Naruto: The Hidden Protector

15: Hizashi, I have a deal that may interest you

“ Hmm, I don’t know how to describe it. It just felt like I was stuffed in water and was forcibly taken away. “ He answered after thinking for a few minutes.

Truth be told he himself is surprised at how calm he is. He was sure he died in that explosion. ‘Hmm come to think of it why did even think of going for the suicidal move ‘ he wondered.

And that’s when he remembered it. When he was being dragged into the enemy hideout he heard a voice that gave him 2 options. One being quietly accepts his fate and be a sacrifice or changes his fate by his own hands. And at that time he wanted to see his son and brother. He wanted to be together with his family. So he chose the second option.

The voice guided him in his operation. It gave him the necessary instructions needed to kill the elite kumo ninjas in such a short amount of time. It was also the one who told him to take the wired explosion tag. And if he remembered correctly the voice should belong to…

“ Yes, that voice is mine. I was the one who gave you the necessary instructions at that time, “ Izanami said, surprising Hizashi. He wondered whether this girl had the power to read minds.

“ No, I'm just very good at discerning people’s expressions. “ the girl answered as if it was obvious.

“ You are one scary lady. But can I ask a question? “ Hizashi said with a bit of fear in his eyes. He senses no falsehood in her words and he can’t be sure of this either. If what she says is true then she could mask her expressions perfectly. So getting a read on her is quite impossible.

“ If it is something I know then I will answer to the best of my abilities, “ Izanami said

“ How am I so calm even after all of this? I should be panicking or at the least on guard against you. But why am I accepting everything at face value? Even when I actively try to agitate myself I can’t seem to do it. “ Hizashi said in a calm voice. But his eyes showed how restless he was inside. No one likes losing control of their body after all.

“ Oh it’s because of that, “ Izanami said as she pointed her finger in one direction of the room.

Looking in that direction Hizashi saw that there was a small altar and on top of that altar there were three incense sticks that were lit. Although he isn’t well knowledgeable in medicines he could tell that those incense sticks are made from medical herbs.

“ As you might have guessed, those incense sticks are not normal. They are made from various medicinal herbs. Their main use is to forcibly calm the mind of anyone who inhales its smoke. And of course, we add some more herbs to bring out more fresh smells so it can be also used as a room freshener. “ Izanami said proudly.

This was something a small clan in Japan found out a few years ago. The clan was actually something that liked to research in medicine. But in recent years they decided to find new ways to use the medicine they researched. And so they decided to ask for various opinions from the public.

This method of asking for public opinion is, although a bit uncommon,is used frequently by various clans. Especially clans that specialize in inventions. It frees them from the hassle of thinking of new ideas every day. And of course, they would reward anyone who gave wonderful ideas.

And it just so happened that this idea of using a mind-calming herb as an incense stick is something Izanami came up with. So of course she is proud of this product.

Hizashi had an imaginary headache when he heard this. Did this woman realize how precious this invention is? People from the logistic units will fight to the death for this. That’s how scary dealing with paperwork every day is. He wouldn’t even be surprised if the third Hokage starts a ninja war for this. As the person who deals with more paperwork than everyone else in Konoha, he would definitely want this.

“ Say Hizashi, I have a deal that may interest you want to hear it “ Izanami said with her eyes shining.

“ Hmm a deal, what could that be? “ Hizashi asked, raising an eyebrow.

“ Well, the thing is I am about to go to Konoha in a few weeks. So I want someone who would know the information of everyone who would come seeking trouble. Especially in the Hyuga clan where there seemed to be more than one nuisance “ She said with her eyes burning in anger. She has a special grudge against the Hyuga clan elders who seemed to be hell-bent on branding that damn seal on everyone.

At her words, Hizashi went on full alert. Even the medicine’s effect seemed to have broken for a few minutes. “ I may be sacrificed by the clan but don’t think for a second that I'll betray my clan just because of that. “ He said, eying Izanami wearily.

Izanami blinked her eyes in confusion before everything clicked in her head. She looked at him seriously and said, “ Hey don’t make it sound like I am about to massacre the entire Hyuga clan. Honestly, I could gather what I want to know without asking you but the news directly came from a local and what gathered from the outside can be very different after all. “

And with a pause she continued “ And besides even if I wanted to I wouldn't harm your clan. That is the only thing left by my best friend, “ she said with a sad expression.

Looking at that expression Hizashi found it to be quite similar to how his elder brother would look at him when someone from the main branch makes trouble with him.

Hiashi due to his position as the clan head couldn't interfere with and show too much favoritism to a branch family member. So he could only grit his teeth when he was forced to witness his younger brother being bullied in the family.







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