish catching.

But it wasn’t a total waste. Some ninjas were putting on a demonstration of their elemental Jutsu, which at least made the night more exciting.

Kisuke had been watching the demonstration with his mother, Kirikou, when Yoruichi suddenly grabbed his arm and insisted that he come with her to see something amazing.

Kirikou and Kanao had reluctantly allowed them to go, but only on the condition that they return by midnight, which they promised to do.

Afterward, Kisuke and Yoruichi found Minato with the other orphans and managed to sneak him out. Well, mostly Yoruichi threatened him until he agreed, making it clear he had no other choice.

Not wanting any trouble, Minato had ‘willingly’ joined them as they ventured deeper into the dark forest.

"Where exactly are we going?" Minato asked after some time, growing uneasy as they wandered further with no end in sight. He couldn’t stay out of the orphanage for too long, or else...

"We’re here," Yoruichi announced suddenly, stopping in her tracks.

Kisuke glanced around, initially confused, until he realized where they were. They had reached the edge of the forest, standing on a cliff that overlooked the entire village of Konoha. The view was stunning.

Colorful lights dotted the village below, softly glowing against the night sky, creating a scene that felt almost magical. Just a short distance beneath them were the giant Hokage statues, their faces carved into the mountainside, standing watch over the village.

"Wow..." Kisuke murmured, his earlier frustration melting away. The view made the whole trek worth it.

Yoruichi grinned, clearly proud of herself. "See? I told you it would be amazing."

Minato stood silently beside them, absorbing the sight. Even he had to admit, it was special.

"This... it’s beautiful," Minato said quietly, a hint of awe in his voice.

Kisuke nodded, still captivated by the view. "Yeah..."

But before they could fully take it in, Yoruichi smirked. “You haven’t seen the best part yet.”

Before either of them could react, Yoruichi suddenly leaped off the cliff without warning.

Kisuke and Minato's eyes widened as Yoruichi disappeared over the cliff's edge. Without thinking, they rushed to the edge. For a brief moment, panic seized them, but then they saw her—standing confidently on the head of the First Hokage’s statue, grinning up at them.

“Come on, slowpokes! The view is even better from here!”

Kisuke let out a shaky breath, relieved she was okay, though still annoyed by her reckless stunt. “You’re insane!” he shouted back, though a grin crept onto his face despite himself.

Minato, still processing what he had just witnessed, hesitated for a moment. “Are we really supposed to follow her?”

Kisuke shrugged. “We’ve come this far, haven’t we?”

With that, he took a step back, channeled his chakra so that he could attached to the head just like tree climbing exercise, and leaped off the cliff. The wind rushed past him as he soared through the air, and for a split second, the ground below seemed far away.

But then his feet planted firmly on the stone surface of the First Hokage’s head, right beside Yoruichi. He stumbled slightly, catching his balance, and shot her a triumphant look. “See? Nothing to it.”

Minato, still standing at the cliff’s edge, swallowed hard. He had trained hard these past few weeks on chakra control, but this jump seemed beyond what he was used to. Still, seeing Kisuke and Yoruichi below, casually standing on the statue, gave him the push he needed.

He closed his eyes, focused his chakra just as he’d been taught, and leaped. moments later, he landed softly beside them, the rush of adrenaline still making his heart race.

Yoruichi clapped her hands in approval. “Not bad! I knew you could do it.”

She turned back toward the village, her gaze sweeping over the rooftops below. “Now this… this is the best spot in Konoha.”

Yoruichi motioned for them to sit. "Just wait for a bit. It should be about time."

They settled down, waiting expectantly, but after a while, nothing happened. 

Bored, Kisuke pulled a bunch of leaves and channeled his chakra, slowly cutting it in half before moving to the next one.

He still didn't reach the level where he could cut it in an instant, so he kept practicing.

Yoruichi looked irritated and bored, then glanced at the other two. "So, what are your dreams?" she asked suddenly.

