Naruto: Skill Copying System

Shameless Pre-R18

"Okay, sit down and close your eyes." I said to Anko.

While telling her to do so, I sighed a little. I wouldn't have to go this roundabout way if Anko is as easy to manipulate as Sakura, Ino, or Karin.

Anko complied, and she sat down on the hard stone floor. She also straightened her back and closed her eyes, her hands resting on her knees.

"What's next?" Anko asked, breathing rhythmically.

"Now, you stay there and don't move nor react to anything that you see or hear." My eyes turned crescent as my fingers wiggled towards Anko's large breasts that's hidden by her metal mesh bra.

Without hesitation, I pushed my hands forward and cupped the breasts of Anko! Her ample flesh mounds filled my hands, and I squeezed them as hard as I could.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Feeling the hands squeezing hard on her breasts, Anko's eyes immediately opened, and she slapped the hands away.

"Didn't I tell you? This is the willpower training method! If your willpower isn't even enough to sit through this activity, how can you tame the Cursed Mark?! Not to mention that this is just the start of the willpower training method!" I made up some believable logic to assist my dirty plan and retorted.

"BULL! SHIT! How is still a willpower training method? It's just indulging oneself in sexual activities!" Anko's face twitched. She's confident that this kid in front of her is just playing her for a fool, and he wanted to cop a feel!

"Well, how do you know whether or not it works if you haven't tried it!?" I countered, defending my actions.

"And you did!??" Anko clenched her teeth. She really wanted to bop this Uchiha kid on the head.

"Of course I did! Multiple times too! Why do you think my willpower is so strong!?"

"This mother fuck–!! So shameless! We're done here. You can leave!" Anko's middle finger curled up before she flipped me off. She then slowly walked away.

'Guess plan A didn't work,' I mumbled in my mind. I had some hope that this straightforward plan would make Anko willingly come into the depths of degeneracy.

But since plan A didn't work, I immediately began Plan B!

"Urghhh!" I activated my Cursed Mark and covered it with my hands. I pretended to be in pain, and I fell down to the floor, groaning.

"Sasuke!?!?" Anko was just about to leave, but she suddenly stopped and came back.

"What the heck are you playing at!? You're fucking with me, right!? You're still in control of the Cursed Mark, right!?" Anko feels that this kid is messing with her.

Just moments before, he said that he has full control of the Cursed Mark with his strong willpower!

She was in a panic, thinking that the Cursed Mark might've somehow gained control again. But the next second, she nearly vomited blood after hearing what Sasuke spouted.

"I'm losing control! My willpower is degrading rapidly! If you have sex with me, I'm sure that I can boost my willpower again to regain control of this Cursed Mark!!"


"Go die, why don't you!" Anko blushed slightly and smacked the Uchiha kid on the head. She was really played for a fool by this kid.

"Urghhh~ I'm really going to die if you don't do me right here…" I laid on the floor and raised one of my hand up into the air, pretending to die.

I knew that the chances of Anko falling over and spreading her legs are slim to none. The reason why I'm doing this in the first place, is to plant a seed of interest in Anko's head.

Even if I can't get her today, she'll always know that I'm interested in having sex with her.

Over time, this seed will only grow and grow until it blooms!

This is my Plan B… it's to play subtle psychological warfare with Anko. Moreover, I'm planting this seed with a fake personality that I believe Anko will fall in love with in the future. I have no qualms about chasing girls with this method. As long as it gets me the puss, I will do it.

"URGHH!!" Anko suddenly groaned like me and fell onto the floor. However, her groan was louder.

"Huh?" While my Cursed Mark is still active, I sat up and looked at Anko.

Her cursed mark had also activated!

"Oh, damn! Anko! I told you to try out the Willpower Method! I told you!" I said as I started squeezing her breasts again.

"Sasuke, you–! You–!! ARGH!!" Anko tensed up. The pain that comes from an untamed Cursed Mark seems to be stronger than before!

Before she knew it, the cursed mark seemed to have activated by itself, and it immediately began to drag her into the world of hallucinations. She became unconscious as she tried to fight back the cursed mark. She didn't want even an ounce of its power.

"Well, shit. I guess you're here, Orochimaru." I said as I continued to grope Anko. My fingers moved back and forth on her breasts before coming to her tips and pinching them.

"Magnificent, Sasuke. You're even better than I imagined."

A coarse voice suddenly appeared behind me.

"Yeah… Yeah…" My attention wasn't fully on Orochimaru. I pulled up Anko's breasts and dropped them down. I watched as her breasts bounced due to gravity, scientifically testing out the wonders of the world.

"..." Orochimaru watched on in silence, thinking about something. He had knocked out Anko by activating the Cursed Mark to its maximum so that he can talk to Sasuke in private, but who would've thought that the kid isn't concerned at all? He's even using it to conduct experiments.

Other than Jiraiya, Oorchimaru had never seen someone like this.

"Alright, what do you want? You're not here to take the Cursed Mark back, are you? You gave it to me, so it's mine now." After playing with Anko for a full minute, I got up and pointed at the cursed mark with my thumb.

Orochimaru must've thought that she already owns me after labeling me like a cattle. But oh contraire, this cursed mark is nothing but a safety net to protect me from Orochimaru. After I get stronger, it is nothing but a mark that can boost my abilities.

"Of course I wouldn't." Orochimaru smirked. "What I gave you is yours to keep. But since you like it so much, how about following me? I can give you more power. If it's women that you want, I can also gather them for you."

"That's a very generous offer, but I must decline. I am not interested in obtaining more power. I am only looking for strong and beautiful women, not just any ordinary women. If you can provide me with a large number of strong and beautiful women, I may consider joining your cause."

"Hmmm, I see…" Orochimaru thought about it and understood the needs and wants of the Uchiha kid. After completing the objective, Orochimaru is sure that she can make a proposal so alluring that the Uchiha kid couldn't resist.

"Since that's the case, then have fun with that present on the floor. I'll make an offer to you again some time later, Sasuke. I just hope that you can get stronger and not only focus on fooling around." Orochimaru decided to put off the recruitment of Sasuke Uchiha. After all, haste makes waste.

Seeing Orochimaru starting to leave, I stuck my fingers up Anko's pussy after going underneath her panties, and I could feel her hymen.

"Wait, Orochimaru! Do you have medical ninjutsu skills?" I asked, obviously knowing that she does.

"I do, but why do you ask?" Orochimaru turned around and licked her lips like a creep.

"Can you go by the side or something? I'm going to have sex with Anko while she's asleep. After I'm done, can you heal her pain or something so that she doesn't know that I did her?" I wanted to take extra caution when it comes to mature and smart girls like Anko. She might beat me up… or worse, she won't willingly do me in the future.

I didn't take this precaution after having sex with Ayame, but that's because I know that she's powerless or even clueless as to what was done to her.

"Hahahaha…. AHAHAHA!!!" Orochimaru's laughter echoed in the stone pillar room. This Uchiha is rather amusing.


Next Chapter: The Sleeping Anko (R18)


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