Neon Dragons - A Cyberpunk Isekai LitRPG Story

Chapter 35 - Rare Skills

Meandering through the vibrant streets of the 31st floor, I spent the next half hour in search of a hair salon that felt right. Despite the pressing need to visit Mr. Stirling for the debt repayment discussion, my enthusiasm for the impending tasks was notably subdued.

My thoughts lingered on the recent events involving Mr. Stirling.

His intervention, initially seeming altruistic, had inadvertently led to my encounter with NeuroCorpse. While I recognized that his actions played a crucial role in Gabriel's survival, thereby creating a legitimate debt, I was taken aback by his haste in calling it in—and through Valeria of all people, no less.

It was an important reminder that appearances and first impressions could be very deceiving.

'I need to be more vigilant about the people I associate with, even those who appear friendly and well-meaning. Misha seems trustworthy, her genuine demeanour during our time together was reassuring, but caution is still key,' I reflected, feeling a twinge of sadness.

In my past life, I wasn’t known for being overly suspicious. I had always been one to give people the benefit of the doubt, until proven otherwise, so adapting to this heightened sense of wariness was going to be a challenge.

I made a mental note to stay alert, hoping that either my steadily growing Intuition or a newfound cautious mindset would soon become instinctual in navigating this complex world.

The old saying, “We’re not in Kansas anymore,” echoed in my mind, resonating with my current situation more than ever. It was a poignant reminder that the rules of this world were vastly different than my old one, and adapting to them was going to be essential for my survival and success.

As I continued my search and my thoughts shifted to my Intuition Attribute, I realised it was a good time to review the barrage of System Notifications that had been accumulating. These alerts had been popping up throughout my shopping with Misha, and I hadn't yet had the chance to go through them.

Additionally, there were still a host of notifications from my time at Mr. Shori’s stall that needed my attention.

[System]: 200xp gained for [Knives] Skill.

[System]: 200xp gained for Reflex Attribute.

[System]: 300xp gained for [Cooking] Skill.

[System]: 300xp gained for Tech Attribute.

[System]: 100xp gained for Intuition Attribute.

Pondering over the notifications related to my experience gains, I noted, ‘It’s apparent that the rate of experience acquisition is slowing down with each level. To maintain a steady growth, I might need to find more challenging tasks. But how do I increase the difficulty of my tasks at Mr. Shori’s? It doesn't seem feasible given the nature of the work there...’ This realisation made me pause, considering the limitations of my current situation at the stall.

However, I quickly reminded myself that my work with Mr. Shori served purposes beyond just experience accumulation. So, setting aside these concerns for the moment, I shifted my focus to the notifications from my recent interactions with Misha.

It was time to see what progress and insights had been recorded during that engaging experience, and how it might have impacted my attributes and skills in the System.

[System]: 300xp gained for Intuition Attribute.

[System]: 400xp gained for Ego Attribute.

[System]: Ego Attribute has reached 4.

[System]: [Meditation] has reached level 4.

[System]: [Appraise] Skill unlocked.

[System]: 600xp gained for [Appraise] Skill.

[System]: [Negotiation] Skill unlocked.

[System]: 400xp gained for [Negotiation] Skill.

[System]: 200xp gained for [Deception] Skill.

[System]: 100xp gained for [Knives] Skill.

[System]: 200xp gained for Tech Attribute.

Upon reviewing my System Notifications, the first thing that struck me was the appearance of [Negotiation] as another Restricted Hybrid Skill. This was intriguing, but [Appraise] really caught my attention as it represented a more complex category of Skills.

In the world of Neon Dragons, Skills were categorised into three basic types: Mono-Attribute Skills, Hybrid-Attribute Skills, and Restricted-Hybrid-Attribute Skills.

Mono-Attribute Skills were straightforward, being tied to a single attribute. For instance, Skills like [Juggling] and [Throwing] fell under this category, governed exclusively by the Reflex Attribute. Training these Skills simultaneously enhanced the associated Attribute, but the Skill level couldn’t surpass the Attribute level. If my Reflex Attribute was not higher than the Skill level, I couldn’t improve the Skill further.

