Necromancer rampaging through the Realms

Chapter 26 On hunt for the herbs

Night fell and the group returned to their sheds. Aron removed his clothes and slipped in the sheets waiting for her mate. This was the new trick that he was using to avoid straining his cock too much because it was a fact that he would definitely get an erection in his sleep.

Kyla loosened her dress and removing only her undergarments, came to lay beside him. "Why are you acting so shy? I have rarely seen you naked this past week. Is something the matter?" In response, the girl only pecked his lips lightly before laughing it off. "Hehe.. why? Are don't I look pretty with clothes on?"

Aron was not stupid. He can discern that she was not telling him the truth but kept quiet citing it as a private issue. "Nope. But it's always good to watch you fully naked from time to time?" Kyla only smirked at his words.

"Ahh.. really? I thought you have come to like those pretty high-class ladies more than me.. huh.." How can Kyla remain oblivious to all the extra efforts put in by the big-chested girl to court him? She made sure to let him know her displeasure. 

Aron smiled, his hands slipped inside Kyla's dress and landing on her soft buttocks, pulled her into his chest. "Are you jealous, little lady?" She had panicked at first when she felt his hands inside but settled down realizing that he was not exploring any further.

Her face grew abashed as Aron's hot breath struck against her skin and she felt her nipples rise in excitement. "Huh.. I am just worried that you will end up hurting yourself by getting involved with those girls." She refused to look strained into his charming eyes, instead keeping her head down.

Aron can feel the two solid buttons poking on his chest, without any delay his cock too rose to get cradled between Kyla's thighs, leaving the girl even more ashamed. "Come on, they are not that bad. Have you seen any other nobles treat slaves this good?" 

Kyla knew he was right. The girls were extremely good to them when compared to the standards of their country. Still, there was a hidden bitterness in her mind, that she can't get rid of. Gathering all her courage, she latched onto Aron's lips without any warning. Not caring about his approval she began sucking hard on those squishy lips, while her hands got hold of his long cock lodged between her thighs.

"Mhhh.. mhhhuu.." Aron's fingers slipped inside her warm vagina as their saliva flowed to each other's mouths. Very soon their tongues joined the fray turning their kiss even more sloppy. They began stroking each other's sex and slept peacefully after half an hour. Outside of their tent, the moon in the sky put on a beautiful scenery.


"Should we put on some signs to mark our way?" The next afternoon, Aron followed behind Julia as they cut through the dense bushes to make their way into the depths of the forested land. This was the first time he had walked so deep in the uncharted territory and hence wanted to be cautious.

"Not required. I know the way. Don't worry, I have been to this place many times." Julia countered as they maintained a slow walk. Along the way, Aron had seen a few herns here and there but Julia was against the idea of wasting time on those. Rather it would be easier if they can get deeper and manage to find a herb field.

"Are you sure confident that the field you were talking about will be safe?" Last night Julia had told everyone about a small tranche of land where they can find huge quantities of herbs. Right now they were making their way towards that same field, hopeful that whoever picked the herbs earlier might have missed that place.

"Can't tell with certainty. That place is hidden but there is always a possibility of people coming across it by accident." Having no further questions, Aron quietly followed behind the girl. 


*Munch* *Munch* "Why are you not eating? Don't like the food?" Ava poked Hestia to get a response out of the girl. Their friend seemed to be out of focus for a while now. "Don't tell me your little boyfriend dumped you even before you can you can confess your love?" Sophie too joked with her. 

Both the girls broke into laughter at Hestia's expense. The girl snickered at them and chose to ignore them. "Okay. Seriously though, what happened between you guys? He seems to be avoiding you like a plague from yesterday." 

At Ava's words, she took a deep breath before falling on her back, staring at the blue sky through the holes in the canopy. "Haahh.. that idiot. He takes me as a kid huh... Like I am too young to get into a serious relationship. From which angle do I look young?" She asked her friends, pointing to her larger-than-average chest.

The other two girls chuckled at her ramblings. "Well, if we only inspect your face then he is not wrong in his judgment." Sophie's words left Hestia even more frustrated. Even though she wanted to counter her, in her heart she was aware that the blonde spoke the truth. 

"Huh.. the way you always berated me I thought you were more inclined towards the same gender haha.." Ava can't lose such a great opportunity to rub it on her friend cum rival. "Yeah, yeah.. try harder next time. It wasn't funny enough." 

"Anyhow.. tell me this. Have you ever eaten semen?" Her words came out of nowhere, stunning both the girls for the next minute. Ava's face scrunched up in a familiar disgust. "Pui.. what are you saying? Why would I do that?" 

