Necromancer rampaging through the Realms

Chapter 33 Desperate times call for desperate measures

"Are you scared of me, little master? Hehe.." She walked closer to him and bend down to come face to face with Aron. Her pale face was only an inch away from him. In such proximity, he can make out every curve of her jade-like face. She looked even more astonishing than in his dreams. Long white gloves covered both her hands till her elbows. Bringing forth one of her silky hands, she gracefully touched his cheek. 

Aron had been smitten by her beauty. Even her inhuman horns only added to her forbidden beauty. Her presence had brought in an exquisite scent with her. Still, in shock, his gaze suddenly landed on the massive cleavage visible from his position. 

These were not breasts that belonged to humans. He had never seen a chest this big, ever. Her gown had only covered her bust and left behind two milky shoulders. Just when he was taking in the natural beauty of this 'woman', a soft chuckle broke his reverie.

"Hehe.. little master, you can play around with them later. How about you do something for your little friend there? With every passing minute, her life force is receding." Her words were like cold water, reminding him that he had a poisoned girl to take care of. 

He will solve the mystery related to this non-human presence later. Scurring to the side he reached Julia's unconscious body. The purple hue on her face had strengthened, with her breaths slowing down. The woman was right, her condition had only deteriorated.

"Madam, is there any way you can help this friend of mine?" There was a good chance that the lady can be some old expert. If that was the case then he could not get any luckier than this. Having already done what he could, he had no other choice but to ask for help. 

In response, the woman sensually got up and shrugged her shoulders. "Nope. I got no cultivation to speak of right now." Even though her voice was charming, the negative connotation to it left him disappointed. Just when he had lost all hope, she continued.

"Hmm.. but I know a method that can allow you to save her." Aron's eyes brightened like someone had pulled him back from the abyss itself. "Please tell me!" He pressed his head onto the ground. This girl had saved his life, if there was anything he could do then he was willing to go to any lengths.

"Haha.. no need for that, little master. Actually, I do have a way but..." He had no idea why she kept referring to him as 'little master' but he chose to ignore it. The lady had fallen in thought like she was coming to a decision. 

"Before that, I would like to ask, what is your relationship with her? I mean how far are you willing to go to save her?" What kind of question was that? Aron was definitely not expecting something like this. No matter, he came up with his answer within the next minute. He was pressed for time, Julia was showing all signs of not being able to survive the night.

"She is a dear friend. In truth, she was poisoned while she tried to save me. Please tell me the method, I am willing to go to any lengths to save her life." The lady wrapped in a white gown touched her lips with her gloved finger. 

"Hmm.. then let me tell you her current condition. There is a thirty percent chance that she might survive this ordeal, although with regressed cultivation. I can see that her body had some induced anti-toxins that might save her life. But if I were you, I won't rely on that." Aron replied with a heavy nod, it was a relief but like she said he can't rely on a meager thirty percent chance.

"Next, the way to save her lies within you. Let me warn you, her body can still somewhat resist the poison because she is a cultivator. Our method will include transferring the poison onto you. And as you might have guessed, your body is perfectly ill-equipped to deal with that." 

"Transfer the poison to me?" Aron gulped. She was right. Julia might have handled the poison because she was a cultivator. Who was he? A mere slave who had begun his journey a week back. Wasn't it just a death sentence for him?

"I know what you are thinking. Don't worry, I can guarantee you that you won't die from it. You don't understand, how many secrets your body holds. So yes, you will survive. Yet, the question remains. Are you willing to take the poison upon yourself?" 

His body held secrets? Even if it did, how come he knew nothing about it and a random stranger did? None of her words were making any sense to him. However, at the very least she showed him away. Taking a lasting look at Julia's purplish face he recalled the pains she had gone through over the last 6 hours. Will he endure the same?

"How bad it's going to be?" He can tell that the lady in white was warning him all along. It was not going to be a walk in the park, that's for sure. Even then, he needed a scale as to how bad it can get.

At his question, her rosy lips spread in a wide grin. "It will show you hell!" Her words kept echoing in his mind. Hell? Was there anything worse than this? She didn't hold back in her explanation. Aron can only smile bitterly. "Are you certain that.. that... I will survi.. no, both of us will survive after that?" 

"A cent percent. But know this, only do this if she holds the importance in your heart. It will be bad if you give up midway. That will only put her life in more danger." Aron gave a nod as his hands caressed the cold face on the ground. Coming to this forest, he had never imagined that this girl would gain so much importance for him. She didn't deserve to die. People like her can't die just like this.

