Necromancer rampaging through the Realms

Chapter 125 Annoying Mrs. Yana

Aron's conversation with Mrs. Yana was muffled, so no one else could hear them. "Hmph.. he is just messing with our heads. It looks funny at first but just think about it.. do any of us even imagine grabbing Mrs. Yana's feet like he did?" 

"Forget about it being demeaning. The first thing is we all simply lack the courage to do what he just did." Sophie provided her findings once they had left their homeroom class behind. 

"You are thinking too much. He is not that smart." Julia had always seen the boy as a clumsy guy. It was obviously hard for her to replace that figure with a calculating person. 

"It may very well be. I believe he is not that dumb." Sophie responded with a short answer. "Dumb? Far from it. I never got the chance to tell you guys, but Aron mastered the basic skelly spell on his second try itself." Ava who had been silent for quite some time thought to share her own experience.

"On the second try? Is that true?" Hestia and Sophie were aghast while Hera didn't show any particular reaction. "Julia was the one who taught him how to cast the spell. He failed in the first attempt.. and in the next one.. boom.. next thing we knew it was a real skelly crawling out." Ava narrated the story as interactively as she could.

"The boy is good. He just never got the chance to shine." Julia admitted with a heavy heart. So what if he took her virginity, at least she was much stronger than him. Unfortunately, Hera's earlier judgment had begun to poke holes into her assumptions.

Can there be anything more depressing? The slave boy almost killed himself while trying to save her. She had an intense desire to be his guardian angel just like the boy claimed to be. But what was this? She was the one being overshadowed now?

What's more.. her friends were still unaware of his amazing ability to grasp the ancient script much akin to a five-year-old slurping through his noodles. How will they rate him once they come to know about it?

Julia balled her fist and chewed on her lips. It wasn't the jealousy of a fellow student surpassing her that filled her heart with irritation. Rather it was her insecurity related to Aron that caused such a severe reaction. 

Will Aron still respect her once he surpasses her in strength? More importantly, will he even need her? This thought scared Julia. 'No.. no.. no.. I can't let you surpass me..' 


"Are you done massaging?" Yana rubbed her forehead in frustration, glancing at the grinning brat that had nested in her lap as soon as they were left all alone in this classroom.

"Mrs. Yana is stronger than a mountain. What good a massage from a mortal boy do for you? My actions were symbolic in nature.. you know. It was my way of showing respect." The boy explained philosophically. 

"Sometimes I do want to take over the role of your mother and spank you until my heart is satiated." Yana looked like an annoyed cat that was ready to take a bite out of the boy.

"Ahem.. ahem.. there is no need for violence, Mrs. Yana. Ain't I the sweetest kid around? How can you even think of spanking my little tush?" Aron wiggled the buttocks in question, to take a more cozy seating position on the soft thighs.

Yana can only stare at the boy in disbelief. No matter how hard she tried, this new Aron can not possibly be overlapped with the shy brat she knew. Even so, she liked this Aron more. 

"If you don't come to the point, I will be forced to put on a demonstration for you right here." She warned and then broke out in laughs because, after her words, the brat actually squeezed his butt cheeks together. 

"Haha.. what a crude boy you are..." Aron only smiled. He could not be anymore happier with how his life turned out to be. Can there be anything more divine than sitting in the lap of Mrs. Yana and watching her laugh heartily without any care?

"Cough.. cough.. why are you here, kid?" Yana realized she had let go of her too much and properly assumed back the role of a strict teacher. It's only that her actions would have been much more convincing if Aron was not occupying her thighs.

"I want Mrs. Yana to teach me a trick that can help me cheat in the upcoming test." Yana had anticipated the boy to ask her about some important topics that would give him an advantage on the test, but who would have known he will directly ask her to help him cheat?

It was absurd at a level that Yana can't even laugh at it. Her facial muscles twitched uncontrollably. "Looks like you are itching for a beating." 

Yana put her arms under the boy and placed him on her desk, ready to pull his pants down and expose his ass. "Aaiioo.. I was just asking, miss. You can just say so if you don't want to share anything."

Like a scared feline, Aron jumped down and stepped back to save himself. He hurriedly pulled his pants back, aware of how close he just got to getting his ass obliterated. He caressed his chest, calming down his racing heart. 

'She can be scary at times..' "Phew.." Aron wiped the cold sweat off his head. Even after that, the boy daringly approached the lady and to her amazement, sat back in her lap. 

This time Yana didn't say anything, waiting for the brat to continue. "Ain't you being too harsh on us, Mrs. Yana? Man.. I just joined the academy, this week should have been my honeymoon period. I wanted to meet new people and visit new places on the premises. How can I do any of that if the first thing you do is slap me with a career-defining test?"

Aron cutely pretended to be mad at her. Yana didn't bother coaxing him, annoyed at his antics. "That's how I roll, kid. Got any problems? Feel free to carry your sorry ass over to Wanda." 

