Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 35: Cut it out

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"So, to avoid any slip up in the future, you need to fight, and train not to let it out. Right now, your body has incorporated that killing your target was all that mattered in a fight, and so you will do that unconsciously."

Both Itachi and Shisui were standing across me, their arms crossed. After Shisui was done speaking, I asked, "Then I have to fight you two?"

Shisui nodded, and said, "We will fight with only our hands. This will be a good opportunity to train your Taijutsu. Don't worry, it won't take long anyway, the most important is conscously training against it. You should be able to gain back control in a few hours."

I nodded, and as I was about to attack, Shisui warned, "Before we start, the jutsus you used..."

I rose an eyebrow at his words, and he said, "I don't know how you learned them, but they aren't from Konoha. They are taught in other villages, so I wouldn't show them so much around like you do."

I shrugged and replied, "I can't be a spy from all four other villages, can I?"

Shisui smiled and said, "I'm just telling you to be careful, alright?"

I nodded, before jumping at him.

My first strike was a jab to the throat… I had a lot of work to do.

We trained for some time, until I managed to reign in my killing intent, and although I could still feel my fighting style was deadly, I could somewhat control it if I was fighting someone that wasn't my match. Then I headed back to the Hokage's Tower. This time, he was there.

As I entered his office, Minato smiled kindly and said, "I heard you passed by, sorry I missed you."

I shrugged and replied, "It's fine, you are a busy man."

Minato rested his chin upon his hands, leaning on his desk as he asked, "So, how was last month?"

I replied, "Awesome, I made great improvements. I learned a few jutsus too, which I learned might come from other villages…"

Minato now looked exasperated as he asked, "And how did you learn them exactly?"

I grinned and replied, "By myself, because I'm a genius. They are all rather easy to use, I can give them to the village if you want. They're all Rank E Jutsus though…"

Minato smiled and said, "It would be most appreciated. We can't have too many jutsus."

I nodded and said, "I'll write them in a scroll later. Anyway, I came for something else today. My team, and my future."

Minato's smile faltered as he said, "I see. Your two teammates left the hospital not long after you left for your training, while your Sensei left recently."

"And what have they been doing recently?"

Minato replied dryly, "Your teammates quit, and your sensei has applied to join back Anbu."

My face changed for a second, before I ruled it back down and said, "An… unfortunate development."

Minato nodded, staring straight into my eyes as he replied, "Indeed. Nothing has been approved yet though. I think a good talk would do them good, don't you think?"

I hummed lowly, deep in thought, and Minato asked, "As for your future… you are asking about a promotion?"

I moved on from the last subject and shrugged as I replied, "Not really. I simply wanted to know what you thought."

Minato looked outside the window for a moment before answering, "I do believe you possess the skills to become a Chunin, even now I can barely sense your presence."

I smiled at that, and he continued, "However, you still missed out on a lot, both in the academy and as a Genin, since you only went through one real mission. Hence, I propose a deal to you."

I nodded, "I'm all ears."

Minato pointed at my Hitai-ate and said, "You go have your little talk with your team, and if nothing comes out of it, you get your promotion as a Chunin."

Narrowing my eyes, I commented, "That sounds an awful lot like a test."

His eyes turning into crescents, Minato replied, "Maybe it is one."

I silently rolled my eyes, and Minato asked, "Anything else?"

I nodded, before asking, "I would like to follow a part time formation for either my Fuinjutsu or my Medical Training. Ideally I would do both, but I don't think I have enough time for that. I'm already working on a lot of things."

Minato looked surprised for a second, before he said, "Our greatest medic, lady Tsunade, is out of the village, and won't be coming back in the foreseeable future. However, our greatest Fuin Master is here. I can arrange you to train with them."

I smiled and said, "It's Kushina isn't it? I know the Uzumaki's reputation."

Minato scratched his cheek as he was exposed, and he asked, "I'm sure she would agree to train you, so are you interested?"

I nodded straight away and said, "Of course. Besides, Fuinjutsu is more important to me now than Iryoninjutsu. Well, that was certainly an interesting meeting. Before I leave, any idea of where my team is?"

Minato looked up at the ceiling, taking a moment to think before saying, "Izumi and Laiko should both be home. As for Amai… I would try Training Ground 5."

I nodded, before thanking him and wishing him a good day as I showed myself the way out. Not one to lose time, I decided to find my team, and started with the easiest one, Izumi.

Speeding through the village with my Body Flicker, I soon arrived at the Uchiha Compound. There, I easily located Izumi's house, and stopped in front of her door to knock.

A few seconds later, an older woman opened the door, and looked down at me with a smile as she said, "Sukaina-chan, it's been a while since I last saw you."

I smile back sweetly and asked, "Hello, Hazuki-san. Is Izumi home?"

Hazuki's face turned from a smile to a tired expression as she said, "I don't know what got into that girl recently, but she's always brooding. She went out some time ago, she should be in the common market place."

I nodded and thanked her before disappearing. However, instead of zooming away, I simply disappeared from sight as I watched her close the door, and moved to the window upstairs.

The blinds were closed, making it seem like no one was there, but as I waited for a few seconds, I heard a door open, and Hazuki say, "She's gone…"

Another voice, which I recognized as Izumi's, gloomily replied, "Thanks mom." Her voice was muffled, she probably had her face between her knees or she was hiding under her blanket.

Her mom sighed, "You can't forever avoid her you know."

Izumi replied, "I know, I just need some time."

There were a few seconds of silence, before I heard a sigh, and the door close.

I waited a few seconds, before I knocked on the blinds. I heard footsteps, and the blinds were opened.

As they did, the tired face of Izumi was revealed to me. The moment she saw my face, she panicked, freezing in place.

So I raised my hand and simply said, "Yo."

It took her a couple of seconds to properly react as she stuttered, "W-what are you doing here? I thought you were doing a special training."

I nodded and replied, "It's been a month, I finished it. I visited you at the hospital before leaving, but I wasn't allowed to see you."

Izumi uncomfortably held her nape as she mumbled, "Yeah, we were pretty roughed up from…"

I immediately stopped her, "Stop the bullshit won't you?"

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