Minato and Kisuke exchanged confused looks. Kisuke raised an eyebrow. "Where did that come from all of a sudden?"

Yoruichi shrugged. "Just something to pass the time before the surprise happens."

She then grinned and shared her dream. "I want to become the richest merchant and travel the entire world—not just the Land of Fire."

Kisuke was surprised by her answer. "So, you’re not planning to become a ninja or attend the academy when it opens in two months?"

"Nope," Yoruichi replied, her answer catching him off guard even more. "Most people become ninjas for the money, but I can make way more as a merchant. Besides, I don’t like being ordered around or sent on missions."

"Well..." Kisuke hesitated, even though there was nothing wrong with what she said, he still thought it was a pity. Yoruichi had more talent than him, yet she didn’t want to be a ninja. But he didn’t say anything. It was her life, and she had the right to live it how she wanted.

Minato was equally surprised. He had seen her talent firsthand, but he didn’t comment on her decision either.

Then Yoruichi turned the question back on them. "So, what about your dreams?"

Minato, who had never really thought much about his dreams, spoke up with the first thing that came to mind. "I want to become Hokage."

"Well... that's every boy's dream," Yoruichi remarked bluntly, not impressed by Minato's generic answer.

Minato smiled bitterly at her words but didn’t respond. He knew she wasn’t mocking him—just being brutally honest, as always.

Finally, both of them turned toward Kisuke, who seemed a bit lost in thought.

"So, what's your dream, Kisuke?" Yoruichi asked, then grinned mischievously. "Wait a minute, I think I know... I bet it’s to stop wetting the bed, right?" she burst into laughter.

Minato tried to hold it in, but an awkward smile crept across his face.

Kisuke rolled his eyes at her joke, crossing his arms as he tried to ignore the teasing. "Very funny. But no, that's not it."

He paused, thinking for a moment. The truth was, he hadn’t really figured out what he wanted to do in life yet. Sure, he was interested in exploring chakra, learning more jutsu, and even creating some of his own. But those didn’t feel like dreams or life goals—more like hobbies.

So what did he really want to do with his life?

Surviving the end of the Naruto series? That didn’t quite fit. There were plenty of people who would save the day, so there was no reason to make it his life’s mission to save the world. Of course, he’d help those close to him, like Minato, but it wasn’t in his nature to go out of his way to help people he didn’t know.

So, once again, what did he want to do?

As Kisuke was deep in thought, a sudden searing sound caught his attention. The three of them looked up at the sky ahead.

With a loud bang, fireworks exploded in a burst of vibrant colors, lighting up the night sky. The patterns and colors danced above Konoha, reflected in the awe-filled eyes of the three children sitting on the First Hokage’s head.

Yoruichi grinned, satisfied that her surprise had finally revealed itself. "See? I told you it was worth the wait. My father was in charge of the fireworks this year and told me about the best spot to see them."

Kisuke continued to watch the sky as the fireworks burst in colorful patterns, and he murmured softly, "Stars..."

"What was that?" Yoruichi asked, turning to him with curiosity. Minato also looked over, intrigued by what Kisuke might say.

Kisuke turned to them, a small smile on his face. "That's my dream. I want to go to the stars."

"Stars?!" Yoruichi was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing. "What kind of dream is that? Are you serious?"

Minato, however, didn’t laugh. He kept his eyes on Kisuke, sensing there was more to it.

Kisuke didn’t mind Yoruichi’s reaction and instead reached his hand toward the fireworks as if trying to grasp them. "Yeah, I want to go to the stars."

Yoruichi stopped laughing, noticing the seriousness in his tone. She was puzzled and asked, "Why? Why the stars?"

Kisuke’s gaze remained on the sky. "I want to see if there are people out there just like us, living their own lives, maybe even with their own ninjas and jutsu. Look how big the sky is and the stars covering it. We couldn't possibly be the only people who exist in this universe."

