Naruto: The Descent Of Darkness

Atonement 1.14

This time, Yugito's movement completely stopped.

"I...not."Her eyes were a little flustered.

In a trance, she seemed to see his figure come to life. The man was asking her why she didn't save him.

"You failed to save him. Why didn't you save him?" Yoru continued to ask at this moment.

"I.." She was unable to answer.

Why didn't you save him? She didn't know the answer and couldn't answer it. No matter how she tried to shake off the question, it will resurface subconsciously.

Why didn't you save me!?

The voice echoed in her ears and she desperately wanted to escape but there was nowhere to escape. She wants to take revenge for him and calm down the anger in her heart. If she can take revenge, then the anger she has nowhere to vent will definitely disappear.

However, at this moment, the object of her revenge has changed. Due to Yoru's guidance, Yugito blamed herself, the village, and the world. So, she asked herself again. Why? Why didn't I save him? Why did the village send him to complete this task? Why should he die?


Why? Why?

Why? Why? Why?

Countless whys with no answer. The more she thinks about it, the more she falls into the abyss. At this time, she was like a drowning person, struggling desperately, but was eventually swallowed by the abyss.

Finally, the flames that had nowhere to vent burned out of her body, and something in her mind snapped.

Her eyes lost focus, as an illusory tail started to appear behind her.

"That's right! Get angry, scream in despair. The world without him is meaningless." Yoru looked at the girl in front of him with a happy expression and continued to induce her.

"It doesn't make sense." The blue chakra had already covered half of her body.

"Yes, it doesn't make sense, it's better to destroy everything. You killed him, but you still have a chance to atone."

"I... have?"

"Yes! He must be very lonely in hell alone. In that case, to make him smile again, to be with him again, to bring time back to the moment when you were all happy, there's something only you can do."

"What?" Yugito lift her head as if she had found a lifeguard when drowning.

She is now desperately trying to do something for that person, and even though the figure of that person has gradually faded, she is searching for a way for atonement.

Yoru gave her the idea of what to do for atonement.

"Let the whole world be buried with him. When you meet in the underworld, he will be very happy. He died, and the people of this world killed him. They are all murderers, and there is no innocent person. Bury the whole world, this is the best atonement for him."

As he said this, Yoru looked at Yugito. Then she saw those eyes, and that deep, eerie darkness diffused within. Within those eyes, she saw her own darkness. She saw the black spider's silk dangled before her, her only way to salvation.

"Atonement! I want atonement."

"The whole world is wrong, come on let this cruel world see your anger." Yoru spread his hand like an orator and said with a crazed smile. Abyss-like darkness seeping out of his figure.


Then a tragic roar resounded throughout the forest, as Yugito was swallowed up by the tailed beast, and the blue flames rose rapidly, drying the countless rainwater around her. With a burst of flame rising to the sky, a flaming blue cat appeared in the forest. It roared up to the sky, and even the rain was shaken away by it.

Yoru on the ground looked at the two tails with a smile and nodded with satisfaction looking at his handiwork.

"Oh! It looks good." Saying that Yoru disappeared along with the darkness.

The next thing is not for him to take care of. How far the power of the tailed beast can reach, from this test he could see it clearly.

The movement created due to the Two tails immediately attracted the attention of other shinobi. After all, Tailed Beasts are ginormous, it would be impossible to not be discovered.

"What!" A who had just inherited Raikage's position from his retired father shouted. His expression changed greatly when he discovered the disturbance. He yelled at the guards around him.

"What happened to Yugito? Why did the two tails appear?"

"I don't know. Yugito went to rescue the squad before. Did she meet an opponent whom she could not defeat without transforming?" A Kumo shinobi asked.

"Idiot! How can such a thing happen, even if she wants to defeat the opponent she will only transform into a partial state. What did she encounter?" Raikage asked.

If she really needed to transform into a complete Jinchuruki to defeat the opponent, she would have retreated. Exposing the tailed beast's location on the battlefield is a big mistake in itself. Because other villages are also targeting the tailed beast.

An Anbu of the cloud village appeared before the Raikage and immediately reported to Raikage.

"Lord Raikage, according to the latest information, only one person was pursuing the jonin squad."

"Who is it?"

"[Smiling Devil]"

The moment Anbu uttered the name, the expression of several jonin around him changed as their face became pale, showing the terrifying legend that Yoru had developed.


"Immediately dispatch a large force, and never let Konoha take the Two tails." Raikage immediately made a decision.


The Kumo shinobi immediately moved. They couldn't let Konoha take the tailed beast, so many shinobi were deployed.

At the same time that the Kumo shinobi discovered the situation, Konoha also discovered it. Konoha shinobi also had a subtle expression when they learned that the pursuer was Yoru.

To be honest, as comrades in arms, they actually appreciate Yoru's ability. But they would also subconsciously fear him. And this time, such a big thing happened, naturally they can't ignore it.

The third Hokage immediately ordered an all-out attack to capture the Two tails.


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