Nautical Explosive Soldiers: The Five Elders, How Many Divisions Do You Have?

Chapter 350:

This is a bit beyond his cognition!

Even if they have accumulated hundreds of years!

It has been passed down for hundreds of years!

It may not be possible to do this step!

But Ryan did it almost on his own.

Many things, when he didn't go back to the earlier past.

He also can't understand it!

"Sure enough, our human creativity is the strongest, unlimited, and full of miracles! The eradication of the world government is just around the corner!" Joey Boi looked a little excited!

Even in this assessment.

Has the blood of the former D royal family!

But what a comparison!

There is no such person in front of him as suitable.

If it is up to him to master the power of the Great Secret Treasure.

Even Im, the root of all evil!

It is impossible to stop it!

He never knew that the distance from overthrowing this thing of being captive by the devil!

It could be so easy!

Because of the power of the Allies.

Even if there is no big secret treasure!

It is also possible to overthrow Im's rule

If there is, it is even more powerful!

Things just got easier!

And he wants the answer!

It's all in what happened here!

Will he rebel against the world government?

Will he stick to the original idea?

This is not an answer, it has been proven!

"Do you have any question?"

“I wonder, what happened to the blank hundred years of history?”.

178. A Hundred Years of Blank History, the Origin of Im!

"That period of history has indeed been erased! You have passed the fourth test, and you are also a godslayer. You may be able to bear the weight of past history!"

Bridge Joey Boy weighed in.

Then he asked slowly, "Do you think our history is moving forward or going backwards?"

"Are you trying to say that the current level of history and technology is regressing? Rather than becoming stronger?" Ren immediately knew what Qiao Yiboyi wanted to express.

"In this era, you seem to have a scientist named Beccapunk, this is it!" Joey Boy waved his hand, and an island full of futuristic sci-fi style.

This is where Becca Punk is - the island.

It is also an island directly under the jurisdiction of the world government!

Located in the future island of the new world - Egghead!

The buildings here are full of sci-fi colors, and the sky is full of holographic projections.

Metal-forged creatures, such as the metal sea beasts that surround islands.

Flying travel tool!

There is a tall building on the man-made island cloud.

It is a small man-made empty island.

The sheriff who can see Bartholomew is on patrol.

Many robots, not much different from real people, walk around.

It makes people feel like they are dreaming back to the future!

Many technologies on this island.

Far beyond the technology that the sea can have now...

World government ships and naval ships are also on guard around the island at this moment.

This is not a picture of the past, but of the present.

Since the outbreak of the war between the Allied Forces and the World Government.

This is an island where many human weapons are researched.

It was also surrounded by heavy troops sent by the world government.

But it is not peaceful at the moment.

There are a large number of ships flying the flag of the Revolutionary Army.

Take advantage of the fierce war on the 18 islands now.

Attacked this futuristic island.

Hope to get more material from here!

Or kidnap Becca Punk directly!

"He's on this island." Of course Ren has information about this.

"Many of the technologies and ideas here already existed in our era, including the giant robots you saw, and they haven't really caught up with our era!"

"Our technology level at that time was already able to explore the nearby planets! Whether it is for war or civilian use, it is under the combination of devil fruit culture and technology culture!"

"In the era we live in, the level of technology must be at least a thousand years ahead of the current era!"

Joey Boye sounded with a nostalgic voice.

"A thousand years..." Ren was quite surprised.

To be honest, from the level of technology alone.

Egghard's technological level is except for a few technologies.

Their overall level has far exceeded the level of the Red Police technology weapons currently possessed by Rennes.

And many things on this island were invented by Beccapunk, who claims to have a brain five hundred years ahead of the times.

Now Joey Boy said.

This so-called future.

Just a part of the past!

Their technological level has already been researched to the level of interstellar navigation?

Even under devil fruit culture.

It may be higher than the level of technology in the world where Rennes was originally located.

At least the former god, Enilo, discovered giant cities and bases where humans lived on the moon!

Regardless of the migration from this world to the moon.

Still migrated from the moon to the present world!

This is enough to prove.

This is indeed a very amazing level of technology.

"With the improvement of technology, people's living standards have also improved. We even signed a contract of non-aggression, solidarity and mutual assistance with many sea beasts and contemporary sea kings at that time with the help of technology. It was really a beautiful era!"

"But under the beautiful curtain, ambitious people are ready to move! The birth of devil fruit was originally to adapt to this cruel sea. For thousands of years, the chaotic natural disaster of this sea is the greatest disaster of human civilization!"

"However, ambitious people, in order to gain power that can rival the contemporary monarch and the king of the world, secretly research stronger devil fruits, use the most advanced technology and rare materials in the world, and even bacterial weapons in outer space!"

"In the end they succeeded in creating an unprecedented monster!"

"But the monsters are not under their control!"

"The moment it was created, it slaughtered the entire island!"

"We have never seen such a creature. Its core seems to be multiple devil fruits fused together, absorbing the ambitions, madness, darkness... of the ambitious people and turning it into a human form!"

"It was created for war and for killing!"

"And so Killing and War was born!"

"It's cunning, crazy, dark, cruel..."

"By the time we realize it, it's too late!"

"Most half of the world has fallen into its hands!"

"We fought with all the power of the whole world, but even if we relied on the most advanced technology at that time, even if it was the king of heaven and the king of Pluto, we couldn't completely wipe them out!"

"It is also extremely contagious. It can manipulate human nature, make it degenerate, and become its puppet!"

"The war has been stalemate for many years!"

"Humans are fighting less and less!"

"There are more and more monsters!"

"The war between humans and monsters has lasted for tens of hundreds of years!"

"Human beings are struggling and can only survive in the cracks! But our scientists have not given up hope and have been studying this monster!"


"In the war that has lasted for more than eighty years, we have finally researched the method and power that may be able to fight this monster!"

"But at this time, the five important families and 15 kings who have been serving the Lord of the World have chosen to betray!"

"In the crucial battle, they turned to the monster and became its minions. We were defeated!"

"They are not controlled, but choose independently, they are greedy for life and afraid of death, and in order to control power! They are willing to be the internal support of monsters."

"All the strong were killed and injured, and the alliance fell apart. In order to preserve the fire, some sank thousands of meters under the sea to create new homes, some flew high into the sky, established empty islands, and began to go into exile. Extinct!"

"And with my last hope, I hid at the end of the world, waiting for the coming of the prophecy day!"

"If you want to take back the human world, it is not enough to rely on the power of an individual, even if it is the power that we have been protecting!"

"Because we have already expected that over the past thousand years, as the rulers of the world, their power will reach an unprecedented peak!"

"In our era, humans were fortunately few. With a very small base, not many strong people were born! Now that nearly a thousand years have passed, the population has still not caught up with our era! But compared to other eras, this population base is already very large. Not bad!"

"Many powerful people have also been born!"

"As for who the five important families are and who the 15 kings are, I believe people of your time know better than us!"

179. The fourth level is broken, what happened to the mutation, the secret treasure is in front of you!

Ryan does know.

5+15 is exactly 20.

And the current history is that 20 kings jointly established the world government!

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