Hybrid-Attribute Skills, the second category, were influenced by two separate Attributes. Skills such as [Meditation], [First-Aid], and [Blades] belonged here. They simultaneously trained both linked Attributes, and their growth was capped by the higher of the two Attributes.

So, in my case, [First-Aid] couldn’t progress beyond Level 4, as it was constrained by my Reflex level, which was currently at a 4, while my Intellect was at a 2.

The third and final category in the skill taxonomy of Neon Dragons was the Restricted-Hybrid-Skills.

This type functioned similarly to Hybrid-Skills but with one significant distinction: The maximum level of the Skill was governed by the lowest of the two linked Attributes, rather than the highest.

These Skills were less common compared to the other two types, yet I had already acquired several of them. Prior to [Negotiation], I had unlocked [Splicing], [Contortion], and [Deception].

Taking [Negotiation] as an example, the highest level I could achieve in this Skill would currently be limited to 2, constrained by my Intuition, which was at rank 2, despite my Ego already being higher at rank 4. This lower-bound rule made Restricted-Hybrid-Skills a unique challenge, as they required balancing and enhancing both governing Attributes to progress.

Each Skill had been clearly labelled with its specific category in the game, allowing the player to easily differentiate between Mono-Attribute, Hybrid-Attribute, and Restricted-Hybrid- Attribute Skills.

Curious to see the full extent of my Skill repertoire, I navigated to the [Skills] tab on my profile.

It felt essential, almost therapeutic, to periodically review my entire skill set like this.

Keeping track of my capabilities and limitations was not just about staying organised; it was a crucial part of understanding my progress and potential in this new world.

'A girl needs to stay on top of her Skills to keep her edge,' I thought, a hint of determination coupled with a good dose of mirth, in my mental voice.

[<-- Attributes -->]

Body 3: 2,300 / 3,000xp

Reflex 4: 300 / 4,000xp

Intellect 2: 600 / 2,000xp

Intuition 3: 2,300 / 3,000xp

Edge 2: 500 / 2,000xp

Tech 2: 500 / 2,000xp

Ego 4: 200 / 4000xp

[<-- Skills -->]

[Meditation] Level 4 - 0 / 4,000xp (Intuition/Ego)

[First-Aid] Level 0 - 600 / 700xp (Intellect/Reflex)

[Juggling] Level 3 - 400 / 3,000xp (Reflex)

[Blades] Level 1 - 0 / 1,000xp (Body/Reflex)

[Throwing] Level 4 - 0 / 4,000xp (Reflex)

[Knives] Level 3 - 800 / 3,000xp (Reflex)

[Programming] Level 2 - 600 / 2,000xp (Intellect)

[Netrunning] Level 1 - 200 / 1,000xp (Intellect)

[Manifestation] Level 0 - 300 / 700xp (Intellect/Intuition)

[Cooking] Level 2 - 700 / 2,000xp (Intuition/Tech)

[Slicing] Level 0 - 300 / 700xp (>Intellect/Reflex<)

[Maid] Level 0 - 500 / 700xp (Body/Intuition)

[Stealth] Level 2 - 600 / 2,000xp (Edge)

[Athletics] Level 2 - 700 / 2,000xp (Body)

[Contortion] Level 0 - 100 / 700xp (>Body/Reflex<)

[Acrobatics] Level 0 - 400 / 700xp (Body/Edge)

[Poison] Level 0 - 500 / 700xp (Edge/Tech)

[Deception] Level 0 - 400 / 700xp (>Edge/Ego<)

[Appraise] Level 0 - 600 / 700xp (>Intuition/Tech/Intellect<)

[Negotiation] Level 0 - 400 / 700xp (>Ego/Intuition<)

As I perused my Skill set, I noticed a familiar system of notation, reminiscent of the game.

'The System uses arrows to denote the different types, just like in the game. That's reassuring,' I mused, carefully reviewing the status and count of my current Skills across the three categories.

