Necromancer rampaging through the Realms

Chapter 35 Help arrives!!

"Are you sure she would have come here?" Hestia was unsure of the location they were searching. However, Hera firmly nodded her head. "This makes the most sense. She would have definitely visited here." The bright-haired girl shoved the bushes to reveal the ravine. 

One by one all 5 girls dropped down. Sophie was the first one to notice the freshly picked herbs and pointed the sane to her team. "Spread out. We will search 2 miles from here. Don't run off any further than that. I don't want to add another one onto my search list." In the time of need, Hera had gracefully taken over the role of the leader. Her disposition had changed completely with her voice exuding confidence, allowing no confusion as to who was in command.

"You come with me, Kyla." They went in four different directions and it wasn't long before Ava discovered the dead Cloud Poison panther. Not long after all the girls converged at the spot. "Marks are fresh. She can be around here." The beast still had Julia's swords stuck in its lifeless body. Now they knew what was the reason behind her absence. 

Each of them began calling out to her and not long after they received a reply. Sprinting in the direction the girls made their way into the cave, reaching the end. Julia rested there with her back against the wall. Their slave boy lay on the ground with his head in her lap. 

All of them were so concerned about their well-being that the lush medicinal plants, as well as the two kittens, totally escaped their notice. Hestia was the first one to kneel beside the boy. Aron only had a sheet covering his body. His wounds were such that it would be extremely difficult to put his clothes on. 

Kyla was the next one who came to sit beside the boy. Her eyes were already red, fearing the worst. "He has been through a lot. Let him rest." Hera's eyes fluctuated as she took a look around. She was equally concerned but she kept her emotions in check for the moment. "Did you get poisoned?" 

She had always been a sharp one. With all the scattered clues she discerned the issue. Julia gave a nod. "I will explain everything. Firstly, both of us need something to eat. Kyla, can you prepare something?" The girl nodded hurriedly and got to work with whatever portions they had left. Ava and Sophie chose to help her.

Though the pain in her body subsided for now. But that didn't mean she was fine. The terrifying poison as well as the loss of virginity had left her greatly exhausted. "What time is it?" 

Hestia rubbed Aron's cold hands while answering. "It's noon. You guys didn't return last night as you informed me. Hence, we began the search early morning today." Julia didn't say anything, resting her head against the wall. "What happened to him? Was he too infected by the poison?" 

Hera knew it was a stupid question. The boy would not be breathing if that was the case. Yet, the fading purple spots on his skin were telling a different story. "It's a long story. We will talk about it later. Let me rest for some time." Saying that she closed her eyes. In truth, she had no idea how she was going to explain all the overwhelming events from the night.

"Let me take over. You can lay down." Julia stared down on the sunken face for a good duration before nodding her head and switching places with Hera. Had it been any other time Hestia might have contested with her but right now she was busy rubbing the boy's feet. He was quite cold like he lacked sufficient blood in his system. 

"We will stay here for today. I don't think I am capable of walking right now. Let's leave tomorrow morning." Julia snuggled into her bed and closed her eyes. It's been too hectic for her. She required some peace for now. She would need to contemplate how to explain her new reality to her parents. It's not going to be pretty, but she got to save this poor boy. 


Once his consciousness returned, Aron found himself being carried on someone's back. It took some time for his blurry vision to return to normal. Looking around he found all 6 girls walking with him. He rested on Hestia's back and he had been tied onto her. 

There was nothing left in his body. He felt a sense of void. He can't even move his hands. They were not paralyzed. He simply lacked the energy to pull them up. The poison sure did a number on him. Even now the cries, the misery, the agony.. all of it was vivid in his memory. 

He didn't say anything, rather he was not in a condition to talk. Everyone only noticed that he was awake when they sat down to rest. "How are you feeling?" As he was seated against the trunk of a tree, he found the familiar face right next to him.

Even now his vision was shaky and he chose to answer truthfully. "It's hard to see and I don't have any strength in my body. But yeah, the rest is fine. I will survive.. cough.." Julia felt a pang of pain in her heart, listening to his cranky voice like he had scratched his voice box. He was having a hard time focussing his eyes on her face. 

"Yes, you will be alright. The worst is over, rest assured." Aron decided it was best to close his eyelids. "How long had I been out?" "A day probably." "Hmm.. nice. So, are we delayed?" "Yeah, but it doesn't matter. Just the fact that all of us escaped with our lives is more than enough." 

