Naruto training system

Chapter 19 Chapter 019 Brutal Execution

Chapter 19 Chapter 019 Brutal Execution

What is a ninja?
Zhou Zhu's hope is to live in the sun and have a bright and unlimited career.

But reality always hit him.Tell him that the reason why ninjas are ninjas is because they are, hiding in the dark, using the most powerful perseverance and hard work in the world to do the most secretive and cruel things.

Zhou Zhu was supposed to go back to the cabin with Taki to rest, but he wanted to have some supper on the way, so he went to the ship's restaurant alone.

What Zhou Zhu didn't know was that the cruel reality of the ninja world was waiting for him in the boat restaurant to reveal the veil.

Zhou Zhu, who opened the door of the boat restaurant, looked inside and saw the ninjas densely surrounded in the center, his expression suddenly froze!
Many of the ninjas gathered inside opened the door because of his abruptness, and looked at him.Bitter murderous intent, and strong dissatisfaction rushed head-on!

Looking at their clothes, they are all dressed in Anbu or chasing and killing.Except for the abrupt lost wild Fei Zhen.

They gathered together, and there seemed to be something or someone in the middle, but Zhou Zhu couldn't see it because his vision was blocked.

"Hehe, brat! Didn't your team leader tell you that if you run around so late, something will happen?" A familiar voice came, and it was Taodi Zaibuzhu who had met once.

Zhou Zhu was very surprised that he had courage again!Dare secretly ridiculed his leading teacher when Shiye Feizhen was present.No, this is already a blatant provocation to Los Ye Feizhen.

No matter how strong the pressure brought by these people is, carefully examine the field.I saw that the Anbu and the Chasing and Killing Department were gathered together with clear latitude and longitude, and there was even a tense atmosphere.

It seems that these colleagues have given Zabu Zhan Honey the confidence and courage!

But Zhou Zhu didn't know how to answer the words. To be honest, under the pressure of nearly a hundred people present, Zhou Zhu was also a little trembling and speechless.

The extremely strong murderous intent, and the angry stares caused by strong dissatisfaction, how could Zhou Zhu, a new ninja, feel uneasy?
Fortunately, Losing Ye Feizhen still looked like a teacher leading the team, which diverted the attention of these people.

"Hehe! As my student, of course I'm just running around! What's the matter? If you don't want to cut me off, you have an opinion? Instead of having the time to change the topic, it's better to keep chattering, how should these people be assigned!"

Zhou Zhu felt the pressure all over his body lighten instantly.If it was a smart or experienced ninja, he would definitely turn around and go out at this time, and it would not be shameful to run away directly.

It's a pity that Zhou Zhu is a family ninja from Nojiko, and he doesn't know anything about the ninja world.

So the foolish and bold, he didn't run away, but took advantage of the opportunity to squeeze towards Fei Zhen in the crowd!
Those ninjas from Anbu and Chaserbu, probably because they feared that he was a student of Feizhen, didn't dare to attack.

Abandoned a lot of strength, used his shortness advantage, and strongly ignored the dissatisfaction of the ninjas who squeezed through.Come to Fei Zhen and stand beside him.

"I have to say that your ignorance and courage may be the only strengths in you!" Fei Zhen's words came to his ears, but Zhou Zhu was shocked when he saw the scene in the circle.

No longer able to complain about Feizhen, nor to defend herself.

Squeezing into the crowd, Zhou Zhu saw what they were surrounding.

A group of ninjas who were still wearing Kirigakure's forehead protectors were all limp at this moment, their bodies were seriously injured, and some even died.

A large number of stab wounds spread all over the body, and Kunai, who had pierced through the vital parts of his body, was still bleeding out.The floor of the ship's restaurant was covered in viscous blood, and the original color could not be seen.

"I just boarded the ship tonight, how long has it been, and there is internal strife in Mist Ninja!" Zhou Zhu's insignificant knowledge is destined to not know what's going on.However, the secret service personnel present will solve his doubts.

Before not cutting himself off, a ninja wearing the unique mask of the Kirigakure Hunting Department sounded a majestic voice, "Yueyue God! Don't go too far! You have long been unable to represent Anbu! These people were first discovered by our Hunting Department Yes, it’s impossible to hand it over to you just because you intervene in the middle!”

This person can speak on behalf of the Pursuit Department, and he is still standing in front of the ghost, facing each other with Lost Ye Feizhen.It seems that he is the strongest in the hunting department.

"Hmph, I, Ye Yueshen, always look at money when doing things! Your hunting department made a mistake in its prediction and failed to solve it quickly. Since I have intervened, I will get the reward I deserve!" Sanye Fei said arrogantly.