'Let's see… I currently have 7 Mono-Attribute Skills, 8 Hybrid-Attribute Skills, and 4 Restricted-Hybrid- Attribute Skills. That aligns with the approximate 2/2/1 distribution ratio I recall from the game playthroughs.' This observation brought a sense of relief. 'It's very good to know that some aspects remain consistent, despite the addition of several new Skills that were never part of the original game.'

After thoroughly reviewing my other skills, I finally turned towards the elephant in the room and the Skill I hadn’t addressed until now.

'Looks like [Appraise] is my first rare Skill,' I contemplated, interspersing my thoughts with subconscious murmurs of intrigue. 'Developing this one is going to be very cool, though it is certainly not going to be easy...'

Rare Skills in Neon Dragons stood out for their complexity and difficulty in mastering them.

Unlike Basic Skills, which were tied to one or two Attributes, Rare Skills were influenced by three different Attributes. Moreover, like Restricted-Hybrid-Skills, their level was constrained by the lowest of the governing Attributes. This meant I would need to balance and enhance all three related Attributes equally to progress the Skill at all.

However, the distinct advantage of Rare Skills lay in their capacity to grant active Abilities at specific milestones, each Skill having its own unique intervals.

This was, of course, in addition to the usual Perks obtained through the Perk-Tree at every third and tenth level. Active Abilities, however, such as the [Blademaster’s Throw] I had acquired from my Trait choices, provided additional layers of capability and strategic options to me and were definitely something I would have to collect in order to fully take advantage of everything the G.E.M.A System had to offer.

The [Appraise] Skill, which was also present in the game, had a specific first Ability I was already familiar with: [Appraisal].

This Ability would be exceptionally useful, allowing me to scan any item and receive a comprehensive overview of its general statistics and attributes. It would also give me an estimate of the item's potential value, based on my current understanding and knowledge of it.

Such an Ability would be incredibly useful for future shopping ventures, and potentially other endeavours as well, making it a priority for me to acquire and develop as quickly as possible.

One of the most advantageous aspects of Abilities granted by Rare Skills was their dynamic nature—they evolved alongside the skill itself.

As I continued to progress in levelling up [Appraise], the [Appraisal] Ability would also enhance in effectiveness. This meant that with each level gained in [Appraise], [Appraisal] would provide more detailed and accurate information, even if my personal knowledge of the item remained constant.

This scaling feature of the Abilities made Rare Skills particularly attractive, as they offered progressively increasing utility and depth, making them valuable assets in my overall arsenal.

Reflecting on my Skill set, I decided, 'It's time for a dedicated session to unlock as many Skills as I can. I’ll start with the ones I know from the game and then attempt to discover new ones that weren't part of the original gameplay. This should give me a clearer picture of which activities to prioritise for simultaneous Skill development in the future.'

I earmarked this plan as a key item on my agenda, to be tackled right after addressing Mr. Stirling’s requests. It seemed likely that unlocking new Skills could prove beneficial in crossing off the non-existent names on my list as well.

Lost in these thoughts, I suddenly became aware that I had been stationary in front of a store, immersed in my skill and attribute analysis for a good five to ten minutes. To any passerby, I must have appeared utterly oblivious to the world, lost in a trance-like state like a complete lunatic.

Regaining focus and reconnecting with my surroundings, I noticed that, almost instinctively, I had wandered to the doorstep of a hair salon. It immediately resonated with me, as if drawing me in.

The salon’s aesthetic, ambiance, and perhaps a sense of intuition led me to believe that this was the place where I could get the quality haircut I was now funded for. With this realisation, I shook off the last remnants of my introspection and prepared to step into the salon, ready to transform my appearance with a new style.

Stepping through the door of the hair salon, I was immediately enveloped in a world that was both strikingly familiar and unsettlingly foreign. The interior was an eclectic blend of old-world charm and cyberpunk flair, creating a sense of déjà vu tinged with a sharp edge of novelty.

The first thing that hit me was the scent—a mix of traditional hair products, the sharp tang of modern chemical treatments, and a faint whiff of ozone, likely from the high-tech equipment tucked away in the corners. The air was thick with the hum of activity, overlaid with the subtle buzz of machinery working in the background.

Visually, the salon was a fascinating juxtaposition.

