Neon Dragons - A Cyberpunk Isekai LitRPG Story

Chapter 42 - Convergence

I juggled until my arms started hurting from overexertion.

This physical activity, oddly enough, had helped me focus on the challenging task of selecting Perks, which had turned out to be more taxing than I had initially anticipated. Gradually, my juggling slowed, and I began to stow away the makeshift sock-balls into the cluttered realm of my clothing cupboard, a seemingly endless abyss of socks, that multiplied on a minute- by-minute basis, filling every conceivable nook and cranny inside with more and more socks.

With the juggling balls safely tucked away, I had finally felt a sense of clarity about my Perk choices. I returned to the comfort of my bed, gingerly massaging my tired arms, my thoughts now more organised.

“For [Stealth], it has to be [Lightfoot],” I concluded with a sense of certainty.

The allure of a Perk that inherently lessened my chances of being tracked was too significant to ignore. I reasoned that while advancing in [Stealth] would naturally enhance my inconspicuousness, a System-given Perk like [Lightfoot] likely came with added, almost magical benefits. I imagined it would do something extraordinary, like erasing footprints that, under normal circumstances, should have been impossible to hide.

This decision was the culmination of an exhaustive process of elimination, wherein I had mentally simulated a variety of hypothetical scenarios. All the other Perks had fallen flat in one or two of them, for one reason or another, yet [Lightfoot] had managed to get through all of them with at least a passing grade.

I fully realise that it might not have been the most dazzling or potent Perk on its own, of course. Indeed, in certain aspects, it very much paled in comparison to the other options available in the [Stealth] tree.

However, its true value lay in its wide range of applicability.

Unlike some of the more situational Perks like [Camouflage], which could lose their usefulness in specific scenarios, [Lightfoot] promised to be consistently beneficial, regardless of the circumstances I might find myself in.

It was a Perk that would always play a role, never becoming redundant or irrelevant.

At this stage in my journey, this kind of all-encompassing utility was what I needed most.

Given the nature of my upcoming assignments, which involved more corporate espionage, a well-rounded approach to stealth was crucial. I couldn’t afford to focus too narrowly on one specific aspect of [Stealth]. A Perk that provided a general enhancement in all situations was imperative, and [Lightfoot] uniquely fit this requirement among the choices I had.

Feeling confident in my decision, I didn’t hesitate.

I quickly accessed the Perk selection interface and firmly selected [Lightfoot], making it a permanent addition to my growing repertoire of Perks.

[System]: [Lightfoot] (Stealth) Perk acquired.

As I finally put to rest the first part of this taxing decision-making process, I couldn't help but exhale deeply. The relief was palpable, but so was the realisation of the weight these choices carried.

'I absolutely love the thrill of developing characters and progressing through Perk Trees, but it's a whole different ball game when you're the character in question, with no resets or mulligans available,' I reflected, ready to dive back into the intricate decision-making for my [Athletics] Perks.

The [Athletics] Perk selection demanded a similarly careful balance in my approach.

I was looking for something that could offer me a distinctive edge, a tool or ability that I could leverage to my advantage under the right conditions. It had to be something that stood out, that could potentially turn the tides in my favour when most needed.

Yet, I was also wary of choosing something too specialised, a lesson I had learned while contemplating my [Stealth] Perk. It was essential that the Perk I chose for [Athletics] had a broad range of applicability, something that could benefit me almost instantly in a variety of scenarios.

Initially, I was drawn towards the Perks of [Endurance Runner] and [Steady Breather]. On the surface, these Perks seemed like ideal multipliers for my experience gains.

The ability to run longer distances, maintain a faster pace, and tire less, inherently meant I could accelerate the levelling process of my [Athletics] Skill. The allure of [Steady Breather], with its potential to offer some level of protection against suffocation or choking, was also something I had seriously considered on top of that.

Yet, as I played out various scenarios in my mind over the past few hours, a realisation dawned on me: These two Perks wouldn't necessarily provide the immediate utility I currently required. In situations where quick thinking and rapid action were crucial, neither [Endurance Runner] nor [Steady Breather] seemed sufficient.

For instance, if a corporate agent, likely enhanced with cybernetics, were to pursue me, my chances of outpacing them seemed slim. Being in the body of a 15-year-old girl further constrained my physical capabilities, especially in comparison to fully-grown adults augmented with advanced technology.

In such a scenario, these Perks wouldn't prevent me from getting caught or worse.

