NeToRi System

58 – Avoiding Things

By the time he got out of the changing rooms it seemed Vanessa had already managed to leave avoiding him entirely. After trying to find her for a little bit he ended up giving up after checking most of the spaces he thought she might have been at.

He met up with one of the other personal trainers that were available for him to shadow for the afternoon. He didn't stay too long though and wrapped up after two hours. He might have stayed longer, but he couldn't sty out too late since Jackie couldn't return until after he had to see what was going on with his father.

When he finally got out of the locker rooms he texted Jackie to let her know he was heading home and to come back in an hour or so just to make sure he has some time in case anything happens.

He arrived home to find most of the lights off. The living room was lit up only by the light from the TV.

His father was seated in his usual recliner. He was drinking from a beer bottle and a bunch more empty ones were surrounding the chair. It seemed he had been home for a while already. Dave was sure this wasn't the doctor's recommendation right after leaving the hospital for a head injury, but seeing his father worsen his own situation wasn't something he would argue as he would happily see him fall even further.

"I was starting to wonder if anyone still lived here," he said without turning to face Dave.

"Sure..." Dave responded cautiously.

His father took the final swig from his bottle then smoothly opened the next one with practiced ease despite his heavy inebriation.

"So... how... are you feeling?" Dave asked..

His father just seemed to be ignoring him though.

Dave walked past the living room settling in the kitchen for the moment. Taking the time to get things ready for dinner while waiting for Jackie to come home. So far his father seemed to be calm and just ignoring him which wasn't too out of the ordinary when he wasn't in a violent mood, but there was no telling how he would react when Jackie got back.

It didn't take too long for Jackie to walk in. It wasn't far off from the hour I had recommended.

She avoided her husband by heading straight to the kitchen. She looked at Dave with concern.

She looked concerned. "Are you ok?" she asked in a whisper.

Dave nodded. "Yeah, he has been ignoring me for the most part," he said.

She nodded and quickly started helping him make dinner to avoid any further conflict.

Dinner was extremely awkward. His father came eventually after being called a couple times and just sat down grabbing whatever he wanted before he started stuffing himself.

He looked over at Jackie. "Get me another beer," he ordered.

She hesitated looking over at Dave who just nodded in confirmation.

His father immediately started drinking it the moment he got it. "Aahh, that's better," he exclaimed with a sigh.

Dave and Jackie were awkwardly eating while glancing at each other. Only the sound of silverware on porcelain sounded through the dining room. The atmosphere was tense.

He was going through the bottle way too fast.

"Get me another," he ordered.

Jackie hesitated for a moment. "A-are y-you sure?" she asked.

He threw the empty bottle aside violently causing it to smash to pieces against the wall. "I said to fucking get me another!" he shouted loudly.

Dave got up and rushed between his father and Jackie his fists up and ready to fight if necessary.

Jackie grabbed onto his clothes nervously.

His father sneered. "Oh and here we have the big man! Here to save the day." he said.

Dave was worried about what might happen. His father wasn't in any shape to fight him given his decreasing body due to losing his ability and now having hit his head as he was still recovering from his concussion suffered during his last match. If something went wrong again and his father needed to go back to the hospital for a third time in a matter of weeks people would definitely start asking questions even if his father hadn't said anything.

"The two of you are lucky that I'm already behind on preparing for my next match. I need to make up for my loss. Afterwards we are going to deal with some things though," he said with determination.

Dave sighed internally. His next match would need to be soon since it had been weeks since the last one and unless he wanted to fade in to obscurity he would need to fix his reputation by winning a match as soon as possible and change the direction of his career. Normally he would have at least 3 months between matches. However given the situation he would probably recklessly try to push it to sooner while spending more of his time preparing.

His father grabbed another beer from the fridge himself and started downing it. "Fuck! This shit ain't worth it," he grumbled changing his mind and heading upstairs to his bedroom.

Both Dave and Jackie finally relaxed as he left the room the breath they were holding finally escaping them.

Dave looked at Jackie. "You're staying with me at night from now on," he said with determination.

She blushed, but nodded nervously.

Dave was laying in bed when Jackie came in to his room. He watched as she slipped out of her clothing one piece at a time as if teasing him before sneaking under the covers with him.

Her plump ass settled against his crotch. As she shifted to settle in place it caused his dick to grow hard.

She smirked. "Oh? What have you got there?" she asked playfully. Now she was rubbing her ass along his length intentionally rather than accidentally.

He was growing more used to her teasing though and wrapped his hand around her hip grinding back against her.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 16+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Fame On Fire - Various Tracks

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