Vintage-style barber chairs, upholstered in worn leather, faced large, sleek mirrors rimmed with neon lights that cast a soft glow over the space. Scattered around were high-tech looking styling tools, their holographic interfaces flickering as they laid next to more traditional scissors and combs.

The walls were adorned with a mix of old-fashioned framed photos of classic hairstyles and digital displays showcasing the latest in Neo Avalis hair trends.

In one corner stood a bulky, antiquated hair washing station, its chrome fixtures dulled with age, contrasting sharply with the nearby high-tech hair drying units that looked like they belonged on a space station. The floor was a chequered pattern of black and white tiles, some cracked and showing signs of age, adding to the overall atmosphere of a place caught between eras.

This blend of the past and future gave the salon a unique character, one that felt oddly comforting yet kept me alert and curious. It was as if the salon itself was a microcosm of the world outside, reflecting the dichotomy of tradition and innovation that defined this cyberpunk reality.

My contemplation of the salon's unique atmosphere was quickly disrupted by a warm, welcoming voice emanating from my right.

“Hello there, and welcome to Circuit Locks! Feel free to settle into any open chair, and one of our stylists will rock right on over to you to work their magic! And if there’s a particular stylist you’ve got in mind, just give me a shout, and I’ll see what I can do for you!” The voice was bright and enthusiastic, infusing the air with an even more inviting vibe.

The source of the greeting was a lively attendant, standing behind a retro-futuristic reception desk, which was a blend of sleek metal and vintage wood. His outfit was a mix of classic salon attire with a touch of cyberpunk edge—functional yet stylish, fitting seamlessly with the salon's theme.

His friendly demeanour and the ease with which he navigated the space suggested he was very much at home in this environment, a perfect embodiment of the salon's fusion of old and new.

His invitation to relax and await a stylist's assistance was a comforting start to my experience at Circuit Locks. Not having to fill out anything or explain exactly why I was here to people over and over again, was a welcome change to my previous life’s salon visits.

With a nod of understanding and thanks, I moved toward one of the vacant chairs and sat down. Just two minutes later, a stylist approached me, their appearance as unique and striking as the salon itself.

They had clearly augmented cybernetic arms, sleek and silver, clearly designed specifically for salon use. As the stylist drew closer, the intricacy of their cybernetic arms became even more apparent.

Their left hand had been completely replaced with an array of salon-specific tools, a fascinating and slightly intimidating sight. There were miniature scissors, combs, and other hairdressing implements seamlessly integrated into the cybernetic structure.

The tools appeared to be able to rotate and switch out with a fluid, mechanical precision, reminding me vividly of a character straight out of a movie—Edward Scissorhands.

The stylist's arms weren't just practical either; they were a spectacle in themselves, embodying both the high-tech essence of the cyberpunk world and the creative flair of their profession.

The silver limbs glistened under the salon's neon lights, casting reflections that danced across the walls and ceiling, almost like a disco-ball amidst the most popular of clubs.

The stylist's overall look was a similarly vibrant mix of punk and elegance as well.

Their hair was a bold kaleidoscope of colours, styled in an asymmetrical cut that defied gravity. They wore a leather vest over a brightly patterned shirt, and their pants were adorned with patches and pins, each seemingly telling a story.

As they approached, their first reaction to my hair was an exaggerated gasp, followed by a playful tsk-tsk sound. "Oh, darling... No, no, no! Just what have we here? This simply will not do! Not at all!" they exclaimed with a flourish, their voice laced with a dramatic tone that was both amusing and endearing.

One thing immediately struck me as odd: They seemed to have a strange habit of emphasising random words in sentences, which further added to their eccentric charm and weirdness.

Their style was questionable, yet I couldn't help but feel it was fitting.

In my previous life, I had noticed a pattern: The more unconventional and outlandish a hairstylist's appearance, the more impressive their skills tended to be. This stylist, with their cybernetic enhancements and flamboyant demeanour, seemed to embody that principle to the fullest.

"I'm here to rescue you from this hair catastrophe, trust me on that, little lady. You'll either walk out of this salon a completely new woman, or not at all!" The stylist declared this with a dramatic flair and a confident wink, their left hand clicking the scissors together in a somewhat menacing yet theatrical manner.