And while the experience multiplier aspect was hard to put down, considering that experience drops were pure dopamine and made my body tingle in just the right ways, I needed to shore up my immediate capabilities in order to survive the next following days and weeks.

In my decision-making process, I found myself gravitating towards the remaining options in the [Athletics] Perk Tree, namely [Wall Runner], [Cat’s Grace], and [Combat Slide].

Quickly, I dismissed [Cat’s Grace] from my considerations.

Given my current life within the confines of Delta, where towering heights and precarious drops were beyond scarce, the utility of this Perk seemed exceedingly limited. Had I been navigating the more perilous landscapes of Neo Avalis at large, [Cat’s Grace] would have been a more appealing choice.

However, my current environment within the megabuilding didn’t warrant such a Perk.

This left me with [Combat Slide] and [Wall Runner] as the frontrunners.

Both Perks promised abilities that bordered on the supernatural. [Combat Slide] offered the intriguing prospect of reducing friction, akin to the effortless glide of socks on a laminated floor, a feature that would be active in any terrain. Meanwhile, [Wall Runner] seemed to defy gravity, at least to an extent, as suggested by its description.

I pondered over these two choices extensively.

Ultimately, I leaned towards the conclusion that [Combat Slide], while undoubtedly useful in more combat-oriented situations, didn't quite align with my current lifestyle, which leaned towards pacifism and avoidance of direct confrontations.

[Wall Runner], with its unique defiance of gravity, presented a broader range of utility for my current activities. It seemed to offer more versatility in scenarios I was more likely to encounter in my day-to-day endeavours within Delta.

Further embracing the potential uses of [Wall Runner], I realised its capacity to significantly enhance my escape strategies as well. It, unlike options such as [Endurance Runner], opened up a novel approach to evading pursuers.

While outrunning a cybernetically enhanced adult was off the table, outmanoeuvring them with an unexpected vertical sprint up a wall seemed more than feasible.

Particularly when synergized with my earlier [Stealth] Perk selection, [Lightfoot], which effectively erased my tracks in most scenarios, [Wall Runner] promised a near-magical ability to vanish from sight. This wasn't just about speed; it was about cunning and unpredictability.

Picture turning a corner and sprinting up a wall—my pursuers would be left baffled and scrambling at my sudden disappearance.

However, I was aware that [Wall Runner] wouldn't turn me into a gravity-defying superhero as well. I couldn't just stick to walls indefinitely. The Perk enabled me to run across surfaces horizontally or vertically, but motion was key. If I stopped, so did the Perk's effect—similar to those lizards skittering across water surfaces, relying on continuous motion to avoid sinking.

This sparked ideas on integrating [Wall Runner] into my escape routes going forward. Even in the absence of an ideal vertical escape path, the Perk could still prove invaluable in quickly overcoming obstacles that would otherwise slow me down.

Weighing all these factors, I confidently concluded that [Wall Runner] was the optimal choice for my current needs and objectives. With a decisive nod, I selected [Wall Runner] as my Perk, cementing my decision in the System.

[System]: [Wall Runner] (Athletics) Perk acquired.

With the big two Perk choices done, I quickly checked my other System Notifications that I had been ignoring during my selection process.

[System]: 200xp gained for [Juggling] Skill.

[System]: 100xp gained for Reflex Attribute.

"Could've been more, but for a light workout, not too shabby," I murmured, glancing at the time displayed on my cerebral interface. Evening was creeping in, hinting at Gabriel and Oliver's return within the next couple of hours.

This realisation signalled the wrap-up of my day's activities, as well.

Despite the sensation of a seemingly uneventful day, I knew that wasn't entirely true.

The acquisition of new Perks was no small feat, and I was optimistic about their potential impact on my forthcoming assignments. My evening plan was similarly set: Diving into the digital realms of [Programming], [Netrunning], and, with a bit of luck, beginning my journey into [Quick-Hacks] soon.

Inserting the SPG-01 shard, I re-entered the intricate world of cyberspace, guided by the digital manifestation of Kill Joy.

The rest of my evening was wholly dedicated to mastering the final parts of the first module, a deep dive into the last parts of the Cyber-basics that would be covered for now.

My eyes fluttered open the next morning and I was greeted with the Rest Function's characteristic derealisation and confusion, before my brain adjusted and I regained a semblance of self.

[System]: Rest completed. Time rested: 08:00:00

[System]: 600 rested XP added to available Bonus XP.

