Naruto training system

Chapter 740 Haze

Chapter 740 Haze
Zhou Zhu, who had ended the battle with three blows and five cuts, stood solemnly behind Gaara at this moment.

And Gaara, who has entered the runaway state, is not without emotion.On the contrary, in this crazy state, Gaara's senses and emotions will be more sensitive.

Gaara's pressure brought by Zhou Zhu is visible to Gaara.

That kind of domineering, that kind of domineering that the superior is against the inferior, life and death, all in one thought, stimulated Gaara's paranoid heart even more.

"When... did I become a weakling who needs to rely on 'ants' to buy time?"

Gaara couldn't help asking himself when he looked at his floating sand shield defense until the other three were dealt with in an instant by the incoming enemy.

Although, this is Gaara's first time out of the village to perform a mission.But before that, Gaara was an invincible existence in Zonghengsha Yinren Village.

Those who are stronger than him are afraid of his identity as the son of four generations.Those who are weaker than him are afraid of the strength of his tailed orc Churiki.

(Shayin village tyrant, is it really hammered?)
This caused Gaara's arrogance.Without comparison and lack of lessons, Gaara has grown into a rampant megalomaniac.

Gaara raised his hands, thinking in a trance regardless of the strong enemy at his side.

"But today, in front of this Konoha ninja, has my self-righteous ability become so vulnerable?"

At this moment, Gaara's mood is changing crazily...

"No~ that's not the case! It's because I'm too arrogant! It's because I haven't shown my true strength yet!"

Refuting his previous failures in the face of Zhou Zhu in this way, Gaara's pupils under the thick dark circles reflected the golden color of madness.

Gaara raised his head again, with a hideous and distorted expression.

"That's right, that's it! It's just that I'm used to preying on weak pigs, and when I suddenly encounter stronger prey, it makes me a little uncomfortable!"


Don't wait for Gaara's self-talk to finish...

"Boom~~Boom, boom, boom!"

First there was a crisp sound, and then the violent sound of bumping into the ground sounded from the shore.

I didn't give Gaara the time to say any more big words, and Zhou Zhu, who felt that being merciful but making this brat even less b-worthy, and making noise even more annoying, decided to teach Gaara how to behave and how to speak.

In this way, Zhou Zhu grabbed and pressed Gaara's head, and with a sudden force, the strength penetrated Gaara's two protective magic defenses, and directly pressed him to the ground, interrupting his self-talk. The link of the conversation directly entered the topic.

With the roaring sound, Zhou Zhu dragged Gaara all the way, and slammed into the huge rock pile on the bank of the river.

The smoke and dust along the way mixed with the fog around Wuyinren Village, making the place filled with black smoke and haze.

And this haze is not just rising in the field.At the same time, it also rose in the hearts of Gaara and Kankuro who witnessed this scene.

This haze, like smoke and mist, is lingering, and I am afraid that it will be remembered by these two people for a lifetime.

Ever since Konoha Nabe King Shimura Danzo was cut off in the form of crushing and killing, Zhou Zhu has become more and more fond of this unreasonable crushing method.

The shocking feeling of mopping the floor is really like the strongest king fighting against the five scum.

There are not too many bells and whistles, the simplest method, showing the most insurmountable gap, this... is Zhou Zhu who is serious.

It takes full strength for a lion to fight a rabbit.At the beginning, this ninja principle was just the words and deeds of Losing Ye Feizhen to Zhou Zhu, but today, this creed has been integrated into the bones of Zhou Zhu, who is afraid of trouble and loves to pretend.

On the boat, the four little ghosts who had been with Zhou Zhu for a year had long been accustomed to this.

Compared to Ming Jianqing who was still admiring Zhou Zhu's domineering battle choice.The four little ghosts had already turned their eyes away from Zhou Zhu's body in a ignorant manner, and turned their bets on Gaara, who was struggling with tenacious vitality after being pushed so domineeringly by Zhou Zhu.

The four of them have long been accustomed to Zhou Zhu's bad taste of bullying the small, so there is nothing unexpected...

"What a strong vitality. In terms of defensive ability alone, this monster is probably going to catch up with Naoki!" Kurama Yakumo, who is not too big a deal to watch the excitement, hurriedly compared Naoki.

But Kamiya Maya refuted Yakumo's words quite coldly, "The defense ability of that brat is not as exaggerated as you said~"

"Naoki's chakra blocking method is much stronger than that kid's weird method of simply accumulating physical defense capabilities."

"And~the two are completely incomparable!"

Speaking of this, Maya recalled the difference in abilities between the two, and couldn't help but say, "Naoki's ability is a weakened defense. Any ninja who touches Naoki's body, as long as he doesn't have any amazing achievements in physical skills, will Can only be reduced to useless people.”

"As for that Shinjuriki brat of Sand Hidden, although his ability is a bit special, he is obviously not as special as Naoki. His defense is just a hard-to-resistance defensive ability. No matter how strong this ability is, it will eventually have a certain ability. Limits exist."

"In contrast to Naoki's words, except for Mr. Zhou Zhu's abnormality, I haven't seen anyone who can escape his weakened defense ability."

"Not compared to others, just compared to the upper limit, that sand-hidden brat can't be compared with Naoki."

At this time, Yueguang Langxin also stood up rarely, and quite agreed with Maya's words, "If you act as a simple sandbag and entangle the enemy, that kid is very qualified. But... I still think Naoki is more useful .”

Lang Xin, who usually doesn't talk much, made such a sudden mention, and immediately asked questions and summarized the advantages and disadvantages of the two.

Although the teammates are all pulling up Naoki and stepping down Gaara, but... Naoki himself doesn't really appreciate it.

"Eh~ I always feel that I've been offended (⊙o⊙)!" Naoki leaned forward and complained with a sense of presence.

"When did I, in your minds, reach the point of comparing myself with sandbags?"

Naoki rubbed his chin, and said in a thoughtful manner, "You guys, don't you think I'm a high-quality sandbag because I go up to fight the enemy in close combat every time I go on a mission? right?"

Forehead (︶︿︶) = convex, Yakumo and the three gave Naoki their middle fingers together.

"Close-to-hand combat? Do you care that every time you encounter an enemy on a mission, you have to go all out to get up to it, like a Luxing octopus, and the combat method of wrapping around the enemy ninja is called close combat? "

Yakumo exposed Naoki's dark history without hesitation and said, "I don't know who it is. During the last mission, I hugged the girl's thigh throughout the whole process! It's also a good name, saying it's restricting opponent's ability."

"As for the result~~ If it really worked, we wouldn't be here today!"

(End of this chapter)

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