Hestia sighed in relief. This means she was right in her judgment, people are not supposed to eat that thing. Ava was experienced in sex, unlike her. She turned towards the other lady, beside her. "What about you Sophie? Have you done that?" 

Sophie's ears turned red in shame. "Nah.. never." Hestia laughed at her abashed response. "Ahh.. forgive me. I forgot you are just are as much of a virgin as me." Sophie didn't mind her sarcastic tone. "Why would you ask that? Don't tell me you ended up swallowing cum?" 

Watching the girl nod while gazing at the sky, they found puzzlement in each other's eyes. "I did. To tell you the truth, it wasn't a bad experience. I just wanted to know if it was a common practice among people or we did something unorthodox.. hehe.."

"You are telling us that you gave a blowjob to the slave boy? Not only that, you even ate his semen?" There was a single male with them on this expedition. So it wasn't long before the girls discerned what went on between Hestia and Aron.

Ava saw the girl not refuting their claims and put her head in her hands. "You are too daring..!!" All three of them relaxed on their backs after the sumptuous lunch. 


Aron and Julia laid beside each other. They had climbed on top of a tree to stay the night. They tied their makeshift bed to the sturdy branches and slipped in after having their dinner. "You sure you won't fall off, Aron?" 

The boy tilted his head to see the ground 20 meters below them. It was not the most comforting bed he had in a while. "Haha.. it's not the best position but if this means I can avoid ending up in a beast's stomach then it's not a bad deal at all." Julia giggled at his response. He never falls short of amusing her.

"Not to mention the bed in my quarters is not bigger than this one anyhow haha.." Julia only smiled, peering at the glittering night sky. "All these matters aside, how is your training going on? I can sense that you have begun to develop an affinity with mana."

Aron wasn't amazed at being discovered by the lady. "It's going well. Mrs. Yana helped me a lot." He kept the part of spirit gathering pills to himself. 

As expected, this guy was really close to Mrs. Yana. Why else she would be interested in helping out a slave with his cultivation? "Regarding Mrs. Yana, how long have you known her?" 

"Hmm.. let me think. It's been over six months now. Usually, I would be doing some random chores in the morning when Mrs. Yana will greet me in passing. She is one of the kindest souls that I have come across in all my life. I am not sure why you guys are so scared of her." It was not hard for Julia to make sense of his words.

Most of the time people with good backgrounds won't even notice slaves like Aron. That must have been the reason why the boy felt so much gratitude towards the lady just because she greeted him every now and then. It wasn't a big deal for Yana but for someone deprived of basic love and respect, it can have a massive impact.

"Well, it's not like we hate her or something. We know she is very kind just like you told me but that doesn't mean she will accommodate any friskiness in matters related to our studies. No mistake will go unpunished in her class, that's for sure." Aron enjoyed the small talk with the girl.

"Ohh.. one more thing, Miss Julia." Before he could continue the blonde cut him off. "Call me Julia." Agreeing to the proposal he resumed his question facing the girl. "If you don't mind, I never conceived why you guys will work so hard. I mean, I can understand the commoner students working hard and trying to further their cultivation. But what motivates the students from a noble background like yourselves?"

"If I am not wrong, your families must not lack in resources. Even if you relax all your life, you can easily live a life full of luxury." His monologue only made Julia giggle at his naivety.

"Haha.. you truly don't understand anything, do you?" Taking a deep breath Julia glanced at the boy for a second before turning her eyes back to the stars in the sky. "There are many reasons. First of all, there will be competition in the clans themselves. Let's take my own example. In my clan, right now my family is the most prominent one. We have grabbed the leadership role not because we control large sprit stone mines or alchemy fields. Yes, we have those too but it's only secondary."

"You always need martial power to back up your leadership status. My mother was the most powerful in all our extended family and such was the case for more than five generations now, that's why we have not been replaced by any branch family. Now let's suppose I, being the child of the main family turn out to be a weakling then the same subservient families that treat us with utmost respect right now, will not think twice before bearing their teeth to us. All in hopes of one day wresting away the power from our family."

Aron's knowledge grew by quite a lot from this short discussion. Mostly low-level slaves like him were ignorant of the lives of the nobilities. Julia didn't seem to have been done with her explanation so he held off his remarks.

"Next, apart from the internal competition, there is always the possibility of the external threats. The seats of the great clans are limited in the royal court. This means that any noble clan that is unsatisfied with their current status will have to defeat one of the eight great clans to acquire the rights to sit on the highest table." 

"This is the most bloody conflict that can happen inside the borders of our country. At times it can even lead to the complete demise of a great clan." Aron watched Julia's eyes flashing in the moonlight. The girl was not joking at all. 

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