NBA: Become stronger by dunking

Chapter 65

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【65】Su Mo vs. Harden, the ending is doomed from the beginning!


Su Mo waved his hand and did not rush to sign.

"What happened?!"

Austin was a little puzzled.

Su Mo ate a few slices of cantaloupe and asked calmly:"You mean, Nike saw my excellent performance on the court, so they called you overnight to sign me."

"That's right."

Austin nodded."Nike is very sincere. Of course, this comes from your strength."

"That's fine."

After confirming again, Su Mo smiled confidently and said,"In that case, tell Nike that I am not satisfied with this offer and I think it is worth further improvement."

"Why are my statistics weaker than Durant's?!"


Austin, who has a strong business mind, was shocked when he heard it, and then he couldn't help laughing and said,"Su Mo, you want to turn the tables?!"

"Why not?"

Su Mo smiled faintly,"Anyway, just look at the data. I really don't think my data will be better than Durant. No, I should say that I am not afraid of any player."


Austin couldn't help but applaud.

He really couldn't imagine that Su Mo, who was happy with the offer of 30 million for 7 years, would now turn the tables and further expand his own interests.

Even if the opponent was Nike, which was also very cunning.

"Mr. Austin, you can raise the price, I will prove it to you with my strength."

At this point, Su Mo hooked his lips and imitated Austin's tone, saying faintly:"We must take full control of the initiative."


Austin nodded with a smile and left.

"Su Mo, he is growing up so fast, not only in basketball, but also.....Doing business!".....

The next day.

The Warriors took a special plane to Oklahoma City in the morning.

Another full day of warm-up.

In the evening.

Ford Center.

Fans entered the stadium early, and they couldn't wait to watch the game.

Warm-up before the game.

Durant glanced at Su Mo. He publicly stated that he wanted to defeat Su Mo, not only because Su Mo played well, but also because he was unhappy about losing to Su Mo, who was also a rookie, in the archery hall.

"You won me by luck in archery, and now you have snatched my Player of the Week award. Su Mo, you are really great. Well, let's settle the old and new scores tonight."

That sharp look was like looking at an enemy.

At the same time, there was another look fixed on Su Mo, and it was this year's"third pick" Harden.

As the"third pick", he was sitting on the bench and enjoyed a completely different treatment from Su Mo. He thought he would win in the field of archery, but he didn't expect to be defeated.

Harden couldn't bear it anymore.

Tonight, he must prove himself and must defeat Su Mo.

Soon, the long-awaited competition between Thunder and Warriors kicked off. The starting lineups of both teams began to play.

The starting lineup of the Oklahoma City Thunder, the 191-centimeter point guard The starting lineup of the

Golden State Warriors is the 191cm point guard Monta Ellis, the 191cm point guard Stephen Curry, the 23cm Tiffin Jackson, the 21cm small forward Su Mo, and the 21cm center Dris Biedrin.

"Jump, BA11!"

Nenad and Biedrins fought for the ball. Biedrins grabbed the rebound and passed the ball to Ellis. The Warriors made their first attack of the game.


Su Mo received the ball at the top of the arc on the left.

Ellis moved to one side and Sefrosa stepped forward to defend. He was not only a shooting guard, but also an excellent defender, and defense was one of the reasons why he could sit firmly in the starting lineup.

Tonight, his task was to defend Su Mo.

However, when Su Mo saw that it was Sefrosa in front of him, he almost didn't think about it and rushed out. In one step of confrontation, the great shark's strength was fully revealed. Sefrosa's eyes widened, and his body retreated repeatedly, almost losing his center of gravity.



Su Mo passed Sefrosa and made a sudden stop at the free throw line.


The mid-range shot hit.

The Warriors took the lead. Westbrook controlled the ball and saw Curry retreating. He suddenly jumped up and shot a"zombie" jump shot, wanting to return the favor.


Westbrook, who was only in his second year, was really inaccurate.

This shot missed.

Su Mo, who had long guessed that Westbrook would not hit the target, stood in the three-second zone, took the rebound first, passed the ball to Curry, broke through the left wing of the frontcourt, opened up space and passed the ball back.


Su Mo dunked the ball from the free throw line and headed straight into the restricted area


Sefrosa snorted and quickly followed.......Su Mo was even faster, he took a step into the restricted area and exploded even more terrifyingly, completely ignoring Sefrosa's defense.


Split Huashan with force, dunk with one hand


The powerful dunk made a cameraman under the basketball stand shake the basketball stand with a horrified look. He took a few deep breaths and moved to the side.


Su Mo ignored Sefrosa's defense again, cut in like a scalpel, broke into the basket, was blocked by Nenad, and passed the ball to the rim.


Biedrins dunked.

Durant pushed for a counterattack, broke through the fast break, cut into the basket and hit the rebound, returning a goal.

The ball changed.

Ellis advanced with the ball, Curry screened at the top of the arc, Ellis broke through instantly, saw Westbrook catching up, turned his back and passed the ball, and Curry, who was ready on the outside, received the ball.

Opportunity ball


Zhang Shou made a 3-pointer.

Unfortunately, it missed.


Jackson picked it up and Su Mo caught it at the top of the arc on the right side and made another 3-pointer.


Still no.

Sefolosha picked up the rebound and immediately made a long pass to Durant who rushed to the front court in advance.......He was about to pass the ball when Curry flashed out from the wing like a ghost


A quick and accurate cut

"Damn it!"

Sefolosha swung his arms exaggeratedly, trying to get a foul, but the referee obviously ignored it.


Curry grabbed the ball and immediately passed it to Su Mo from the outside. The latter received the ball and shot another three-pointer.

This time?!


Got it.

Hollow hit


The Thunder called a timeout.

A 3-pointer, a 7-point run, the Warriors stopped the Thunder in less than 2 minutes.

"Sefrosa's defense was terrible today. He couldn't limit Su Mo at all. Is he feeling unwell? Or didn't get enough rest?!"

The commentator said.

Jon Barry looked puzzled.


Bill Worrell did laugh:"It's not that Sefrosa's defense is not good, but Su Mo is too strong. That extreme speed, the next step that is so fast that you can't wait, the jumping burst that is enough to hit the rim"

"Combined with these, even stars like Roy and Anthony would have a hard time facing them, so how could Sefolosha handle it?"

"This is a talent gap, it can't be solved"

"I think......After the timeout, the Thunder should not let Sefolosha defend Su Mo."

Sure enough.

Just as Worrell said, after the timeout, Thunder coach Scott Brooks directly replaced Sefolosha, who was playing poorly, with James Harden.


Harden played early tonight.

"Oh, thank you, Su Mo, you gave me the opportunity to play earlier, but I will not be soft-hearted, I will defeat you!"

Thinking like this,

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