"Hmm. I am ready. What are we doing?" She appraised the boy, walking all around him. "As I expected. To tell you the truth little master, your dedication to her makes me feel jealous." She pouted her lips coyly while speaking. Aron didn't mind her tone, all along she had kept up her flirting cadence. 

"Since you have decided, go on remove your clothes." "Huh?" Aron was caught off-guard by her sudden request. "Hmm? Are you ashamed? Well, you can do it with clothes on too but I will recommend getting rid of them."

"Ahem.. my lady, are you.. by any chance.. are you planning to have is do that?" When she had first advocated the transference of the poison, he had assumed that it would be related to blood or something. 

"Of course, how else can you take over the poison? Don't apply your mind too much, just do what I say. Remember, the time you are wasting can prove costly for the little friend here." Aron was at a loss for words. This was another dilemma that he was faced with. Locking his lips with her to make her drink water was one thing but sex was the most intimate thing. 

Will she be really okay with having sex with him? Even if he saved her life with that? Her words from earlier today indicated that she might be a virgin as well. Aron's mind buzzed from so many nuances. 

"Forget it. We can discuss it after she is safe." Not hesitating anymore, he solidified his will and took off his shirt, followed by his pants. He didn't require any further instructions. Getting on his knees, very deliberately pulled the girl out from the bedding. 

"Don't waste time, cut her clothes away." A small knife fell beside him and Aron promptly drew it and tore away Julia's dress. One thing was sure, Julia would have been an alluring girl with an enchanting body if it was not for the large wound on her left arm and her overly cold body. 

No matter how good his resolve was how can he remain calm with a naked girl in his arms. "You don't look too experienced, little master. Do you need me to guide you?" Guide him? Aron huffed in his mind. Yes, he was a virgin through and through but she didn't have to rub it in his face.

"No. I know what to do. Ahem... I am just preparing myself." The night was cold and their situation was such that it wasn't easy to gain an erection. And even a blockhead will know that you can't do it with a limp dick.

"Hehe... There. That's her vagina, you need to put your weiner in there." Did she not listen to what he said? Aron grew frustrated, only calming down after a few deep breaths. She was just messing with him. He needs to focus. 

'Damn.. is there a worse way to lose my virginity?' He had planned to have a steamy session with Kyla one day. She was a close friend and would have been a willing companion. And now here he was with a girl who was on the edge of her life. 

'Fuck it..' He seems to have convinced himself as the woman watched him dive down and kiss the small breasts. It must have worked as the shaft between his thighs began growing in size. A sight of his raised cock made the woman wet her lips in anticipation. 

Aron switched between both of Julia's hard nipples. Her breasts were not very large like Hestia's but they had their own charm with their perfect shape and springiness. His hands lightly kneaded them while his lips worked on sucking the small beads at the center. 

Not long after he started, stiffness can be detected in his groins. Arranging her body in the most comfortable position he picked up both her legs and placed them on his shoulders. A small red slit revealed itself under a small bush. Those vertical lips had a strange captivation to them, such that he was unable to tear away from his gaze. 

He stroked his cock a few times, getting it to its entire length. Peeling the skin back he pressed the bulbous head onto the small crevice between her labia. He was about to push on his shaft when a voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Wait! You are truly a novice, little master." The horned lady had her hand on her forehead like she was embarrassed for his incompetence. Aron waited for her to continue and she didn't disappoint. "She is very weak right now, how cruel you have to be to push that monstrous thing inside her?" 

Aron's face turned red, half in shame and the other half in anger. That is the only cock he had. It's not like he could adjust his size willingly. "Then what do you suggest?"

"Spit. Use your saliva to lubricate her vagina as well as your cock. Make sure not to hold back." Aron was seemingly on edge from the start. They had wasted quite some time fumbling around. Bending down he spat in his hands and gently pushed his fingers in the pink hole. 

Making sure he reached to the depths he came across a thin film that restricted his access. Naturally, Julia had never had sexual intercourse before today. Aron spat a cohesive amount of saliva in his hands and rubbed it all over his cock. Only when he was satisfied with the slathering, did he move ahead. 

"Break through her hymen at once. She might struggle but hold her down." Aron nodded. However much he wanted to deny it, this flirty woman had been a great help. God knows how many mistakes he might have committed, had it not been for her bits of advice. 

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