Necromancer rampaging through the Realms

Chapter 3 A risky endeavour

Julia stopped and turned to face the boy. He was a rather handsome guy by her standards. So it was a bit difficult for her to associate him with a slave if she ignored his clothes and slippers. "Speak." She still maintained her cold face on the outside.

"Can you tell me what this potion is about?" She put her hands back on her chest before mulling over it. "Although it is not exactly a secret still, I would like you to keep it to yourself." Watch Aron nod, she continued. "It is a potion that induces death. Our goal is to perfect it so that anyone who takes it can pretend to be dead and no one will be able to tell if the person is faking it." She saw Aron's face frown at her description. 

"Don't worry, we have already conducted multiple tests of it. The worst that could happen is an injury. You won't die." Aron was not yet convinced by her word. "Had any animal that you tested this potion on.. ended.. up dead?" Julia shook her head firmly. 

"Not even, once. That's the reason I am so sure of it. Anyhow, if it gets out of hand, we will just have to get our teacher involved." Aron looked, convinced by her answer this time. "So? Anything else?" She asked.

"Yes, one more thing. I choose not to be paid in money." It was Julia's time to frown. Didn't she ask him just now, if he had read the pamphlet? "What do you mean?" Aron can see her mood getting spoiled, so he hurriedly explained. "Instead of money, I want to ask if it is possible to borrow the magic incantation learning book from you." 

"You want to learn, how to cast spells?" That was the only reason anyone would like to learn the language of incantation. But it astonished her. Why would a slave boy, want that? 

"Yes, you can say so. I am planning to take part in the upcoming slave promotion event and try to elevate my status to a student." Julia looked at the boy once again, this time with renewed interest. 

"Let me give you a piece of advice then. The best way to get in through that way will be by focussing on your cultivation level. They won't ask you to cast any spells rather they just try to find a candidate with the best aptitude for cultivation. They can teach spell casting to a student but cultivation aptitude is natural. So you will be better off trying that way." The boy looked sincere enough, so Julia went ahead and helped him out a bit with the knowledge she had.

Aron bowed his head. "Thank you, my lady, for sharing your wisdom but I would still like to try my hands on the spells." Julia was surprised as the boy rejected her goodwill in her face. She snorted a response. "Humph... Sure, then do as you please. 1 week. That's how long I can let you borrow the book. You should already know it is illegal to share our books with anyone else. I can risk it for a single week. If you want to increase the time period, then the deal is off." 

Aron would have liked to have it for two weeks at the very least but it looks like he had managed to offend the girl with his words earlier and now this was the best deal he was going to get. "Then I will accept it, my lady." Julia snorted once again before taking her to leave. 

Aron stood alone in the garden, looking at the brightly lit hostel in front of him. Will he ever be able to change his life? Or will he burn away like a moth in flame? "We will only know that tomorrow." 


Aron was walked back to his quarters. His mind was with trepidation. However, motivated he was, at this age, it was not easy to put your life on the line. If anything goes wrong tomorrow he can say goodbye to the life he had dreamt of. But on the other hand, if he survives it, he will be presented with the chance to change his life forever. 

The first spell that he had read about is the one that can summon an undead from the dimensions of the dead. If he can learn to perform that spell with perfection, it doesn't matter what cultivation level he had his magical aptitude will make sure that he can qualify for a candidature as a student. 

As these things went on in his mind, he heard some voices from ahead. Incidentally, he had to go in that same direction. From the type of voices, it was clear a couple was going hard on each other. Sure enough, in the dim lighting of the corridor, he can see a woman bent down against the wall while a man was thrusting into her with everything he had got. 

Strangely enough, Aron knew the girl that was getting rammed into the wall. It was the girl with a one-sided crush on him. Looking at the man holding onto her waist as he fucked her pussy, Aron frowned a bit. The man was grabbing onto Kyla's long hair pretty hard and it didn't look like she was enjoying it. As he got closer to the couple, it became clear the young lady was being forced. 

Although Aron had nothing in his heart for the girl but that doesn't change the fact that she can be called a friend to him. She was the only one he had connected with after fatty. Thus it made him a bit uncomfortable. He would have happily walked away if she was involved with the guy of her own volition, but now that he had seen this happening in front of him, he will have to intervene.

*Pahh* "Shut up bitch... Don't tell me you don't enjoy it... Mhh.. yeahh... Just like that.." He slapped her butt leaving a deep red mark on Kyla's butt cheeks. She tried resisting but the man was much more powerful than her. "ahhh... Leave me alone.. bastard.. ahhhh... Ahhh..." 

