Naruto: Skill Copying System

Karin Stays

We all went into a resting lounge inside the building, and as I sat down, Kakshi spotted the mark on my neck. He stopped me, and he pulled me out of the room.

"Sasuke, that mark…" Kakashi recognized it. It's the same mark that's on Anko.

"Oh, this?" I pulled my shirt down a bit to show it to Kakashi.

I planned to use it constantly in the future, so I needed to make up a bs but believable story about how I could control the mark. Otherwise, things will get complicated if Kakashi thinks that my sanity is being degraded every time I use the cursed mark.

I also needed to make excuses for other abilities that I'm going to gain, and it was definitely a drag. However, I can lay out most of the other abilities as skills that I used the Sharingan to copy.

"A person named Orochimaru gave it to me. For some reason, the mark kept showing me annoying scenes when I activated it, but with my strong willpower, its negative effect had completely disappeared. I am now in full control of the strong power that it grants me." I said as I activated the cursed mark.

(A/N: Orochimaru introduced HER name to the team after giving the curse mark. I'm also going to keep referring Orochimaru as she/her from now on.)

This was the best BS explanation that I could come up with while still making it believable. I just pushed it to the power of will.

The curse mark tattoo began to heat up and spread all over my body. In an instant, the coverage went from 0% to 100%.

"!?!?!" Kakashi was shocked, amazed, and fearful. From what he heard from Anko, the cursed mark will eat at the mind of the person who uses it to gain power. It's also said that the cursed mark is impossible to tame.

"Deactivate that right now and come with me," Kakashi said with a stern stare. Even though his student said that he has 100% control, Kakashi is still skeptical.

"Mmmh." I hummed as I deactivated it. Kakashi is rather cautious.

Well, it's not like I expected to be believed right away. That's just naive thinking.

After I deactivated it, Kakashi took me away from the resting room, and we went up the building, toward the highest floor.

We stopped in front of a door on the highest floor, and there was a ninja guard in front.

"I've come to see Anko and Lord Third." Kakashi said to the ninja guard.

The ninja guard nodded, knocked on the door, and opened it.

"Come," Kakashi said as he walked into the room.

I entered the room and looked around. There were wires everywhere, both large and small. They are all connected to communications devices like radios, TVs, and phones.

My gaze then landed on the hot Anko and the old man in his Third Hokage getup.

"Lord Third, it's not good. Orochimaru seems to have already marked Sasuke." Kakashi spoke after walking to the old man.

"Hmm!" Hiruzen smoked on his pipe and pondered.

"Is that true, Sasuke!?" Anko sat up and her hands shook. By now she and the Hokage had already confirmed Orochimaru's presence in the exam.

It's just that they weren't sure what Orochimaru's goal was.

After seeing that the Uchiha kid had been marked, they finally found the reason that they were looking for.

"It's true!" I activated the cursed mark to 100% capacity once again.

"Oi! What are you doing!? Stop!" Anko was shocked when she saw the cursed mark activate.

"Sasuke!" Hiruzen also dropped his pipe, and he seems to be prepared to come forward and knock me out.

"Why? I have full control." I stepped back and pushed my hand out in front of me, telling the duo to take a chill pill.

Hiruzen glanced at Kakashi with a questioning face.

Kakashi sighed after he saw his student arbitrarily activating the cursed mark once again. "Sasuke says that he can control it without any drawbacks, but I'm not sure if it's true or not."

"What? You have full control of the cursed mark?!" Anko's jaws dropped. She saw the pattern of the cursed mark on Sasuke, and she confirmed that it is the Cursed Mark of Heaven, the same one that is on herself.

She couldn't believe that the cursed mark could be tamed… it should be impossible to tame…

"Yes, I do…" While talking about the cursed mark to Anko, my vision narrowed as they focused on her.

Before entering the Death Forest, I only had vague intentions of fucking her because she is Orochimaru's disciple, and I believed that she had some good skills.

But now that I think about it, I definitely have to fuck her, one way or another, especially because she also has the Cursed Mark of Heaven!

At first, I thought of the cursed mark to be a bad thing. However, I've had a taste of its power after conquering it, and I now want more… so upgrading it is a must.

"Sasuke, listen to me and deactivate that cursed mark." Hiruzen's gaze turned stern like Kakashi's. "We can't just take your word for it. We'll have to test the specifics of your cursed mark if you want to use it in the future. But for now, you are forbidden from using it."

Hiruzen watched… waiting to see if the boy in front of him really has the ability to control the cursed mark.

"Fine. I won't use it until after you guys test it. However, I have a request." Since the Hokage is in front of me right now, I decided to throw out the conversation about Karin.

"What is it?" Hiruzen picked up his pipe and wiped it, placing it back into his mouth.

"There's a ninja from the grass village that I want to poach. Her name is Karin, and she is an Uzumaki."

"Ah?" Hiruzen dropped his pipe once again.

My eyes shifted down with the pipe before jumping back up to meet Hiruzen's eyes: "I know that this troubles you, and the village. However, I'm a HUGE advocate of clan members sticking together. Karin is an Uzumaki just like that fool, Naruto. It doesn't make sense that an Uzumaki like her is a ninja for another village, right?"

"That's…" Hearing that there's an Uzumaki residing in the grass village, Hiruzen frowned. Hiruzen also thought of the fact that Sasuke is elaborating his advocacy of clans sticking together. He's basically using his Uchiha identity to get this girl to stay.

He quickly picked up a clipboard full of the genins' information, and he flipped to the file of Karin from the grass village.

On file, her surname isn't written as Uzumaki. Instead, it's written as a common surname of the grass village.

He had seen this girl's information before, but he didn't think that she would be an Uzumaki. Although the red hair trait is common for the Uzumakis, it doesn't mean that other people can't have the red hair trait.

Hence, he hadn't linked the Grass Genin to the identity of an Uzumaki.

But if she is an Uzumaki, and she is willing to stay, he's tempted to poach her from the grass village. Currently, his only hope of controlling the Nine Tails inside of Naruto is to use the Sharingan from Sasuke, the boy in front of him.

If there's a person like Karin who might be capable of wielding the Adamantine Chains, this will double his confidence in taking control of the Nine Tail's power in the future.

Plus, allowing the girl to stay will make the Uchiha kid in front of him happy, possibly chaining him down to the village further.

As long as Karin isn't a spy, Hiruzen decided that he will use his power to change her affiliation from the grass to the leaf.

"Where is she now?" Hiruzen asked.

"In a resting room with my team," Kakashi answered truthfully.

"And her teammates?" Hiruzen continued.

"They tripped and fell into a bear's mouth." I smiled.

Kakashi, Hiruzen, and Anko became silent… This boy is so fucking dark.

"Alright then. Have her come here, and I'll see what I can do. But if everything checks out, I'm positive that the Grass won't sit still. They're definitely going to either make up a big scene, or they're going to ask for a big price due to their poor economy. The village can handle the grass, but if they ask for money…" A smirk appeared on his old face as he looked at me with his sly gaze.

FUCK! I cursed at Hiruzen on the inside. This old monkey wanted my wealth!

I had inherited the wealth of the Uchiha clan after the Uchiha clan massacre, but neither the original Sasuke nor I touched much of it.

I had thought that I'm going to live a rich man's life but this old crook is already salivating for my money.

"Fine. If they ask for money, I'll help pay the sum with the assets under my name." I said begrudgingly.

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