I was briefly caught off guard, my mind racing to interpret their words. 'Hold on, "or not at all"? Did they just threaten to kill me over my current hair? Seems a bit over the top just for a hairstyle...'

Before I could process it further or voice my thoughts, the stylist swiftly draped a cape over me and spun my chair to face the large mirror. The mirror came alive instantly with a high-tech display, framing my reflection with an array of digital icons and sliders.

"Now, let’s see what Zeria can do for you..." they mumbled, their focus intent on the mirror’s interface. Zeria's fingers danced over the interface with astonishing speed, flipping through countless styles in rapid succession.

As each new look flashed onto the mirror, Zeria would critique it under their breath. "No, no, no. Not this one. Too gaudy. She's too young for that," they would mutter dismissively at one style, before swiftly moving on to the next.

Their murmured commentary was a blend of artistic discernment and personal taste, forming a soundtrack to the whirlwind of transformations playing out in the mirror.

Occasionally, amidst the flurry of rejections, a style seemed to catch Zeria's eye.

"Maybe," they would hum thoughtfully, and with a flick of their finger, the chosen look would be sent to a folder at the top right corner of the screen. 'Likely a sort of temporary storage for potential choices...' I guessed, trying to keep up with the dizzying display.

The constant, rapid changes in my appearance were mesmerising but also thoroughly overwhelming. After barely a dozen seconds, I found myself having to look away, as the relentless visual parade started to induce a severe headache.

It was nothing short of impressive how Zeria could not only endure this visual bombardment but also critically assess and categorise each option with such efficiency and precision.

As Zeria finished their rapid-fire assessment, it took them only a few minutes to sort through the myriad of options. Turning back to me with a contemplative look, Zeria inquired, “Alright, I’ve earmarked a few styles that could be a great fit for you. But before diving into those, tell me, do you have any specific preferences or requests that Zeria should take into account, little lady?”

Eagerly, I responded, having given this much thought, ever since I had first laid eyes upon Sera’s hair. “Yes, I have a clear idea in mind. I’d like my hair to be pitch-black, as dark as possible. I’m partial to a medium-side swept with a shaved side, but I’m flexible with the style as long as there’s some shaved element on at least one of the sides for future cybernetic placement.” I began. At some point, I’d likely get some kind of netrunning cybernetic that needed to interface with my head, so it was best to include that right away, rather than having to change my style later on.

Naturally, I didn’t just want a boring ol’ black haircut, which I elaborated on further, “And for a splash of colour, I’d like the lower layers of my hair to be cyan. The idea is that when my hair is down, the black conceals the cyan completely, but when styled, the cyan should either blend with the black or stand out as a complete wall, creating a large contrast.”

Zeria listened intently, their eyes lighting up with understanding and enthusiasm as I outlined my vision. “Ah, a bold and edgy look! I can work with that,” they exclaimed, their cybernetic fingers already hovering over the interface, ready to refine the earmarked folder full of styles with my specifications in mind.

As I sat in the chair, watching Zeria's skilled hands at work, my sense of anticipation was palpable. I was more than excited; I was on the cusp of a significant personal transformation.

This was not just about a new hairstyle; it was about staking a claim in this world, about making Sera's life unequivocally my own since arriving in this reality. It was an important moment, a deliberate step away from the original Sera and a way to carve out my own identity.

Initially, I had felt a certain trepidation at the thought of altering Sera's appearance so drastically. But as time had passed, my perspective had shifted.

The experiences, the challenges, and the hardships I had endured in her body had granted me a sense of ownership over this life.

The recent weeks, with their continued suffering and, most recently, straight up agony, had been distinctly mine, and I felt I had earned the right to express myself within this body and life, starting with this first transformation.

So, as Zeria expertly navigated the interface, selecting and discarding options based on my preferences, I felt a growing sense of empowerment.

With each tap of Zeria's fingers on the mirror and each stroke of colour they added to the mirrored Sera’s hair, it was like I was shedding the vestiges of the past and stepping confidently into my own version of Sera's life…

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