In truth, Kisuke knew there were others out there—proof of it lay in the existence of the Otsutsuki, beings who traveled from planet to planet, harvesting their life forces. If the Otsutsuki could exist, it meant there were countless other planets and life forms out there. And he wanted to see them all.

Why should he confine himself to just this world when there was so much more to explore?

Other worlds, their customs, their habits, the way they lived—he wondered if they had different power systems beyond chakra, and what those might look like.

This was a dream worth living for, something he could dedicate his life to.

Yoruichi and Minato were silent, absorbing the depth of Kisuke's words. It was a dream unlike any they had heard before—grand, ambitious, and completely beyond anything they could have imagined.

The three of them fell into silence, watching the fireworks light up the sky, each lost in their own thoughts.


In a remote area of the Land of Fire, a convoy made its way along a winding road. Horses pulled carriages heavily loaded with goods, their hooves creating a rhythmic clatter on the gravel path. The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows over the landscape.

Yoruichi sat atop one of the carriages, her legs dangling over the edge as she leaned back comfortably. Her eyes were fixed on the sky, where the first stars of the evening were beginning to appear.

“Stars,” she murmured softly.

It had been over a month since the festival, but Kisuke’s words were still fresh in her mind. At first, she had laughed at his dream. Going to the stars seemed so ridiculous.

But then he had given her that look—the same look he had when he was serious about learning something new. He wasn’t joking; he was earnest and determined. 

That gave her pause. 

She compared his dream to her own and suddenly felt hers seemed small and insignificant. 

Then she remembered a conversation she had with her mother.

“Mom, can I ask you something?” Yoruichi had asked.

“Yes, dear. Is there something you need?” Kanao replied.

“What is your dream, or was your dream, and did you achieve it?”

Her mother looked surprised by the question but answered nonetheless. “Hmm, dream? I don’t think I ever really had one when I was young. But if I had to choose, marrying your father and having you could certainly be the best dream I could ask for.” She smiled warmly, gently stroking Yoruichi's hair.

“That’s it? Was there really nothing else?” Yoruichi had asked.

“Nope. You might not understand now, but you will when you’re older,” Kanao said.

Yoruichi didn’t like her mother’s answer. Dedicating your whole life to someone else seemed… limiting. She couldn’t quite find the right word for it, but it didn’t sit well with her.

Though she knew it sounded ungrateful, she didn’t want to end up like her mother—living a life centered solely around raising children and caring for a family.

Even if she achieved her dream of becoming the richest merchant and traveling the world, she wondered what would come next. The idea of eventually settling down, marrying, and having children seemed inevitable. And even though it might be fulfilling for some, it wasn’t the life she wanted for herself.

She craved something more, something that went beyond the conventional path laid out before her.

Looking up at the sky, she saw the stars twinkling against the darkening canvas. The vastness of the sky felt like a reflection of her own aspirations—endless. 

In that moment, Yoruichi realized how her dream seemed insignificant in comparison to her ambitious friend. she also wanted to chase those stars, to explore beyond the confines of her current life and seek out her own unique path.


Sitting on his bed, Kisuke gripped a water balloon in both hands, his focus entirely on channeling chakra. The balloon's smooth surface felt cool against his palms, the water within shifting gently with every small movement.

“I hope I get it right this time,” he muttered, his brows furrowed in concentration.

Slowly, he increased the flow of chakra, feeling the balloon strain under the pressure. Then, with a soft pop, the balloon burst, but instead of splashing everywhere, the water hovered in midair, forming a perfect sphere.

Kisuke's eyes widened briefly before he quickly refocused, maintaining the water sphere with a steady stream of chakra. Countless attempts had led him to this point, and he wasn’t about to lose control now.

Initially, his goal had been to master the Rasengan, a technique that had consumed most of his time. But as he practiced, he noticed his chakra control improving, sparking an idea. If he could maintain chakra around the water as a multi-layered sphere, he could refine his control and enhance his chakra shape transformation. It would also make forming the Rasengan easier once he completed the second stage.