I quickly went through the prior evening’s notifications, to clear the System for the rest of the day.

[System]: 300xp gained for [Programming] Skill.

[System]: 100xp gained for [Netrunning] Skill.

[System]: 300xp gained for Intellect Attribute.

While the gains in experience weren't as remarkable as my previous endeavours with Kill Joy’s guidance, it was understandable.

The session had largely been a recapitulation of the initial module, consolidating rather than introducing more novel concepts. It served more as a session to tie loose ends than an intensive learning experience.

Still, I was on the cusp of significant milestones: Merely 100xp away from reaching level 3 in [Programming], which meant another crucial Perk decision, and similarly just 100xp short of advancing to level 2 in [Netrunning], promising another substantial knowledge download.

Additionally, my Intellect Attribute was showing notable progress as well, only 300xp away from level 3. This would temporarily restrict the advancement of my [Programming] Skill, though not as much as my Reflex Attribute had once impacted my [Throwing] Skill.

Having wrapped up the digital learning session, I shifted focus to the day's routine tasks: Continuous skill enhancement and my commitment at Mr. Shori's establishment.

I wasn’t expecting anything out of the ordinary, as Mr. Stirling was likely still at least a day away from contacting me, so I was mentally preparing for a rather uneventful day full of experience drops and testing out my new Perks. Getting hands-on experience with these abilities was crucial, equipping me to depend on them in urgent situations.

But first, I had my usual routine to take care of…

By the time I jumped underneath the shower, I had my morning workout fully completed and was eager to look at the full rundown of experience for the morning’s efforts.

[System]: 300xp gained for [Contortion] Skill.

[System]: 100xp gained for Reflex Attribute.

[System]: 600xp (+300xp Bonus) gained for Body Attribute. Available Bonus left: 400xp.

[System]: 400xp gained for [Athletics] Skill.

[System]: 400xp (+200xp Bonus) gained for [Stealth] Skill. Available Bonus left: 200xp.

[System]: 300xp gained for Edge Attribute.

[System]: 300xp gained for [Acrobatics] Skill.

My efforts in honing various skills had been met with notable progress, though the challenge of diminishing experience gains as my Skill levels rose had persisted and continued to intensify. Finding more effective ways to amplify the difficulty of my exercises for optimal gains was an ongoing task, one that I had momentarily shelved amidst my myriad other priorities.

Contrastingly, [Contortion] stood out as the only Skill that bucked this trend.

The initial level-up had provided me with extensive knowledge about stretching techniques and holistic flexibility improvement. This newfound understanding inspired me to integrate these methods into my routine warm-ups immediately.

By adopting the more correct forms and performing these stretches with a newfound understanding, rather than mimicking basic movements I vaguely recalled from advertisements in my previous life, I found that my experience gains in [Contortion] had actually increased. This improvement was a pleasant surprise, given the general trend of reduced gains with advancing difficulty requirements, underscoring the value of proper technique and intentional practice in my skill development journey.

I had also spent some time experimenting with [Wall Runner], which proved to be a thoroughly unusual and intriguing experience. I had chosen a secluded alley between apartment blocks on this floor, ensuring privacy for my trial.

The sensation of using this Perk was strange, to put it mildly.

Eager to test its capabilities, I dashed down the alley, envisioning myself as Neo, adeptly running along the wall and jumping off of it to evade incoming projectiles. The moment my feet made contact with the wall, however, I was met with an extraordinary and extremely disconcerting sensation.

One moment everything felt normal, my feet pounding the ground with familiar gravity-bound adherence. The next instant, as my foot hit the wall at an angle, reality seemed to warp, as if the wall itself had become magnetically attached to my shoes.

This abrupt change in orientation completely threw me off balance initially.

In my first attempt, the sensation was so startling that I lost my footing and tumbled down, painfully bruising myself on the asphalt. Lying there, I had to take a moment to process what had just happened. Determined, I tried again, and it took another three attempts before I could adjust to this bizarre sensation at all.

On my fourth try, as I managed to successfully place one foot in front of the other along the wall, I couldn't suppress an exhilarated laugh.

It was completely surreal and utterly impossible.

Gravity seemed to have realigned itself to the angle of my feet against the wall, allowing me to traverse it as if it were flat ground. Running along the wall, feeling as if gravity had been skewed just for me, was exhilarating.

Each step was an act of defiance against the natural laws I had always known.

The sensation was so intense and extraordinary that it left me feeling both disoriented and ecstatic. It was an experience that completely redefined my understanding of what was actually possible with the System.

