Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 144: The power of Fuinjutsu

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I sat in the only chair within my garden, crossing my legs as I looked at Tsunade, whom I was purposefully keeping standing. I could easily have asked a chair from a servant, but I really didn't feel like it.

We stared at each other for a moment, before I asked, "Would you care to explain to me why exactly you aided not only a member of a dangerous organization that has proven itself to be the Leaf's enemy on several occasions, but even help the member that is greatly suspected to be behind this rebellion?"

She looked surprised at the last point, but I knew better than to believe the expressions of Shinobis, especially a Kunoichi.

Although Tsunade was a good person in the canonical world and from what I heard, I had already been proven that not everyone was the same as they should be, so I was seriously considering the possibility of her having turned against the leaf for one reason or another.

And even if she hasn't, I still don't like her, on a personal level. What she went through was shown as a tragedy, but she was nothing more than a coward and a loser.

I've seen hundreds of people lose their family on the battlefield, yet she felt justified to desert, without much of a word might I add, when her boyfriend and her brother died.

Yes, that is sad, but that was no way to react to that.

Anyway, no matter what I think of her, it's about time I question her actions.

After a couple seconds of intense stare off, Tsunade said, "The Akatsuki is a mercenary organisation, they do not have an allegiance…"

I stopped her there, "They do, and don't think you know more about them than I do. Now, answer my question."

Tsunade crossed her arms, pushing up her large breasts as she replied, "People have been saying that the Owl has become the new strongest Kunoichi in the world, so I wanted to see for myself who exactly took my title away."

I fucking hate when people do that, acting immature. Clueless might be a better word, but it annoys me nonetheless.

I said, "Do you realize what you have done? You, a deserter of the Leaf, attacked the Shogun out of the blue. This is a severe crime, and if you do not give me a proper reason, then you should except your privileges to disappear. In the best case scenario, that is."

Tsunade snorted, "You think you can stop me if I want to get out of here?"

"Won't you stop with your bullshit and spit it out already? Because right now, it only feels like you yourself are part of that organization."

Tsunade started releasing some of her chakra as she said, "I'm not just going to stand here and listen to your accusations passively. I already told you the reason, you simply are the one who doesn't believe me."

I felt my anger rise, but then I heard someone cry out, "Lady Tsunade!"

Both of our heads wiped to the side, towards the house, and I saw a woman standing inside, with two of my servants by her side. They were looking at me in a way that made me understand that she was troublesome.

"Shizune, you came at the right time! We are leaving!"

Closing my eyes in exasperation, I released my chakra onto them, flooding the surrounding area with a strong pressure.

Tsunade looked fine, but Shizune and the two Anbu looked stifled. Still, even Tsunade looked surprised.

Getting up from my seat, I said, "If you dare try to walk out, I'm taking you down."

Tsunade clenched her fists, and released her chakra as well. It was smaller than mine, but not by so much. Perks of being a Senju I guess.

"Try me."

I shook my head with a sigh, and instead of attacking, I moved my right index over my left palm, cutting shallowly into it with the help of chakra, drawing out some blood.

Across me, Tsunade, who looked ready to fight, froze upon the sight of blood, her eyes losing focus, and her chakra retreating within her body.

I used this moment to open the Five Gates, and attack. She did not even react as I arrived in front of her. Covering my right thumb with blood from my left hand, and imbuing it with chakra, I rubbed my finger on her forehead, creating a seal.

Closing the Five Gates, I returned to a more comprehensible speed, and saw Tsunade blink, her eyes returning to normal, only for her to look around a little panicked.

She asked, "B-bitch!"

Titling my head, I said, "I figured you would be strong enough to speak, even with the seal on, but you didn't have to be so rude."

"Let go of me!"

On the side, Shizune tried to help Tsunade, but she barely moved when the two Anbu behind her each grabbed her shoulder and forearm each, pressing down on her shoulder and pulling up her forearm to force her onto her knees. She struggled, but to no avail.

I ignored her and said, "Not many people know that aside from battle arts, I am also very proficient in Fuinjutsu. I'm just shy of the Master Level, you see. I have learned the Uzumaki techniques, among other things."

Konoha's strongest sub art was, by far, Fuinjutsu, in which we were the best in the world. By today, we have three Fuinjutsu Masters, that is Minato, Jiraya and Kushina, but there is also Orochimaru, who, despite deserting, learned his craft in Konoha.

And of course, we also had the Uzumaki Clan before, who boasts the best sealing techniques in the world.

I haven't gotten to use my Fuinjutsu a lot since we are at war, but it still had grown quite a lot, especially since it is mostly theoretical knowledge, and I have reached the peak of Expert rank for it.

I'm glad I finally got to use it.

Her eyes widened, making me smile as I pointed at her forehead and said, "What I drew on your forehead is a Body Binding Curse, which, as you may have guessed, immobilized you. The way it works is that it freezes your muscles."

"Let. Go. Of. Me!" Tsunade struggled to word out, her body acting against her.

I shook my head and said, "This is quite the dangerous seal I created, because you see, it works in a quite simplistic way. It does not differentiate between your muscles, so it will also freeze your vital organs, such as your kidneys, your lungs… your heart."

I looked at her mischievously, before adding, "You have a strong chakra, which is currently protecting your vital organs and allowing you to live, and to even speak. However, if this were to be used on someone with a weaker chakra…"

As I said that, I looked at Shizune, whose eyes widened in terror. Rubbing my thumb against my bloody hand once again, I slowly started walking towards her, and Tsunade struggled to say, "Don't!"

I did not stop though and instead explained, "Another interesting thing about this seal is that it places a rather severe pressure on your blood vessels and arteries, making the circulation of blood almost impossible. As a doctor, you should know how terrible the consequences of that would be."

Approaching even closer to Shizune, I said, "For a weaker person, it doesn't really matter. They will die from non-functioning organs. But for someone stronger, even if they resist the initial shock of the technique, their muscles will slowly die, and so even if the seal is removed…"

I arrived in front of Shizune, and looked back at Tsunade to finish, "Their body will be crippled for life. Quite the tragic fate, isn't it?"

Her anger was now replaced with sadness as she begged, "Please!"

Shaking my head, I placed my thumb onto the struggling Shizune, and said, "You are the one who doesn't want to give me my answers."

I looked away from her, onto Shizune, and as I did I could see the two Anbu restraining her were looking a little sick. Pff, Anbu aren't what they used to be.

Looking right into Shizune eyes, I saw her fighting spirit was raging inside her. She's more of a fighter than her master, that's for sure.

I shrugged and said, "Oh well, your choice."

And so I started writing. But then, Tsunade cried out, "Nawaki!"

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