"Good. Then I will... Rest.." Julia found the boy pass out once again. She gritted her teeth in frustration but there was nothing she can do to help him. His body must recover on its own now. She had no idea how extremely fast he had already recovered. 

The next time when Aron woke up, he found himself in a comfortable bed with Kyla in his arms. Both of them snuggled under the blanket feeling each other's warmth. "Does it hurt?" Aron took one look at her face before snuggling between her pillowy breasts. "Yeah." 

Kyla caressed his face affectionately. "What exactly happened with you? We tried talking to miss Julia but we only got some vague responses. Like she was trying to avoid the topic." 

"Then do you want me to have my butt kicked by her, by telling you everything?" Kyla giggled cutely. "You seem well enough to joke now." "I am well enough to do multiple things, you know." 

He extended his head to take her lips in his mouth, suckling on them hungrily. Kyla didn't resist, enjoying the moment. His hands snaked behind her back trying to undo her bra, only to be stopped by her. "We got to go. They asked me to bring out for dinner." 

Now Aron was more or less sure that something was going on with the girl. This is not normal behavior for her. Previously, she would have been all over him had he provided as much as a hint to her. Yet, she was avoiding the intimacy even when he was the one initiating it. 

He was too tired to handle her for now, thus he delayed it and followed behind her. Outside it was dark already and everyone had been sitting for a sumptuous dinner, waiting for him to join in. "You are here, handsome brat." 

The first thing Aron noticed was definitely the large mounds attached to a sturdy chest. Only after that, he identify the person speaking to him as Mary. "Come to this mother, child. Looks like you had an adventure of your own hahaha.." She was just as loud as last time. 

Their group was the only one in the tavern. All the guests had left. Taking a look around Aron feebly walked over and let himself sit on her mushy thighs. He wasn't shy at all, despite an array of gazes directed at him. Mary was extremely happy to have him in her lap and showered him with kisses. 

"This little lady here told me you through a spear right through the eyes of a cloud poison panther. Is that right, kid?" Aron carefully rubbed his back in her breasts. He had a bad night for two consecutive days, no one was stopping him from enjoying his time here. Mary knew how much he loved breasts and let him do as he pleased.

"Yeah. It was just a fluke. In truth, I was so scared that I nearly pissed my pants." His words made Mary chuckle loudly, making her chest shake. "You are so funny haha.. and yet so brave. A perfect husband if you ask me.. hehehe.." 

She can tell that a few of these girls had a crush on this pretty slave boy of theirs. Her words were directed to them. Sure enough, she found multiple faces with varying degrees of blushes. However, what surprised her the most was even Hera was avoiding her gaze. 'Don't tell me.. hehe..!" 

"What do you say, boy? Want to marry your aunt, here? I am still looking for a partner. You see, I got the best assets among all hehe.." Her last sentence was spoken in his ears but it was loud enough that everyone heard it. Each one of them can't help taking a look at her 'assets' and then mentally compare themselves, making them fume. They lost by a 'big' margin. 

This time even the boy blushed. "I don't know about now. Nevertheless, when I get more powerful, I will propose to madam. Hopefully, you won't reject me then." "Hmm?" Mary was not expecting such a detailed answer. What a surprise. The boy didn't seem to be joking with her. 

"Why wait then? Why don't you propose right now? Who knows I might even accept it hehe.." She ended her sentence with a wink. She was acting very seductively and Aron sure was having a hard time keeping his erection in check. 

Shaking his head, he answered honestly. "Not right now. I am not confident enough. Once I do, I will surely come for you." Mary was left speechless. Was this a child she was speaking to? He sure talked so mature at times. "Haha.. good, good. I am impressed. Such cool thinking. Keep that attitude and you will succeed in everything boy. Remember, the one thing the youngsters will always trump the adults is time. Improve yourself, this lady will wait for you to return as an official student of the Greenville Academy." 

"Will try my best." Was Aron's short response winning him a kiss on his cheeks before everyone fussed to stop the boy and the mature from flirting any further? They began their meal and Aron refused to get down from his meaty throne, enduring all the glares directed his way. 

After the dinner ended Mary made an offer that Aron can't refuse in a million years. "Come, you will be sleeping with me tonight. I must reward you for saving my girls from that beast." The boy felt his head spin just from her suggestion. This was the perfect cure for all the trauma he had experienced these two days.

She was aware of his response and this threw around some orders to her subordinates before dragging him along to her room. Aron only bit his tongue playfully as he passed by the girls, with each one having something to say to him. 

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