I had not even a sliver of an explanation on how the System was able to provide a Perk like this, as it clearly violated more than half a dozen laws of physics, yet it somehow did.

I went on to test vertical wall running as well, which, much like the horizontally-aligned one, worked in almost exactly the same way. The only difference I found was that ascending the wall vertically, rather than moving horizontally at an angle down the alley, was a lot more taxing for both me and the Perk.

It was hard to put into words, but there was a certain pull that I felt, whenever the Perk activated. Like an innate pool of gravity-defying bullshit that existed deep within me was being used up, for every second I spent running on the wall.

When running up vertically, this pool diminished rapidly, only lasting for about three seconds. However, when running horizontally, it lasted for more than three times that.

It was clear that the System had some kind of limitation placed on the verticality of it, which, in hindsight, made a certain amount of sense. There was the entire [Climbing] Skill and its corresponding Perks to consider, after all. If the System simply allowed a random 1st tier Perk to make an entire Skill irrelevant, then that would be a very poorly designed Perk.

Despite these limitations, my satisfaction with [Wall Runner] was immense. The initial disorientation I felt was a small price to pay for the utility and freedom it offered. It was always ready to activate in moments of need, and I found myself instinctively aware of its duration, a feature that had initially been a source of concern. The Perk had not only met but vastly exceeded my expectations and I couldn’t wait to actually try and use it for something useful in the future.

However, for now, I needed to get out of the shower and head down to Mr. Shori’s.

Stepping out and starting to dry myself up, I suddenly realised something astonishing that put a big smile on my face: I wasn’t leaving any footprints.

[Lightfoot] was seemingly making my wet feet completely unable to leave any tracks, whatsoever.

I hadn’t had the right environment to check out the Perk during my run, so this brief demonstration was a god-send in terms of being able to understand more about the inner workings of it.

And what I saw was very satisfying. ‘If [Lightfoot] can completely shield me from even wet-feet leaving footprints, then it probably works on just about any other surface or liquid as well…!’ I thought to myself, my excitement rising.

Having this as an always-active passive Perk was undoubtedly going to come in handy in more ways than one. There were likely going to be a myriad of instances where somebody was attempting to track me by my footprints or otherwise, that would get completely spoiled by the Perk without me even realising they existed.

With a few more tests, involving socks, my boots and the readily available water, I confirmed that it worked regardless of what I was wearing and regardless of what surface I was on—the carpet in the living room, the towel or the floor in the bathroom. I didn’t leave any kind of footsteps at all, even with wet boots.

Satisfied with my brief experimentation, I threw on the final pieces of my work-attire for Mr. Shori’s and headed down towards the 16th floor, as I did every morning.

The day at Mr. Shori's stall unfolded in its familiar, comforting rhythm.

I busied myself cutting algae, prepping broth, and arranging ingredients, while Mr. Shori transformed them into his signature, mouth-watering ramen and noodle dishes with his brisk and adept culinary skills.

It was a welcome reprieve from the complexities of my current life—the corporate espionage with Mr. Stirling, concerns about Valeria, Gabe, Oliver, and the terrible state my body had been in over the first few week and a half.

This semblance of normalcy in my new world was a refreshing change.

However, as it often happens, this peaceful interlude was destined to be short-lived.

Midway through my shift, a known face timidly appeared at the back of the stall. It was Aki, her gaze flickering nervously, almost as if she expected to be ambushed the moment she entered the stall. I was about to approach her to inquire about her visit, but Mr. Shori swiftly stepped ahead of me.

"Ahh, good! You help today?" Mr. Shori inquired, his English as typically choppy and warm as always. Aki responded with a shy nod, her eyes intermittently shifting in my direction. "Great!" Mr. Shori exclaimed. He then turned to me, gesturing towards Aki, "Ela, help Aki, yes? Teach cutting. Teach broth. I teach Ela more, later. Good?"

Before I could articulate a response, Mr. Shori had already turned back to Aki, handing her an apron and hairnet identical to mine. It appeared that they had previously agreed on her working off her debt at some point, paralleling the path I had initially chosen when I had first stumbled onto a seat in front of his stall.

Mr. Shori instructed in his characteristic broken English, “You ask Ela. Learn. You work good, I give food and credits, yes?” Aki, still hesitating, nodded in response, her gaze frequently flitting towards me with increasing urgency.

‘What, exactly, is her problem with me?’ I wondered internally.