"Agggghhhhh!!!!" Kyla heard the guy scream so hard that her eardrums buzzed. Turning around she saw him grabbing onto his groins with both his hands but before she could make sense of anything, someone grabbed onto her hand and rapidly pulled her away, leaving the man alone on the floor, screaming and writhing in pain. 


"Hahaha.. you are so brutal, little Aron. That must have hurt like hell. But I loved it haha.." Kyla and Aron sat on the stairs after running away together. The man who was forcing Kyla was easily in his late 20s. He would have kicked Aron's butt in a face-to-face fight, that's why he had to rely on this method. He was so busy in fucking Kyla that he didn't even realize as the boy snuck behind him to deliver a solid hit to his family jewels. 

Aron was smart enough to not show his face to the guy when he ran away. He looked at the naked lady beside him, laughing uproariously without any care in the world. She was bleeding from the side of her lips. It must have been that guy, who would have hit her to make her obey.

He used his hand to wipe the blood off her face and Kyla, ceased her laughing instead choosing to watch the boy carefully clean her up. "How good had it been if I had a boy like you, Aron? But alas, you keep refusing me. See, how they treat big sister?" 

Aron kept clean her other small scratches and answered without looking into her eyes. "What will change, even if I accept you? They will still bully you. You can't expect to go against them, every time something happens to you? Both of us are slaves, it will change nothing." 

Kyla shook her head as she linked her arm with his and placed her head on his shoulder. "You don't understand. Even though they will keep bullying me, at least I can get together with you and you can make me forget all those bad memories." 

She wasn't wrong in that. Kyla was truly a beautiful young maiden indeed. He patted her face with his hand. "Okay, I will think about it. I won't commit to you but if only involves sex then I also have begun to feel the need for some release." He recalled how much difficult had it been for him to control his erection in the presence of Mrs. Yana. That was the bane of being s virgin. 

"Hmm? What did you say?" Kyla didn't believe him at first. This time he cupped her face in his hands. "I said, I will consider it." He saw her face turn from surprised to ecstatic as she comprehended his sentence. Suddenly, she grabbed him by his waist and pulled him in a tight hug. "Haha.. that's an improvement haha... I can wait."

Aron can feel her nipples against his chest and it was making it hard for him to control his lust. He hurriedly pushed her away. "Enough. Let's go to my room. I am sure that guy will try to find you in yours today." He got up but Kyla held onto his hand. "Can you please carry me, Aron? I am too tired." She made her face look truly deplorable. 

That's how she ended up in Aron's strong arms, as he carried her to his room. It was like a dream come true for Kyla, she had always imagined something just like this. "Please walk slowly Aron. I want to enjoy this moment." He looked down to see her hazy eyes before slowing his pace.


"Oi... Aron.. wake up. We are going to be late for work." Fatty called out to his friend but got no response. Aron had always been a heavy sleeper so he wasn't surprised. He climbed to his bed and pulled the sheets of the guy. "Wakey.. wakey... Mr. Aro...?" Caleb nearly fell back on the floor, once he noticed what was revealed to him.

Aron was there alright but he wasn't alone. Instead, there was a girl with him as both of them had their arms around each other and slept like babies. What's more, the girl was fully naked. Caleb gulped as he got down to the floor. Did the guy finally decide to accept her? Why else would they be in bed, together?" 

"Ahemm.. fatty you are too loud!" Caleb turned around to see Kyla looking down at him from over the edge of the bed while running her eyes. He immediately put on a knowing smile "Hehe.. you should have told me if you had wanted privacy? I would have moved to other rooms. Well, it's not like I heard anything anyways haha.." 

Kyla climbed down from the bunk bed, not caring to cover herself. "What are you talking about? Nothing happened! I am still in waiting..." She said with a sad smile. "You mean to say my friend is still a virgin?" She tied her hair into a bun. "Yeah, pretty much. No different than a newborn huh.." 

Caleb facepalmed himself. "That means all you guys did was to cuddle all night. That is disappointing." Kyla put the band on her hair bun while replying. "Well, can't say it was disappointing for me. I enjoyed it hehe.." she winked at the guy. 

"Ahem.. okay, so now, can you put some clothes on? You see, I too am a virgin so that's hard on me." Fatty had no choice but to turn his gaze away from her naked visage. "Can't help it. I got nothing with me, right now. Hmm?" Kyla's eyes fixed at him as she walked towards him with slow steps. "Don't tell me you are getting excited to look at these?" She crushed her prominent breasts into each other while closing in on fatty until her face was only an inch away from him. "Do you want to touch them, fatty? Don't worry, I am sure Aron won't mind just some touching hehe.." That was too much for fatty as he turned around, ran, and locked himself in the bathroom, leaving a laughing Kyla alone with Aron.

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