NeToRi System

24 – Arguments To Be Had

The next day started out not very differently, he was just sticking to his plans working out and reading up on the books to prepare for the personal trainer course. His goal was to excel throughout the course and get through the apprenticeship as quickly as possible.

Once he had his own clients he would no longer be an apprentice and instead receive the regular contract they gave to their personal trainers. Having the physique that gave people the idea he knew what he was doing when it came to training them would come simply with time as he continued to exercise, but the knowledge would require some additional effort. He wasn't going to slack though and had quickly finished the first book.

Part of him was drooling at the idea of stealing Kate's boyfriend's ability as it would make all this learning so much faster. One step at a time though, baby steps. Rushing it would do more harm than good for a girl like Kate. He was already quite satisfied with the progress they were making.

Though she wasn't admitting outright that they were more than just friends obviously they were more than friends. He didn't bring up breaking things off with her boyfriend just yet, because he was rather worried whether the system would count it if he stole a woman from her boyfriend and slept with her, but she broke up with the boyfriend before he slept with her.

Would it still give him his reward or would he get nothing at all? He wasn't going to risk it so he completely avoided the subject of her boyfriend and as long as she didn't sleep with the boyfriend he would just be happy with that while progressing their relationship. Once he did get his reward though he definitely would be working to put a wedge in her other relationship though. He wanted his rewards, but a girl he was seeing sleeping with another man after they had started sleeping together was not acceptable to him.

That might make him a massive hypocrite, but so were most people. So he didn't spend too much time thinking about his hypocritical thought processes.

In the afternoon he heard some yelling coming from downstairs.

"Bitch, do you think I won't have something to say about it!" his father yelled.

He left his room sneaking to the top of the stairs to get a better spot to listen in on the argument. He was a little worried they had been discovered based on what he heard so far.

"I'm just worried about your health," Jackie said, nowhere near as loud. Dave knew that was a lie, it made him curious what they were arguing about though. At least it didn't seem to be about her infidelity.

He slowly crawled down the stairs making sure to avoid the steps that creaked louder. Learning to sneak around your own home became an essential skill when you had an abusive parents and he knew the ins and outs of every part of the house. How to open and close all the doors so they didn't make any noise. Which parts of the floor and stairs made the most noise when stepped on. Lots of information most normal people would think was useless information.

Now it was useful for him to sneak closer though. He suspected his father wasn't in any shape to beat Jackie yet given he was still early in the recovery of his concussion, but he wouldn't put anything past him so he would rather be close enough to interfere if necessary.

"I don't care, it's been over two weeks now," his father yelled angrily at Jackie.

"You aren't even supposed to be drinking yet, let alone doing physical work," Jackie responded.

"I'll be the one that decides that and a few drinks won't harm me," his father responded indignantly. People talking about his drinking problems even indirectly had always been a sore point for him guaranteed to piss him off.

"Whatever, I don't have the energy for this bullshit!" he continued.

"I'm not going to risk your health just because you're stubborn," Jackie answered with effort worthy of an oscar winning actress.

Dave knew better than anyone how Jackie felt about his father and she was no more concerned about his wellbeing than Dave was, which meant he would throw a party if his father's wellbeing took a downturn.

"Well I'm not keeping you around for the cooking and cleaning!" he spat back.

"And I'm not going to do it until the doctor gives you a clear bill of health," Jackie said sticking to her guns for once. Dave was still curious what the whole argument was about.

"Argh. You're lucky I don't have the energy to do much right now. All I told you to do is give me a blowjob. It wouldn't be work on my end," he growled out.

'Well that explains it.' Dave thought. It seemed his father was getting blue balls. Finally knowing what had led to his father's frustration brought the widest smile to his face. Jackie was already getting her needs more than met and didn't seem interested in taking care of his father's needs anymore.

Thankfully his father was still recovering, because there was no way he would be putting up with such backtalk otherwise. This thought alone re-affirmed Dave's dedication to improving his own physique as soon as possible. Though his father was still recovering and it seemed to be slow likely due to him stealing his ability he was still recovering at least from the concussion and at some point he was going to try laying his hands on Jackie regardless of whether he needed to use force or not.

He would need to be prepared before it got to that point. He already had plans in motion to continue working on his physique, but it wouldn't hurt to work on his technique when it came to fighting too.

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