I had pegged her as somebody distrusting of everyone around them, as a result of some past trauma, but this was clearly not the case. She was essentially leaving herself entirely open to Mr. Shori, who was merely a metre away from her. That was not the actions of somebody marred by trauma, somebody with inherent distrust of others—I would know.

'Did I inadvertently upset her during our last encounter?' I mused, trying to recall our limited and somewhat blurred interactions, overshadowed by my preoccupations with Mr. Stirling’s task. The bits I remembered only reinforced my perception of her: She seemed not just cautious but outright terrified of me.

A realisation started to crystallise in my mind, as I watched her interactions with Mr. Shori from the sidelines, ‘Ahh… I see. It's the wariness of women, specifically. The poor thing… I wonder if it’s due to her mum, or somebody similarly close. I could definitely see myself being like this if they had a mum like Valeria and didn’t have my unique situation to protect themselves from childhood trauma.’

Gaining Aki’s trust was evidently going to be a challenging task, yet I couldn’t help but deeply empathise with her situation.

My own past life had been fraught with hardships, especially during my early years.

Witnessing Aki's behaviour—the barely hidden terror in her eyes, her body tense with a conflicting desire to flee yet frozen in place, her eyes darting anxiously at my every move as if bracing for an attack—stirred a deep sense of compassion within me.

These were symptoms I was intimately familiar with.

It had taken almost a decade of therapy for me to achieve a semblance of normalcy, yet some scars remained. Scars that would likely never truly heal, no matter what I liked to tell myself after waking up from another nightmare, crying uncontrollably and completely drenched in sweat—at least that part, I now had a way of avoiding thanks to the Rest Function…

The thought of what Aki might have endured to reach such a state was downright heart-wrenching, and the extremely high likelihood that she would not have access to the necessary therapeutic support to navigate and heal from her trauma, considering the kind of world she lived in, weighed heavily on me.

‘I’ll try my best to help her out,’ I resolved, feeling a strong sense of camaraderie and empathy surge within me. ‘This will be how I can truly repay Mr. Shori’s kindness; the girl I failed to save. I will help Aki get over her trauma, even if it takes me years.’

With my resolve set in stone, I eagerly awaited Mr. Shori to return to the front of the stall and leave me alone with Aki. After a few more, broken English, sentences Mr. Shori did exactly that.

Now, it was time to put my prior thoughts into action…!

By doing exactly nothing.

I continued preparing the next batch of broth with the mixtures of spices that I had learned to use from Mr. Shori, not paying any heed to Aki at all. My thoughts on this were simple: Approaching her would do the exact opposite of easing her fears.

I was going to treat her like an abused, stray cat.

Give her as much space as I could, while letting her slowly adjust herself to my presence. I needed to show her that I was neither scared of her, by putting my back to her as much as possible, while simultaneously showing that she didn’t have to be scared of me either.

The easiest way for that was to simply ignore her until she, herself, decided to approach me out of her own volition.

I could hear her take a series of deep, steadying breaths, a few metres behind me. She was clearly trying to calm herself down, which was utterly endearing—she was truly trying her best to try and overcome her apprehensions.

I felt my Ego Attribute kicking in, forcing me back to my self-set goal of ignoring the girl until she approached me, snuffing out the immediate need to go and give her a big hug. I sent a silent thanks to the System for providing the Ego Attribute for me, as I wasn’t sure if I could have controlled myself without it.

Aki was simply too cute, too endearing, to ignore for longer than a few moments.

As I diligently carried out my tasks during the shift, I subtly positioned myself so Aki could observe my work from a distance, perhaps learning by watching.

I deliberately refrained from sharpening any knives, of course.

My reasons were twofold: Firstly, my actual skill in knife sharpening was still rudimentary, having primarily relied on my Perk so far, hinging largely on the basic knowledge provided by my [Knives] Skill. But, even more importantly, I wanted to avoid appearing threatening to Aki, especially given her apprehensive state. And wielding large kitchen knives, sharpening them in front of her, was likely not the proper way to go about that.

Instead, I focused on tasks that didn't involve cutting anything.

I meticulously prepared various ingredients and continued to perfect the broth for the expected lunchtime rush. Grinding spices, I made sure to angle the mortar slightly, allowing Aki a peek inside. As I sampled the broth, I commented aloud on its taste and what I believed it needed, explaining my choices.

