Naruto training system

Chapter 709 Datongmu Agarwood

Chapter 709 Datongmu Agarwood

As soon as he was born, he saw the human tragedy of his brother killing his mother together.If this were placed in other worlds, it would definitely be another Lord of Destiny who was born with a plot to kill his relatives.

It's a pity~ this is in the cruel and violent ninja world.There are definitely not a few guys who have this protagonist template.

The filial Heijue, at that moment, determined to be the Otsutsuki Chenxiang of the ninja world, and rescue the mother who was sealed in the moon by the unfilial son-Otsutsuki Kaguya Hime!
Although, compared to those two elder brothers, his real mother's son, his identity is a bit embarrassing.

Rather than saying that he is the son of Otsutsuki Kaguya, it is better to say that he is just a small part of the spiritual energy individual that was born out of Kaguya's will energy.

If Otsuki Kaguya Hime hadn't been imprisoned by his two elder brothers, he would never have had the chance to be born.

Moreover, even Otsutsuki Kaguya Hime never treated him as a real son.In the eyes of Otsutsuki Kaguya Hime, Heijue may be just a low-quality shadow clone that she created, which can think completely independently!

And Otsutsuki Kaguyahime's purpose in creating Heijue is to leave behind someone who can rescue her before she is defeated under Nizi's siege!
The identity of the son is still impossible to be recognized.However, Heijue, a person of the most affectionate nature, unswervingly walked on the road of being an enemy of the whole world and working hard all his life to save his mother.

Compared with the two rebellious sons born to his mother, Heijuejun is really the son with the closest relationship with his mother.

It is also the creation of life. Among the offspring born by the mother, rebellious and unfilial sons can appear.But the life created by the Creator has only the purest and purest feelings for the Creator.

In the affectionate love endowed with life, there is only respect and protection!
The lonely childhood life did not defeat Hei Jue.On the contrary, in the days when he lost his mother, it made him more determined to regain his mother.

Hard work, self-improvement, and never giving up have become the strong will honed by Hei Jue in order to save his mother and the world.

For nearly a thousand years, Heijue has planned a grand blueprint to liberate his mother, and has been working hard to practice it, never wavering for a moment.

Otsutsuki Kaguya Hime is in the seal of Earth Explosion Star—the wind and flowers are still there for more than a thousand years.

However, Hei Jue, under the baptism of the years - his appearance changed drastically in the blink of an eye.

After thousands of years of pursuit, what remains unchanged is the original intention of "cutting the moon to save the mother".

There are only hardships and hardships along the way. In order to save his mother, Hei Jue had to start to become insidious and cunning.Join forces with the craziest and paranoid group of perverts or lunatics in this ninja world.

In the beginning of the hell-level difficulty, carefully plan to contact those big bosses who stand at the top of the food chain in the ninja world, just to implement his "matryoshka" plan and use these perverts or lunatics to achieve your own goals.

In this world, nothing is simple, but the degree of difficulty is different.And the road Hei Jue chose is the most difficult road in the world.

However, just to return to his mother's embrace again, Hei Jue...will not hesitate at all!

I got used to the night, but I couldn't get used to the world without my mother after all.

In Zhou Zhu's eyes, Heijue is the only person in the whole ninja world that he can feel admiration for.

Because, if you are not in the darkness, you will never realize what kind of temptation you have to face all the time when you are in the darkness.

After the Third World War, Zhou Zhu officially stepped into the shadow of darkness. It has only been 13 years until now, but he himself can only remember what he wants to get, but his character has long been eroded by the darkness. , How many times has it changed!

Zhou Zhu stepped into the darkness at the beginning, just for selfishness, and even a shameful sense of security.

But looking at Hei Jue who has been walking alone in the darkness for thousands of years, Zhou Zhu felt that he was simply an unsightly passer-by.

Sense of security - desire for revenge - desire for control.

In the darkness, Zhou Zhu changed his mind three times in just 13 years.

At first, it was just for safety, but later Zhou Zhu began to take revenge on the Kirigakure Thirteen Teams who had hurt him, and even the entire Ninja World, which in his eyes was perverted, Zhou Zhu carried out massacres without haste many times .

It wasn't until Iida Kusakaru's death and Okamoto Hegui washed his memory that Zhou Zhu really changed to what he is now, almost indifferent to the world, just wanting to practice the original ideal state again.

However, under the erosion of darkness, even if he found a greater goal, Zhou Zhu's desire to control became stronger and stronger.

For example, Zhou Zhu learned the so-called "patience". This patience is not commendable, but derogatory.It is cruel to people other than Zhou Zhu, and it is also cruel to Zhou Zhu himself.

In order to build a world dominated by his Zhou Zhu's will in the so-called horizontal push world, Zhou Zhu indulged the tragic plot in the Naruto world and continued to evolve.

Zhou Zhu's patience is not so much patience as indulgence to the world and cruelty to himself.

He obviously has more means to rescue Cao Xun, but for the so-called maximization of benefits, he has been willing to wait under the domineering power of time and space power.

He seems to be leisurely and contented in Konoha, but he is not a prisoner who has been deeply trapped in the abyss of hell.

On the other hand, Hei Jue, under the baptism of thousands of years, has not changed his original intention.If it was Heijue who got the inheritance of the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, then... Otsutsuki Kaguya Hime, I am afraid that he was rescued by Hei recklessly!

The courage to change the timeline and bear all the consequences...Zhou Zhu didn't have it.

Zhou Zhu, who seems to be arrogant and domineering, is still unable to escape from his roots, and has no evaluation of the courage to face difficulties.

Zhou Zhu's character is more like an ordinary person, just like an otaku.

Do great things but cherish your life, see small gains and forget righteousness.The perverse and unscrupulous arrogance is actually a weak and fearful heart that swings from side to side.

Without that strength to rely on, Zhou Zhu might not be able to reach his current status in his lifetime.

Heijue is a real man, he is working hard step by step for his grand blueprint.

And Zhou Zhu is a real nouveau riche, he can only do little by little, waiting for everything, and comes to the door on his own initiative.

This is also the reason why Zhou Zhu has been unwilling to touch and change the plot.

Playing chess every step of the way is not as courageous as going to the a result of?I will bear the consequences on my shoulders, I can afford it!Who doesn't admire such a true hero?

Perhaps, Zhou Zhu's character and his way of doing things will make his plans more secure, and he would rather be the choice made by an ordinary person.

But people like Heijue are true heroes who are admired and loved by others.

Times make heroes, isn't it just because of a bit of luck that they are caught by these heroes and heroes? (If you didn't catch it, hehe)
Those who are mature and prudent must envy people like Heijue who are full of courage and perseverance.Because, in this kind of person's dictionary... there is no compromise!
(End of this chapter)

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