Naruto training system

Chapter 725 Mission Brief

Chapter 725 Mission Brief

After hearing Naoki's narration and Maya's words, Zhou Zhu's expression also sank.

He revealed this aloud, and the more he talked about the topic, the more serious he said, "Understood, this matter is over, let's just expose it!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhu changed the subject directly, and began to say routinely: "Everyone pay attention, now, tell me about this mission."

Hearing Zhou Zhu's words, the four members of Zhou Zhu's class immediately got into the mood.

They and Zhou Zhu, every time they go out to this kind of non-forbearance village to accept missions, Zhou Zhu can't tell the mission in the forbearance village because the wall has ears.

Therefore, we can only briefly describe the mission and goals of this trip, and even the matters needing attention during the journey out of the mission.

It is related to the success of the mission, and even his own life and death.As ninjas, the four quickly entered the professional state.

A year ago, they were just rambunctious brats with nothing but strength and talent.Who would have expected that now they have become ninjas who are worthy of great responsibilities in missions and can stand alone on their own.

The special treatment he got because of Naruto's status as the orc Churiki?Hmph~ Wait until these four of my disciples are truly cultivated.For you, Konoha, they can only be existences that you can no longer afford!
After looking at the four students with satisfaction, Zhou Zhu took advantage of the situation and said, "This mission was released by Wuyin Ninja Village, but it was obtained through an unorthodox channel."

"This mission is an S-level confidential mission, and the execution location is in the closed water country, Wuyin Ninja Village. It was released by Terumi Mei, the leader of the opposition party forces in Wuyin Ninja Village, the blood successor of the Terumi clan and the limited ninja."

"The employer is the leader of the opposition party, and the execution location is in the Ninja Village of the enemy country, but the mission is an S-level secret mission. In this way, you can probably guess what the purpose of our employer hiring us outsiders is. ?”

After a short pause, Zhou Zhu answered his own questions and explained: "That's right~ this is a secret mission that was deeply involved in the coup in Daguo Ninja Village."

"It's different from the S-level mission you received last time but didn't complete. This time the mission will be more dangerous than the last one. The mission is possible at any time, because the situation in Wuyin Ninja Village has changed, and it has been upgraded to super-S High-level Galway mission."

"So, this time you have to be more cautious, act strictly in accordance with the regulations, and don't make trouble for me."

"Because this time, if there is carelessness or underestimation of the enemy, if I can't save you, the only result for you is death. Do you understand?"

Seeing Zhou Zhu's expression and tone that didn't look like he was joking, the four of them gasped for breath, and replied in unison: "Understood!"

Knowing that the four of them were said by him, and it involved the possibility of upgrading to the difficulty of the super-S level task, he had already paid full attention to it.

Zhou Zhu also stopped intimidating them, and bluntly stated the task content: "The task is a beheading task, and the target of the operation is—the fourth generation of Mizukage of Wuyin Ninja Village, the loss of Goju!"

Not caring about the disciples who were surprised because the target was Mizukage, Zhou Zhu continued to describe the mission: "The target information passed by the employer shows that this Mizukage was born in the Goju family of the Wuyin Xueji family. This group Possesses a special blood-successor limit-boundary melting escape, which is a fusion of the two Chakra attributes of water and earth."

"The ninjutsu characteristic of Rongdun is a bright red strong soluble liquid similar to the form of water escape. It is extremely corrosive, and it is an existence that cannot be resisted by ordinary defensive ninjutsu. Never, in a battle, against hard carry or defensive melting Run away, take chances."

After reminding the disciples that they should pay attention to the blood-melting escape of the Goju family, after the limit, Zhou Zhu continued: "In addition to Rongdun, the target person this time, Goju, who lost his warehouse, is also a strategic weapon of Wuyin Ninja Village. Among the nine big tailed beasts in the world, is the Jinchuriki of Sanwei Isota."

"Among the tailed beasts, Sanwei Isao is famous for his domineering defensive power. And our target person is the perfect Jinchuriki who has mastered the complete tailed beast form."

"Once the opponent turns on the tailed beast form, ninjutsu attacks, and even body arts attacks will be almost ineffective. At that time, our main force will only be Yakumo who has the ability to control illusion!"

"Once you really have to face the target of the tailed beast, your whole team will be responsible for supporting Yakumo. Focus on Yakumo, and fight against the tailed beast's lost position."

"In addition, the Tailed Beast Jade attack of the Tailed Beast must be avoided. If that hard thing is hit, only Maya, among the four of you, can survive!"

After explaining to the team members the two big hole cards of Goju's loss, Zhou Zhu, who devoted himself to spoiling the team members' information, also told the disciples some information that Terumi Mei had not grasped.

"In addition, in terms of ninjutsu, the opponent is also a ninja who is proficient in wind escape and water escape ninjutsu. The ninjutsu he specializes in is water escape and water mirror."

"The technique of water escape and water mirror is an extremely brilliant ninjutsu of the forbidden level for Wuyin Ninjutsu, a big ninja village in this country."

"This ninjutsu can create a mirror made of water, and when it is reflected in the mirror, a person exactly like the enemy will appear in the mirror. It looks like a clone, but it is much more domineering than a clone, and can use the same ninjutsu as the opponent , and the power is the same."

"So~ if you really want to be caught by this water mirror technique, you can ask for blessings! Because of the special physique, the abilities of Yakumo, Naoki, and Maya, even if this forbidden technique is against the sky, it is impossible to get it out This is exactly the same as your abilities. But~ Langxin, you are only specialized in swordsmanship, and you are the most restrained by this technique, so you must pay attention to it when the time comes."

Although Yueguang Langxin felt a little bit offended by Zhou Zhu's blunt words.But he replied in an educated manner, "Understood, I will pay attention."

Zhou Zhu nodded and continued, "After talking about the target's abilities, now let's talk about the target's appearance, so you can remember it."

"The target character is characterized by green hair and purple pupils, and a scar that looks like a suture mark under the left eye. He also holds a stick-shaped weapon with a hook at the front and green flowers on it."

"Although as Mizukage Mizukage, wearing the eye-catching Mizukage Royal God Robe, it should be easy to recognize, and there is no possibility of fleeing in disguise."

"However, in the mission, anything can happen. Remember the appearance of the other party. What the employer asks us is to kill or capture him alive."

After briefly describing the mission goals and precautions of this S-level mission, Zhou Zhu finally asked, "That's all the information and requirements provided by the employer. Do you have any other doubts in your mind?"

The four people who were marching immediately fell into sorting out and thinking about the mission information.

As a ninja, all actions are based on intelligence.If there is a slight mistake, the mission will fail or die.

For Zhou Zhu, the teacher who has always been willing to be a spectator even if he travels with the team.Providing them with detailed information is the love and care he provided to his disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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