I was essentially teaching her indirectly, hoping she would pick up techniques and insights without feeling the pressure of direct instruction or interaction. My goal was to create a comfortable learning environment, hoping she would feel at ease to engage and learn at her own pace.

As the end of my usual shift approached, I felt a glimmer of hope that my approach with Aki was yielding results.

Her footsteps were almost inaudible as she made her way toward me, suggesting a lifetime of moving cautiously to evade someone's wrath. The thought pained me, but I kept my focus on the task at hand, grinding spices while keeping an ear tuned to her quiet approach.

It felt like an age before she was finally close enough to touch.

I paused momentarily in my grinding, creating a silent space in case she wanted to speak.

But this sudden halt seemed to startle her; I could hear her breath catch. Realising my mistake, I quickly resumed grinding, worried that my eagerness might have undone my careful day-long effort.

Fortunately, my worry was unfounded.

Just moments later, I heard her voice, soft and tentative, behind me. It was a small, yet significant breakthrough, indicating that my patient, unobtrusive strategy was starting to bridge the gap between us.

"Hi... um, could you teach me what you're doing? I'd like to help," Aki said, her voice barely above a whisper, laden with an unmistakable mix of nervousness and bravery. It seemed as if she was channelling every ounce of her courage to make this simple request, confronting her deep-seated fears of interaction and potential rejection.

My Ego Attribute worked overtime to keep me from cooing and throwing myself on her to shower her in hugs, as I gestured towards a nearby set of mortar and pestle—a staple that never seemed to change, regardless of technological progress in the world—and said, “Sure. Pick up that one and I’ll hand you a couple of spices to mix. Have you ever tasted raw spices before?” I kept it very professional and exclusively work-related, not wanting to scare her away by launching any kind of private conversation.

“Ehh… No. No, I haven’t,” she answered, her voice taking on a more confused tone. She was probably struggling to understand what a mortar and pestle was, so I decided to show her more up-close, by angling my own more towards her.

I gently demonstrated how to use the mortar and pestle, emphasising the need for strong, steady pressure rather than jabs. "You want to rotate the pestle using your wrists and shoulders, not just your elbows," I explained, making sure my movements were easy to follow. Glancing up to check if she was understanding, I caught a glimpse of her expression, but was met with a look that I had not anticipated whatsoever.

The look on Aki's face was one of complete and utter bewilderment.

It wasn't the kind of confusion you'd expect from someone trying to grasp a new concept being taught to them. Instead, it was a profound, unadulterated perplexity, hinting at a deeper, more fundamental struggle to understand something that seemed utterly baffling to her.

I was at a loss about what to make of Aki's expression.

It didn't appear to be related to our current task at all, yet I couldn't fathom what else might be going on in her mind. My, admittedly extremely optimistic, hope was that perhaps her confusion stemmed from her feelings towards me, maybe indicating that her fear of me was diminishing and she was trying to understand why.

Finally breaking the silence, Aki let out a slight huff, her tone shifting to the slightly more assertive teenage demeanour I remembered from our last encounter.

"Alright, hand me those spices then," she said with a hint of her former snarkiness. "I'll crush them. Let's see what this is all about."

I hastily gathered a selection of basic spices, including salt, pepper, and garlic, which Mr. Shori had initially used to teach me. Demonstrating the correct proportions and blend, I showed Aki how to mix them effectively.

To my surprise, she grasped the technique of using the mortar and pestle with remarkable speed.

By the time I completed my own larger batch of spice mix, Aki had already finished her first attempt as well.

Observing her skills, it was hard to believe this was her first time handling these tools; she seemed like a natural, effortlessly crushing and combining the spices for the broth.

"Wow, this is really impressive, Aki," I praised her, hoping to boost her confidence and further diminish any lingering unease she felt around me. "You have a real knack for this."

Her response, tinged with a hint of sarcasm and annoyance, seemed to validate my approach, "Sure, whatever. What do I do next?"

The more her fear of me seemed to subside, the more her snarky and irritated tone surfaced.

It appeared to be a protective mechanism she had developed—a shield to keep others at a distance, preventing them from getting too close and potentially causing her harm.

In that behaviour, I recognized a certain truth.

‘This will be a long day… But it will be worth it in the end, if I can provide a safe space for her and help her work through her trauma,’ I thought to myself, making the decision to extend today’s shift at Mr. Shori’s by a few hours to spend more time with Aki.

I was going to make sure she would leave today with a willingness to come back tomorrow.

With a willingness to engage with me directly and more openly, even if only slightly…

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