"The Konoha spy, who has been hiding in Kirin for ten years, is likely to have collected and mastered a lot of unfavorable information on Ninja Village! Ye Yueshen, as the former Anbu, these people wantonly collected information on Ninja Village during your tenure. Don't be arrogant, otherwise I will definitely read another copy for you!" The masked man from the chasing department threatened.

The identities of these people in the field are ready to be revealed, they are Konoha's spies, not some Wunin internal strife.Only then did Zhou Zhu understand the situation.

This is because the Pursuit Department had grasped the information and wanted to arrest the spies, but it didn't expect that there were so many spies. They started a war in the ship restaurant and were intervened by the Anbu.Now the two groups have a new dispute over the division of military merit.

"Oh! What a big pot. I used to be the head of the assassination department, but not the head of the intelligence department or the secret service department! You still want to throw the pot on me? Go ask, is there any counter-espionage in the assassination department? "Shiye Feizhen said sarcastically.

"Today, the credit of these people, my mother will decide! Seven of the 20 people were solved by the Anbu. The other eight were captured by me! Don't try to steal my money from the killing department!" Fei Zhen began Let the facts make sense.

The leader of the hunting department sneered, "Did you forget that you are only leading a team to guide the Jonin, and you just accept the mission and get commission. If you participate in this kind of counter-espionage operation privately, you will not get any reward! However, the Pursuit Department is very happy to help you apply for a special certificate of honor according to the terms of assistance!"

Let me go, aren't you afraid of being beaten when you talk to a gold digger like this?Ghost's special certificate of honor!Feizhen, who looks at money in everything, wants that thing?
Losing Ye Feizhen didn't care about his words at all! "Hmph, ignorant player, anyway, I'm cleaning up the big ones, and now I'm handing over my impermanence to the Anbu, not your hunting and killing department! According to the mission guidelines for ministerial-level organizations, this task will be transferred to the Anbu. As for the credit rewards money!"

Fei Zhen looked back at the Anbu behind him, "I think you guys know how to pay!"

I go!This is a blatant extortion of bribes!Zhou Zhu finally knew that, Fei Zhen used to be a subordinate, why did he still gamble with her after she left the job!
I don't want to win back the money I made before, but to lay the foundation for the future 'continued cooperation'.It is even possible to use gambling to launder money, and realize the proceeds of Feizhen from the gambling table with Anbu's subordinates.

I really can't bear to look directly!As a teacher, what did Fei Zhen show Zhou Zhu? Money worship, gambling, money laundering?
"Lost Wild Feizhen! Don't go too far! I respect you one foot, but you force me to do so? The Pursuit Department has been watching these spies for two years, if it wasn't for digging deep into fishing! How could we have waited until today? Let you have Is there an opportunity to take advantage of?" The leader of the hunting department called out Fei Zhen's full name for the first time, and it was already out of anger without any respect.

"The rules of the village are like this, there is nothing you can do if you are not willing! Who made you weak? If you want to be held accountable, ask your people!"

As he said that, he also looked at Zabuzhan standing behind the leader of the hunting department. "Won't the ghost be beheaded again? It's such a big name, it's a battle, and it's nagging. Thank you very much, otherwise I wouldn't be able to grab so many!"

Guiren was inexplicably sad, "She said that I should be responsible by name! What should I do? That's an Anbu legend! Strong arguments are likely to be obliterated, right?"

I'm very nervous about not chopping again, but I have an angry expression on my face! "So many colleagues are watching! Don't be cowardly!"

After a while of quarreling, Shiye Feizhen won a big victory, and the chasing department turned around unwillingly and left.

Everyone in Anbu also gave thanks, and hinted that they would pay a premium on the gambling table, and after returning Fei Zhen's due reward, they were going to take these spies to pay for their work and receive the reward!
But in the end, Fei Zhen actually endured the heartache, and forced to keep a half-dead spy at will.

Zhou Zhu watched the Anbe ninja walk away slowly, and looked at Sanye Feizhen in puzzlement.

At this time, Losing Ye Feizhen was still muttering, "One million! One million!" It seemed like a tight heartache.

The spy who was not taken away was still conscious at this time and kept awake.But Zhou Zhu looked at him, with serious injuries, he probably wouldn't survive tonight.

His entire right leg was ripped off, yes!It wasn't caused by a knife cut, but it seemed to be torn off with brute force.The exposed thighs were in the shape of irregular tears.

The right eye was pierced by Kunai, and the white dead eye was even connected to a nerve.Half of the face became convulsed and distorted due to neural connection problems.

Even so, he remained awake, holding a kunai tightly in his hands, facing his left chest heart.

However, the Tesuji was picked, and he couldn't stab at all, this glorious blow.

Looking at him, Zhou Zhu, who has experienced a peaceful society, is the first real witness of what great perseverance is!This is the real ninja!
Lost Ye Feizhen, who walked out of the temptation of 100 million, read out the spy's information on his own.

