Naruto, the Uzumaki Emperor [COMPLETED]

91. Infiltration and Assassination [1]

''Raiga Kurosuki sure did a good job on you, eh, Fox?'' Jiraiya said teasingly towards Naruto, who couldn't care less. Looking over Jiraiya with the side of his eyes, the blonde teenager nodded slightly.

''His power alone wasn't enough, that boy could see all of my attacks clearly. It was probably a strange Doujutsu, not even Sasuke's Sharingan could see my attacks because it was faster than they could perceive.'' Naruto said as not only Haku but also Jiraiya's eyes widened slightly.

'A strange Doujutsu capable of seeing these attacks? This is amazing, I wonder why I've never seen it even once!' Jiraiya thought before shaking his head, the blonde teenager had immediately pierced both eyes to destroy them. Naruto was simply destroying a Doujutsu whose ability to perceive attacks was better compared to the Sharingan!

Looking questioningly towards Naruto, he saw the blonde teenager shaking his head negatively: ''I did that because I have no use for it and I doubt either of you two would want the eyes for yourselves. The one that put a bounty on Raiga Kurosuki of such high amount wasn't just for the man himself... Rather, I have an impression he/she was after the boy's Doujutsu.''

'Just... who would want it? Is it Kumogakure, Kirigakure or Iwagakure? Maybe... Danzo? He did have a slight fetish towards Doujutsus.' Naruto thought while narrowing his light blue-colored eyes. At this moment, it was as if a random thought popped inside his head as he remembered a certain thing.

Naruto's eyes seemed to widen slightly as he thought to himself while walking with both Jiraiya and Haku: 'It's 'that' person? When I arrived at Kurogakure, I immediately used the Kagura's Mind Eye and when it got to the highest floor of the [Bounty and Missions], it simply stopped there, not going forward.'

It was the first time Naruto felt fear, no... It was his body unconscious response to an enormous, overwhelming power that he couldn't touch - Not the current him, at least.

'I have no use thinking about this right now... I'm not strong enough, after all.' Naruto thought while shaking his head lightly. He had different things to focus at the moment - Training.


''Here's your reward. Rewarded bounties for the bodies of: Raiga Kurosuki, Ranmaru, Raiga Family members, Flowery Mercenary Group members. A total of 1,500,349 Ryo.'' The voice of a male clothed in a thick black-colored cloak said from behind the balcony while handing out stacks of Ryo that were inside Sealing Scrolls.

The voice, despite low, attracted the attention of many Rogue Ninjas around them. Looking over Jiraiya, Haku and Naruto's figures that were hidden behind the black-colored cloak, some groups started whispering towards each other: ''Did you hear that? They actually killed the Raiga Family entirely and even the Flowery Mercenary Group.''

''I saw the Flowery Mercenary Group leaving Kurogakure to chase some people, I guess these were the ones. It's really a surprise considering even after so long, Raiga Kurosuki remained alive, these three did all of that alone, they're not ones to be underestimated...''

Ignoring all of the whisperings as if he hadn't heard it, Jiraiya muttered in a tone only Naruto and Haku could hear: ''We'll be taking a special kind of mission right now. It's called Infiltration and Assassination, only few Rogue Ninjas take that when it comes to the Five Great Nations because of its danger. Which Village any of you think is the most suitable to be infiltrated?''

Haku pondered for a bit before suggesting: ''I think that Kumogakure would be the best option considering our abilities.''

''Agreed.'' Naruto nodded slightly as Jiraiya smiled underneath his mask: 'They've considered which Village would be the best between Iwagakure, Kirigakure and Kumogakure through their current abilities. Between the three, they would have a better advantage in Kumogakure.'

Turning to the one behind the balcony, he said in a tone only the two of them could hear: ''We'll be taking the Infiltration and Assassination mission. Infiltration within Kumogakure and assassination of one of their Council Members.''

'Council Members? Isn't the difficulty a bit too high? Not realistic, even... What is Ero Sennin thinking?' Naruto thought with narrowed eyes, even though he's confident in his own abilities, the blonde teenager didn't think he would be able to take such mission. Not without using his Space-Time Manipulation as it would allow him to simply teleport in there, assassinate and leave without problems.

''Aliases: Toad, Fox and Rabbit. Mission type: Infiltration and Assassination within Kumogakure. Mission Reward: 2,000,000 Ryo.'' Came the voice hidden within the thick black-colored cloak. The reward is so absurd as a result of many failing to complete it.

Infiltration and Assassination had many meanings behind it. It wasn't just infiltrating and it's done, there was something called Information Gathering too and even if you could gather the information, you needed to return alive in order to complete the mission.

A Scroll with the Mission Objective was thrown towards Jiraiya, that caught it with his right hand and started to read it alongside Naruto and Haku [Mission Objective: Infiltrate within Kumogakure and gather information regarding their next movements and intentions. Bonus objective: Assassinate one of the Council Members of Kumogakure - Raiden.]

Jiraiya nodded before saying in an indifferent tone: ''How much it costs about Raiden information?''

''69,000 Ryo.''

'Only that? Maybe the demand is low so the cost was lowered...' Jiraiya thought before handing out the exact amount. After seeing Raiden information, he nodded and looked around with narrowed eyes.

''Fox, you'll be able to break the rule for the first time. Right now... We are in a dangerous situation.'' Jiraiya said in a low tone before Naruto smirked underneath his mask. Holding Jiraiya and Haku's shoulder, he teleported away as instantly, many silhouettes flickered away.

A few kilometers away, Jiraiya said with widened eyes: ''Oi, why did you have a Hiraishin's Kunai hidden here?''

Naruto blinked his eyes innocently before he said: ''I had to prepare myself in case a situation like that happens. Preparations are never enough, after all.''

Jiraiya and Haku: ''...''


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