Yana huffed but out of nowhere, Aron cupped her face and pecked her lips. "See? That's why everyone is so scared of you." Taken totally by surprise, the lady teacher can only stare in disbelief at how easily that boy took liberties with her lips.

Had there been another person who tried anything funny with her, she would have blasted them through the skies. "So what? Tell me why that is my problem?" 

Aron sneakily licked his lips after stealing the kiss from Yana. Too bad, his actions didn't escape her attention. *Whack* "Don't do that.. it's gross..!!" The boy was awarded a tight slap to his butt for acting gross right in front of her.

"Ahem.. I never realized you will turn out to be an arrogant woman, Mrs. Yana." Seeing the woman was reaching the limits of her patience, he simply jumped off her.

"Since you are not willing to help me cheat.. I guess I better get to studying then." Aron patted his ass and turned around to take his leave, much to Yana's vexation. 

"That's it? This is why you wasted so much of my time? To ask if I will help you cheat?" Aron turned back and scratched his head innocently. "Yeah.. also, I desperately required that kiss as well."

*Bang* "ARONNN!!" The entire Necromancy department shook with the scream of a woman as a boy dashed out of one of the classrooms. As soon as he rushed outside, a piece of chalk flew behind him, hitting him squarely on the back of his head, almost disbalancing him. Nevertheless, the boy was successful in escaping with his life intact. 



*Knock* *Knock* Under the fresh sunlight of the day, Nancy sat with a big coffee mug on her table. "Come in.." "Good morning, Mrs. Nancy." A handsome fella put his head forth and greeted the lady.

"Aron.. come sit." She recognized the boy very well, offering him the seat which he promptly took. "What's the deal with you? Why do you look like you just escaped a hurricane?" She noticed the sorry state of the boy once he stepped inside her room.

"It's a long story.." Aron sat down comfortably on the cushioned chair, narrating his ordeal to the only possible savior he had in this whole institution. 

"Score at least half the marks all in a week..?" Even Nancy was taken aback by the absurd demands of Yana. "This girl.." She shook her head, causing a relieved Aron to smile widely. As expected of Mrs. Nancy, only she loved him in this cruel place. 

"That's why I came to you for advice, granny." Aron made the most destitute face he could, intent on evoking an emotional response out of the old lady. 

"Advice? What advice can I give? I think you should start right away." For a whole minute, Aron stood in his place, struck senseless by the words. Finally, his eyebrows twitched and he jumped on top of Nancy's desk, crawling over it until he was in the face of the librarian.

"Oi oi oi.. granny. You must be kidding me, right? You just called it absurd.. surely there must be a better way to deal with this situation." A smiling Nancy caressed Aron's cheeks then took a sip of her coffee. "I see no other way. Do you have any suggestions?" 

"Yes, I do. Let's hatch a plan together to get Mrs. Yana thrown out of the academy." "Pffft.." Nancy spurted the content of her mouth all over the boy's face. "Is there a screw loose in your brain, little devil?" She pulled out her tissue and began wiping Aron's face clean. 

"Did I not tell you she physically assaulted me? Isn't that a good starting point?" Nancy picked another dry napkin to dry his face. "She might as well have broken your legs. Even then the academy will not let go of Yana." 

Nancy pinched his nose hard. "We need Yana more than she needs us, kiddo. So, cut this crap.. you think I can't tell you are just messing around?" 

Aron revealed a pout and slipped back down to his seat. "I was a little serious you know.. she did hit me hard.." He rubbed the back of his head. 

"Then deal with it personally. I have heard reports of your extraordinary relationship with her." Aron was pushed on the back-foot with Nancy's revelation. "ahem.. What are you talking about granny? We are just a tad bit close.. we are definitely not having an affair.. I don't even know if she sees me as a man.. ahhh..!!" 

"Can you please take this fanboy attitude somewhere else? You are being annoying." Nancy must admit, the guy sure knew how to spin nonsense. 

"Huh.. apart from that. I wanted to check with you if I can keep this for a while longer." Aron fished out the identity card Nancy provided him for exclusive excess to the teacher's section in the Central Library. 

"You know, this is not supposed to be in the hands of a student. Not for this long anyway." Nancy placed her finger on top of the card, trying to drag it away. But Aron pressed harder, not willing to let go. 

"Can't you pull some strings, granny? I truly need this thing." Nancy smirked. She had a hunch the boy was not at all done deciphering the ancient script yet. Rather for all rhyme and reason, she believed he had only started.

Now that Aron had come to her, requesting to keep this card longer, it only substantiated her conjecture. That set of ancient words was certainly not all of the scripts Aron's parents had left him.

"You want it?" Aron pecked his head like a chicken. "I can give you another month's extension if you fulfill two of my demands." 

Aron readily agreed. Where was a free lunch in this world? If he wanted a benefit, he should be ready to offer a convincing price for it. "Tell me.." 

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