"Kawabata Kazuru, male, transferred from Ukage Village to Kirigakure ten years ago. Because of his outstanding performance, he was promoted to Kirigakure Special Jōnin, and formed a team with the same transferees, specializing in B-level missions. He is good at water escape, One-handed ninjutsu water entanglement is famous. It is said that the water attribute chakra spreads all over the body, sticks to the opponent, and will not die endlessly."

Kawabata Crane didn't say a word, only one eye remained, no sadness or joy, no fear and no anger.

Fei Zhen didn't expect him to say anything. The senior spies trained by Ninja Village don't have any special means, so don't let him reveal any information.

Fei Zhen didn't keep him, not to demonstrate how to obtain information in front of his subordinates.

Fei Zhen said to Zhou Zhu seriously, "You are about to go to the front line, and your ability is too poor. It is the first time to kill someone, and it is easy to awaken the blood succession limit. Try it!"

After finishing speaking, she took out a handful of standard kunai from the ninja tool bag on her back, and stuffed it into Zhou Zhu's cold palm.

Due to the height difference, she clung to Zhou Zhu's ear, "The carotid artery, the heart, the two most vulnerable places in the human body. Choose one! No matter which one, he can be freed in the shortest time."

Xie Mei's voice echoed in my ears, "Of course, if you like to torture the enemy, the lungs are the first choice!"

Zhou Zhu trembled, holding up Kunai that Fei Zhenqiang had stuffed into his hand.

"Murder! Guilt? Tension? Fear? What kind of emotion is it?" Zhou Zhu didn't know, he only knew that he couldn't move even a step.

"Is it cowardice? Cowardice? Conscience? Not at all!" Zhou Zhu fantasized about his first encounter with the enemy, whether he would be like the protagonist in the novel, ruthless and ruthless, like killing chickens and dogs.

Until this moment, he held the tool to judge other people's right to life and death.Look at the man who looks like a lamb to the slaughter.He still didn't know what was preventing him from taking a step forward and preventing him from swinging that blow.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhou Zhu realized how ignorant and ridiculous his fantasy of changing the ninja's rules of conduct was.

His self-confidence as a time traveler is gradually collapsing.

Otaku for a while, Otaku for a lifetime!One moment of cowardice, one lifetime of cowardice!A waste of time, a waste of life!
Time travel, rebirth!It can't change the nature of your dick. "It turns out that I am just like this. Could it be that I am destined to be like this?" Zhou Zhu began to deny himself.

Time is flowing slowly, and Feizhen's patience is gradually fading.

"One million, if you don't do it. I will turn you into a real '100%'. The task of a ninja is never a joke. I can't bring one, worthless waste!"

Losing Ye Feizhen's voice gradually became colder, like a biting cold wind, which made Zhou Zhu tremble helplessly.

Kawabata Kazuru, watching this scene, recalled his past.

As an orphan, he ate from the dead on the battlefield that had just ended.A tall ninja appeared, just like the scene at this time.

That person also handed over a kunai.Point it at a ninja, not quite dead yet.The man said to him, "Choose! Live or die."

Everything is like reincarnation, Kawabata Kazuru, looking back on this life, repents bit by bit.

A hoarse and weak voice sounded, "Stab down, deal with it calmly, and be a ninja! But don't let killing control your heart."

This sentence is what the ninja he stabbed to death said to him.Now, on the verge of death, Kawabata Kazuru, would like to pass on this word.

Zhou Zhu looked at him in astonishment, and gradually felt his hands.I don't know if it's because I got the other party's permission, and the guilt in my heart dissipated.Again, what magic power is there.

Zhou Zhu recalled his past powerlessness and complaints. "In this life, I can't live like a waste. I want to change! I want to really live!"

Accompanied by Zhou Zhu's cheering shout, "Ah!"Kunai pierced Kawabata Crane's left chest.

Blood gushed out and splashed onto Zhou Zhu's goggles, covering Zhou Zhu's vision.

The courage I raised just now gradually faded away.The eyes under the goggles were tightly closed.Tears slipped down, but no outsiders saw them.

"Go!" Zhou Zhu whispered.

Kawabata Kazuru, looking at the boy in front of him, his body fell slowly.It seems to return to the embrace of the earth, and it is like a leaf, turning into silt, caring for the growth of the next generation.

The Will of Fire, this illusory existence.I don't know if this Kirigakure boy can understand it.

The flowers are blooming like a brocade, and the circulation is silent.The reincarnation of the world ends at this moment.

Zhou Zhu heard a slight sound, which was the sound of his body falling to the floor.

Zhou Zhu really wanted to take another look, this him, the first person to kill when he came to the ninja world.However, the eyes that barely opened could only see blood red.

"It's the goggles, they must have been splashed with blood." Zhou Zhu thought to himself.After the first kill, exhaustion hit him, and he fell backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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