Naruto: The Descent Of Darkness

Devil Incarnate 1.12

The time gradually passed, but the war did not stop at all but became more and more tragic. After a period of integration, Konoha gradually let go of their guard against Yoru. Of course, the reason for letting go is because of Yoru's record.

Since his first official mission, the number of missions Yoru had done was quite a lot. During these missions, many famed ninjas perished at the hands of Yoru, gradually building a scary reputation to his name.

On a rainy day, in a gloomy forest, several Kumo shinobi were constantly changing their escape routes. The Kumo shinobi ran with all of their might as if the darkness will swallow them the moment they stopped.

The Kumo shinobi did not know how long it took for them to escape, their physical strength gradually became exhausted, and felt the darkness that had been hot on their heels disappeared, and they finally stopped at ease, and planned to recover their chakra.

In an open space, the four Kumo shinobi were leaning against the tree in fear and breathing heavily.

"It's such a stroke of bad luck to encounter him in this mission. Thank God we escaped." one of the Kumo shinobi said sighing a little.

"Yeah." another Kumo shinobi agreed.

"Thank god, we are safe." another stammered.

"..." The last man said nothing his eyes swept all around the place, still feeling unease until finally, he did not discover anyone and finally let go of his dangling heart.

However, at this moment, there was a playful voice in the rain, drowning the others in despair.

"You guys ran quite quickly. It's quite rude to not even say any greeting, you know?"

The owner of the voice was Yoru. He was standing on a tree, wearing a long black trench coat, and his headband was casually tied around his arms. He held a black parasol in his hand, looking like he was on a leisurely walk.

However, his voice made the people below show desperate eyes at the same time.


"[Smiling Devil]" One of the men uttered.

Yoru got this title because of his fighting style and his smiling expression no matter who he was fighting against. The reason why other ninjas say this is because Yoru would say the most caring words and then do the cruelest things. They would be tortured by Yoru's words to the point of mental breakdown before they die.

They are not afraid of physical death, but mental death is another matter altogether.

"Why are you all frowning so hard? I would not 'eat' you." Yoru looked down with a smile on his face.

Hearing Yoru's words, the four Kumo shinobi became extremely tense. Though Yoru was smiling, they felt a chill on their back as the leader shouted directly.

"Everyone, Don't listen to him, cover your ears. Don't listen to the devil, don't look him in the eyes. Only in this way can you not be tempted by the devil."

This may seem overboard, but the group had already experienced fighting against Yoru once. They knew that the 'words' that Yoru speaks may seem harmless but they would gnaw at their psyche, bringing out their worst. As if those red eyes could read their mind, his opponents would always end up being played by him. 

His words were like a potent poison, seeping into the mind and infecting the soul. If one is not cautious, it will spread and eventually consume you, claiming your life in a slow and inevitable demise.

Hearing the leader's words, the ninjas immediately prepared to cover their ears with their hands and closed their eyes at the same time. But before that, they heard Yoru's words again.

"Human beings have five senses. You guys obstructed your vision and hearing with your hands so how will you fight me next?" During his words, Yoru vanished and appeared in front of the Kumo shinobi.

It seemed that Yoru took the initiative to enter the opponent's siege, but these people subconsciously took a half step back. They were already thinking about how to escape.

"We..." At the same time, the youngest chunin among them wanted to refute but was immediately interrupted by the Kumo leader's loud voice.

"Shut up! Don't you know what he is best at? Don't look at him, don't listen to his words, don't talk to him. Do you want us to experience hell?"

The Kumo leader has already given up his hope to survive, now he just wants to die a little easier. As for fighting, don't be kidding, okay? The more he fights, the more excited this torture maniac will be. If he doesn't resist then he will kill people directly. To resist is to die. If he resisted until this person has fun then his fate would be worse than death. He has already seen the result of being played by Yoru, it was cruel and merciless.

Besides, if they could have really defeated the person in front of them then, they would not have had to run for so long.

"..." The young chunin heard his leader's words and immediately took out his kunai.

Just when Yoru thought that the chunin had mustered the courage, he saw that the Kumo chunin stabbed his own tongue with a kunai, physically cutting off his ability to speak. After seeing the chunins actions, others followed as they all took out the kunai and stabbed their ears.

The rain washed the blood from their faces.

All right! These guys are quite ruthless, you win. Yoru lost his interest in seeing the scene in front of him.

"Am I really that scary?" Yoru asked, particularly no one.

Yoru's question was not heard by the Kumo shinobi. Since it could not be heard, naturally it could not be answered.

"It's a pity." Yoru sighed.

The parasol in his hand began to rotate on an axis, as the darkness materialized from the edge of the parasol, instantly turning into extremely sharp blades, quickly slitting the throat of the four in front of him. Blood spurted into the sky and fell to the ground mixed with the rain.

It seemed like it was raining blood.

10+ advanced chapters on Kofi~

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