‘But I’m still using too much chakra to maintain this shape,’ he thought, frowning. ‘I need to reduce the layers until I can do it with the least chakra possible.’

Just as he focused more intently, his door burst open, jolting him. The sudden interruption shattered his concentration, and the water sphere collapsed, splashing onto the floor.


“Yoruichi?! When did you—" He barely had time to react before Yoruichi dashed toward him, grabbing his shoulders firmly.

“What are you doing?”

“I want to go with you!” she blurted out.

“Go with me? Where?”

“To the stars. I want to go there too.”

Kisuke stared at her, trying to grasp what she was saying. "You want to go to the stars… with me?"

Yoruichi nodded, her usual playful demeanor replaced by something more serious. “Yes. I’ve been thinking… My dream of becoming a merchant seems laughable compared to yours. I love adventure, and your dream… It's insane. But it’s the kind of crazy that I want to be a part of.”

Kisuke looked at her, surprised by the determination in her eyes. This wasn’t the carefree Yoruichi he knew. She was serious, something he rarely saw in her.

Her words surprised him but also reassured him. Maybe he wasn’t as alone in his ambition as he had thought.

"Alright," he finally said, a small smile forming on his lips. "We’ll go together."

Yoruichi grinned, her usual confidence returning. "Good. You promised, so if you ever back out, I’ll make sure you regret it!"

Kisuke chuckled, attempting to change the subject. “Does this mean you’ll attend the ninja academy in two months?”

Yoruichi groaned, backing away with a nod. “There’s no escaping it. We don’t know what we’ll face out there, so I guess studying a little is inevitable.” Then, she asked, “So… do you even know how to reach the stars?”


“Huh? What do you mean, you don’t have a plan?”

“Nope, not a single clue.”

“Then how…”

“…But I’ve made up my mind to get there. So, I’ll figure it out someday.”

Yoruichi’s brow furrowed. “So you have no idea how to do it, but you’re just going to wing it?”

Kisuke shrugged. “Pretty much. I don’t have all the answers yet. Until then, we just need to get stronger so we’re ready when the opportunity comes.”

Yoruichi stared at him for a moment before sighing in exasperation. “Most people would call you crazy, you know that?”

Kisuke’s smile widened. “Yeah, but only people considered crazy and weird ever achieved great things.”

Yoruichi couldn’t help but laugh. “Fine, then. I’m in.” She grinned, her excitement matching his. “Let’s make it happen, Kisuke. To the stars and beyond.”

She raised her fist, and Kisuke bumped his against hers. "To the stars and beyond.”

Just as Yoruichi and Kisuke finished their exchange, Kirikou walked into the room, Kanao following close behind.

“What are you two up to?” Kirikou asked, curious about why Yoruichi had rushed straight to Kisuke’s room without even greeting her.

Yoruichi, still buzzing with excitement, jumped up and practically shouted, “We’re going to the stars!”

Kirikou and Kanao exchanged amused glances before smiling at her. “The stars, huh?” Kanao teased. “That’s quite the ambitious goal.”

Kirikou chuckled. “You kids sure have wild imaginations. Maybe you’ll build a ladder out of ramen bowls to get there.”

They both laughed, pretending not to notice Yoruichi’s sour mood.

Yoruichi’s excitement faltered, and she pouted, feeling like they weren’t taking her seriously. “We’re serious! We really are going to the stars!” She turned to Kisuke for support, but when she looked around, he was nowhere to be seen.

Confused, she glanced out the window and spotted him outside, already leaping from one rooftop to another. “Kisuke!” she yelled, but he was already out of earshot.

Kirikou and Kanao laughed softly at the situation, finding it amusing. Yoruichi, however, huffed in annoyance and dashed after Kisuke, determined not to be left behind.


I freaking hate writing character interaction ( because English isn't my first language)

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