Naruto: The Hidden Protector

40: But even with this talent you still fell into that man’s hands.

After a while the celebration ended as everyone was too full to eat anything. Teuchi had some amazing culinary skills that made almost everyone ask for a second serving. After paying the bill all of them bid their farewells and came back to the mansion.

Tsunade, who was the laziest of all of them, went directly to the winery to grab a bottle to drink. What good would a celebration would be if they didn’t get drunk?

“ Oh right Tsunade remember to bring a glass of fruit juice for Naruto, “Izanami said not intending to stop Tsunade this time. Putting aside Tsunade’s ulterior motives she thought it was a good decision to have a small gathering for Naruto to properly introduce himself to the family.

“ Ok, “ Tsunade said as she rummaged through the wine cellar to see what was in there like she was selecting fruits from the market.

“ Come on Naruto, let's go to the living room and prepare the table. You have some space for some fruit juice right “ Izanami said with a smile.

“ You bet I do, “ Naruto said with a cheeky smile.

“ha ha that’s the spirit, “Izanami said heartily as she guided him to the living room. The room was decorated with many beautiful paintings, calligraphy, and antiques.

And to no one's surprise Kaguya, Rin, Yahiko, and Sakumo were lazing around in the living room.

“ Oh, did you guys also want to celebrate with us? “ Izanami asked as she carried Kaguya into her arms.

“ yeah I wanna join “ came Kaguya’s lazy reply.

“ oh a party I’m in, “ said Yahiko who looks a bit excited.

“If it isn’t too much “ came Rin’s reserved reply.

“ Sure “ came Sakumo’s short reply.

While the group was preparing the table for another celebration Nanami was walking down the corridor towards one of the guest rooms that is being accompanied by Shisui. As the leader of the Yokai unit, she knew almost everything that was happening in the Shinobi world. Especially if it was something as important as Shisui Uchiha committing suicide.

As the remaining descendant of her old friend Kagami Uchiha, Shisui was on Nanami’s lookout list. A prodigy who was able to graduate from the academy at the age of 7 . Made a name for himself as the Shisui of the Body Flicker in the Third Great Ninja War. A leader of the peace faction in the Uchiha clan.

But even in his impressive record, there was one thing that made Nanami feel a headache. Shisui Uchiha is too naive. After getting the Mangekyo Sharingan and mastering it he told his abilities to the Third Hokage and his three friends.

As a Shinobi, keeping your cards to yourself is one of the basic rules everyone learns. But he went against all that spoke about his dangerous ability.

Nanami really wondered whether this is a side effect of him skipping school and graduating at a young age. After all, even in Japan where anyone could be a genius no child under the age of 13 is allowed to drop out of school.

This is one of the first rules Izanami declared so no one dared to raise any objections. Even heaven-defying geniuses have to attend school even if it is meaningless to them.

But of course, those guys can go to advanced classes or become assistants to teachers and make some income making them not wasting any time. There is no one who would say too much money.

Arriving at Shisui’s room, Nanami knocked twice before entering it. On the bed, Shisui was there with his eyes covered in bandages.

But unlike when Izanami visited him his complexion was completely fine. This meant that the poison was completely removed and cured. If not for the bandages in his wounds he would be as healthy as ever.

“ Who are you? “ Shisui asked in vigilance.

“ Oh this is a surprise you could tell that I'm a different person, “ Nanami said in a bit of surprise. To normal sensors, she and Izanami would appear as the same being due to both of them being human sages. And with their chakra control masking their chakra is not a problem meaning unless they intentionally release their chakra the sensors wouldn't be able to differentiate between them.

“ Yes, unlike that person who came earlier, your presence is different. Her walking is filled with elegance while yours is like a ninja. “ Shisui said as he tried to take countermeasures in case this person turned hostile.

“ Huh, I never thought about it like that. I guess you are quite exceptional. Even your stupid grandfather wouldn't notice such details” Nanami said in a bit of admiration. She was honest in her words.

Earlier she thought Shisui was able to become a genius due to his mastery over the Sharingan and the resources his grandfather left him. But it seems her judgment was wrong. If he could analyse such things in an instant then he is a natural genius.

“ But even with this talent you still fell into that man's hands. You went ahead and told a group of power-hungry maniacs that you possess the ability to change the minds of anyone without them even realizing it. Do you realize how foolish your actions were? “ Nanami asked in a mocking tone.

“ Yes, I thought the Hokage would accept the Uchiha if the clan stopped having rebellious thoughts. “ Shisui said bitterly. He truly never wondered why the clan was this much agitated. After staying here for a day he began releasing the dark truths that he purposefully ignored.

The Uchiha were isolated in their own village. The Hokage faction tried their hardest to suppress the Uchiha. He even thought that his admission to Anbu was in order to suppress the clan.

Seeing Shisui so deflated Nanami felt a twinge of sadness. She knew how hard it must have been for him to see all his beliefs crumble because of betrayal.

Sighing, she came close to him and gave him a hug. Shisui's body tensed up immediately and he was just a second away from jumping to the side when Nanami said in a soothing tone.

“ There there let it all out, It isn't always nice to bottle up your emotions. Let it all out then you will feel better “

Like a dam that was broken, tears began to stream down Shisui's eye sockets. He didn't know who this stranger is but she gave him the same comfort his grandfather had once given him. So he instinctively let his feelings take over him.

He let out all the bottled-up emotions inside of him. How he felt when Danzo took his eyes, how he felt betrayed when the third Hokage didn't do anything to stop the conflict with the Uchiha. He let it all out. Everything that made him stressed out day and night was said to Nanami.

Due to his exhaustion from speaking for so long, he unintentionally slept in Nanami's arms.







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