Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 158: Coronation (2)

The man, Nawaki, was as shocked as everyone, and although he had already checked this wasn't a clone, he half expected her to disappear, like a clone would.

That's why he didn't react fast enough to dodge her finger, that instantly drew a blood seal onto his forehead.

The moment the seal appeared, Nawaki felt his entire body freeze, robbed of all strength.

In front of him, Sukaina didn't not turn into a puddle like a clone would, but instead took a step back, and the water hole closed itself down as she said, "Things are about to get feisty… for your own safety, please back away. I still need to do one more thing."

The people were confused, but they had no choice but to back away as the guards pushed them back. Those weren't any guards either as they were Sukaina's 11 officers. All 11 of them were gathered down there.

Now left with both Nawaki and his son, Sukaina looked at the older man in the eyes and said, "Now, I'm going to free you, Nawaki."

Nawaki's eyes moved erratically, but the rest of his body remained frozen. He could not move a single inch. He tried moving, but he could do nothing as Sukaina impaled him with her arm, crushing his heart out of his chest.


From below the platform, a painful scream echoed out as a blond woman jumped at the platform. Sukaina barely glanced at Tsunade though as she appeared next to her in a burst of extreme speed, and kicked her away, landing back on the platform.

Her officers did not even look back too, as they followed her command and brought the civilians away.

On top of the platform, Sukaina made Nawaki's body fall to the ground with a slight push, and touched his son on the forehead, making a similar sign appear, freezing him too.

She did not immediately kill him though, but instead took the blood drenched crown into her hands, and muttered, "As expected, this was the last piece…"

Closing her eyes, she placed the crown onto her head, and felt the world drastically change.

However, before she could revel in it, she felt the space next to her shift.

Opening her eyes again, she saw Minato, in his Hokage's cloak, appear next to her, bringing his kunai down onto her. She easily parried it, but it allowed him to touch Nawaki's son, and disappear alongside with him.

Looking around her, Sukaina noticed the place had already turned empty, yet several figures had appeared. Among them was Minato, who just teleported, although not with Nawaki's son in tow. Beside him was Kushina.

That wasn't all though, as Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha were also there, alongside with Jiraya of the Sannin, who was helping Tsunade back onto her feet.

Minato said, "This is your last chance, Sukaina! Stand down, or we will make you!"

Sukaina ignored him though, and closed her eyes as she began manipulating her Yin and Yang Chakra, as well as her Blood Essence, turning them into streams that converged towards her brain.

The Natural Energy around them quickly moved her way, and was absorbed into her as a whole new kind of energy was created.

Opening her eyes as the energy started building up, Sukaina teared up a little as she asked, "Please don't make me do this."

Mikoto unsheathed her sword and replied, "We don't want to do this anymore than you do… But sometimes, we don't have a choice."

Sukaina shook her head and said, "You don't stand a chance. Just… go back. Leave. Hide. I don't care. But please, don't make me do this."

"Confident as always huh?"

Sukaina felt herself freeze at the arrival of the new voice. She felt the world crumble down as she muttered, "No, not you too…"

But as she looked to the side, there he was. There they were. Shisui and Itachi.

Itachi smiled and said, "It's fine. It's going to be alright."

Sukaina started breaking down as she said, "No, it's not. You think it is, but it isn't. Please, I beg you, go away."

Shisui activated the normal Sharingan, and replied, "Sadly, it isn't possible. We can't leave without making you realize your mistakes."

Sukaina shook her head, wiping her tears, and said, "You all are being manipulated, it's the Sages, they are…"

Minato cut her off, "It's over, Sukaina. You don't stand a chance against us. I am going to ask one last time, I beg you to surrender peacefully. Can't you see what you've done?"

Sukaina clenched her fists and asked, "What I have done? Are you mocking me? You, who turned everyone against me? You, who became Gamamaru's lap dog? You… who started the rebellion?"

Kushina, who stood next to Minato, and had Kyuubi's Chakra Cloak on, said, "Sukaina, you were the one who killed the Daimyo. Why did you have to do this? Why did you have to destroy everything the way you did?"

Sukaina took out the two golden needles tying her hair, and that's when the people here noticed something strange. Her hair was growing.

And now that they were looking at it more carefully, her whole body seemed to be… growing. And her aura was too.

Sukaina said, "I did more for this village, for this country, for this fucking world than anyone has ever done, but all you people do is get in my way. Literal gods are…"

Mid sentence though, she heard a whisper in her ear, "Sukaina, they might be listening. Control your emotions."

Sukaina stopped, and took a deep breath, earning the curiosity of some, and the frown of others."

Minato warned, "This is going to be the last time. Surrender, or we will make you. We did not come alone, you know."

As he said that, someone burrowed out of the ground right next to Jiraya and Tsunade. It was Orochimaru.

At the same time, in between Fugaku's group and Shisui's group, the mysterious old Uchiha of the Akatsuki also appeared.

Sukaina watched this and said, "I'm sorry. I will try to make it quick."

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