Naruto, the Uzumaki Emperor [COMPLETED]

52. Chuunin Exams First Phase [3]

[Sasuke P.O.V]

Since we met the Sand Ninjas, a few days passed.

We had already known about the Chuunin Exams being an event that happens two times per year through Naruto, he's like the head of the Team, even if I don't like admitting it, he's the strongest of us.

When Naruto told about his past, I didn't know how to feel towards the Village, the scars left in his body were a proof of it, it made me hate the Village, I don't even know how much hate he has towards it but I'm sure mine wasn't even near a percent of the hate he has, even so, it pained me to know that my best friend suffered like that.

It also pained me knowing that the reality he had faced was just so different from mine, it also gave me a new reason to become strong, I'll become strong so that nobody will need to suffer like that, be it my family, my friends or even strangers.

''Sasuke, don't forget that the Chuunin Exams will start in twenty minutes, Naruto-chan, Sakura-chan and Haku-chan are already waiting for you, go and become a Chuunin for mommy, ok?'' I heard my mom saying, she always keep talking like that, do that and this for mommy, so embarrassing!

Sighing, I left but not before mom forced me to hug her, dad and Nii-san.

[Third Person P.O.V]

Seeing Sasuke coming out of the Uchiha State after waiting for more than 30 minutes, Sakura joked ''What did take you so long? I thought I was the girl of the group, not you!''

Over the six months of constant hardships made up by Naruto to hit all of them with reality, Sakura personality took a huge leap, her previous fangirl-like personality was still there but it barely showed itself, she had become much mature compared to her version of six months ago, as if she became another person.

Sasuke looked speechlessly towards Sakura before sighing ''Let's go, I'm sorry to let you all wait but we need to go, our destiny now is the Third Floor, room 304 of that Building, let's go.'' he said while pointing to a building.

They flickered away and it didn't take long before they entered the building, even before they entered the Building, Naruto noticed that they were in a Genjutsu, however, he played along and quickly, they got to the 3rd Floor, where they saw Team Gai almost fighting with two Chuunins ''I won't allow any of you to enter, if you don't have enough strength, get lost!'' one of them said.

Lee was almost near the point of breaking the Chuunin nose, however, Neji held him back after seeing Team Kakashi, seeing Naruto, Lee immediately stopped before he shouted ''Naruto, my eternal rival! You're here as well, such youthfulness, going to participate in the Chuunin Exams! These two are blocking the way, both of us should teach them what a youthful punch is!''

''...I don't know him'' Naruto said after seeing all of the attention that was drawn towards him, then, he looked over the two Chuunins, just as he was about to say something, Sakura said ''You don't think that such low-level Genjutsu can work on us, right? Naruto, Sasuke-kun and Haku-san, you probably noticed from afar about it, right?''

Then, she proceeded to say ''Kai! (Release!)'' while doing a simple hand sign and suddenly, the sign that said '304' changed to '204', smiling slightly, Sakura continued ''Let's go to the third floor, we can't take too long here!''

Everyone except Naruto, Haku and Sasuke: ''...''

It turned out they were in a damn Genjutsu, meanwhile, Neji thought 'I fell to such low-level Genjutsu, it seems I need to train more on that part...'

''Since when did you become such a badass?'' Curious, Sasuke asked Sakura, that had now a smug smile on her face before she replied ''I didn't, I just acted like one to frighten others, showing that our ability is higher than theirs.''

Hearing that, Sasuke thought as they opened the door 'Damn, she's scary.'

''Oh, you were able to enter through the door without your enormous forehead stopping you?'' A question was thrown towards Sakura, it was obviously Ino, the only one that liked to tease her friend like that.

Sakura's eyes twitched slightly before she said ''Said something, Inopig? I couldn't hear you, I only heard 'oink oink'!'' her personality changed and with Naruto nicknames, her teasing skills improved.

The culprit of her improved teasing skills ignored them before he went to talk with Hinata, looking over the girl with hime-like haircut, he said ''Yo, Hinata! Have you improved in these six months? How is your Eight Trigrams training going?''

Startled, Hinata said ''N-Naruto-kun, I'm doing g-great!'' even if she had greatly improved regarding her shyness towards the blondie, she still couldn't erase it completely 'I'll surprise Naruto-kun in the exams!' Hinata thought.

Nodding, the blue-eyed teenager went to talk with Shikamaru because he felt how nervous Hinata was ''After this exam is over, I want another Shogi battle with you, next time, I'll win.'' He stated before noticing a grey-haired man was talking to the rest, however, Naruto didn't care and just waited for a while.

Shikamaru smiled slightly, Naruto was the only one that was able to keep up with his abilities on Shogi, on the start, he let the blondie win some times but after time passed, Naruto was able to actually win ''I'll wait for that, it's troublesome to be without a good opponent like you for months.'' he said.

Suddenly, the grey-haired man was attacked after Sasuke somehow and for some reason, provoked everyone. [1]

Three Sound Ninja attacked the grey-haired man and even though he evaded, his glasses broke and he fell to the ground while coughing, a few seconds passed before he stood up, just as the fight was about to continue, smoke covered the place and as it disappeared, Jounins appeared.

A man with scars on his face with his headband covering his entire head said with a smirk ''Very good, bunch of degenerates with baby faces, time to start! I'm Ibiki Morino and your proctor for this exam, shut up and sit down because the Chuunin Exams will start!''

[1] I didn't want to show all of the unnecessary dialog because it would take too much space, unnecessary ones, as such, I skipped all of the dialog and fight with Kabuto, Sasuke provoked everyone but not in the same way as Naruto, for those curious, his provocation was: ''Some of you may be veterans but that doesn't mean anything because we'll be the ones to become a Chuunin!''.


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