Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 155: End of the Rebellion

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[Sukaina's POV]

"It doesn't matter if you know about the attack, you are not leaving out of here."

As the unknown member of the Akatsuki said that, I felt my surroundings blur, a giant, unknown Mangekyou appearing in the sky. The world around me turned blurry, and a voice echoed out, "You are now in my world, Amenotokotachi."

My hair floating behind me as the wind picked up, I commented, "This is a nice illusion. Very powerful. I guess you had the Kages trapped too?"

The voice replied, "I have. Enjoy this world I have created for you."

As the voice finished, monsters started appearing around me. I smiled seeing them, and said, "Well, that certainly looks like an interesting experience, but I already have something to do."

This was a nice plan. Unfortunately for them, I was one step ahead.

Going back a few days, I learned that the rebels were gathering for an attack. However, as long as I was in Sendai, they couldn't attack.

Seeing the opportunity, I decided to draw them in, and to do that I left the city with almost all of my subordinates, leaving the city practically defenceless.

Unfortunately for them, I had reached the Master Level in Fuinjutsu in the last year, and I had developed a particular seal.I took one of the golden needles tying my hair, and prickled my finger with it, drawing some blood.

I then quickly drew a circle made of seals before suddenly smashing my hand into the ground.

As I did, spacetime around me suddenly warped as I disappeared.

In the next instant, I was back in Sendai, on one of the walls. Around me, I heard shouts, and saw soldiers dressed in black trying to get inside the city.

However, my arrival had made quite the commotion, it was a loud rip in spacetime after all. Moreover, the invading soldiers looked terrified as they saw me.

Shun, who held a burning token, threw it away as he commented, "Arriving a little earlier would have been much help."

Stretching my neck from the discomfort brought by the spatial transfer, I replied, "I can't do everything now can I?"

Shun silently rolled his eyes, while I looked at the small army gathered at our doors. My eyes moving across the army, I spotted a familiar figure in the distance.

"Tsubasa! So you were the one behind this!"

As it turned out, the old general was the one behind the rebellion. Seems like I will get to fight him after all.

Probably understanding he didn't have any way out left, Tsubasa spoke up.

"My brothers! For far too long have we endured the rule of the incompetent! But I say, no more!"

"No more!"

The rebels echoed out their leader, their spirits lifted by the call of their leader. I looked at the archers around me, and coldly ordered, "Spread through the city, search for any spies, and protect the civilians."

Shun asked, "What about the ones here?"

Shaking my head, I said, "It's already too late for them."

Saying that, I circulated my humongous chakra, and spew out a tsunami onto the unassuming soldiers. They hurriedly tried to defend themselves, and to their credit, they didn't get killed immediately by the massive wave of water that crashed into them.

However, they were still trapped into the water, and while that was the case, I continued moulding my chakra.

The water stopped spreading, and instead started morphing into a giant sphere of water. They tried getting out, but hundreds of strong currents chaotically travelled through the water, making it impossible for them to leave as their attacks would hit their own instead of harming the water sphere.

Meanwhile, the sphere continued compressing itself. If nothing was done, the soldiers would get crushed to death.

Seeing this, General Tsubasa took out his long spear, and thrust it out powerfully in a stance I found familiar. With his gesture, a giant fire dragon came out of the spear, directly heading for the water sphere, aiming to destroy it.

It also reminded me of where I had seen that attack before. It was all the way back in the Land of Forests, during the last feast, mercenaries had attacked, and they were led by a Bender that manipulated fire in a similar way.

He ended being killed by Roka Yuki, the Ice Wielder of Kiri. Looks like Tsubasa had a hand in the events of the Land of Forests too.

Well, enough talk.

With a thought, I completely opened the 6th Gate, the Gate of View, and disappeared from the rampart, only to reappear in front of the giant fire dragon.

Placing a hand on the handle of my sheathed blade, I muttered, "Flame rend."

Infusing my blade with chakra, I suddenly drew it out in an upward slash. A beam of light left my sword, directly slicing the dragon apart, and directly heading for Tsubasa. He was forced to block with his spear.

His attack having failed, he could do nothing but watch as his entire front guard was crushed to death in the water.

Swiping my blade to the side, I nodded, and the ball of water was flung forward.

The remaining rebels worked together to stop the ball, but they didn't have Tsubasa's precision, so while they managed to destroy it, any potential survivor within was also killed. Well, with how compressed they were, those chances were quite low to begin with.

Pointing my blade toward the enemy, I asked loudly, "Will you fight, or will you live?"

The high spirits from earlier were nowhere to be seen, but to their credit, they did not break out running, and stood their ground. Not that it would change anything.

Once again disappearing in a burst of speed, I decided to stop controlling the air around me for a moment, and let it catch fire from friction.

My speed putting me on fire, I ran through the enemy army, too fast for them to come even close to follow me.

Even Tsubasa was far slower than me, and while I'm sure he would be able to defend himself, at least I hope so, he couldn't defend his men.

In under five minutes, the army of three thousand was wiped out, leaving only Tsubasa, whom I had kept for last.

Unfortunately, I think I broke him.

Standing on top of a tree, I looked down at Tsubasa, who himself was looking around in confusion.

After a moment, he said, "You truly are a horrible monster. Do you feel nothing, after taking the lives of so many of your own men?"

I replied, "The moment they became rebels, they weren't my men anymore. Besides, I expected better out of an experienced warrior like you. They said you met Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha at their best."

Tsubasa frowned, and said, "You are nothing in comparison to them. You are nothing more than a power hungry monster. Unfortunately, it seems I won't be the one to put you down."

Tilting my head, I said, "Nowhere close to them, yet you are scared of facing me. Won't you give me a good fight? I've waited for quite a while to fight you, you know."

Tsubasa shook his head, and said, "I wasn't talking about power. They were powerful, yes, but they also had ideals, principles, values… They were their enemies greatest fear, yet they cared more for their own than anything. But look at you. You are nothing more than a child who was given too much power!"

I snorted in response, "The disdain of the old, I've already dealt with that. I fight for something so much greater than anything you could even comprehend. While you people are fighting with rocks in the playground, I'm preparing for the real threat."

Grabbing my sword tighter, I continued, "All I've done so far was caring for my own. You hold no right to judge me. None of you do. All day, the only thing you do is point at the destruction, but can any of you even see what I have created!"

Tsubasa finally raised his spear above his head, taking a new stance as he asked, "And what would that be? A nation where people have the illusion of power? A nation with you as the absolute hegemon, with no one left to stand in your way?"

Annoyed, I replied, "I have been grooming Takashi for more than a year now, holding him up in the light, yet you all seem so blind to it. I don't care about power."

Tsubasa dropped his stance, making me frown, and said, "You truly are unfortunate then."

My frown intensifying, I asked, "What are you…"

But before I could finish, Tsubasa suddenly unsheathed a small dagger, and performed Seppuku on himself.

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