Naruto: The Hidden Protector

38: you will be living with me from today

The journey back to the village was filled with Naruto's boundless energy and curiosity. He bombarded Izanami with a multitude of questions, his enthusiasm undiminished by her calm demeanor. While some might have found his exuberance overwhelming, Izanami remained patient, answering each question with ease.

Having interacted with individuals like Ashura and Hashirama in the past, Izanami was well-accustomed to dealing with cheerful and hyperactive personalities. Naruto's lively spirit reminded her of them, and she found herself enjoying the interaction despite the unusual circumstances.

As they reached a junction where their paths diverged, Naruto wore a wistful expression. Despite his reluctance to part ways, he maintained his customary smile and waved at Izanami. "Well, Big Sis, I have to go my own way from here. Thanks for hanging out with me today. I had a blast!" His smile held genuine warmth, though a touch of sadness colored his gaze.

Hearing his words Izanami was a little puzzled then she suddenly realised ‘ Crap I forgot to tell him the news ‘. She coughed a little before saying, “ Oh right Naruto I forgot to tell you but you will be living with me from today. As of today, you are formally under my care. “

Hearing those words Naruto was stunned. Then a happy smile appeared on his face. With tears dripping from his eyes he asked, “ Big sister does that mean you are going to be my family”

In Naruto's small mind, only those who are family would live together. It is because of his lack of family that Naruto had to live alone.

Izanami was surprised at his words. Then a happy reassuring smile came to her face. She patted Naruto's head as he said, “ Yes from today on we are family”

“Yayyy I have a family too “ Naruto cheered happily. He was so happy that he jumped a few times.

Chuckling at his childishness Izanami held Naruto's hand as she guided him to the mansion.

And to make sure they were not interrupted again she cast a small Genjutsu on the Anbu ninjas to go away.

After they left she deployed her domain to mask their presence. She didn't want Naruto to witness her punch an ignorant passerby because they couldn't keep their mouths shut.

Naruto obediently followed Izanami wherever she was taking him. He didn't ask any more questions thinking it would annoy her.

Izanami couldn't help but be amused by Naruto's behavior. If she didn't know any better, she might have mistaken him for a well-mannered, obedient child. "It seems this poor guy has suffered more than it was told in the canon," she thought with a sad smile. She decided to punish Hiruzen and Danzo a little more to make it up to Naruto for what he suffered.

When she thought of this, a collective shiver ran through the backs of Hiruzen and Danzo, who were still in the Hokage office waiting for any news about the intruder. At that moment, they didn’t realize that the one who had perpetrated all the actions that terrified both of them was coming to punish them again.

Arriving near the mansion, Naruto's excitement grew too much for his act to continue, “ Wow big sister, is this really your house? This house is 3 times bigger than my apartment building. “ He said with his eyes shining like stars.

“ Correction, not my house, our house. Don’t forget you are also living with me from today “ Izanami said as she pinched Naruto’s cheek.

“ Hehehe, I forgot about that, “ Naruto said sheepishly, scratching his head.

Izanami chuckled at his antics. She then guided him inside the mansion. Naruto was amazed at every little thing. He kept asking questions, completely forgetting to put up his act. Izanami, like usual, answered all his questions until they went inside.

As soon as they got inside an army of animals dashed towards them. Leading them was Kaguya who shamelessly jumped into Izanami’s arms.

‘ I wonder what father’s and uncle’s reaction would be when they see how their mother is acting now ‘ Izanami thought amused. She then eyed Naruto who was petting Rin and Sakumo with a happy smile.

‘ Poor kid must be his first time petting an animal who didn’t run away from him in fear ‘ Izanami thought.

After a while, Izanami said, “ Okay Naruto let’s get you freshened up, we will have lunch at Ichiraku's next door. “

“ Wait really, thank you, big sister, “ Naruto said as dashed inside the house to get a wash. In his excitement, he completely forgot that he had no idea where the bathroom really is.

Izanami laughed at this as she followed closely behind him. After he got lost three times he looked at Izanami and showed a sheepish smile, “ Hehehe big sister I might have gotten lost dattebayo “

Izanami almost laughed out loud at this. He even used the typical Uzumaki catchphrase in his words. After a while, she guided him to the washroom. Then after instructing where his new clothes are and warning him not to burn himself in the hot water izanami walked out of the bathroom.

She didn’t offer to wash him not because of her dislike but because he needed some alone time to sort out his thoughts. Izanami believes Naruto thinks this is a dream and he would wake up very quickly. As she didn’t want to be forceful she decided to let him take his time to adjust to his new lifestyle.

After they were out of the bathroom Kaguya who was still in Izanami’s arms asked suddenly, “Is he your brother’s reincarnation “

“ Yes, he is this generation's Ashura’s reincarnation. “ Izanami said, hiding nothing from her grandmother. She wasn’t too surprised at how Kaguya guessed it. Even in the original story, Kaguya recognized the familiarity between Naruto and Sasuke at a glance.

“ yeah, I noticed. He is just like how Ashura was when he was young. I remember seeing the same goofy smile on him when he was caught doing something unnecessary, “ Kaguya said in a melancholic tone.

“Oh, you were watching us from the moon. “ Izanami asked with a raised eyebrow. This is new to her.

“ Of course I did. What else could I do in that cold prison? No matter how many seals your father and uncle placed on me they can’t completely cut off my connection to this planet. So I was able to see how my grandsons were. “ She said with a bit of sadness.

Izanami sighed at this. Her father and uncle were great beings who were respected by many but they were horrible sons who didn’t know how much they hurt their mother.







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